54 research outputs found

    Changements guidés par les buts en argumentation : Cadre théorique et outil

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    National audienceCet article définit un cadre théorique pour étudier le changement en argumentation. Ce cadre permet de prendre en compte le raisonnement d’un agent qui désire modifier un système d’argumentation cible afin d’atteindre certains buts. Les modifications sont des ajouts/retraits d’arguments ou d’attaques. L’agent est contraint par ses propres connaissances représentées par un deuxième système d’argumentation. Nous présentons un logiciel capable de calculer les opérations exécutables par un agent pour atteindre ses buts sur une cible donnée

    Goal-driven Changes in Argumentation: A theoretical framework and a tool

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    International audienceThis paper defines a new framework for dynamics in argumentation. In this framework, an agent can change an argumentation system (the target system) in order to achieve some desired goal. Changes consist in addition/removal of arguments or attacks between arguments and are constrained by the agent’s knowledge encoded by another argumentation system. We present a software that computes the possible change operations for a given agent on a given target argumentation system in order to achieve some given goal

    Argumentation update in YALLA (Yet Another Logic Language for Argumentation)

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    International audienceThis article proposes a complete framework for handling the dynamics of an abstract argumentation system. This frame can encompass several belief bases under the form of several argumentation systems, more precisely it is possible to express and study how an agent who has her own argumentation system can interact on a target argumentation system (that may represent a state of knowledge at a given stage of a debate). The two argumentation systems are defined inside a reference argumentation system called the universe which constitutes a kind of “common language”. This paper establishes three main results. First, we show that change in argumentation in such a framework can be seen as a particular case of belief update. Second, we have introduced a new logical language called YALLA in which the structure of an argumentation system can be encoded, enabling to express all the basic notions of argumentation theory (defense, conflict-freeness, extensions) by formulae of YALLA. Third, due to previous works about dynamics in argumentation we have been in position to provide a set of new properties that are specific for argumentation update

    Using a SMT solver for risk analysis: detecting logical mistakes in texts

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    International audienceThe purpose of this paper is to describe some results of the LELIE project, that are a contribution of Artificial Intelligence to a special domain: the analysis of the risks due to poorly written technical documents. This is a multidisciplinary contribution since it combines natural language processing with logical satisfiability checking. This paper explains how satisfiability checking can be used for detecting inconsistencies, redundancy and incompleteness in procedural texts and describes the part of the implemented tool that produces the logical translation of technical texts and realizes the checkings

    Range-Wide Population Assessment of the Endangered Yellow-Naped Amazon (Amazona auropalliata)

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    Yellow-naped amazons, Amazona auropalliata, have experienced a dramatic population decline due to persistent habitat loss and poaching. In 2017, BirdLife International changed the species’ status from threatened to endangered and estimated that between 10,000 and 50,000 individuals remained in the wild. An accurate estimate of the number of remaining wild individuals is critical to implementing effective conservation plans. Wright et al. conducted roost count surveys in Costa Rica and Nicaragua during 2016 and published their data in 2019; however, no population data exists for the rest of the range. We conducted roost counts at 28 sites across Mexico, Guatemala, and the Bay Islands in Roatan during 2018 and 2019. We counted 679 birds and combined our data with the published Wright et al. (2019) data for a total of 2361 wild yellow-naped amazons observed across the species’ range. There were fewer roosts detected in the northern region of the range than in the southern region. We found that roosts were most likely to occur in built-up rural and pasture habitat, with 71% found within 100 m of human habitation. Our results illustrate the need for immediate conservation action to mitigate decline, such as enforced legal action against poaching, nest guarding, and increased community education efforts

