59 research outputs found

    Retrofit and verification test of a 30-cm ion thruster

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    Twenty modifications were found to be necessary and were approved by design review. These design modifications were incorporated in the thruster documents (drawings and procedures) to define the J series thruster. Sixteen of the design revisions were implemented in a 900 series thruster by retrofit modification. A standardized set of test procedures was formulated, and the retrofit J series thruster design was verified by test. Some difficulty was observed with the modification to the ion optics assembly, but the overall effect of the design modification satisfies the design objectives. The thruster was tested over a wide range of operating parameters to demonstrate its capabilities

    Kapton charging characteristics: Effects of material thickness and electron-energy distribution

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    Charging characteristics of polyimide (Kapton) of varying thicknesses under irradiation by a very-low-curent-density electron beam, with the back surface of the sample grounded are reported. These charging characteristics are in good agreement with a simple analytical model which predicts that in thin samples at low current density, sample surface potential is limited by conduction leakage through the bulk material. The charging of Kapton in a low-current-density electron beam in which the beam energy was modulated to simulate Maxwellian and biMaxwellian distribution functions is measured

    Electric propulsion - characteristics, applications, and status

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    A comparative review of the principles of ion thruster and chemical rocket operations is presented. The 30cm mercury ion thruster development and the specifications imposed on it by the Solar Electric propulsion System program are discussed. The 30cm thruster operating range, efficiency, wear out lifetime, and interface requirements are described

    An 8-cm ion thruster characterization

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    The performance of the Ion Auxiliary Propulsion System (IAPS) thruster was increased to thrust T = 32 mN, specific impulse I sub sp = 4062 s, and thrust-to-power ratio T/P = 33 mN/kW. This performance was obtained by increasing the discharge power, accelerating voltage, propellant flow rate, and chamber magnetic field. Adding a plenum and main vaporizer for propellant distribution was the only major change required in the thruster. The modified thruster characterization is presented. A cathode magnet assembly did not improve performance. A simplified power processing unit was designed and evaluated. This unit decreased the parts count of the IAPS power processing unit by a factor of ten

    Ion thruster system (8-cm) cyclic endurance test

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    This report describes the qualification test of an Engineering-Model 5-mN-thrust 8-cm-diameter mercury ion thruster which is representative of the Ion Auxiliary Propulsion System (IAPS) thrusters. Two of these thrusters are scheduled for future flight test. The cyclic endurance test described herein was a ground-based test performed in a vacuum facility with a liquid-nitrogen-cooled cryo-surface and a frozen mercury target. The Power Electronics Unit, Beam Shield, Gimal, and Propellant Tank that were used with the thruster in the endurance test are also similar to those of the IAPS. The IAPS thruster that will undergo the longest beam-on-time during the actual space test will be subjected to 7,055 hours of beam-on-time and 2,557 cycles during the flight test. The endurance test was successfully concluded when the mercury in the IAPS Propellant Tank was consumed. At that time, 8,471 hours of beam-on-time and 599 cycles had been accumulated. Subsequent post-test-evaluation operations were performed (without breaking vacuum) which extended the test values to 652 cycles and 9,489 hours of beam-on-time. The Power Electronic Unit (PEU) and thruster were in the same vacuum chamber throughout the test. The PEU accumulated 10,268 hr of test time with high voltage applied to the operating thruster or dummy load

    Modularized ion thruster

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    A modularized ion thruster system was developed for space-propulsion applications. Separate discharge chamber modules (DCMs) were optimized for operation at the thrust levels of T = 0.5 mlb and T = 2 mlb to accommodate the extended thrust range. These optimizations included modifications in the discharge-chamber components and the incorporation of ion machined accelerators in the beam-extraction systems. Performance of the optimized modules are summarized

    Deflectable beam linear strip cesium contact ion thruster system

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    Deflectable dual beam, linear strip cesium contact, ion thruster system design and performance testin

    Engineering model 8-cm thruster subsystem

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    An Engineering Model (EM) 8 cm Ion Thruster Propulsion Subsystem was developed for operation at a thrust level 5 mN (1.1 mlb) at a specific impulse 1 sub sp = 2667 sec with a total system input power P sub in = 165 W. The system dry mass is 15 kg with a mercury-propellant-reservoir capacity of 8.75 kg permitting uninterrupted operation for about 12,500 hr. The subsystem can be started from a dormant condition in a time less than or equal to 15 min. The thruster has a design lifetime of 20,000 hr with 10,000 startup cycles. A gimbal unit is included to provide a thrust vector deflection capability of + or - 10 degrees in any direction from the zero position. The EM subsystem development program included thruster optimization, power-supply circuit optimization and flight packaging, subsystem integration, and subsystem acceptance testing including a cyclic test of the total propulsion package

    Le féminisme en République Populaire de Chine: entre ruptures et continuités

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    National audienceSince the beginning, Chinese feminismhas been closely intertwinedwith the Chinese Communist Party through the latter’s main representative, the All China Women’s Federation. What is at stake in such a movement, what are its limits and specificities since its origins? Based on the work of Chinese feminists and academics and the study of concrete activism on a local scale, I will look at the issue of “State feminism” in China and ask whether an independent feminism really exists, as it claims it does through various Chinese NGOs created since the Fourth UN conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, and in the context of “market socialism”.En Chine, où le féminisme a été dès le début étroitement mêlé au Parti communiste par le biais de son principal représentant, la Fédération des femmes chinoises, quels sont les enjeux, limites, et spécificités du mouvement féministe depuis ses origines ? À la suite des travaux de plusieurs féministes et de l’étude d’actions concrètes à l’échelle locale, on se demandera quelle est la part de « féminisme d’État » en Chine et dans quelle mesure il existe un militantisme « autonome » tel qu’il se revendique dans l’existence de plusieurs organisations non gouvernementales, depuis la quatrième Conférence de l’ONU sur les femmes en 1995 et dans le contexte d’un socialisme de marché

    Modernités chinoises: une perspective de genre

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    Comment vivent les femmes chinoises aujourd'hui ? Quel est leur statut et quelles places occupent-elles dans la Chine contemporaine ? En quoi les bouleversements économiques et sociaux depuis les années 1980 ont-ils modifié leurs situations et leur accès aux droits ? Observe-t-on des mutations dans leurs rapports à la famille, à l'éducation, au travail et à l'emploi ou encore à la sexualité ? Comment sont-elles représentées au cinéma ? Autant de questions auxquelles cet ouvrage collectif, résolument pluridisciplinaire, entend répondre. Anthropologues, démographes, historiens, sociologues et politistes réfléchissent aux mutations que connaît la société chinoise contemporaine, en centrant leur analyse sur les rapports de genre. Au-delà des situations contrastées des femmes chinoises, ce sont les rapports entre les hommes et les femmes et leurs représentations qui sont mis en exergue. En faisant se succéder chapitres de synthèse et enquêtes de terrain, cet ouvrage donne à voir la réalité foisonnante, hétérogène et nuancée, des rapports sociaux contemporains en Chine
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