3,549 research outputs found

    Quantum non-malleability and authentication

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    In encryption, non-malleability is a highly desirable property: it ensures that adversaries cannot manipulate the plaintext by acting on the ciphertext. Ambainis, Bouda and Winter gave a definition of non-malleability for the encryption of quantum data. In this work, we show that this definition is too weak, as it allows adversaries to "inject" plaintexts of their choice into the ciphertext. We give a new definition of quantum non-malleability which resolves this problem. Our definition is expressed in terms of entropic quantities, considers stronger adversaries, and does not assume secrecy. Rather, we prove that quantum non-malleability implies secrecy; this is in stark contrast to the classical setting, where the two properties are completely independent. For unitary schemes, our notion of non-malleability is equivalent to encryption with a two-design (and hence also to the definition of Ambainis et al.). Our techniques also yield new results regarding the closely-related task of quantum authentication. We show that "total authentication" (a notion recently proposed by Garg, Yuen and Zhandry) can be satisfied with two-designs, a significant improvement over the eight-design construction of Garg et al. We also show that, under a mild adaptation of the rejection procedure, both total authentication and our notion of non-malleability yield quantum authentication as defined by Dupuis, Nielsen and Salvail.Comment: 20+13 pages, one figure. v2: published version plus extra material. v3: references added and update

    Generalized Entropies

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    We study an entropy measure for quantum systems that generalizes the von Neumann entropy as well as its classical counterpart, the Gibbs or Shannon entropy. The entropy measure is based on hypothesis testing and has an elegant formulation as a semidefinite program, a type of convex optimization. After establishing a few basic properties, we prove upper and lower bounds in terms of the smooth entropies, a family of entropy measures that is used to characterize a wide range of operational quantities. From the formulation as a semidefinite program, we also prove a result on decomposition of hypothesis tests, which leads to a chain rule for the entropy.Comment: 21 page

    Spin Anisotropy and Slow Dynamics in Spin Glasses

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    We report on an extensive study of the influence of spin anisotropy on spin glass aging dynamics. New temperature cycle experiments allow us to compare quantitatively the memory effect in four Heisenberg spin glasses with various degrees of random anisotropy and one Ising spin glass. The sharpness of the memory effect appears to decrease continuously with the spin anisotropy. Besides, the spin glass coherence length is determined by magnetic field change experiments for the first time in the Ising sample. For three representative samples, from Heisenberg to Ising spin glasses, we can consistently account for both sets of experiments (temperature cycle and magnetic field change) using a single expression for the growth of the coherence length with time.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figures - Service de Physique de l'Etat Condense CNRS URA 2464), DSM/DRECAM, CEA Saclay, Franc

    Implementation of barycentric resampling for continuous wave searches in gravitational wave data

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    We describe an efficient implementation of a coherent statistic for continuous gravitational wave searches from neutron stars. The algorithm works by transforming the data taken by a gravitational wave detector from a moving Earth bound frame to one that sits at the Solar System barycenter. Many practical difficulties arise in the implementation of this algorithm, some of which have not been discussed previously. These difficulties include constraints of small computer memory, discreteness of the data, losses due to interpolation and gaps in real data. This implementation is considerably more efficient than previous implementations of these kinds of searches on Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave (LIGO) detector data.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Coupling Lattice Boltzmann and Molecular Dynamics models for dense fluids

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    We propose a hybrid model, coupling Lattice Boltzmann and Molecular Dynamics models, for the simulation of dense fluids. Time and length scales are decoupled by using an iterative Schwarz domain decomposition algorithm. The MD and LB formulations communicate via the exchange of velocities and velocity gradients at the interface. We validate the present LB-MD model in simulations of flows of liquid argon past and through a carbon nanotube. Comparisons with existing hybrid algorithms and with reference MD solutions demonstrate the validity of the present approach.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Holomorphic Simplicity Constraints for 4d Riemannian Spinfoam Models

