11 research outputs found

    Project management practices in engineering university

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    The article presents the analysis of usage of project management methodology in Tomsk Polytechnic University, in particular the experience with the course Project management which started 15 years ago. The article presents the discussion around advantages of project management methodology for engineering education and administration of the university in general and the problems impeding extensive implementation of this methodology in teaching, research and management in the university

    The effect of cutting conditions on power inputs when machining

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    Any technological process involving modification of material properties or product form necessitates consumption of a certain power amount. When developing new technologies one should take into account the benefits of their implementation vs. arising power inputs. It is revealed that procedures of edge cutting machining are the most energy-efficient amongst the present day forming procedures such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc, such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc. An expanded formula for calculation of power inputs is deduced, which takes into consideration the mode of cutting together with the tip radius, the form of the replaceable multifaceted insert and its wear. Having taken as an example cutting of graphite iron by the assembled cutting tools with replaceable multifaceted inserts the authors point at better power efficiency of high feeding cutting in comparison with high-speed cutting


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    The main defects of traditional teaching and training in project management are discussed.It is shown that acquirement of project management methodology even on elementary levelis possible only through participation in team work and performance of a real project. Teaching techniques and the methodology of individual’s contribution estimation by team work are exposed

    About the problem of university resource efficiency

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    Сокращение бюджетного финансирования резко повышает актуальность эффективного использования всех видов ресурсов вуза. Первым шагом на этом пути является создание качественной системы управленческого учета. На ее основе может быть реализована комплексная программа повышения эффективности использования всех видов ресурсов вуза, и прежде всего человеческих ресурсов. Реализация программы ресурсосбережения требует больших организационных усилий и соблюдения рационального баланса интересов

    Time as the major resource of knowledge workers

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    Для работников умственного труда главным ресурсом является время, поэтому особое внимание должно быть уделено уменьшению потерь времени и рациональному его использованию. В качестве основного инструмента предлагается использовать теорему Гилберта.Time is the major resource of the knowledge workers. Therefore the most attention should be drawn to cutback of time losses and its rational using. As the appropriate tool the theorem of Gilbert is recommended


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    The article covers the issues concerning the formation of engineers' social and cultural competences at higher education institutions. The concept of science and engineering moral neutrality is receding into the past, engineering education standards undergo changes. Not only specific technical knowledge plays an important role in training an engineer, but also such knowledge and skills as creative, systematic and critical thinking, sticking to professional ethics, teamwork, social context of engineering, etc. Forming an engineer's social and cultural competences is a requirement of various international engineering training standards. We have shown the necessity of teaching engineering ethics at technical universities and have given corresponding recommendations, which can be used in Russian higher education institutions

    Methodological problems of university teacher’s competence model building

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    The article presents the general structure and main stages of university teacher’s competence model designing. Some methodological problems are considered: the problem of expert selection, intransitivity of expert preferences, the problem of «truth» estimations, the structure and levels of model details. The decision to include the competences in the model structure is based on expert estimations. An intransitivity estimate of skill importance is natural due to polysemy of concepts included in catalog of skills. The method of paired comparisons allows solving this problem. The problem of expert selection has no unambiguous solution, because it requires taking into account the interests of all education stakeholders, according to the authors – the multi-ethnic people of Russia. This thesis formed the basis for the «truth» of ex-pert estimationsВ статье представлены общая структура и основные этапы построения модели компетенций преподавателя вуза. Рассматриваются методологические проблемы ее создания: вопросы отбора экспертов, нетранзитивность экспертных предпочтений, проблема истинной оценки, структура и степень детализации модели. Обосновывается, что постановление о включении компетенций в структуру модели принимается на основе экспертных оценок. Нетранзитивность оценок важности компетенций неизбежна в связи с многогранностью понятий, включенных в каталог компетенций. Применение метода парных сравнений помогает устранить эту проблему. Задача отбора экспертов не имеет однозначного решения, поскольку требует учета интересов всех стейкхолдеров образования, в понимании авторов – многонационального народа России. Этот тезис положен в основу определения «истинности» экспертных оцено