57 research outputs found
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Toward volatile metal complexes of rutherfordium - results of testexeriments with Zr and Hf
The chemical investigation of the transactinide elements (TAN, Z {ge}104) is a topic of great interest in recent nuclear chemistry research. The highly charged nucleus accelerates the innermost electrons to relativistic velocities thus causing contraction of spherical (s, p{sub 1/2}) orbitals and expansion of the others (p{sub 3/2}, d, and f), which directly affects the chemical behavior of these elements. Deviations from trends established in the periodic table may therefore occur due to these so-called relativistic effects [1,2]. In gas phase experiments, mostly volatile inorganic compounds (e.g., halides or oxides) of TAN were investigated. We refer to [3] for a recent review. For reasons such as low production cross-sections or short half-lives, but also technical challenges, more sophisticated chemical studies have not yet been possible. One restriction in present TAN research is the plasma behind the target caused by the intense heavy ion beam. ''Weak'' molecules (e.g., organic ligands) are immediately destroyed, thus limiting the possibilities of synthesizing chemical compounds directly behind the target to ''simple'' and robust inorganic compounds. It is highly desirable to expand the knowledge on the chemical behavior of the TAN to other compound classes, e.g., volatile metal complexes. The use of the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator (BGS) [4] as a physical preseparator makes such studies possible by separating the beam from the desired TAN isotopes
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New Isotope 263Hs
A new isotope of Hs was produced in the reaction 208Pb(56Fe, n)263Hs at the 88-Inch Cyclotron of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Six genetically correlated nuclear decay chains have been observed and assigned to the new isotope 263Hs. The measured cross section was 21+13-8.4 pb at 276.4 MeV lab-frame center-of-target beam energy. 263Hs decays with a half-life of 0.74 ms by alpha-decay and the measured alpha-particle energies are 10.57 +- 0.06, 10.72 +- 0.06, and 10.89 +- 0.06 MeV. The experimental cross section is compared to a theoretical prediction based on the Fusion by Diffusion model [W. J. Swiatecki et al., Phys. Rev. C 71, 014602 (2005)]
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Influence of projectile neutron number on cross section in cold fusion reactions
Elements 107-112 [1,2] have been discovered in reactions between {sup 208}Pb or {sup 209}Bi targets and projectiles ranging from {sup 54}Cr through {sup 70}Zn. In such reactions, the compound nucleus can be formed at excitation energies as low as {approx}12 MeV, thus this type of reaction has been referred to as 'cold fusion'. The study of cold fusion reactions is an indispensable approach to gaining a better understanding of heavy element formation and decay. A theoretical model that successfully predicts not only the magnitudes of cold fusion cross sections, but also the shapes of excitation functions and the cross section ratios between various reaction pairs was recently developed by Swiatecki, Siwek-Wilczynska, and Wilczynski [3,4]. This theoretical model, also referred to as Fusion by Diffusion, has been the guide in all of our cold fusion studies. One particularly interesting aspect of this model is the large predicted difference in cross sections between projectiles differing by two neutrons. The projectile pair where this difference is predicted to be largest is {sup 48}Ti and {sup 50}Ti. To test and extend this model, {sup 208}Pb({sup 48}Ti,n){sup 255}Rf and {sup 208}Pb({sup 50}Ti,n){sup 257}Rf excitation functions were recently measured at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (LBNL) 88-Inch Cyclotron utilizing the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator (BGS). The {sup 50}Ti reaction was carried out with thin lead targets ({approx}100 {micro}g/cm{sup 2}), and the {sup 48}Ti reaction with both thin and thick targets ({approx}470 {micro}g/cm{sup 2}). In addition to this reaction pair, reactions with projectile pairs {sup 52}Cr and {sup 54}Cr [5], {sup 56}Fe and {sup 58}Fe [6], and {sup 62}Ni [7] and {sup 64}Ni [8] will be discussed and compared to the Fusion by Diffusion predictions. The model predictions show a very good agreement with the data
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The influence of projectile neutron number in the 208Pb(48Ti, n)255Rf and 208Pb(50Ti, n)257Rf reactions
