364 research outputs found

    Photometry of the comet 2060 Chiron

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    The comet 2060 Chiron has proven to be an interesting and enigmatic object. Situated between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, it was originally classified as the most distant asteroid. It began to show cometary behavior in 1987 by increasing a full magnitude in brightness and developing a coma; there is evidence also for similar earlier outbursts. A thorough study of Chiron is important for two reasons: (1) it is a transition object defining the relationship between comets, asteroids, and meteorites; and (2) a full description of its changes in brightness - particularly on time scale of hours - will provide an empirical foundation for understanding the physical mechanisms (including outgassing, sublimation of volatiles, and even significant mass ejections) driving the evolution of comets. Short term outbursts were observed in early 1989, and a rapid decrease in brightness of Chiron's coma was observed in 1990 in the V and R filters. Also, a rotational lightcurve was detected of the nucleus with an amplitude only 1/4 that observed in its quiescent state: this fact indicates the increased importance of the optically thin coma to the observed brightness

    Niche partitioning among and within sympatric tropical seabirds revealed by stable isotope analysis

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    The low productivity and unpredictable nature of resources in tropical waters would appear to make resource partitioning among predators difficult. Yet, stable isotope data from the present study suggest that substantial resource partitioning occurs among tropical seabird communities, both between and within species. In the present study, we compared δ13C and δ15N levels among 8 sympatric tropical seabird species. For a subset of these species, we also examined isotopic levels across years, breeding periods, and sexes. When breeding and non-breeding periods were both considered, we found that all species occupied distinct isotopic niches across at least one time period. Resource partitioning by age (within the same year) and year studied (for birds of the same age), within species was observed in all the species we examined. However, niche separation by sex appeared to be relatively uncommon even in sexually dimorphic species. As a group, seabirds were isotopically distinct from other marine predators. There was a strong correlation between both body mass and wing loading ratios and foraging area, as evaluated using δ13C levels. Cumulatively, the isotopic patterns observed are consistent with diet-based surveys of resource partitioning during the breeding period. Importantly, these data provide additional evidence to suggest that substantial niche partitioning among tropical seabird species persists even during non-breeding periods in open ocean environments, when direct diet-based surveys are difficult to conduct

    <sup>14</sup>C AMS at SUERC: improving QA data from the 5 MV tandem AMS and 250 kV SSAMS

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    In 2003, a National Electrostatics Corporation (NEC) 5MV tandem accelerator mass spectrometer was installed at SUERC, providing the radiocarbon laboratory with 14C measurements to 4–5‰ repeatability. In 2007, a 250kV single-stage accelerator mass spectrometer (SSAMS) was added to provide additional 14C capability and is now the preferred system for 14C analysis. Changes to the technology and to our operations are evident in our copious quality assurance data: typically, we now use the 134-position MC-SNICS source, which is filled to capacity. Measurement of standards shows that spectrometer running without the complication of on-line δ13C evaluation is a good operational compromise. Currently, 3‰ 14C/13C measurements are routinely achieved for samples up to nearly 3 half-lives old by consistent sample preparation and an automated data acquisition algorithm with sample random access for measurement repeats. Background and known-age standard data are presented for the period 2003–2008 for the 5MV system and 2007–2008 for the SSAMS, to demonstrate the improvements in data quality

    Passengers from India and the United States Have Differential Opinions about Autonomous Auto-Pilots for Commercial Flights

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    There has been much previous research on cultural differences between the United States and India, as well as some research on consumer attitudes towards auto-pilots in commercial airlines. However, to date, there has been no research that examines how passengers from different countries feel about auto-pilots and remote-controlled (RC) pilots in commercial aircraft, or how they feel about their co-workers or children flying in these situations. The current study manipulates both the type of pilot (human pilot, auto-pilot, and RC pilot) and the passenger (participant, child of participant, or work colleague) and examines three different dependent variables (comfort level, trust and willingness to fly). The results are straightforward. All participants were more negative about the auto-pilot and RC pilot compared to the human pilot. All participants were more negative about themselves or their children flying compared to their colleagues. Indians were less extreme in their views compared to Americans. Finally, the implications of this research are discussed

    Dietary yeast influences ethanol sedation in Drosophila via serotonergic neuron function

