8 research outputs found

    The preliminary checklist of liverworts of the Komi Republic (Russia)

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    The first checklist of liverworts of the Komi Republic (Russia) is presented. It reports 164 species and 9 varieties of liverworts belonging to 61 genera and 28 families.

    Rare liverworts in Komi Republic (Russia)

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    Data are presented on distribution and ecology of 10 rare liverwort species (Anastrophyllum sphenoloboides, Arnellia fennica, Haplomitrium hookeri, Cephalozia macounii, Cephaloziella elachista, Lophozia ascendens, Nardia japonica, Scapania scandica, Schistochilopsis laxa, Sphenolobus cavifolius) included in the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic, and 8 species (Dichiton integerrimum, Harpanthus scutatus, Kurzia pauciflora, Lophozia pellucida, Lophozia perssonii, Odontoschisma denudatum, Scapania nemorea, Schistochilopsis hyperarctica) suggested for inclusion in the new edition of the Red Data Book of the Komi Republic.

    Current state of knowledge of the liverwort and hornwort flora of the Vologda Region, Russia

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    An annotated checklist of liverworts and hornworts is presented for the Volodga Region, Russia, based on the authors’ collections and those of their colleagues, as well as the literature. The paper presents the first published checklist for the region and includes 84 species from 42 genera and 22 families. Three species are reported for the first time for the region: Conocephalum salebrosum Szweykowski et al., Scapania subalpina (Nees ex Lindenb.) Dumort., and Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort.