11 research outputs found

    Characteristics and effects of integrated nutrition and stimulation interventions to improve the nutritional status and development of children under 5 years of age : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction Around 250million children in low-income and middle-income countries are at risk of not fulfilling their developmental potential. There is a need to update syntheses investigating the effects of combined nutrition and stimulation interventions on children’s growth and development and identify intervention characteristics associated with positive effects. Methods We did a systematic review to: (1) understand the effects of integrated nutrition and stimulation interventions versus (i) usual care and (ii) standalone nutrition or stimulation interventions, on the growth and development of children under five; (2) explore intervention characteristics (delivery strategies, behaviour change techniques, intensity and personnel) associated with positive effects. We searched eight databases for studies published from inception to 16 November 2020. Eligible studies were randomised and non-randomised controlled trials of integrated nutrition and stimulation interventions examining growth and developmental outcomes. We performed meta-analyses for length-for-age/height-forage, weight-for-age and weight-for-length/weight-for-height Z scores and cognitive, motor and language development scores, and subgroup analyses by intervention characteristics.We conducted random-effects metaregression to assess potential subgroup differences in outcomes by intervention characteristics. Results Twenty trials were included in the meta-analysis. Pooled effect sizes showed significant benefits of integrated interventions on developmental outcomes compared with usual care and standalone nutrition interventions (Ҏ >75%) but not on growth outcomes. Moreover, integrated interventions have non-significant effects on developmental outcomes compared with standalone stimulation interventions. Integrated interventions showed greater effects on cognitive (p=0.039) and language (p=0.040) outcomes for undernourished children compared with adequately nourished children. The effects of integrated interventions on developmental outcomes did not differ by intervention characteristics. Conclusion Integrated interventions have greater benefits for children’s development than usual care or standalone nutrition interventions, especially in settings with high levels of undernutrition. Future studies should use standardised reporting of implementation processes to identify intervention characteristics linked to positive effects

    Feeding, caregiving practices, and developmental delay among children under five in lowland Nepal: a community-based cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Nurturing care, including adequate nutrition, responsive caregiving and early learning, is critical to early childhood development. In Nepal, national surveys highlight inequity in feeding and caregiving practices for young children. Our objective was to describe infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and cognitive and socio-emotional caregiving practices among caregivers of children under five in Dhanusha district, Nepal, and to explore socio-demographic and economic factors associated with these practices. Methods: We did a cross-sectional analysis of a subset of data from the MIRA Dhanusha cluster randomised controlled trial, including mother-child dyads (N = 1360), sampled when children were median age 46 days and a follow-up survey of the same mother-child dyads (N = 1352) when children were median age 38 months. We used World Health Organization IYCF indicators and questions from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey-4 tool to obtain information on IYCF and cognitive and socio-emotional caregiving practices. Using multivariable logistic regression models, potential explanatory household, parental and child-level variables were tested to determine their independent associations with IYCF and caregiving indicators. Results: The prevalence of feeding indicators varied. IYCF indicators, including ever breastfed (99%), exclusive breastfeeding (24-hour recall) (89%), and vegetable/fruit consumption (69%) were common. Problem areas were early initiation of breastfeeding (16%), colostrum feeding (67%), no pre-lacteal feeding (53%), timely introduction of complementary feeding (56%), minimum dietary diversity (49%) and animal-source food consumption (23%). Amongst caregiving indicators, access to 3+ children’s books (7%), early stimulation and responsive caregiving (11%), and participation in early childhood education (27%) were of particular concern, while 64% had access to 2+ toys and 71% received adequate care. According to the Early Child Development Index score, only 38% of children were developmentally on track. Younger children from poor households, whose mothers were young, had not received antenatal visits and delivered at home were at higher risk of poor IYCF and caregiving practices. Conclusions: Suboptimal caregiving practices, inappropriate early breastfeeding practices, delayed introduction of complementary foods, inadequate dietary diversity and low animal-source food consumption are challenges in lowland Nepal. We call for urgent integrated nutrition and caregiving interventions, especially as interventions for child development are lacking in Nepal

    "Can't live willingly": A thematic synthesis of qualitative evidence exploring how early marriage and early pregnancy affect experiences of pregnancy in South Asia.

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    In South Asia, early marriage has been associated with a range of adverse outcomes during pregnancy and infancy. This may partly be explained by early marriage leading to a younger maternal age, however it remains unclear which other factors are involved. This review aimed to synthesise the qualitative evidence on experiences of pregnancy following early marriage or early pregnancy in South Asia, to inform our understanding of the mechanisms between early marriage and adverse pregnancy outcomes. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, Global Index Medicus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and grey literature on 29/11/2022 to identify papers on experiences of pregnancy among those who married or became pregnant early in South Asia (PROSPERO registration number: CRD42022304336, funded by an MRC doctoral training grant). Seventy-nine papers from six countries were included after screening. We appraised study quality using an adapted version of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool for qualitative research. Reporting of reflexivity and theoretical underpinnings was poor. We synthesised findings thematically, presenting themes alongside illustrative quotes. We categorised poor pregnancy experiences into: care-seeking challenges, mental health difficulties, and poor nutritional status. We identified eight inter-connected themes: restrictive social hierarchies within households, earning social position, disrupted education, social isolation, increased likelihood of and vulnerability to abuse, shaming of pregnant women, normalisation of risk among younger women, and burdensome workloads. Socioeconomic position and caste/ethnic group also intersected with early marriage to shape experiences during pregnancy. While we found differences between regions, the heterogeneity of the included studies limits our ability to draw conclusions across regions. Pregnancy experiences are largely determined by social hierarchies and the quality of relationships within and outside of the household. These factors limit the potential for individual factors, such as education and empowerment, to improve experiences of pregnancy for girls married early

    The association of maternal nutrition and children's pre-primary experience with over-age attendance in secondary school: evidence from lowland Nepal.

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    •Over-age attendance is increasing but remains under-studied in South Asia.•Children fall behind by entering pre-primary or primary late, and by repeating a grade during/after primary school.•Rural location, thin and uneducated mothers predicted late pre-primary entry.•Educational research and interventions need to focus on the earlier time-point of pre-primary.•Improving maternal nutrition and education may ensure timely progression of children in school

    Dietary Diversity Is Positively Associated with Deviation from Expected Height in Rural Nepal.

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    BACKGROUND: Recent research has highlighted the need for additional studies on the nutrition input required to stabilize growth. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to examine the association between dietary diversity and conditional growth in children aged 0-89 mo. METHODS: We analyzed cohort data from 529 mothers and children living in a remote and food-insecure region in the mountains of Nepal. Children were aged 0-59 mo at baseline and were followed up after 9 and 29 mo. Conditional growth was calculated as the deviation from the expected height-for-age difference (HAD) trajectory based on previous measures of HAD and the pattern of growth in the population. Dietary diversity was assessed with the use of a count of the foods consumed from 7 food groups in the previous 7 d. The association between dietary diversity and conditional growth during the 2 follow-up periods (of 9 and 20 mo, respectively) was estimated with the use of ordinary least-squares regressions. RESULTS: Prevalence of stunting and absolute height deficits was very high and increased over the course of the study. At the last measurement (age range 29-89 mo), 76.5% were stunted and the mean ± SD HAD was -11.7 ± 4.6 cm. Dietary diversity was associated positively with conditional growth in the later (May 2012-December 2013) but not the earlier (July 2011-May 2012) growth period. Children's ages ranged from 0 to 59 mo in July 2011, 9 to 69 mo in May 2012, and 29 to 89 mo in December 2013. After adjustment, increasing the dietary diversity by one food group was associated with a 0.09 cm (95% CI: 0.00, 0.17 cm) increase in conditional growth in the second growth period. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing dietary diversity for children reduces the risk of stunting and improves growth after growth faltering. Future efforts should be directed at enabling families in food-insecure areas to feed their children a more diverse diet

    “Can’t live willingly”: A thematic synthesis of qualitative evidence exploring how early marriage and early pregnancy affect experiences of pregnancy in South Asia

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    In South Asia, early marriage has been associated with a range of adverse outcomes during pregnancy and infancy. This may partly be explained by early marriage leading to a younger maternal age, however it remains unclear which other factors are involved. This review aimed to synthesise the qualitative evidence on experiences of pregnancy following early marriage or early pregnancy in South Asia, to inform our understanding of the mechanisms between early marriage and adverse pregnancy outcomes. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, Global Index Medicus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and grey literature on 29/11/2022 to identify papers on experiences of pregnancy among those who married or became pregnant early in South Asia (PROSPERO registration number: CRD42022304336, funded by an MRC doctoral training grant). Seventy-nine papers from six countries were included after screening. We appraised study quality using an adapted version of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool for qualitative research. Reporting of reflexivity and theoretical underpinnings was poor. We synthesised findings thematically, presenting themes alongside illustrative quotes. We categorised poor pregnancy experiences into: care-seeking challenges, mental health difficulties, and poor nutritional status. We identified eight inter-connected themes: restrictive social hierarchies within households, earning social position, disrupted education, social isolation, increased likelihood of and vulnerability to abuse, shaming of pregnant women, normalisation of risk among younger women, and burdensome workloads. Socioeconomic position and caste/ethnic group also intersected with early marriage to shape experiences during pregnancy. While we found differences between regions, the heterogeneity of the included studies limits our ability to draw conclusions across regions. Pregnancy experiences are largely determined by social hierarchies and the quality of relationships within and outside of the household. These factors limit the potential for individual factors, such as education and empowerment, to improve experiences of pregnancy for girls married early

    Quality appraisal for high, medium, and low relevance studies, as determined using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) quality appraisal tool and the relevance of the study to the review question, organised by country and year of publication.

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    Quality appraisal for high, medium, and low relevance studies, as determined using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) quality appraisal tool and the relevance of the study to the review question, organised by country and year of publication.</p

    Summary of responses for each question from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool and overall relevance for all included studies (n = 79).

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    Summary of responses for each question from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool and overall relevance for all included studies (n = 79).</p

    Completed PRISMA 2020 checklist addressing the reporting of review components in the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion sections of a systematic review report.

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    Completed PRISMA 2020 checklist addressing the reporting of review components in the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion sections of a systematic review report.</p