96 research outputs found

    Public transport traffic management systems simulation in Craiova city

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    [EN] Urban transport is a comprehensive and dynamic mechanism. Therefore, all the problems for improving and reorganization of the system can be examined only in the light of a systemic approach. Currently, public passenger transport is one of the most important branches of the urban development in cities and metropolis. Public passenger transport activity and all the steps taken to improve that activity are considered to be of great social importance. In the current stage of city development, one of the main tasks is to create a public passenger transportation system that is safe, affordable, economical, reliable and environmentally friendly. The important role of passenger transport in the city's economy and achieving important social services to the population, dictates the need to introduce measures in the system that are harmonious, balanced and effective. This can only be done, in the context of current development, only after the system as a whole is tested extensively through special traffic and management software.Dumitru, I.; Matei, L.; Racila, L.; Nicolae, D. (2016). Public transport traffic management systems simulation in Craiova city. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 826-831. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.4255OCS82683

    Saturation flow mathematical model based on multiple combinations of lane groups

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    [EN] The ideal value of the traffic stream that can pass through an intersection is known as the saturation flow rate per hour on vehicle green time. The saturation flow is important in the understanding of the traffic light cycle and from there the understanding the Level of Service. The paper wishes to evaluate through a series of applied mathematical methods the effect of different lane grouping and critical lane group concept on the saturation flow rate. The importance of this method is that it creates a base for a signalized intersections timing plan.Dumitru, I.; Matei, L.; Racila, L.; Nicolae, D. (2016). Saturation flow mathematical model based on multiple combinations of lane groups. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 820-825. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.4254OCS82082

    On-line control of active camera networks

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    Large networks of cameras have been increasingly employed to capture dynamic events for tasks such as surveillance and training. When using active (pan-tilt-zoom) cameras to capture events distributed throughout a large area, human control becomes impractical and unreliable. This has led to the development of automated approaches for on-line camera control. I introduce a new approach that consists of a stochastic performance metric and a constrained optimization method. The metric quantifies the uncertainty in the state of multiple points on each target. It uses state-space methods with stochastic models of the target dynamics and camera measurements. It can account for static and dynamic occlusions, accommodate requirements specific to the algorithm used to process the images, and incorporate other factors that can affect its results. The optimization explores the space of camera configurations over time under constraints associated with the cameras, the predicted target trajectories, and the image processing algorithm. While an exhaustive exploration of this parameter space is intractable, through careful complexity analysis and application domain observations I have identified appropriate alternatives for reducing the space. Specifically, I reduce the spatial dimension of the search by dividing the optimization problem into subproblems, and then optimizing each subproblem independently. I reduce the temporal dimension of the search by using empirically-based heuristics inside each subproblem. The result is a tractable optimization that explores an appropriate subspace of the parameters, while attempting to minimize the risk of excluding the global optimum. The approach can be applied to conventional surveillance tasks (e.g., tracking or face recognition), as well as tasks employing more complex computer vision methods (e.g., markerless motion capture or 3D reconstruction). I present the results of experimental simulations of two such scenarios, using controlled and natural (unconstrained) target motions, employing simulated and real target tracks, in realistic scenes, and with realistic camera networks

    Diagnosticul sinusitei odontogene

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    Summary Diagnostic of Sinus Odontogenus. There were treated 131 patients with inflammatory processes of the maxillary sinus durind 2003—2006 years at the Republican Centre of oro-maxillo facial surgery department from Chisinau. 63 of them were women, the means are 68 from the total number of cases. Most of the patients were employed-58% were working. The majority of the patients were from Chisinau — 60%. The average age of those suffering of sinus inflamation was about 43 years old. 52 % of patients adressed by themselves at the ORO-MAXILLO-FACIAL DEPARTAMENT during the first week, the rest were sent here by other medical institutions. There were registered oro-sinusal comunications in 73 % of cases because of the anatomo-topographical pecularities or nearby teeth extraction complications.Rezumat Pe parcursul anilor 2003—2006 în clinica de Chirurgie OMF s-au tratat 131 de bolnavi cu procese inflamatorii ale sinusului maxilar, dintre care 68 bărbaţi şi 63 femei. Marea majoritate a pacienţilor — 55% sunt încadraţi în câmpul muncii, din municipiul Chişinău — 60%. Vârsta medie a pacienţilior care au prezentat inflamaţia sunusului maxilar este 43 de ani. O bună parte din pacienţi s-au adresat desinestătător la secţia de chirurgie — 52%, ceea e denotă un tablou clinic specific, uşor sesizat chiar şi de către pacient, facîndu-1 sa se adreseze la medic. Merită să menţionăm faptul că în 73% cazuri s-a evidenţiat perforaţia peretelui sinusal cu o ulterioară comunicare buco-sinusală

