382 research outputs found


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    In the last few decades there have been an increasing number of studies on mental health and emotional well-being and their influence on physical health. According to this approach, physical problems often manifest unexpressed hidden inner conflicts. Psychologists increasingly apply their client's awareness of bodily sensations as a tool for therapy. In my paper I would like to present one of such psychological methods named focusing which I use in my practice as a clinical psychologist.  Focusing method was elaborated by Eugene Gendlin, American philosopher, who collaborated with the founder of person-centered therapy Carl Rogers.  Gendlin’s research showed that positive change in psychotherapy depended on client’s ability to experience bodily reaction of the topics discussed during therapy.  In my practice I include Focusing method   into my own system based on the idea that we can influence our healing process by discovering inner resources. It becomes possible when we get rid of  feeling  guilty and feeling of "being wrong" and overcome a negative self-image  created as a result of  adverse childhood .I have found that the  awareness and verbalization  of negative feelings facilitate the process of releasing emotional suffering from the memory of the body. Specific bodily responses can lead to discovering the true reasons of emotional conflicts. I  would like also to show how I combine the Focusing approach with another psychological method  based on the connection of body and mind, Recall Healing elaborated by Canadian expert in holistic approach to  health Gilbert Renaud


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    In last decades it is possible to observe popularity the concept of  well-being, which present meaningful and satisfied life for personality, special kind of attitude (to oneself and environment).  Well-being is often associated with physical vitality, mental activity, social support and satisfaction, self-realization both in personal and professional fields. It is considered as an alternative of negative way of thinking, destructive defensive mechanisms and inappropriate style of living.  Social well-being as significant part of well-being is connected with our relations with others and our feeling of security related to the environment we live in.  In my presentation I would like to present new contemporary approaches in studies of social well-being.  It is most related to the quality of our existence on social level, our capacity to find out own place in the environment independently of economic and social factors


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    Contemporary world requires excellent psychological adaptation. It is very important for people to recognize the power within themselves and understand lessons they are learning. If they listen carefully themselves, it would be easier for them to live without fears, hesitations, obsessions and other kinds of neurotic behavior. However, survival efforts of many individuals turn out to be futile and they are not capable to adjust to values of modern society. They feel unable to keep the rhythm of changing life and cope with the challenge of its time: globalization. Dynamics of their lives and their negative emotions related to it become out of their control.  In this chapter I would like to present my observations as a clinical psychologist. I am going to explore the following issues: what does mean today to be neurotic?  What are the signs of neurotic personality? How do psychologists explain the reasons for neurotic behaviour of contemporary people? Why humans cannot be adapted to modern life


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    Psychosomatic diseases are conditions in which a person has physical symptoms that occur for psychological reasons. The treatment for psychosomatic disorders includes both therapeutic and psychological service. Psychosomatic patients usually are recommended to avoid from stressful situations. However, in many cases such popular tools as meditation, relaxation techniques are not enough to help with stress management. In my practice as a clinical psychologist, I use innovative approach for creation of positive thought patterns of my patients. This approach is based on EMDR treatment method (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) supported by innovative equipment for psychological diagnostics. EMDR, developed by Dr Francine Shapiro, helps to alleviate distress associated with traumatic memories, which is often connected with childhood experience. Equipment for psychological diagnostics allows me to define the strength – weakness of the central nervous system, its lability, and sensitivity, the psycho-emotional stability of a person, as well as detect defensive mechanisms and index stress level. Based upon my practice, discovery of childhood traumas, as well as understanding about strong characteristics of the self and correction of defensive mechanisms can play important role in improving the emotional comfort and physical health of psychosomatic patients. I started to use this approach in 2015. In my paper I would like to show how the combination of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing treatment method and innovative psychological diagnostics is especially successful in case of such psychosomatic diseases, as irritable bowel syndrome, duodenal ulcers and tension headache. In which way this approach can construct positive thought pattern of a person


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    Uncomfortable period, which men and women experience between the age of 35 and 55, psychologists define as a midlife crisis. At that period some people are getting anxious and loose the nerves over a small issue. They consider it a kind of depression. For them, this period is a true "crisis" and they question every choice they've made during the first half of their life and look back on it with remorse and regret. They are struggling with their mortality, confidence, identity, and accomplishments thus far in life. Negative emotions often evoke them to start radical changes to their current lifestyle. Sometimes they change their life for a better, sometimes they make big mistakes. In my presentation, I would like to take a psychological look at this issue and pay special attention to the differences in experiencing a midlife crisis by women and men. I am also going to define reasons that may lead to this emotional crisis

    Політична відповідальність у процесі взаємодії влади та суспільства : комунікативний вимір.

