32 research outputs found

    Razlikovanje Rhizoctonia spp. Na osnovu antigenih osobina

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    Antigenic properties and serological relationship was investigated in binucleate and multinucleate Rhizoctonia spp. isolates from strawberries soybean, alfalfa and potato plants from Serbia, from Spain, anastomosis group testers and in strawberry roots inoculated with binucleate Rhizoctonia AG A and AG I. Two polyclonal antisera, unabsorbed and cross absorbed, were used in dot-immunobinding assay for these investigations. Antisera were produced against mycelial antigens of two isolates, which belong to different anastomosis groups (AG) of binucleate Rhizoctonia - AG A and AG I. Both unabsorbed antisera reacted positively with all tested Rhizoctonia spp. isolates, and the reaction was absent with control isolates (Pythium sp. Agaricus sp. and Fusarium sp). The results prove a close serological relationship among Rhizoctonia spp. isolates, and diversity between Rhizoctonia spp. and isolates from different taxonomic groups. Also, both unabsorbed antisera reacted with higher intensity with closely related antigens (belonging to the same AG) than with ones from another AG of binucleate Rhizoctonia or R. solani (multinucleate Rhizoctonia). After cross absorption specificity of the antisera was enhanced, especially with the antiserum raised against mycelial proteins of binucleate Rhizoctonia AG I. This antiserum reacted positively only with antigens from the same AG, after cross absorption with antigens from AG A of binucleate Rhizoctonia and from R. solani AG 2-2. It proved to be specific to AG I of binucleate Rhizoctonia, and able to differentiate isolates of this AG from others. In this way the serological homology among isolates of one AG was proven, and also the diversity among isolates which belong to different AGs of binucleate Rhizoctonia as well as isolates of R. solani.Antigene osobine i serološki medjuodnosi ispitivani su kod dvojedarnih i višejedarnih Rhizoctonia spp., izolovanih iz jagode, soje, lucerke i krompira prikupljenih na teritoriji Srbije, izolata iz Španije, standard izolata anastomoznih grupa i izolata prisutnih u zaraženom korenu jagode. Ispitivanja su obavljena dot-blot metodom primenom dva poliklonalna antiseruma, pre i posle unakrsne apsorpcije. Antiserumi su proizvedeni na miceliju dva izolata, pripadnika različitih anastomoznih grupa (AG) dvojedarnih Rhizoctonia spp. - AG A i AG I. Neapsorbovani antiserumi pozitivno su reagovali sa svim ispitivanim izolatima Rhizoctonia spp.,dok su reakcije izostale sa kontrolnim izolatima (Pythium sp., Agaricus sp. i Fusarium sp), što dokazuje serološku srodnost izmedju izolata Rhizoctonia spp., kao i serološku različitost Rhizoctonia spp. od izolata drugih taksonomskih grupa. Osim toga, reakcija oba neapsorbovana antiseruma bila je intenzivnija sa srodnim izolatima (pripadnicima iste AG), nego sa izolatima druge AG dvojedarnih Rhizoctonia ili R. solani (višejedarna Rhizoctonia) što govori o većoj serološkoj srodnosti u okviru jedne AG. Unakrsnom apsorpcijom antiseruma srodnost izolata iz iste grupe je i potvrdjena. Specifičnost antiseruma na ovaj način se povećava, što je naročito izraženo kod antiseruma proizvedenog na proteine micelije dvojedarne Rhizoctonia AG I. Ovaj antiserum je, nakon apsorpcije antigenom iz AG A i R. solani AG-2-2 pozitivno reagovao samo sa homologim antigenima (izolati iz AG I), odnosno ovaj antiserum može razlikovati izolate AG I dvojedarnih Rhizoctonia od ostalih Rhizoctonia spp. Na ovaj način potvrdjena je serološka srodnost izmedju izolata iste AG, i serološke razlike u odnosu na pripadnike drugih AG kako dvojedarnih Rhizoctonia spp. tako i R. solani

    Antigene osobine kao taksonomski kriterijum za razlikovanje Alternaria spp. patogenih za mrkvu i peršun

