14 research outputs found

    Mathematical results for some α\displaystyle{\alpha} models of turbulence with critical and subcritical regularizations

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    In this paper, we establish the existence of a unique "regular" weak solution to turbulent flows governed by a general family of α\alpha models with critical regularizations. In particular this family contains the simplified Bardina model and the modified Leray-α\alpha model. When the regularizations are subcritical, we prove the existence of weak solutions and we establish an upper bound on the Hausdorff dimension of the time singular set of those weak solutions. The result is an interpolation between the bound proved by Scheffer for the Navier-Stokes equations and the regularity result in the critical case

    'Heat from Above' Heat Capacity Measurements in Liquid He-4

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    We have made heat capacity measurements of superfluid He-4 at temperatures very close to the lambda point, T(sub lambda) , in a constant heat flux, Q, when the helium sample is heated from above. In this configuration the helium enters a self-organized (SOC) heat transport state at a temperature T(sub SOC)(Q), which for Q greater than or = 100 nW/sq cm lies below T(sub lambda). At low Q we observe little or no deviation from the bulk Q = 0 heat capacity up to T(sub SOC)(Q); beyond this temperature the heat capacity appears to be sharply depressed, deviating dramatically from its bulk behaviour. This marks the formation and propagation of a SOC/superfluid two phase state, which we confirm with a simple model. The excellent agreement between data and model serves as an independent confirmation of the existence of the SOC state. As Q is increased (up to 6 micron W/sq cm) we observe a Q dependant depression in the heat capacity that occurs just below T(sub SOC)(Q), when the entire sample is still superfluid. This is due to the emergence of a large thermal resistance in the sample, which we have measured and used to model the observed heat capacity depression. Our measurements of the superfluid thermal resistivity are a factor of ten larger than previous measurements by Baddar et al

    Encountering the Victims of Romanian Communism: Young People and Empathy in a Memorial Museum

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    Many states in post-communist East-Central Europe have established memorial museums which aim to tell the story of suffering under the communist regime. They also seek to encourage visitors to develop empathy for the victims of communist repression.This paper explores the responses of a group of young people to a memorial museum in Romania (Sighet Memorial Museum), focusing on how these visitors experienced empathy for the victims of communist-era violence. Data were collected using focus groups. Most participants showed a degree of empa- thy for the victims of suffering but this was usually shallow in nature. However some visitors displayed more“active” empathy (characterized by deeper imaginative and cogni- tive engagement). The paper explores how both the design and environment of the museum and the back- ground experiences of visitors influenced the develop- ment of empathy. It argues that empathy is not an automatic response to suffering and instead can be con- sidered as an interaction between the design of the museum and the background knowledge of visitors. The paper argues that empathy is an important means for young people to participate in remembering the commu- nist period, and is a means to make“prosthetic”memories of an authoritarian past which they have not experienced first-hand

    Metody analizy przestrzennej danych rastrowych stosowanych w systemach informacji geograficznej

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    The most important feature of a GIS is its ability to perform spatial analysis, ie to process spatial (geographical) data in order to obtain information (reports) regarding the studied area. Through this feature of spatial analysis the GIS software differs to other software, such as CAD. The spatial analysis is the process of modeling, examination and interpretation of model results. Following the spatial analysis it can be extracted or created new information about a set of geographic data. This paper aims to treat two methods of raster spatial analysis, namely the raster spatial analysis and map algebra functions and the spatial analysis based on some statistical analysis: local, neighborhood, regional and global.Najważniejszą cechą GIS jest jego zdolność do wykonywania analiz przestrzennych, tj. do przetwarzania danych przestrzennych (geograficznych) w celu uzyskania informacji (raportów) dotyczących badanego obszaru. Dzięki funkcji analizy przestrzennej oprogramowanie GIS różni się od innych oprogramowań takich jak CAD. Analiza przestrzenna jest procesem modelowania, badania i interpretacji wyników modelu. Dzięki analizie przestrzennej można wyodrębnić lub utworzyć nową informację o zbiorze danych geograficznych. Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie dwóch metod analizy przestrzennej rastrowej, a mianowicie przestrzennej analizy rastrowej i funkcji algebry mapy oraz analizy przestrzenne na podstawie analizy statystycznej: lokalne, sąsiedzkie, regionalne i globalne

    Effect of a dietary supplement containing blueberry and sea buckthorn concentrate on antioxidant capacity in type 1 diabetic children

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    Many studies have shown that oxidative stress plays an important role in the etiology of diabetes and its complications. New methods of treatment for prevention and control of this disease is a priority for the international scientific community. Methods: We investigated the relationship between the glycated hemoglobin, C peptide and two antioxidant enzymes. Thirty type 1 diabetic children were treated with a blueberry and sea buckthorn concentrate for two months. Results: After two months of administering the product to diabetic children, the erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity was significantly higher (p<0.05). Levels of glycated hemoglobin were significantly lower (p<0.05). The activity of whole blood glutathione peroxidase was moderately increased but the difference was not statistically si gnificant. C peptide concentration was significantly higher after treatment with this dietary supplement (p<0.05).Conclusion: These results suggest that treatment with this dietary supplement has a beneficial effect in the treatment of type 1 diabetic children and it should be considered as a phytotherapeutic product in the fight against diabetes mellitus

    On Large Eddy Simulation and Variational Multiscale Methods in the numerical simulation of turbulent incompressible flows

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    summary:Numerical simulation of turbulent flows is one of the great challenges in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In general, Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) is not feasible due to limited computer resources (performance and memory), and the use of a turbulence model becomes necessary. The paper will discuss several aspects of two approaches of turbulent modeling—Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Variational Multiscale (VMS) models. Topics which will be addressed are the detailed derivation of these models, the analysis of commutation errors in LES models as well as other results from mathematical analysis