    <em>Tendril-less</em> regulates tendril formation in pea leaves

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    Tendrils are contact-sensitive, filamentous organs that permit climbing plants to tether to their taller neighbors. Tendrilled legume species are grown as field crops, where the tendrils contribute to the physical support of the crop prior to harvest. The homeotic tendril-less (tl) mutation in garden pea (Pisum sativum), identified almost a century ago, transforms tendrils into leaflets. In this study, we used a systematic marker screen of fast neutron–generated tl deletion mutants to identify Tl as a Class I homeodomain leucine zipper (HDZIP) transcription factor. We confirmed the tendril-less phenotype as loss of function by targeting induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING) in garden pea and by analysis of the tendril-less phenotype of the t mutant in sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus). The conversion of tendrils into leaflets in both mutants demonstrates that the pea tendril is a modified leaflet, inhibited from completing laminar development by Tl. We provide evidence to show that lamina inhibition requires Unifoliata/LEAFY-mediated Tl expression in organs emerging in the distal region of the leaf primordium. Phylogenetic analyses show that Tl is an unusual Class I HDZIP protein and that tendrils evolved either once or twice in Papilionoid legumes. We suggest that tendrils arose in the Fabeae clade of Papilionoid legumes through acquisition of the Tl gene

    A comparison of sexual behaviour and attitudes of healthy adolescents in a Danish high school in 1982, 1996, and 2001

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    AIM: To assess changes in sexual behaviour among students at a high school in Denmark from 1982 to 2001. METHODS: An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was used to compare data from three identical cross-sectional surveys performed in 1982, 1996, and 2001. RESULTS: Girls: More girls reported their first sexual intercourse before their 16th birthday in 2001 (42%) than in 1996 (29%) In 1982 it was also 42% (Chi-square for trend: p = 0.003). Fewer girls with no regular partner used condoms for their personal protection in 2001 (2%) than in 1996 (9%) and 1982 (0%) (Chi-square for trend p = 0.016). The proportion of girls with no regular partner who considered protection from sexually transmitted disease important for their choice of contraception was 39% in 2001 compared with 71% in 1996 and only 10% in 1982 (Chi-square for trend: p < 0.0001). Boys: More boys reported sexual debut before their 16th birthday in 2001 (40%) than in 1996 (37%) and 1982 (24%) (Chi-square for trend: p = 0.023). For boys with no regular partner, condom was preferred for personal protection by 85% in 2001, 91% in 1996 and 61% in 1982 (Chi-square for trend p = 0.007). Protection against sexually transmitted infection declined, especially among boys with no regular partner, from 51% in 2001 to 72% in 1996 and 21% in 1982 Chi-square for trend: p < 0.0001). The tendency towards earlier sexual debut and less use of safe sex practices to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STI) was accompanied by a rise in the number of detected STIs during this period. CONCLUSIONS: The period from 1982 to 1996 during which sexual attitudes were directed toward safer sex seems to have given way to a reverse trend in the period from 1996 to 2001. These findings may have significant implications for health care authorities organising preventive strategies for healthy adolescents