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    Identification of Alternaria genus species is a very complicated process which demands broadly designed investigations and studying of great number of properties which together can be considered as satisfying taxonomic criteria. The main objective of these investigations was examining the possibilities of applying the antigenic characteristics of Alternaria spp. phytopathogenic fungi as a taxonomic criterion, as well as introducing the serological methods for their identification. Conducting the examination of Alternaria spp., pathogenic for Apiaceae plants in Serbia, several isolates were obtained and identified as Alternaria radicina, A. petroselini, A. dauci and A. alternata, based on the conventional mycological methods and host range, as well as on molecular detection and partial characterization. The investigation included 12 isolates from plant leaves, seeds and soil which were pathogenic mainly to carrot and parsley and were identified as A. radicina, A. petroselini, A. dauci and A. alternate. Investigated isolates were compared with each other, as well as with standard isolates for the mentioned species (a total of 5 isolates, originating from USA and EU). During the investigation of serological characteristics of Alternaria spp. firstly a polyclonal antiserum was prepared against one isolate from Serbia identified as A. dauci. This antiserum was specific to Alternaria genus while there was no reaction with antigens from other phytopathogenic fungi genera (Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Agaricus). Antiserum titer, determined by slide agglutination test, was 1/32. Antigenic characteristics of Alternaria genus fungi were examined by Electro-Blot-Immunoassay serological method (EBIA, Western blot), i.e. their protein profiles were compared. Investigated Alternaria spp. isolates showed different protein band profiles in gel and on nitrocellulose paper, and the observed differences were in complete correlation with the results of the previous identification. All investigated isolates, both domestic and the standards, were similar to each other, and they could be correctly identified to the species level using EBIA. Besides grouping to the species level, antigenic characteristics indicated similarities and differences among the isolates within the same and different species, showing their complex relationships which properly reflect their diversity in nature. In all the previous investigations of Alternaria genus fungi up to now, there have been no data about their serological characteristics as possible taxonomic criteria. Introduction of this group of characteristics represents an important contribution both to the taxonomy and implementation of fast and accurate methods of phytopathogenic fungi identification.Identifikacija vrsta u okviru roda Alternaria je veoma složen proces koji zahteva široko postavljena ispitivanja i proučavanje većeg broja osobina koje zajedno predstavljaju zadovoljavajuće taksonomske kriterijume. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita mogućnost primene antigenih osobina fitopatogenih gljiva iz roda Alternaria kao taksonomskog kriterijuma, kao i uvođenje seroloških metoda za njihovu identifikaciju. Proučavajući gljive iz roda Alternaria koje su patogene za gajene biljke iz fam. Apiaceae u našoj zemlji, dobijeno je više izolata koji su, na osnovu proučavanja konvencionalnim metodama i kruga domaćina, kao i molekularne detekcije i delimične karakterizacije, razvrstani u četiri vrste: Alternaria radicina A. petroselini, A. dauci i A. alternata. U ispitivanja je bilo uključeno 12 izolata poreklom sa lista, semena ili iz zemlje, koji su ispoljavali patogenost prvenstveno prema mrkvi i peršunu i identifikovani da pripadaju vrstama A. radicina, A. petroselini, A. dauci i A. alternata. Ispitivani izolati su međusobno upoređivani kao i sa standardima za navedene vrste (ukupno 5 izolata, poreklom iz SAD i EU). Prilikom ispitivanja seroloških osobina Alternaria spp., prvo je pripremljen poliklonalni antiserum na izolat iz Srbije, koji je identifikovan kao A. dauci. Antiserum je ispoljio specifičnost za rod Alternaria, dok nije reagovao sa antigenima iz drugih rodova fitopatogenih gljiva (Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Agaricus). Titar antiseruma, ispitivan metodom aglutinacije na pločici, bio je 1/32. Antigene osobine gljiva iz roda Alternaria proučavane su primenom elektroforetsko-adsorpciono-imunoenzimske serološke metode (EBIA, Western blot), odnosno upoređivani su njihovi proteinski profili. Ispitivani izolati Alternaria spp. ispoljili su različite profile proteinskih traka u gelu i na nitroceluloznom papiru, a uočene razlike su, u potpunosti, odgovarale rezultatima prethodne identifikacije. Navedeni izolati, domaći kao i standardi, ispoljili su međusobne sličnosti i mogli su biti pravilno identifikovane do nivoa vrste, primenom EBIA. Pored grupisanja do nivoa vrsta, antigene osobine su ukazale na postojanje sličnosti i razlika između izolata unutar istih, odnosno različitih vrsta, ukazujući na njihove veoma složene međuodnose koji verno oslikavaju diverzitet postojanja ovih gljiva u prirodi. U dosadašnjim proučavanjima gljiva iz roda Alternaria, ne postoje podaci o njihovim serološkim osobinama kao mogućim taksonomskim kriterijumima. Uvođenje ove grupe osobina, predstavlja značajan doprinos kako u taksonomiji, tako i u primeni brzih i tačnih metoda identifikacije fitopatogenih gljiva

    Višejedarna Rhizoctonia sp. - patogen šećerne repe i osetljivost sorti u polju

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    Sugar beet root rot has severely occurred in our country recently, especially in localities of Pazova, Pećinci, Ruma, Sremska Mitrovica and Šid. From diseased roots as well as from soil collected from the localities where decay occurred, fungal isolates were obtained by bait plant method. Based on their characteristics, they were identified as multinucleate Rhizoctonia sp. During the year of 2004 in Mitrosrem trial field T-11, where the presence of multinucleate Rhizoctonia sp. was confirmed, an experiment under the coordination of Committee for Acknowledgement and Registration of New Cultivars in our country was conducted in order to determine cultivars' tolerance, i.e. their susceptibility and possibility for growing on infested fields. Six cultivars of sugar beet, Laetitia (as standard) and five new ones were included in the investigation. The trial was conducted in accordance with the established and accepted method (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources, Republic of Serbia). Susceptibility of investigated cultivars was evaluated according to significant production characteristics root yield, sugar content, corrected sugar content, thick juice Q, molasses sugar, content of K, Na and amino-N, polarized sugar yield and white sugar yield, as it was recommended by the method. Conducted investigations have revealed that tested sugar beet cultivars showed different reactions to natural infection with multinucleate Rhizoctonia sp. Concerning root yield as the most important agricultural characteristic, statistically significantly higher yield was obtained with the cultivar under code mark 5 (61.120 kg/ha) whereas the cultivar marked under code 6 had significantly lower yield comparing to the standard (38.100 kg/ha).Poslednjih godina uočeno je masovno propadanje šećerne repe u našoj zemlji i to u lokalitetima Pazove, Pećinaca, Rume, Sremske Mitrovice i Šida. Iz obolelih korenova i iz zemljišta prikupljenog sa terena gde je propadanje uočeno, metodom mamaka izolovana je gljiva koja je po svojim osobinama identifikovana kao višejedarna Rhizoctonia sp. U toku 2004. godine na parceli Mitrosrema T-11 gde je izolacijom dokazano prisustvo višejedarne Rhizoctonia sp., postavljen je ogled u okviru sortne komisije za priznavanje i registraciju novih sorti u našoj zemlji sa ciljem utvrđivanja tolerantnosti, odnosno osetljivosti pojedinih sorti i time njihove pogodnosti za gajenje na infestiranom zemljištu. U ispitivanja je uključeno 6 sorti šećerne repe: Laetitia (kao standard) i još pet novih sorti. Ogled je posejan po utvrđenoj i prihvaćenoj metodi sortne komisije (Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije). Osetljivost ispitivanih sorti ocenjivana je na osnovu značajnih proizvodnih osobina: prinos korena, polarizacija, korigovani sadržaj šećera Q gustog soka, sadržaja sećera u melasi, sadržaja K, Na i amino N, prinos polarizacionog šećera i prinos kristalnog šećera, kako to metoda i zahteva. Na osnovu obavljenih istraživanja ustanovljeno je da se ispitivane sorte šećerne repe različito ponašaju u uslovima prirodne zaraze višejedarnom Rhizoctonia sp. U pogledu prinosa, kao najvažnije proizvodne karakteristike, statistički značajno viši prinos od standarda ispoljila je sorta koja se vodi pod šifrom 5 (61.120 kg/ha), dok je sorta koja se vodi pod šifrom 6 imala statistički značajno niži prinos u poređenju sa standardom (38.100 kg/ha)

    Biološka i serološka karakterizacija virusa tikvica u Jugoslaviji

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    A survey on summer squash open field crops was carried out during 2000 and 2001 in order to identify the major viruses infecting these crops in different localities. Plants showed different types of symptoms: mild mosaic, chlorotic spotting, distinctive mosaic, blistering of leaf lamina leaf yellowing, deformation of leaf lamina, knobbed fruits and stunting of plants. The symptoms were very variable but showed the viral nature of the investigated summer squash diseases. The collected samples were tested by bioassay and by two serological methods ELISA and EBIA using cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV), zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus (ZYMV), watermelon mosaic potyvirus 2 (WMV-2), zucchini yellow flack potyvirus (ZYFV) watermelon mosaic potyvirus 1 (WMV-1), squash mosaic comovirus (SqMV) and cucurbit aphid-borne yellows polerovirus (CABYV) polyclonal antisera. In all tested samples single or mixed infection with ZYMV, CMV and WMV-2 was detected. The most prevalent virus infecting summer squash was ZYMV. This is the first report of ZYMV, the most destructive virus infecting cucurbits, in Yugoslavia. It was also proven that the identified viruses are transmissible by Aphis gossypii in a non-persistent manner, but possible role of seed in virus transmission was not confirmed.U toku 2000. i 2001. godine izvršen je pregled useva tikvica za jelo da bi se identifikovali osnovni virusi infektivni za tikvice u različitim lokalitetima. Biljke su pokazivale različite simptome: blagi mozaik hlorotičnu pegavost, izraženi mozaik, klobučavost liske, žućenje lista deformacije liske, bradavičaste izraštaje na plodu i kržljavost biljaka. Simptomi su veoma varijabilni i na osnovu njih se ne može obaviti determinacija virusa prouzrokovača oboljenja. Sakupljeni uzorci su testirani biotestom, kao i sa dve serološke metode, ELISA i EBIA korišćenjem poliklonalnih antiseruma na cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV), zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus (ZYMV), watermelon mosaic potyvirus 2 (WMV-2) zucchini yellow flack potyvirus (ZYFV), watermelon mosaic potyvirus 1 (WMV-1), squash mosaic comovirus (SqMV) i cucurbit aphid-borne yellows polerovirus (CABYV). U svim ispitivanim uzorcima dokazana je pojedinačna ili mešana infekcija sa ZYMV, WMV-2 i CMV. Najčešće infekcije su bile sa ZYMV. Ovaj virus, jedan od najdestruktivnijih virusa na vrežastim kulturama, prvi put je konstatovan u našoj zemlji. Takođe je utvrđeno da se identifikovani virusi prenose na neperzistentan način vašima Aphis gossypii, a moguća uloga semena u pojavi oboljenja nije potvrđena