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    Starting from the reformulation of the classical phase space of Loop Quantum Gravity in terms of spinor variables and spinor networks, we build coherent spin network states and show how to use them to write the spinfoam path integral for topological BF theory in terms of Gaussian integrals in the spinors. Finally, we use this framework to revisit the simplicity constraints reducing topological BF theory to 4d Riemannian gravity. These holomorphic simplicity constraints lead us to a new spinfoam model for quantum gravity whose amplitudes are defined as the evaluation of the coherent spin networks.Comment: 4 pages. Proceedings of Loops'11, Madrid. To appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Operator product expansion coefficients from the nonperturbative functional renormalization group

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    Using the nonperturbative functional renormalization group (FRG) within the Blaizot-M\'endez-Galain-Wschebor approximation, we compute the operator product expansion (OPE) coefficient c112c_{112} associated with the operators O1φ\mathcal{O}_1\sim\varphi and O2φ2\mathcal{O}_2\sim\varphi^2 in the three-dimensional O(N)\mathrm{O}(N) universality class and in the Ising universality class (N=1N=1) in dimensions 2d42 \leq d \leq 4. When available, exact results and estimates from the conformal bootstrap and Monte-Carlo simulations compare extremely well to our results, while FRG is able to provide values across the whole range of dd and NN considered

    Decoupling with unitary approximate two-designs

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    Consider a bipartite system, of which one subsystem, A, undergoes a physical evolution separated from the other subsystem, R. One may ask under which conditions this evolution destroys all initial correlations between the subsystems A and R, i.e. decouples the subsystems. A quantitative answer to this question is provided by decoupling theorems, which have been developed recently in the area of quantum information theory. This paper builds on preceding work, which shows that decoupling is achieved if the evolution on A consists of a typical unitary, chosen with respect to the Haar measure, followed by a process that adds sufficient decoherence. Here, we prove a generalized decoupling theorem for the case where the unitary is chosen from an approximate two-design. A main implication of this result is that decoupling is physical, in the sense that it occurs already for short sequences of random two-body interactions, which can be modeled as efficient circuits. Our decoupling result is independent of the dimension of the R system, which shows that approximate 2-designs are appropriate for decoupling even if the dimension of this system is large.Comment: Published versio

    Renyi generalizations of the conditional quantum mutual information

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    The conditional quantum mutual information I(A;BC)I(A;B|C) of a tripartite state ρABC\rho_{ABC} is an information quantity which lies at the center of many problems in quantum information theory. Three of its main properties are that it is non-negative for any tripartite state, that it decreases under local operations applied to systems AA and BB, and that it obeys the duality relation I(A;BC)=I(A;BD)I(A;B|C)=I(A;B|D) for a four-party pure state on systems ABCDABCD. The conditional mutual information also underlies the squashed entanglement, an entanglement measure that satisfies all of the axioms desired for an entanglement measure. As such, it has been an open question to find R\'enyi generalizations of the conditional mutual information, that would allow for a deeper understanding of the original quantity and find applications beyond the traditional memoryless setting of quantum information theory. The present paper addresses this question, by defining different α\alpha-R\'enyi generalizations Iα(A;BC)I_{\alpha}(A;B|C) of the conditional mutual information, some of which we can prove converge to the conditional mutual information in the limit α1\alpha\rightarrow1. Furthermore, we prove that many of these generalizations satisfy non-negativity, duality, and monotonicity with respect to local operations on one of the systems AA or BB (with it being left as an open question to prove that monotoniticity holds with respect to local operations on both systems). The quantities defined here should find applications in quantum information theory and perhaps even in other areas of physics, but we leave this for future work. We also state a conjecture regarding the monotonicity of the R\'enyi conditional mutual informations defined here with respect to the R\'enyi parameter α\alpha. We prove that this conjecture is true in some special cases and when α\alpha is in a neighborhood of one.Comment: v6: 53 pages, final published versio