1,118 research outputs found

    Saltwater intrusion in Denmark

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    The studies investigating saltwater intrusion in Denmark have been reviewed to identify the main characteristics and features that have an impact on coastal aquifers interacting with the sea. Traditionally, in regions with wet climate, saltwater intrusion is not appointed as a frequent problem and it is more commonly linked to areas affected by water scarcity. Nevertheless, multiple factors that can induce the salinization of coastal aquifers have been found for Denmark such as the presence of coastal drained lowlands with the water table below the sea level or karstic features and buried valleys in carbonate and detrital systems respectively that can act as preferential flow paths for saline water. Eustatic changes have been also played an important role in the salinization of aquifers, in deep aquifers saline ancient connate water can be identified and in small islands, a delicate equilibrium of freshwater lenses is generated over saline water. As the water supply in this country depends almost exclusively on groundwater, saltwater intrusion can jeopardize fresh groundwater resources in coastal areas. An overview of the cases already studied, questions about the magnitude of these issues and the future perspectives with climate changes are discussed to put into context what is already known and what are the next challenges.Se han revisado los estudios que han investigado la intrusión marina en Dinamarca para identificar las principales características que afectan a los acuíferos costeros en su interacción con el mar. Tradicionalmente, en regiones con clima húmedo, la intrusión marina no es considerada como un problema frecuente ya que se suele asociar con áreas afectadas por la escasez de agua. Sin embargo, se han identificado múltiples factores que pueden generar la salinización de acuíferos costeros en Dinamarca como la presencia de tierras bajas drenadas a lo largo de la costa con niveles freáticos por debajo del nivel del mar o el flujo preferente a través de morfologías kársticas o paleovalles en acuíferos carbonatados o detríticos respectivamente. Los cambios eustáticos han jugado también un papel importante en la salinización de acuíferos, en acuíferos profundos se pueden llegar a identificar aguas connatas antiguas y en islas de reducido tamaño, se establece un delicado equilibrio con lentes de agua dulce sobre aguas salinas. Debido a que este país depende casi exclusivamente de las aguas subterráneas para el abastecimiento de la población, la intrusión marina podría poner en riesgo los recursos subterráneos de agua dulce en las zonas costeras. La revisión de casos estudiados plantea una serie de cuestiones acerca de la magnitud de los problemas existentes y las perspectivas futuras considerando cambios climáticos. Con esta revisión se ha puesto en contexto el estado actual de conocimiento acerca de la intrusión marina en el país y se han identificado los desafíos que podría ser necesario acometer en el futuroNext-Generation EU funding: Programa Maria Zambrano Senior MZSA0

    High-quality genome-scale metabolic modelling of \u3ci\u3ePseudomonas putida\u3c/i\u3e highlights its broad metabolic capabilities

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    Genome-scale reconstructions of metabolism are computational species-specific knowledge bases able to compute systemic metabolic properties. We present a comprehensive and validated reconstruction of the biotechnologically relevant bacterium Pseudomonas putida KT2440 that greatly expands computable predictions of its metabolic states. The reconstruction represents a significant reactome expansion over available reconstructed bacterial metabolic networks. Specifically, iJN1462 (i) incorporates several hundred additional genes and associated reactions resulting in new predictive capabilities, including new nutrients supporting growth; (ii) was validated by in vivo growth screens that included previously untested carbon (48) and nitrogen (41) sources; (iii) yielded gene essentiality predictions showing large accuracy when compared with a knock-out library and Bar-seq data; and (iv) allowed mapping of its network to 82 P. putida sequenced strains revealing functional core that reflect the large metabolic versatility of this species, including aromatic compounds derived from lignin. Thus, this study provides a thoroughly updated metabolic reconstruction and new computable phenotypes for P. putida, which can be leveraged as a first step toward understanding the pan metabolic capabilities of Pseudomonas

    Manual de procedimiento para técnicos y promotores en el proceso de transferencia de tecnología

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    The title compound, C13H12N2O2S, was synthesized from furoyl isothio­cyanate and o-toluidine in dry acetone. The thio­urea group is in the thio­amide form. The central thio­urea fragment makes dihedral angles of 2.6 (1) and 22.4 (1)° with the ketofuran group and the benzene ring, respectively. The mol­ecular structure is stabilized by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. In the crystal structure, centrosymmetrically related mol­ecules are linked by a pair of N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds to form a dimer with an R 2 2(6) ring motif