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    Abuse of alcohol is a major clinical problem with far- reaching health consequences. Understanding the environmental and genetic factors that contribute to alcohol- related behaviors is a potential gateway for developing novel therapeutic approaches for patients that abuse the drug. To this end, we have used Drosophila melanogaster as a model to investigate the effect of diet, an environmental factor, on ethanol sedation. Providing flies with diets high in yeast, a routinely used component of fly media, increased their resistance to ethanol sedation. The yeast- induced resistance to ethanol sedation occurred in several different genetic backgrounds, was observed in males and females, was elicited by yeast from different sources, was readily reversible, and was associated with increased nutrient intake as well as decreased internal ethanol levels. Inhibition of serotonergic neuron function using multiple independent genetic manipulations blocked the effect of yeast supplementation on ethanol sedation, nutrient intake, and internal ethanol levels. Our results demonstrate that yeast is a critical dietary component that influences ethanol sedation in flies and that serotonergic signaling is required for the effect of dietary yeast on nutrient intake, ethanol uptake/elimination, and ethanol sedation. Our studies establish the fly as a model for diet- induced changes in ethanol sedation and raise the possibility that serotonin might mediate the effect of diet on alcohol- related behavior in other species.Flies fed a high yeast diet consume more nutrients, have decreased levels of internal ethanol when exposed to ethanol vapor and require longer exposure to ethanol to become sedated (ie, increased ST50). Our studies implicate serotonergic neurons as key regulators of nutrient consumption and therefore, the effect of dietary yeast on ethanol sedation in flies.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155987/1/adb12779.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155987/2/adb12779_am.pd

    Retrieving landscape freeze/thaw state fromSoil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radar and radiometer measurements

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    Over one-third of the global land area undergoes a seasonal transition between predominantly frozen and non-frozen conditions each year, with the land surface freeze/thaw (FT) state a significant control on hydrological and biospheric processes over northern land areas and at high elevations. The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission produced a daily landscape FT product at 3-km spatial resolution derived from ascending and descending orbits of SMAP high-resolution L-band (1.4 GHz) radar measurements. Following the failure of the SMAP radar in July 2015, coarser (36-km) footprint SMAP radiometer inputs were used to develop an alternative daily passive microwave freeze/thaw product. In this study, in situ observations are used to examine differences in the sensitivity of the 3-km radar versus the 36-km radiometer measurements to the landscape freeze/thaw state during the period of overlapping instrument operation. Assessment of the retrievals at high-latitude SMAP core validation sites showed excellent agreement with in situ flags, exceeding the 80% SMAP mission accuracy requirement. Similar performance was found for the radar and radiometer products using both air temperature and soil temperature derived FT reference flags. There was a tendency for SMAP thaw retrievals to lead the surface flags due to the influence of wet snow cover conditions on both the radar and radiometer signal. Comparison with other satellite derived FT products showed those derived from passive measurements (SMAP radiometer; Aquarius radiometer; Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - 2) retrieved less frozen area than the active products (SMAP radar; Aquarius radar)

    Optimal Elevation of β-Cell 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Is a Compensatory Mechanism That Prevents High-Fat Diet–Induced β-Cell Failure

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    Type 2 diabetes ultimately results from pancreatic β-cell failure. Abnormally elevated intracellular regeneration of glucocorticoids by the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) in fat or liver may underlie pathophysiological aspects of the metabolic syndrome. Elevated 11β-HSD1 is also found in pancreatic islets of obese/diabetic rodents and is hypothesized to suppress insulin secretion and promote diabetes. To define the direct impact of elevated pancreatic β-cell 11β-HSD1 on insulin secretion, we generated β-cell–specific, 11β-HSD1–overexpressing (MIP-HSD1) mice on a strain background prone to β-cell failure. Unexpectedly, MIP-HSD1(tg/+) mice exhibited a reversal of high fat–induced β-cell failure through augmentation of the number and intrinsic function of small islets in association with induction of heat shock, protein kinase A, and extracellular signal–related kinase and p21 signaling pathways. 11β-HSD1(−/−) mice showed mild β-cell impairment that was offset by improved glucose tolerance. The benefit of higher β-cell 11β-HSD1 exhibited a threshold because homozygous MIP-HSD1(tg/tg) mice and diabetic Lep(db/db) mice with markedly elevated β-cell 11β-HSD1 levels had impaired basal β-cell function. Optimal elevation of β-cell 11β-HSD1 represents a novel biological mechanism supporting compensatory insulin hypersecretion rather than exacerbating metabolic disease. These findings have immediate significance for current therapeutic strategies for type 2 diabetes
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