29 research outputs found

    Learning from Le Corbusier

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    [EN] Asked about the architectural education and although he outlined his ideas on the subject mainly in two of his books: "PrĂ©cisions" (1930) and "Sur les quatre routes" (1941), Le Corbusier replied: "I have never received proper education. I am self-taught even in sport. ". The amazing power of Le Corbusier’s didactic resides in five points: his training, his theoretical positioning, his invention of typologies, his diffusion of architecture, his prolific production. Thus, beyond his “Oeuvres ComplĂštes” Le Corbusier offers to whom wants to use it, a rich educational field to discover and share. No program has eluded him whether it is villas or houses, collective housing, offices, facilities (public or private), institutional buildings, museums, factories : everything is material for invention. This invention is accompanied with his diffusion of architecture, of his ideas in books or lectures all over the world. But this is nothing compare to his production to various scales from the minimum housing to the monumental building. Therefore with the close look on the Modern Quarters FrugĂšs project built in Pessac in 1926 we will examine how this "laboratory" is an educational experience that has of exemplarity value and is still relevant today.[FR] InterrogĂ© sur l’enseignement de l’architecture, et bien qu’il ait exposĂ© ses idĂ©es sur le sujet principalement dans deux de ses livres : « PrĂ©cisions » (1930) et « Sur les quatre routes » (1941) Le Corbusier rĂ©pond : « Je n’ai jamais reçu d’enseignement proprement dit. Je suis autodidacte mĂȘme dans le sport. ». La formidable puissance didactique de Le Corbusier rĂ©side en cinq points : sa formation, son positionnement thĂ©orique, son invention de typologies, sa diffusion de l’architecture, sa production prolifique. Ainsi, bien au-delĂ  de l’ƒuvre ComplĂšte Le Corbusier offre Ă  qui veut s’en servir un champ pĂ©dagogique particuliĂšrement riche Ă  dĂ©couvrir et Ă  partager. Aucun programme ne lui a Ă©chappĂ© que ce soit les villas ou maisons, le logement collectif, les bureaux, les Ă©quipements (publics ou privĂ©s), les bĂątiments institutionnels, les musĂ©es, les usines : tout est matiĂšre Ă  invention. Cette invention s’accompagne de sa diffusion de l’architecture, de ses idĂ©es, Ă  travers publications et confĂ©rences Ă  travers le monde. Mais cela n’est rien comparĂ© Ă  sa production aux Ă©chelles variĂ©es de l’habitat minimum jusqu’à l’édifice monumental. C’est pourquoi avec le regard portĂ© sur le projet des Quartiers Modernes FrugĂšs construits Ă  Pessac en 1926 nous examinerons comment ce « laboratoire » constitue une expĂ©rience pĂ©dagogique qui a valeur d’exemplaritĂ© et toujours d’actualitĂ©.Duport, L. (2016). Learning from Le Corbusier. En LE CORBUSIER. 50 AÑOS DESPUÉS. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 2246-2254. https://doi.org/10.4995/LC2015.2015.660OCS2246225