Four isotopes of rutherfordium,254-257Rf, were produced by the 208Pb(48Ti, xn)256-xRf and 208Pb(50Ti, xn)258-xRf reactions (x = 1, 2) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 88-Inch Cyclotron. Excitation functions were measured for the 1n and 2n exit channels. A maximum likelihood technique, which correctly accounts for the changing cross section at all energies subtended by the targets, was used to fit the 1n data to allow a more direct comparison between excitation functions obtained under different experimental conditions. The maximum 1n crosssections of the 208Pb(48Ti, n)255Rf and 208Pb(50Ti, n)257Rf reactions obtained from fits to the experimental data are 0.38 +/- 0.07 nb and 40 +/-5 nb, respectively. Excitation functions for the 2n exit channel were also measured, with maximum cross sections of nb for the 48Ti induced reaction, and 15.7 +/- 0.2 nb for the 50Ti induced reaction. The impact of the two neutron difference in the projectile on the 1n cross section is discussed. The results are compared to the Fusion by Diffusion model developed by Swiatecki, Wilczynska, and Wilczynski
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Entrance-channel effects in odd-Z tranactinide compound nucleus reactions
Swiatecki, Siwek-Wilczynska, and Wilczynski's 'Fusion By Diffusion' description [1] of transactinide (TAN) compound nucleus (CN) formation utilizes a three-step model. The first step is the 'sticking', or capture, which can be calculated relatively accurately. The second step is the probability for the formation of a CN by 'diffusion' analogous to that of Brownian motion. Lastly, there exists the probability of the CN 'surviving' deexcitation by neutron emission, which competes with fission and other de-excitation modes. This model predicts and reproduces cross sections typically within a factor of two. Producing the same CN with different projectile-target pairs is a very sensitive way to test entrance channel effects on heavy element production cross sections. If the same CN is produced at or near the same excitation energy the survival portion of the theory is nearly identical for the two reactions. This method can be used as a critical test of the novel 'diffusion' portion of the model. The reactions producing odd-Z TAN CN such as Db, Bh, Mt, and Rg (Z = 105, 107, 109, and 111, respectively) were first studied using even-Z projectiles on {sup 209}Bi targets (as opposed to odd-Z projectiles on {sup 208}Pb targets) because lower effective fissility [2] was expected to lead to larger cross sections. Many odd-Z projectile reactions producing odd-Z CN had not been studied in-depth until very recently. We have completed studies of these reaction pairs with the 88-Inch Cyclotron and the Berkeley Gas-Filled Separator (BGS) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), see Figure 1. Cross section ratios for several pairs of reactions will be presented and compared with theory
Energy Flow in the Hadronic Final State of Diffractive and Non-Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
An investigation of the hadronic final state in diffractive and
non--diffractive deep--inelastic electron--proton scattering at HERA is
presented, where diffractive data are selected experimentally by demanding a
large gap in pseudo --rapidity around the proton remnant direction. The
transverse energy flow in the hadronic final state is evaluated using a set of
estimators which quantify topological properties. Using available Monte Carlo
QCD calculations, it is demonstrated that the final state in diffractive DIS
exhibits the features expected if the interaction is interpreted as the
scattering of an electron off a current quark with associated effects of
perturbative QCD. A model in which deep--inelastic diffraction is taken to be
the exchange of a pomeron with partonic structure is found to reproduce the
measurements well. Models for deep--inelastic scattering, in which a
sizeable diffractive contribution is present because of non--perturbative
effects in the production of the hadronic final state, reproduce the general
tendencies of the data but in all give a worse description.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 6 Figures appended as uuencoded fil
Fundamental aspects of molecular plating and production of smooth crack-free Nd targets