    Lipomul solitar versus lipomatoza simetrică benignă cu localizare în regiunea oro-maxilo-facială

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    Catedra de chirurgie OMF şi implantologie orală „Arsenie Guţan”, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Background. Benign tumors of fat tissue with localization in oral and maxillofacial region are an ongoing problem, with a high frequency and various manifestation causing morpho-functional and aesthetic discomfort for the patient. Objective of the study. Comparative analysis of progression, diagnosis and treatment of lipoma and benign symmetric lipomatosis with oral and maxillofacial localization. Material and Methods. Were studied 2 patients that addressed at the department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery of IMSP Institute of Emergency Medicine with benign tumors of fat tissue origin in OMF region. Comparative analysis criteria were: swelling, postoperative pain, morbidity, extend of the wound, detachment from the surrounding tissue, duration of the intervention. Results. Were compared the particularities of the manifestation, treatment, progression of the patient CV w/29 years diagnosed with: Lipoma on right submandibulary region with the patient CA m/69 years diagnosed with: Benign symmetric lipomatosis. According to the predetermined criteria of appreciation the patient CV had a moderate swelling and postoperative pain, low morbidity, wound extension - 5 cm, easy detachment from the surrounding tissue, duration of the intervention - 40 min; patient CA had a severe swelling and postoperative pain, high morbidity, wound extension - 13 cm, difficult detachment from the surrounding tissue, duration of the intervention - 4 hours. Conclusion. This study proved that benign tumors of fat tissue can have common morphological origin but different progression and clinical features. Early addressing of the patients and early detection diminishes the duration of the surgery, morbidity and rehabilitation of the patient.Introducere. Tumorile benigne ale țesutului adipos cu localizare oro-maxilo-facială prezintă o problemă actuală, având o frecvență înaltă, cu manifestări variate, provocând discomfort morfo-funcțional și estetic pacienților. Scopul lucrării. Analiza comparativă a evoluției, diagnosticului și tratamentului lipomului solitar și a lipomatozei simetrice benigne, cu localizare în regiunea oro-maxilo-facială. Material și Metode. Au fost studiați 2 pacienți, care s-au adresat în secția de chirurgie OMF a IMSP IMU, cu tumori a țesutului adipos în regiunea OMF. Criteriile de analiză comparativă: edemul, durerea post-operatorie, morbiditatea, extinderea plăgii, detașarea de la țesuturilor înconjurătoare, durata intervenției chirurigicale. Rezultate. S-au comparat particularitățile de manifestare, tratament şi de evoluție a pacientului CV f/29 ani, cu diagnosticul: Lipom solitar în regiunea submandibulară pe dreapta, cu a pacientului CA b/69 ani, cu diagnosticul: Lipomatoză simetrică benignă. Conform criteriilor de apreciere la pacientul CV edemul și durerea post-operatorie au fost moderate, morbiditatea scăzută, extinderea plăgii - 5 cm, detașarea ușoară de la țesuturile înconjurătoare, durata intervenției chirurgicale - 40 min; la pacientul CA edemul extins și durerea post-operatorie intensă, morbiditate înaltă, extinderea plagii - 13 cm, detașarea dificilă de la țesuturile înconjurătoare, durata intervenției chirurgicale - 4 ore. Concluzii. Studiul a demonstrat că, tumorile țesutului adipos pot avea aceeași origine morfologică, însă evoluție și particularități clinice diferite. Adresarea precoce a pacienților și depistarea timpurie a formațiunilor micșorează timpii operatori, morbiditatea și reabilitarea postoperatorie

    Comparative assessment of water quality in the Dniester and Prut rivers

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    Agenția Națională pentru Sănătate Publică, Direcția Protecția Sănătății Publice, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie "Nicolae Testemițanu", Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința Națională cu participare internațională „Un mediu sigur-sănătate protejată” 12-13 noiembrie 2020Rezumat. Obiective. În Republica Moldova, alimentarea populației cu apă potabilă, din sursele de suprafață, este asigurată, preponderent, din bazinele hidrografice ale râurilor Nistru și Prut, în care calitatea apei variază foarte mult. Scopul lucrării a fost evaluarea igienică comparativă a calității apei din râurile Nistru și Prut. Materiale și metode. Au fost investigate 162 probe de apă, din punctele fixe pe parcursul râurilor Nistru și Prut, la indicatorii sanitaro-igienici și microbiologici. În cadrul studiului au fost utilizate metodele igienice, statistice, descriptive și analitice. Rezultate. Conform rezultatelor investigațiilor de laborator a calității apei, din sursele acvatice de suprafață, se denotă o scădere a numărului de rezultate atribuite la clasa I (foarte bună) de calitate a apei și o creștere considerabilă a numărului de rezultate atribuite la clasa IV (poluată) și clasa V (foarte poluată). Pentru râul Nistru, ponderea probelor la parametrii sanitaro-chimici, atribuite la clasa I de calitate, pentru anul 2019, constituie 7%, comparativ cu 23% în 2018. De asemenea, și pentru râul Prut se atestă o scădere a probelor atribuite la clasa I, de la 30% în 2018 la 9% în 2019, și o creștere a probelor atribuite la clasa IV, de la 9% în 2018, la 39% în 2019. În cazul parametrilor microbiologici se constată aceeași legitate. Concluzie. S-a demonstrat o scădere vertiginoasă a calității apei de suprafață din aceste două râuri, ca urmare a poluării antropogene cu ape reziduale neepurate sau epurate parțial.Abstract. Objectives. In the Republic of Moldova, the supply of the population with drinking water from surface sources, is ensured, mainly, from the hydrographic basins of the Dniester and Prut rivers, where the water quality varies a lot. The aim of the study was the comparative hygienic evaluation of water quality in the Dniester and Prut rivers. Materials and methods. In 2019 were investigated 162 water samples, from the fixed points along the Dniester and Prut rivers, at the sanitary-hygienic and microbiological indicators. In the study were used hygienic, statistical, descriptive and analytical methods. Results. According to the results of laboratory investigations of water quality from surface aquatic sources, there is a decrease in the number of results attributed to class I (very good) water quality and a considerable increase in the number of results attributed to class IV (polluted) and class V (very polluted). For the Nistru district, the share of samples at the sanitary-chemical parameters assigned to the quality class I, for 2019, is 7%, compared to 23% in 2018. Also, for the Prut district, there is a decrease of the samples assigned to the class I, from 30% in 2018 to 9% in 2019 and an increase of the samples assigned to class IV from 9% in 2018, to 39% in 2019. In the case of microbiological parameters, the same legitimacy is found. Conclusion. There has been a dizzying decrease in the quality of surface water in these two rivers, due to anthropogenic pollution with untreated or partially treated wastewater

    Lipoma versus benign symmetric lipomatosis with localization in oral and maxillofacial region

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    Rezumat. Tumorile benigne ale țesutului adipos cu localizare oro-maxilo-facială prezintă o problemă actuală, având o frecvență înaltă cu manifestări variate provocând discomfort morfo-funcțional și estetic pacienților. Acest articol este bazat pe analiza comparativa a 2 pacienți care prezintă tumori benigne din țesutul adipos cu localizare în regiunea OMF, un pacient diagnosticat cu lipom solitar și alt pacient cu lipomatoză simetrică benignă cervicală anterioară. Literatura de specialitate ne oferă 2 metode de extirpare a tumorilor țesutului adipos Liposacția și Lipectomia, în articol se descrie eficacitatea acestor metode. Studiul a demonstrat că tumorile țesutului adipos pot avea aceeași origine morfologică însă evoluție și particularități clinice diferite. Adresarea precoce a pacienților și depistarea timpurie a formațiunilor micșorează timpii operatori, morbiditatea și reabilitarea postoperatorie.Summary. Benign tumors of fat tissue with localization in oral and maxillofacial region are an ongoing problem, with a high frequency and various manifestation causing morphofunctional and aesthetic discomfort for the patient. The article is based on comparative analysis of 2 patients that have benign tumors of the adipose tissue in the OMF region, one patient diagnosed with solitary lipoma and over patient with benign symmetric lipomatosis with anterior cervical localization. The specialized literature offers 2 methods of lipomatous tumor removal Liposuction and Lipectomy, in the article we describe the effectivity of the 2 methods. This study proved that benign tumors of fat tissue can have common morphological origin but different progression and clinical features. Early addressing of the patients and early detection diminishes the duration of the surgery, morbidity and rehabilitation of the patient

    Perspective Chapter: Defining and Applying the FMEA Process Method in the Field of Industrial Engineering

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    The analysis of failure modes and effects (FMEA) is a method of analyzing the potential failure of a product or process and developing an action plan aimed at their prevention and increased quality of products, processes, and job production environments. As a method of critical analysis, FMEA has very clear objectives: determination of the weaknesses of a technical system; initiating causes of failure-seeking components; analysis of the environmental impacts, safety of operation, the product value; provision of corrective actions to remove the causes of the occurrence of defects; provision of a plan to improve product quality and maintenance; determining the needs of technology and modernization of production; increasing the level of communication between departments of working people at hierarchical levels. FMEA should be used before taking the product. Subsequently, there is no point, only because the customer demands it, to achieve FMEA. Therefore, FMEA must be within organizational conduct. This chapter describes the FMEA method and presents studies about the improvement of the quality process for some products from industrial engineering by using FMEA, such as: axis for packaging, assembly “stator Housing,” composite parts used in the railway field. The potential causes of the defects were studied, and improvement measures were proposed