    Root Branching and Nutrient Efficiency: Status and Way Forward in Root and Tuber Crops

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    Plants are immobile organisms that require roots to efficiently and cost-effectively exploit their habitat for water and nutrients. Plant root systems are dynamic structures capable of altering root branching, root angle, and root growth rates determining overall architecture. This plasticity involves belowground plant-root mediated synergies coupled through a continuum of environmental interactions and endogenous developmental processes facilitating plants to adapt to favorable or adverse soil conditions. Plant root branching is paramount to ensure adequate access to soil water and nutrients. Although substantial resources have been devoted toward this goal, significant knowledge gaps exist. In well-studied systems such as rice and maize, it has become evident that root branching plays a significant role in the acquisition of nutrients and other soil-based resources. In these crop species, specific root branching traits that confer enhanced nutrient acquisition are well-characterized and are already being incorporated into breeding populations. In contrast, the understanding of root branching in root and tuber crop productivity has lagged behind. In this review article, we highlight what is known about root branching in root and tuber crops (RTCs) and mark new research directions, such as the use novel phenotyping methods, examining the changes in root morphology and anatomy under nutrient stress, and germplasm screening with enhanced root architecture for more efficient nutrient capture. These directions will permit a better understanding of the interaction between root branching and nutrient acquisition in these globally important crop species

    Meta-Analysis of Memory and Executive Dysfunctions in Relation to Vitamin D

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    Background: Hypovitaminosis D is associated with global cognitive impairment in adults. It remains unclear which domain-specific cognitive functions are affected with hypovitaminosis D.Objective: To systematically review and quantitatively synthesize the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentrations with episodic memory and executive functions in adults. Methods: A Medline and PsycINFO (R) libraries search was conducted on May 2012, with no limit of date, using the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms "Vitamin D" OR "Hydroxycholecalciferols" combined with the MeSH terms "Memory" OR "Memory Disorders" OR "Executive Function" OR "Attention" OR "Cognition" OR "Cognition disorders" OR "Dementia" OR "Alzheimer disease" OR "Neuropsychological Tests". Fixed-effects meta-analysis was performed from 12 eligible studies using an inverse-variance method. Results: Of the 285 selected studies, 14 observational studies (including 3 prospective cohort studies) and 3 interventional studies met the selection criteria. All were of good quality. The number of participants ranged from 44-5,692 community-dwellers (0-100% women). In the pooled analysis, although episodic memory disorders showed only modest association with lower 25OHD concentrations (summary effect size of the difference (ES) =-0.09 [95% CI:-0.16;-0.03]), associations of greater magnitude were found with executive dysfunctions (processing speed: mean difference of Trail Making Test (TMT)-A score = 4.0 [95% CI: 1.20;6.83]; mental shifting: mean difference of TMT-B score = 12.47 [95% CI: 6.78; 18.16]; information updating tests: ES =-0.31 [95% CI:-0.5;-0.09]). The pooled risk of incident decline of TMT-B score was OR = 1.25 [95% CI: 1.05; 1.48] in case of initial lower 25OHD concentrations. Vitamin D repletion resulted in improved executive functions (ES =-0.50 [95% CI:-0.69;-0.32] for before-and-after comparison), but exhibited no difference with control groups (ES = 0.14 [95% CI:-0.04; 0.32] for between-group comparison after intervention). Conclusion: Lower serum 25OHD concentrations predict executive dysfunctions, especially on mental shifting, information updating and processing speed. The association with episodic memory remains uncertain

    Neuropatía autonómica cardíaca diabética

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    La neuropatía autonómica cardíaca es una complicación frecuente y subdiagnosticada de la diabetes, se asocia con una mayor mortalidad por causas cardiovasculares e incapacidad física. El tratamiento actual está basado en recomendaciones de expertos y experiencias locales, debido a la falta de estudios de alto peso epidemiológico que orienten el manejo de estos pacientes. Con esta revisión se busca generar conciencia a la comunidad médica acerca de la importancia de esta entidad, de su reconocimiento temprano, formas de diagnóstico y tratamiento disponibles con la evidencia actual