A general understanding of the molecular plating process was obtained recently, which serves as a first step towards further improvements of the method aiming, for example, at the production of smooth, crackfree targets for nuclear physics applications. Constant current density electrolysis experiments were performed in organic media containing the model electrolyte Nd(NO3)3 6H2O. The process was investigated by considering influences of the electrolyte concentration (0.11, 0.22, 0.44 mM), the surface roughness of the deposition substrates (a few tens of nm), and the plating solvent (an isopropanol/isobutanol mixture, and N,N-dimethylformamide). The response of the process to changes of these parameters was monitored by recording cell potential curves and by characterizing the obtained deposits with c-ray spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. By changing the solvent from isopropanol/isobutanol mixtures to N,N-dimethylformamide, we have succeeded in producing smooth, crack-free Nd targets
Elucidation of constant current density molecular plating
The production of thin layers by means of constant current or constant voltage electrolysis in organic media is commonly known as molecular plating. Despite the fact that this method has been applied for decades and is known to be among the most efficient ones for obtaining quantitative deposition, a full elucidation of the molecular plating is still lacking. In order to get a general understanding of the process and hence set the basis for further improvements of the method, constant current density
electrolysis experiments were carried out in a mixture of isopropanol and isobutanol containing millimolar amounts of HNO3 together with [Nd(NO3)3.6H2O] used as a model electrolyte. The process was investigated by considering the influence of different parameters, namely the electrolyte concentrations (i.e.,Nd(NO3)3.6H2O: 0.11, 0.22, 0.44 mM, and HNO3: 0.3, 0.4 mM), the applied current (i.e., 2 mA and 6 mA), and the surface roughness of the deposition substrates (i.e., a few tens to several hundreds of nm). The response of the process to changes of these parameters was monitored recording
cell potential curves, which showed to be strongly influenced by the investigated conditions. The produced layers were characterized using g-ray spectroscopy for the evaluation of Nd deposition yields, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for chemical analysis of the surfaces, and atomic force microscopy for
surface roughness evaluation. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results clearly indicate that Nd is present only as Nd3+ on the cathodic surface after molecular plating. The results obtained from this characterization and some basic features inferred from the study of the cell potential curves were used to interpret the different behaviours of the deposition processes as a consequence of the applied variables
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Development of an odd-Z-projectile reaction for heavy element synthesis: 208Pb(64Ni, n)271Ds and 208Pb(65Cu, n)272111
Seven {sup 271}Ds decay chains were identified in the bombardment of {sup 208}Pb targets with 311.5- and 314.3-MeV {sup 64}Ni projectiles using the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator. These data, combined with previous results, provide an excitation function for this reaction. From these results, an optimum energy of 321 MeV was estimated for the production of {sup 272}111 in the reaction {sup 208}Pb({sup 65}Cu, n). One decay chain was observed, resulting in a cross section of 1.7{sub -1.4}{sup +3.9} pb. This experiment confirms the discovery of element 111 by the Darmstadt group who used the {sup 209}Bi({sup 64}Ni, n){sup 272}111 reaction
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Measurement of the 208Pb(55Mn,n)262Bh excitation function
The excitation function for the 208Pb(55Mn,n)262Bh reaction has been measured for the first time. Using the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 88-Inch Cyclotron, a total of 33 decay chains attributable to 262Bh were observed at three different projectile energies. The existence of a previously reported alpha-decaying isomeric state was confirmed, although the production of the ground state was favored at all three energies. Additionally, 2 decay chains attributable to 261Bh were observed. The observed cross sections are much larger than those reported for the analogous 209Bi(54Cr, n)262Bh reaction, suggesting that in the latter case the projectile energies used were too high for optimum production of the 1n product. These results will be compared with predictions for the location of the excitation function maximum and the maximum cross section using the "Fusion by Diffusion" theory proposed by Swiatecki, Siwek-Wilczynska, and Wilczynski
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