10 research outputs found

    Quando os afrodescendentes se tornaram "povos tribais": o sistema interamericano de direitos humanos e as comunidades negras rurais

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    O sistema interamericano tem se estabelecido como um agente permanente e proeminente na discussão sobre a proteção dos direitos territoriais coletivos dos povos indígenas e dos afrodescendentes. Isso se confirma pela receptividade do sistema às demandas territoriais dos povos indígenas e afrodescendentes. A jurisprudência interamericana, para reconhecer os direitos coletivos à propriedade, pressupõe e exige que os povos indígenas e certos povos afrodescendentes tenham uma relação cultural exclusiva com suas terras tradicionais que os qualifiquem como “povos tribais”. Embora a utilização de um mecanismo judicial internacional para proteger esses direitos coletivos traga benefícios e oportunidades, existem também limitações quanto ao uso de uma estratégia de litígio fundada em uma abordagem cultural de território. Com o objetivo de analisar esses problemas e limitações, neste artigo enfoca-se um aspecto específico das demandas que os povos indígenas e afrodescendentes têm levado ao sistema interamericano de direitos humanos nas últimas décadas: reivindicações quanto à proteção das terras e territórios que eles têm tradicionalmente ocupado e dos recursos naturais nelas encontrados. Neste artigo procura-se responder às seguintes questões: Que grupos permanecem excluídos do direito de fazer tais demandas? Será que o sistema interamericano protege suficientemente os recursos naturais encontrados nos territórios tradicionais? Será que essa abordagem cultural se antepõe à discriminação estrutural enfrentada pelos afrodescendentes na América Latina

    Una mirada al Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos

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    [ES] El artículo analiza el debate actual que se da en el ámbito del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos. En primer lugar examina la evolución de la situación en América Latina en los últimos 20 años, mostrando como el paso de dictaduras a gobiernos elegidos democráticamente no necesariamente se reflejó en una mejoría en los derechos humanos. Luego de describir el funcionamiento de la Comisión y la Corte Interamericanas de Derechos Humanos, analiza dos tendencias presentes en el actual debate sobre el futuro del sistema interamericano. Una posición calificada como "promoción-reforma" entiende que el sistema debería orientarse hacia actividades exclusivamente de promoción de los derechos humanos antes que tareas de protección. Para ello proponen reformar la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos. La segunda posición , la denomina "protección-perfeccionamiento" ya que sostiene que la realidad actual de América Latina, requiere que la Comisión y la Corte se dediquen fundamentalmente a la protección de los derechos humanos. Finalmente el artículo presenta cinco objetivos que deberían orientar el trabajo del sistema y muestra cómo las dos posiciones anteriormente mencionadas difieren en cuanto a estos objetivos o a la manera de alcanzarlos.[EN] The article analizes the current debate within the inter-American System of human rights. The article begins by describing the evolution of the human rights situation in Latin-America over the last 20 years, from military dictatorships to elected goverments. The article points out that these changes do not necessarily imply an improvement in the enjoyment of human rights. After describing the functioining of the Inter-American Commission and Court, the article .describes two different lines of thought in the present debate regarding the future of the Inter-American System. The first position "promotion-reform" suggests that the inter-American system should deal exclusively with promotional activities rather than protection functions. To accomplish that end, those who favor this position propose the amendment of the American Convention on Human Rigths. The second position "protection-perfectioning" points out that the situation in Latin America requires the Commission and the Court to deal principally with the protection of human rights rather than promotional activities. Finally, the article presents five different objetives of the inter-American system that should guide its work. The author shows how each of the two positions on reform have different points of view regarding the objectives of the system and regarding the methods the inter- American System should adopt in pursuing them

