648 research outputs found

    Reconciling Grand Unification with Strings by Anisotropic Compactifications

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    We analyze gauge coupling unification in the context of heterotic strings on anisotropic orbifolds. This construction is very much analogous to effective 5 dimensional orbifold GUT field theories. Our analysis assumes three fundamental scales, the string scale, \mstring, a compactification scale, \mc, and a mass scale for some of the vector-like exotics, \mex; the other exotics are assumed to get mass at \mstring. In the particular models analyzed, we show that gauge coupling unification is not possible with \mex = \mc and in fact we require \mex \ll \mc \sim 3 \times 10^{16} GeV. We find that about 10% of the parameter space has a proton lifetime (from dimension 6 gauge exchange) 1033yrτ(pπ0e+)1036yr10^{33} {\rm yr} \lesssim\tau(p\to \pi^0e^+) \lesssim 10^{36} {\rm yr}. The other 80% of the parameter space gives proton lifetimes below Super-K bounds. The next generation of proton decay experiments should be sensitive to the remaining parameter space.Comment: 36 pages and 5 figures, contains some new references and additional paragraph in conclusio

    Stringent Phenomenological Investigation into Heterotic String Optical Unification

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    For the weakly coupled heterotic string (WCHS) there is a well-known factor of twenty conflict between the minimum string coupling unification scale, Lambda_H ~5x10^(17) GeV, and the projected MSSM unification scale, Lambda_U ~ 2.5x10^(16) GeV, assuming an intermediate scale desert (ISD). Renormalization effects of intermediate scale MSSM-charged exotics (ISME) (endemic to quasi-realistic string models) can resolve this issue, pushing the MSSM scale up to the string scale. However, for a generic string model, this implies that the projected Lambda_U unification under ISD is accidental. If the true unification scale is 5.0x10^(17) GeV, is it possible that illusionary unification at 2.5x10^(17) GeV in the ISD scenario is not accidental? If it is not, then under what conditions would the assumption of ISME in a WCHS model imply apparent unification at Lambda_U when ISD is falsely assumed? Geidt's "optical unification" suggests that Lambda_U is not accidental, by offering a mechanism whereby a generic MSSM scale Lambda_U < Lambda_H is guaranteed. A WCHS model was constructed that offers the possibility of optical unification, depending on the availability of anomaly-cancelling flat directions meeting certain requirements. This paper reports on the systematic investigation of the optical unification properties of the set of stringent flat directions of this model. Stringent flat directions can be guaranteed to be F-flat to all finite order (or to at least a given finite order consistent with electroweak scale supersymmetry breaking) and can be viewed as the likely roots of more general flat directions. Analysis of the phenomenology of stringent flat directions gives an indication of the remaining optical unification phenomenology that must be garnered by flat directions developed from them.Comment: standard latex, 18 pages of tex

    Observable/Hidden Broken Symmetry for Symmetric Boundary Conditions

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    A 4-dimensional heterotic string model of free fermionic construction is presented wherein mirror symmetry breaking between observable and hidden sector gauge groups occurs in spite of mirror symmetry between observable and hidden sector worldsheet fermion boundary conditions. The differentiation is invoked by an asymmetry in GSO projections necessarily resulting from the symmetry of the free fermionic boundary conditions. In the specific examples shown, an expected non-chiral Pati-Salam mirror universe model is transformed into a chiral model with enhanced hidden sector gauge symmetry and reduced observable sector gauge symmetry: [SU(4)_C x SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R]_{obs} x [SU(4)_C x SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R]_{hid} is necessarily transformed into a chiral [SU(4)_C x SU(2)_L]_{obs} x [SO(10) x SU(2)_R]_{hid} model because of an unavoidable asymmetry in GSO projections.Comment: latex, 22 page