    Practising creative writing in high school

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    Le français au lycée est centré sur l'enseignement de la lecture abordé essentiellement par le biais de la lecture lettrée. La pratique de l'écriture en reste souvent aux exercices canoniques, commentaire et dissertation, en vue de la préparation aux épreuves anticipées. Dans ce contexte, l'enseignement de la littérature, loin d'emporter l'adhésion des élèves, suscite plutôt l'ennui et le désintérêt.Ce travail se propose d'aborder la question du renouvellement de l'enseignement de la littérature et plus largement, du français au lycée, en développant des modalités d'écriture créative, inspirées des ateliers d'écriture. L'objectif est de favoriser chez les élèves une pratique de la littérature qui leur permette de se construire en tant que sujets lisant-écrivant. L'utilisation double du participe présent cherche à faire entendre que le processus a lieu grâce à la pratique, envisagée comme un apprentissage rendu possible dans et par la lecture mais aussi dans et par l'écriture. La démarche ainsi initiée revient à renouveler non pas la pratique d'écriture mais davantage sa scolarisation en cherchant à éviter une formalisation excessive qui, en la figeant, la rendrait inopérante.Cette thèse adopte une démarche de recherche-action de type exploratoire, puisque la recherche est menée à partir d'une expérience d'enseignement.La première partie, après un bref détour historique, fait un état des lieux du contexte institutionnel, et notamment des programmes en vigueur. Elle tente également de dessiner les contours des compétences scolaires des adolescents ainsi que de leurs pratiques culturelles, parmi lesquelles la lecture occupe une place non négligeable.La deuxième partie est consacrée à élaborer le cadre théorique dont découlent ensuite les expérimentations. Elle confronte des notions issues des études littéraires et d'autres venues des didactiques du français et de la littérature, notamment la notion de fictionnalisation, rapprochée des opérations de réécriture pour en montrer la parenté. On peut ainsi faire l'hypothèse qu'au fil des textes qu'ils écrivent, les élèves accèdent à une expérience esthétique, voire nourrissent une intention artistique, leur permettant de faire varier la posture qu'ils adoptent, jusqu'à celle d'auteur au sein de la classe.La dernière partie est consacrée en premier lieu à expliciter les conditions de mise en place de l'expérimentation qui s'étale sur quatre années scolaires : les classes concernées, sont au nombre de six, quatre de seconde, une de première générale et une de première technologique, dans deux établissements différents. Les principes qui ont permis concrètement la mise en place de la démarche sont ensuite détaillés. Les principes des ateliers d'écriture rejoignent ceux du modèle didactique des écrits intermédiaires dans l'objectif notamment de penser les modalités d'évaluation dans ce contexte. Les progressions et les séquences qui sont ensuite détaillées montrent comment peut se mettre en place une interaction étroite entre lecture et écriture créative et soulignent également la manière dont les classes, collectivement, et les élèves, individuellement, se sont emparés des dispositifs proposés. L'attention a également porté sur les capacités réflexives des élèves, et la façon dont ils estiment leurs progrès. L'analyse de leurs productions souligne également quelles connaissances et quelles compétences sont acquises ou en cours d'acquisition. Pour finir, des pistes sont proposées pour envisager la manière dont cette démarche peut s'adapter dans le cadre des programmes de 2019.French at the high school is centred on the teaching of reading, approached essentially through literate reading. The practice of writing often remains at the level of the canonical exercises, commentary and dissertation, in preparation for the final tests. In this context, the teaching of literature, far from winning the support of students, rather generates boredom and disinterest.This work proposes to address the issue of renewing the teaching of literature and, more broadly, of French at the high school, by developing creative writing methods inspired by writing workshops. The aim is to encourage students to practice literature in such a way as to enable them to construct themselves as reading-writing subjects. The double use of the present participle seeks to make it clear that the process takes place through practice, seen as learning made possible in and through reading, but also in and through writing. The approach thus initiated amounts to renewing not the practice of writing but rather its schooling by seeking to avoid an excessive formalisation which, by freezing it, would render it inoperative.This thesis adopts an exploratory type of action research approach, since the research is conducted on the basis of a teaching experience.The first part, after a brief historical diversions, takes stock of the institutional context, and in particular the actual programmes. It also attempts to outline the academic skills of adolescents as well as their cultural practices, among which reading occupies a significant place.The second part is devoted to elaborating the theoretical framework from which the experiments then follow. It confronts notions from literary studies and others from the didactics of French and literature, in particular the notion of fictionalization, brought together with the operations of rewriting in order to show their relationship. We can thus hypothesise that, through the texts they write, the pupils gain access to an aesthetic experience, or even nourish an artistic intention, allowing them to vary the posture they adopt, up to that of author within the class.The last part is devoted first of all to explaining the conditions for setting up the experiment, which is spread over four school years: the classes concerned are six, four in the first year of secondary school, one in the second year of general education and one in the second year of technological education, in two different schools. The principles that made it possible to set up the approach in practice are then detailed. The principles of the writing workshops are in line with those of the didactic model of intermediate writing, particularly with a view to considering the methods of evaluation in this context. The progressions and sequences which are then detailed show how a close interaction between reading and creative writing can be set up and also underline the way in which the classes, collectively, and the pupils, individually, have taken hold of the proposed arrangements. Attention was also paid to the pupils' reflective abilities and how they assess their progress. The analysis of their productions also highlights which knowledge and skills are acquired or being acquired. Finally, suggestions are made as to how this approach can be adapted to the 2019 curriculum