27 research outputs found

    A History of the Histories of Econometrics

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    Characterization of globulin storage proteins of a low prolamin cereal species in relation to celiac disease

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    Brachypodium distachyon, a small annual grass with seed storage globulins as primary protein reserves was used in our study to analyse the toxic nature of non-prolamin seed storage proteins related to celiac disease. The main storage proteins of B. distachyon are the 7S globulin type proteins and the 11S, 12S seed storage globulins similar to oat and rice. Immunoblot analyses using serum samples from celiac disease patients were carried out followed by the identification of immune-responsive proteins using mass spectrometry. Serum samples from celiac patients on a gluten-free diet, from patients with Crohn's disease and healthy subjects, were used as controls. The identified proteins with intense serum-IgA reactivity belong to the 7S and 11-12S seed globulin family. Structure prediction and epitope predictions analyses confirmed the presence of celiac disease-related linear B cell epitope homologs and the presence of peptide regions with strong HLA-DQ8 and DQ2 binding capabilities. These results highlight that both MHC-II presentation and B cell response may be developed not only to prolamins but also to seed storage globulins. This is the first study of the non-prolamin type seed storage proteins of Brachypodium from the aspect of the celiac disease

    Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC

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    The Empirical Economist's Toolkit: From Models to Methods

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    While historians of economics have noted the transition toward empirical work in economics since the 1970s, less understood is the shift toward \quasi-experimental" methods in applied microeconomics. Angrist and Pischke (2010) trumpet the wide application of these methods as a \credibility revolution" in econometrics that has nally provided persuasive answers to a diverse set of questions. Particularly in uential in the applied areas of labor, education, public, and health economics, the methods shape the knowledge produced by economists and the expertise they possess. First documenting their growth bibliometrically, this paper aims to illuminate the origins, content, and contexts of quasi-experimental research designs, which seek natural experiments to justify causal inference. To highlight lines of continuity and discontinuity in the transition, the quasi-experimental program is situated in the historical context of the Cowles econometric framework and a case study from the economics of education is used to contrast the practical implementation of the approaches. Finally, signi cant historical contexts of the paradigm shift are explored, including the marketability of quasi-experimental methods and the 1980s crisis in econometrics

    Temps de transport au regard des changements démographiques en Ile-de-France : tendances passées et projections à l'horizon 2030

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    This paper investigates the evolution of travel time through travel time budget in the most densely populated region of Paris and its neighbouring regions, where the GDP per capita is the highest in France. Four consecutive household travel surveys available from 1976 up to 2001 allow us to compare travel time and travel time budget over the years and also to forecast Parisian mobility up to 2030. We have chosen to focus on the distinction between mandatory and non-mandatory trips, mandatory trips being defined as trips whose destinations are related to work, university or school. We have studied travel time related to demographic, socio-economic and geographical patterns in order to identify some key elements determining travel time and urban mobility.Cet article étudie l'évolution passée et future de la mobilité à partir de l'analyse du temps de transport, mesuré par les budget-temps quotidiens, en Île-de-France, région la plus densément peuplée et présentant le PIB par habitant le plus élevé du territoire français. L'objectif de cet article est de relier ces budget-temps à différentes caractéristiques démographiques et économiques afin d'affiner la compréhension de la mobilité pour les différentes sous-populations des résidents franciliens. Quatre éditions successives de l'Enquête globale de transport (EGT) disponibles pour la période 1976-2001 nous permettent, d'une part, de mener une analyse rétrospective de la mobilité des Franciliens et, d'autre part, de réaliser des projections de leur mobilité à l'horizon 2030, fondées sur des modèles démographiques. L'analyse sera approfondie en distinguant les déplacements dits "contraints" (vers le travail ou les études, ainsi que les déplacements professionnels) des déplacements "non contraints" (pour tous les autres motifs, comme : achats, santé, loisirs, accompagnements, tâches administratives, etc.)

    Gender-Based Analysis of Zones of Tolerance for Transit Service Quality with Emphasis on ITS

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    Quality service of public transport is an important issue in transit systems as users\u2019 needs and expectations have great relevance in transit modelling and implementation. This explanatory study examines young men and women\u2019s expectations and perceptions regarding the transit quality of service by using the concepts of Zone of Tolerance (ZoT) and adequate and desired levels of service. Due to the critical role of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in public transport service enhancement, specific dimension, which reflects users\u2019 perceptions and expectations over ITS, are also considered. ZoTs for men and women are obtained separately and the results show interesting differences, particularly women\u2019s minimum acceptable and desired levels are higher than men and they have relatively bigger ZoTs