    Una mirada al Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos

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    RESUMEN: El artículo analiza el debate actual que se da en el ámbito del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos. En primer lugar examina la evolución de la situación en América Latina en los últimos 20 años, mostrando como el paso de dictaduras a gobiernos elegidos democráticamente no necesariamente se reflejó en una mejoría en los derechos humanos. Luego de describir el funcionamiento de la Comisión y la Corte Interamericanas de Derechos Humanos, analiza dos tendencias presentes en el actual debate sobre el futuro del sistema interamericano. Una posición calificada como "promoción-reforma" entiende que el sistema debería orientarse hacia actividades exclusivamente de promoción de los derechos humanos antes que tareas de protección. Para ello proponen reformar la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos. La segunda posición , la denomina "protección-perfeccionamiento" ya que sostiene que la realidad actual de América Latina, requiere que la Comisión y la Corte se dediquen fundamentalmente a la protección de los derechos humanos. Finalmente el artículo presenta cinco objetivos que deberían orientar el trabajo del sistema y muestra cómo las dos posiciones anteriormente mencionadas difieren en cuanto a estos objetivos o a la manera de alcanzarlos.ABSTRACT: The article analizes the current debate within the inter-American System of human rights. The article begins by describing the evolution of the human rights situation in Latin-America over the last 20 years, from military dictatorships to elected goverments. The article points out that these changes do not necessarily imply an improvement in the enjoyment of human rights. After describing the functioining of the Inter-American Commission and Court, the article .describes two different lines of thought in the present debate regarding the future of the Inter-American System. The first position "promotion-reform" suggests that the inter-American system should deal exclusively with promotional activities rather than protection functions. To accomplish that end, those who favor this position propose the amendment of the American Convention on Human Rigths. The second position "protection-perfectioning" points out that the situation in Latin America requires the Commission and the Court to deal principally with the protection of human rights rather than promotional activities. Finally, the article presents five different objetives of the inter-American system that should guide its work. The author shows how each of the two positions on reform have different points of view regarding the objectives of the system and regarding the methods the inter- American System should adopt in pursuing them

    The Latin-American Flavor of Enforced Disappearances

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    Enforced disappearances occur when persons are deprived of their liberty by state officials, organized groups, or private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent, or acquiescence of the government. The deprivation of liberty is followed by a refusal to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of their liberty. Consequently, such persons are placed outside the protection of the law. As such, the crime and the human rights violation of enforced disappearance comprise many different types of state repression. Given this multiplicity of scenarios in which enforced disappearances take place, some insist on the danger of over-using the term enforced disappearance, highlighting the need for a definition that separates the Latin American “true” cases of disappearance from those in which the term corresponds to a popular misuse. This Article describes this strong connection between enforced disappearances and Latin America. The framework elaborated in the cases emanating from Latin American countries grounded the evolution of the very concept of enforced disappearance and the main concerns surrounding those disappearances. Additionally, Latin America is a space where the use of enforced disappearances was (and still is in some areas) widespread, but also a place which developed the most effective responses to overcome them. The second part of the Article presents Latin America as an innovator of human rights norms. As such, the Article challenges traditional understandings of the evolution of human rights. At the same time, the Latin American story shows the need to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach. This Article proposes instead to understand the Latin American influence on enforced disappearances as a normative transnational and international framework that could operate under diverse cultural and political logics, and that is necessarily conditioned by local particularities and meanings

    Latino Group Consciousness and Perceptions of Commonality with African Americans

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    Currently, Latinos and African Americans constitute more than one-quarter of the U.S. population. The sheer size of these groups suggests an opportunity for increased political influence, with this opportunity providing the incentive for greater social and political interaction between them. The objective of this article is to determine the role of Latino group consciousness in the formation of attitudes toward African Americans. Copyright (c) 2008 by the Southwestern Social Science Association.

    Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos : su vigencia para los Estados y para los ciudadanos : ideas para profesores y universitarios

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    Se aborda el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, detallando los temas de raza, mujer, tortura, niño, emigración, discapacidad, trata, corrupción, sistemas regionales de protección o tribunales que juzgan su incumplimiento. Incluye ocho anexos para ser utilizados en materia de docencia, periodismo, medios culturales, profesionales o familiares.CataluñaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]