    Georges Candilis (1913-1995) architecte pour le plus grand nombre

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    [EN] Born in Baku in 1913 Georges Candilis is an architect of Greek origin who studied at the Polytechnic School of Athens where he met Le Corbusier in 1933 at the 4th Congress of CIAM. Arrived in Paris in 1945 he joined the Atelier of Le Corbusier where he works exclusively on studies and the site of the UnitĂ© d’habitation in Marseilles. After being appointed to represent Le Corbusier at the 7th CIAM in Bergamo in 1949 Candilis will travel to Morocco where he will build many operations as Director of ATBAT Africa and a member of the GAMMA group. It will be one of the actors of Team X and ensure the transition from CIAM to Team X for which he will hold 5 meetings between 1960 and 1977. Back in France in 1955 Candilis will partner with architects Alexis Josic and Shadrach Woods. The team will win the Million competition and build nearly 4,000 housing units in Bagnols sur CĂšze, Toulouse and around Paris. Other competitions will follow in France and abroad, the team will thus build the Free University in Berlin. Subsequently Candilis assumes alone the chief architect mission of Leucate Barcares station (1962-1976) and between 1970 and 1978 he was responsible for several projects in the Middle East. In parrallel Candilis is involved in the diffusion of architecture since 1953 as an editorial board member of reviews and in architectural education with a grade of Professor since 1963. He died in Paris on May 10, 1995.[FR] NĂ© Ă  Bakou en 1913 Georges Candilis est un architecte d’origine grecque qui Ă©tudie Ă  l’Ecole SupĂ©rieure Polytechnique d’AthĂšnes oĂč il rencontre Le Corbusier en 1933 lors du 4e congrĂšs des CIAM. ArrivĂ© Ă  Paris en 1945 il intĂšgre l’Atelier de Le Corbusier oĂč il travaille exclusivement sur les Ă©tudes et le chantier de l’UnitĂ© d’Habitation de Marseille. AprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© chargĂ© de reprĂ©senter Le Corbusier au 7e CIAM Ă  Bergamo en 1949 Candilis va se rendre au Maroc oĂč il va construire des nombreuses opĂ©rations en qualitĂ© de directeur de l’ATBAT Afrique et de membre du groupe GAMMA. Il va se rĂ©vĂ©ler un des acteurs du Team X assurant le passage des CIAM au Team X dont il organisera 5 rĂ©unions entre 1960 et 1977. De retour en France en 1955 Candilis va s’associer avec les architectes Woods et Josic. L’équipe va remporter le concours Million et construire prĂšs de 4000 logements Ă  Bagnols sur CĂšze, Toulouse et en rĂ©gion parisienne. D’autres concours vont suivre en France et Ă  l’étranger, l’équipe construira ainsi l’universitĂ© libre de Berlin. Par la suite Candilis assure seul la mission d’architecte en chef de la station de Leucate Barcares (1962-1976) et entre 1970 et 1978 il est chargĂ© de plusieurs projets au Moyen Orient. ParallĂšlement Candilis est impliquĂ© dans la diffusion de l’architecture dĂšs 1953 comme membre du comitĂ© de rĂ©daction de revues et dans l’enseignement en qualitĂ© de professeur Ă  partir de 1963. Il s’éteint Ă  Paris le 10 mai 1995.Duport, L. (2016). Georges Candilis (1913-1995) architecte pour le plus grand nombre. En LE CORBUSIER. 50 AÑOS DESPUÉS. Editorial Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 625-645. https://doi.org/10.4995/LC2015.2015.664OCS62564

    Comparative Transcriptional Profiling of Bacillus cereus Sensu Lato Strains during Growth in CO2-Bicarbonate and Aerobic Atmospheres

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    Bacillus species are spore-forming bacteria that are ubiquitous in the environment and display a range of virulent and avirulent phenotypes. This range is particularly evident in the Bacillus cereus sensu lato group; where closely related strains cause anthrax, food-borne illnesses, and pneumonia, but can also be non-pathogenic. Although much of this phenotypic range can be attributed to the presence or absence of a few key virulence factors, there are other virulence-associated loci that are conserved throughout the B. cereus group, and we hypothesized that these genes may be regulated differently in pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains.Here we report transcriptional profiles of three closely related but phenotypically unique members of the Bacillus cereus group--a pneumonia-causing B. cereus strain (G9241), an attenuated strain of B. anthracis (Sterne 34F(2)), and an avirulent B. cereus strain (10987)--during exponential growth in two distinct atmospheric environments: 14% CO(2)/bicarbonate and ambient air. We show that the disease-causing Bacillus strains undergo more distinctive transcriptional changes between the two environments, and that the expression of plasmid-encoded virulence genes was increased exclusively in the CO(2) environment. We observed a core of conserved metabolic genes that were differentially expressed in all three strains in both conditions. Additionally, the expression profiles of putative virulence genes in G9241 suggest that this strain, unlike Bacillus anthracis, may regulate gene expression with both PlcR and AtxA transcriptional regulators, each acting in a different environment.We have shown that homologous and even identical genes within the genomes of three closely related members of the B. cereus sensu lato group are in some instances regulated very differently, and that these differences can have important implications for virulence. This study provides insights into the evolution of the B. cereus group, and highlights the importance of looking beyond differences in gene content in comparative genomics studies

    4. L’extension de Bagnols-sur-Cùze

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    The beginning of the construction of the nuclear power plant in 1954, on the right bank of the Rhone in Marcoule in the Gard, raised the question of how to house the numerous workmen, technicians and managers working on the site. The nuclear power commission and the government department of housing and construction decided the creation of a “real and new urban centre” in the commune of Bagnols-sur-CĂšze, ten kilometers from Marcoule.The Candilis-Josic-Woods team proposed a new architectural reflection focused on housing, and with the Million operation, a campaign of the French government to promote the massive production of cheap residences, it developed standard models applicable to the solution of the raised problem but avoiding the negative aspects related to the mass production of housing, namely uniformity, repetition, alignment.After the construction of almost 3.000 residences in the Paris region : multifamily apartments in Ivry, CitĂ© EmmaĂŒs in Blanc-Mesnil (1955-1957), Bobigny (1956-1962) and Gennevilliers (1955-1956), the architects George Candilis, Alexis Josic and Shadrach Woods and the engineers Paul Dony, Henri Piot and Guy Brunache are in charge of the urban extension project of Bagnols-sur-CĂšze. It implies the building of more than 1.200 residences, a school center, a sport center (stadium, gymnasium, swimming pool), a cultural center (theatre, cinema, concerts, exhibitions), a shopping centre (square, store, market), shops and the complete equipment of the new network city.The operation highlights the team’s experimentation with different types of housing, in particular in relation with the articulation of functions, of limits of space, of volumes and spaces, of public and private fields, continuing the work developed inside the Atbat-Africa. It is also the beginning of a reflection at the organic level, that is to say the system of connections between the housing units themselves. The diversity of the types of housing (the Coronele, the Citadel, the Escanaux, the Bosquet) and the quality of the articulation sought with the old city earns them the Grand Prix National of Town Planning in 1959. This operation will be presented in the same year during the last CIAM at Otterlo and will be the subject of many publications. Finally the town of Bagnols-sur-CĂšze is the place where, 1960’s summer, one of the first Team X congresses was organized

    El turismo granadino y su futuro

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    El Señor Duport diserta acerca del inestimable valor de Granada como recurso turĂ­stico. Desde su experiencia que Ă©l describe como “adquirida durante largos años de trabajo en varios continentes, grandes ciudades o famosos lugares”, se preocupa por ser extremadamente persuasivo del esmero que deben empeñar los oferentes de servicios turĂ­sticos en la calidad de los mismos; enfatizando que “se debe tener en cuenta la parte humana de Ă©l, dado que representa un serio compromiso con esta parte de la humanidad, que confiado en nosotros ha venido a buscar ya sea descanso, cultura o simplemente nuevas experiencias, y es a estas personas a las que no les podemos fallar, es decir, defraudar.” Brinda interesantes recomendaciones vinculadas con la inspiraciĂłn del quehacer turĂ­stico y de lo redituable de ese tipo de empresas

    Premiers développements de l'optique intégrée planaire monomode pour les longueurs d'onde entre 2 et 20 micromÚtres (application à l'interférométrie stellaire)

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    L'optique guidée monomode est utilisée en interférométrie stellaire pour assurer la recombinaison des faisceaux. Cette solution donne un instrument compact et augmente la précision de mesure des visibilités interférométriques. Elle offre des avantages décisifs pour le projet DARWIN fonctionnant de 4 à 20 micromÚtres de longueurs d'onde. Dans ce travail, nous avons débuté le développement de l'optique intégrée pour ces longueurs d'onde. Les technologies basées sur la silice, utilisées en bande H [1470-1780nm], ont été validées dans la bande K [2000-2400nm]. Différentes technologiques ont été sélectionnées. Au travers de différentes réalisations et mesures, nous avons défini les développements technologiques à mener et les étapes de caractérisation nécessaires. Nous avons également mené des mesures pour déterminer le domaine de longueurs d'onde sur lequel il y a effectivement un guidage du mode fondamental.GRENOBLE1-BU Sciences (384212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Reliability improvement of the evacuation route of fuel elements of phenix

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    International audiencePHENIX is a French fast breeder nuclear power plant stopped in 2009. The critical path of the plant dismantling is the evacuation of the fuel elements and after the evacuation of the Lateral Neutron Shielding Assemblies (LNSA). This evacuation way, called handling route, needs a reliability of 80% (nowadays estimated at 50%). In 2013 a working group was created to analyze the handling route and specify a roadmap. The working group analyzes the different solutions according to cost, interruption of operations (due to a blocking failure or to the reliability work) for the 47 equipments linked to the handling route. The work has started to specify and manufacture the 16 highest-priority equipements. The manufacturing is starting and the implementation for the 16 equipments will held during 2016 and 2017

    Métropoles du Sud Symposium 2011, La culture comme moteur de développement urbain

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    Integrated optics for astronomical interferometry

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    We report laboratory and on sky characterizations of planar integrated optics beam combiners in the K ([ 2.0 Όm; 2.4 Όm] ) and K' ([ 2.02 Όm; 2.30 Όm] ) bands. Because of the strong scientific interests of the K band, we have extended the integrated optics technologies available in the telecom range (i.e. at 0.8 ÎŒm, 1.3 ÎŒm and 1.5 ÎŒm) to 2.0–2.5 ÎŒm. Ion exchange components optimized for these atmospheric bands provide stable contrasts higher than 95% with a laboratory white-light source and global throughputs of 35% in this spectral range. These results are completed with first stellar interferograms obtained with a silica-on-silicon two-way beam combiner on the IOTA interferometer. We characterized in the H and K bands the throughput of this beam combiner optimized for the H band ([ 1.47 Όm; 1.78 Όm] ). On-sky fringes obtained on ÎčAur in the H and K' bands clearly demonstrate a high instrumental contrast (larger than 50%) in both bands. This shows that integrated optics works with high performance outside its usual wavelength domain and provides good solutions for astronomical interferometry in a large wavelength range. We have measured single-mode ranges over 1 Όm on our components which would allow to observe in two spectral bands simultaneously or to integrate both metrology reference and science signals in a single chip for astrometric applications.

    Le Team X et le logement Ă  grande Ă©chelle en Europe

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    Ce qui caractĂ©rise le Team X est une tentative de synthĂšse entre les contraintes matĂ©rielles d'une production de programmes de logements Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles, la volontĂ© dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©e de prendre en compte le goĂ»t ordinaire (la culture de masse) et le contexte local (rĂ©alitĂ©s matĂ©rielles et culturelles), mais aussi une exigence intellectuelle et une appartenance proclamĂ©e Ă  l'avant-garde artistique. Sa dimension internationale l'inscrit dans le mouvement actuel de mondialisation des rĂ©fĂ©rences, des modĂšles et des pratiques. Cet ouvrage offre une analyse critique de programmes de logements collectifs rĂ©alisĂ©s par des membres de ce courant autour des annĂ©es 1950-70. Sont ainsi Ă©tudiĂ©s les projets d'Alison et Peter Smithson Ă  Londres, l'Ɠuvre de Jaap Bakema aux Pays-Bas, l'extension de Bagnols-sur-CĂšze menĂ©e par l'Ă©quipe Georges Candilis, Alexis Josic et Shadrach Woods, la crĂ©ation de la ville nouvelle du Vaudreuil par les architectes Lods, Depond et Beauclair influencĂ©s par le Team X, ainsi que l'opĂ©ration expĂ©rimentale de la ZUP de Toulouse-Le Mirail aussi menĂ©e par l'Ă©quipe G. Candilis, Alexis Josic et Shadrach Woods Ă  partir de 1961 (ou de 1961 Ă  1981). En contrepoint, le dernier texte prĂ©sente la maison du paysan Rodakis dans l'Ăźle d'Égine en GrĂšce parce qu'elle a constituĂ© pour Candilis l'essence de l'architecture et un prototype de la maison originelle.Qu'il nous est difficile De trouver un abri MĂȘme dans notre cƓur Toute la place est prise Et toute la chaleur Jules Superviell