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    Дунаєва, Г.О. Політична відповідальність у процесі взаємодії влади та суспільства : комунікативний вимір. / Г.О. Дунаєва // Актуальні проблеми політики : зб. наук. пр. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), Л. І. Кормич (заст. голов. ред.), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ ОЮА. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2011. – Вип. 44 . С. 229 - 236.The article deals with the interpretation of the phenomenon of political responsibility as a communicative process. The basis of political responsibility for such an understanding, not acting government activities, but relationships between citizens and authorities (the concept of «responsible citizen»). Emphasis on the fact that in modern conditions that relationship mediated by the media

    Building extraction from satellite imagery using a digital surface model

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    In this paper, two approaches to building extraction from satellite imagery and height data obtained from stereo images or LIDAR are compared. The first approach consists of detecting high-rise objects in a digital surface model and then improving recognition accuracy using segmentation of spectral information. The second approach uses the U-Net convolutional neural network, which showed the best results for the extraction of objects from aerospace images on a number of large datasets. Extensive experiments were carried out to evaluate the dependence of the quality of U-Net-based building extraction on the different data types (including high-resolution satellite images and digital surface model data). Building extraction quality of the trained network was also evaluated on satellite images with different spatial resolutions. © 2018 CEUR-WS. All rights reserved

    Orient(e)(a)ação: as vanguardas artísticas na Rússia confrontando o eurocentrismo

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    Orient(a)(c)tion, an oriented action to turn the eyes back to the opposite side of Europe? To the Orient? For yourself? The orientation to the Orient as an action? Which Orient? Is Russia Orient? Is it Occident ? Is it the two, is none of either? This paper discusses the importance of the critiques made to Eurocentrism by the protagonists of the vanguard movement in Russia; The relevance of medieval art, from non-erudite and non-academic art to the major plastics discoveries of the period. It presents the historical course of the insertion of the Russian / USSR vanguards into the history of modern art and discusses the Eurocentrism of "international" modernism. It brings the translation, from Russian to Portuguese, of one of the futuristic manifestos.Oriente(e)(a)ação, uma ação orientada de voltar o olhar ao lado oposto à Europa? Ao Oriente? A si? A orientação ao Oriente como uma ação? Qual Oriente? A Rússia é Oriente? É Ocidente? É os dois, é nenhum dos dois? O artigo discute a importância das críticas elaboradas ao eurocentrismo pelos protagonistas do movimento de vanguardas na Rússia; a relevância da arte medieval, da arte não erudita e não acadêmica para as principais descobertas plásticas do período. Apresenta o percurso histórico da inserção das vanguardas da Rússia/ URSS à história da arte moderna e discute o eurocentrismo do modernismo “internacional”. Traz a tradução, de russo para o português, de um dos manifestos futuristas

    Miejsce animacji kulturalnej w działalności polskich i rosyjskich lokalnych ośrodków kultury po przełomie ustrojowym (na wybranych przykładach)

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    The place of cultural animation in the activity of Polish and Russian local institutions of culture after the fall of communism (selected examples)The main objective of this article is to explore and compare the role of cultural animation in the activity of local institutions of culture in Poland and Russia after the fall of communism. Among the significant issues are the strategy of local cultural institutions within the terms of the market economy, the system of values that they promote and the conditions of effective cooperation of these institutions with their audiences. One of the important questions is the institution’s ability to meet the cultural needs of a local community and simultaneously create a ‘civic conscience’ in people. The author has explored the activity of selected local institutions of culture in Poland and in Russia