1,379 research outputs found

    Staging and prognostic factors

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    Visibility in space - Target description subroutine

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    Computer subroutine for use in calculating visibility of Lunar Excursion Module /LEM/ ASCENT stage during moon orbit rendezvous with Command Service Module /CSM

    OGO-6 gas-surface energy transfer experiment

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    The kinetic energy flux of the upper atmosphere was analyzed using OGO-6 data. Energy transfer between 10 microwatts/sq cm and 0.1 W/sq cm was measured by short-term frequency changes of temperature-sensitive quartz crystals used in the energy transfer probe. The condition of the surfaces was continuously monitored by a quartz crystal microbalance to determine the effect surface contamination had on energy accommodation. Results are given on the computer analysis and laboratory tests performed to optimize the operation of the energy transfer probe. Data are also given on the bombardment of OGO-6 surfaces by high energy particles. The thermoelectrically-cooled quartz crystal microbalance is described in terms of its development and applications

    T-cell modulation for the treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis with efalizumab (Raptiva (TM)): Mechanisms of action

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, incurable, auto-immune disorder with cutaneous manifestations. New evidence on the central role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of psoriasis increasingly provides insight into pathogenic steps that can be modulated to provide disease control. Numerous biological therapies are in various stages of clinical development, with expectation of providing enhanced safety and efficacy over currently available psoriasis therapies. Efalizumab, a recombinant humanized monoclonal IgG1 antibody, is a novel targeted T-cell modulator that inhibits multiple steps in the immune cascade that result in the production and maintenance of psoriatic plaques, including initial T-cell activation and T-cell trafficking into sites of inflammation, including psoriatic skin, with subsequent reactivation in these sites. This article reviews the pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and clinical effects observed during phase I, II and III efalizumab trials in patients with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    The frequency of epstein-barr virus infection and associated lymphoproliferative syndrome after transplantation and its manifestations in children

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    Twenty cases of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated lymphoproliferative syndrome (LPS), defined by the presence of EBV nuclear antigen and/or EBV DNA in tissues, were diagnosed in 1467 transplant recipients in Pittsburgh from 1981—1985. The frequency of occurrence in pediatric transplant recipients was 4% (10/ 253), while in adults it was 0.8% (10/1214) (P < .0005). The frequency of LPS in adults declined after 1983 coincidental with the introduction of cyclosporine monitoring. However there was no apparent decline of LPS in children. We describe these ten pediatric cases and one additional case of LPS in a child who received her transplant before 1981. The frequency of EBV infection in 92 pediatric liver recipients was 63%. Of these subjects, 49% were sero-negative and 77% of those acquired primary infection. Of 11 cases of pediatric EBV-associated LPS, 10 were in children who had primary infection shortly before or after transplantation. These results reinforce the impor-tance of primary EBV infection in producing LPS, which was previously shown in adults. Children are at greater risk because they are more likely to be seronegative for EBV and to acquire primary infection. Three clinical types of LPS were recognized in children. The first (5 cases) was a self-limited mononucleo-sislike syndrome. The second syndrome (4 cases) began similarly, but then progressed over the next two months to widespread lymphoproliferation in internal organs and death. The third type (2 cases) was an extranodal intestinal monoclonal B cell lymphoma, occurring late after primary infection. © 1988 by The Williams and Wilkins Co
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