9 research outputs found

    Mainstreaming climate change education in UK higher education institutions

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    Key messages: • Mainstreaming Climate Change Education (CCE) across all learning and operational activities enables Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to better serve their core purpose of preparing learners for their roles in work and wider society, now and in the future. • Student and employer demand for climate change education is growing, not just in specialist subjects but across all degree pathways. • The attitudes, mindsets, values and behaviours that graduates need to engage with climate change include the ability to deal with complexity, work collaboratively across sectors and disciplines and address challenging ethical questions. • The complexity of the climate crisis means all disciplines have a role to play in delivering education for the net-zero transition. Embedding interdisciplinarity is crucial to ensuring that our response to climate change makes use of all of the expertise HEIs have to offer and promotes knowledge exchange and integration for students and staff. • Student-centered CCE, including peer-to-peer learning, is a powerful tool for facilitating an inclusive and empowering learning experience, and developing graduates as change agents for the climate and ecological crisis. • HEIs should develop learning outcomes for CCE that include understanding the scale, urgency, causes, consequences and solutions of climate change; how social norms and practices are driving the climate crisis; and the ability to identify routes to direct involvement in solutions via every discipline. • Pedagogical approaches to teaching CCE should enable learners to engage with, and respond to, climate change as a “real-world” problem, such as through experiential learning. • Further recommendations for the HEI sector include developing a strategy for aligning CCE teaching provision with governance structures; partnering with industry, government and third sector organisations to enable context-specific CCE; and working with trade unions and accreditation bodies to enable curriculum reform

    Piroxicam induced submassive necrosis of the liver.

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    Several widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been reported as causing severe hepatitis. Three cases of severe acute hepatitis have been reported in association with piroxicam. A fatal submassive necrosis that occurred in a 68 year old lady who had received piroxicam for 15 months is described. A 48 year old man who developed submassive hepatic necrosis six weeks after beginning piroxicam but was successfully treated with orthotopic liver transplantation is also reported. Piroxicam may induce submassive necrosis of the liver, probably as an idiosyncratic reaction

    Folga organizacional no processo de gestão do orçamento: um estudo no SENAC de Santa Catarina

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    A folga organizacional no processo orçamentário tem recebido atenção de pesquisadores e gestores em vista de possíveis conflitos de interesses entre principal e agente. Neste sentido, o estudo objetiva identificar a propensão de criar folga organizacional no processo de gestão do orçamento pelos Gestores das Unidades de Negócios do SENAC de Santa Catarina. Pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, foi realizada por meio de uma survey. A população da pesquisa compreende os 21 Gestores das Unidades Operativas do SENAC de Santa Catarina. Um questionário foi encaminhado no mês de julho de 2010, sendo que a amostra constitui-se dos 15 respondentes da pesquisa. O instrumento de coleta de dados consistiu de um questionário traduzido da pesquisa de Onsi (1973), composto por 42 questões fechadas, envolvendo escala Likert, com fatores de oito dimensões da prática da gestão do orçamento, focalizando a folga orçamentária. Os dados foram importados para o software estatístico SPSS versão 13, para fins de análise dos elementos de folga por meio de estatística descritiva, do Alfa de Cronbach e da técnica de análise fatorial. Os resultados do estudo indicam que os gestores têm propensão para criar folga em seus orçamentos, apesar do SENAC não remunerar seus gestores com base nos resultados, o que por si só deveria ser um fator que não motiva a criação de folga orçamentária. Diferente da pesquisa realizada por Onsi (1973), no SENAC os motivos para a criação de folga orçamentária decorrem do interesse dos gestores em apresentar desempenho superior em relação ao previsto no orçamento