    Identifikacija virusa infektivnih za običnu tikvu (Cucurbita pepo L.) u Jugoslaviji

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    This study was carried out in order to identify the major viruses infecting pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo)grown in Serbia. Leaf samples from virus-infected pumpkin plants were collected in mid-July 2001. Naked-seeded and hulled oil pumpkins, patty pan, zucchini and summer squash from three different locations were included (Table 1). Virus-infected plants showed different symptoms (Table 2 and Figures 1-4). Due to the great variability of the symptoms, the causal viruses could not be fully and precisely determined by visual examination only. The infected samples were tested by the biotest, as well as by two serological methods, ELISA and EBIA. Polyclonal antibodies raised against cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV), zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus (ZYMV), watermelon mosaic potyvirus 1 (WMV-1), watermelon mosaic potyvirus 2 (WMV-2) and squash mosaic comovirus (SqMV) were used. In each of the 50 collected samples one or two viruses were detected (Tables 3 and 4). The most prevalent viruses infecting pumpkins were ZYMV (62%) and CMV (58%). WMV-2 was extremely rare.Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se identifikuju najvažniji virusi tikava (Cucurbita pepo L) gajenih u Srbiji. Uzorci biljnog materijala uljane tikve-golice, uljane tikve sa ljuskom, tikvice za jelo, patisona i cukinija koji su bili zaraženi virusima, sakupljeni su u tri lokaliteta sredinom jula 2001. godine (tab. 1). Biljke zaražene virusima pokazivale su različite simptome (tab. 2 i sl. 1-4). Tačna determinacija virusa samo na osnovu simptoma nije moguća zbog varijabilnosti samih simptoma. Zaraženi uzorci su testirani biotestom kao i primenom dve serološke metode, ELISA i EBIA korišćenjem poliklonalnih antitela na Cucumber mosaic cucomovirus (CMV) Zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus (ZYMV), Watermelon mosaic potyvirus 2 (WMV-2), Watermelon mosaic potyvirus 1 (WMV-1) i Squash mosaic comovirus (SqMV). U 50 ispitanih uzoraka detektovan je jedan ili dva virusa (tab. 3 i 4). Preovlađujući virusi tikava bili su ZYMV (62%) i CMV (58%). WMV-2 je detektovan u veoma malom broju uzoraka

    Opšti principi kontrole virusnih oboljenja duvana sa posebnim osvrtom na virus mozaika duvana

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    Tobacco can be infected with a large number of viruses and some of them are of great economic importance. Since the control of virus diseases is very complicated it makes the significance of tobacco viruses even greater. Although there are no direct chemical measures against viruses and there are no possibilities to cure diseased plants, it is still possible to control the diseases efficiently. In this respect good knowledge of biology and epidemiology of viruses is essential. There is a whole set of measures mostly preventive, in connection with the primary and secondary means of virus spread. That is why it is important to know basic virus characteristics, inoculum sources and the ways of transmission of viruses in nature described in this paper. Even though the choice of control strategy depends on the specific virus, there are some general principles shown in this article. The paper specially focuses on tobacco mosaic virus as the most important virus disease of tobacco in our environment. All sanitary measures which have to be strictly conducted in transplant and crop production have been specified. Significance of the use of resistant cultivars and efficient crop rotation were stressed. The possibilities of biological control measures as well as development of molecular strategies which result in transgenic tobacco plants resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, have also been demonstrated.Duvan je domaćin velikog broja virusa. Neki od njih su prouzrokovači značajnih ekonomskih šteta. Zbog veoma složene kontrole virusnih oboljenja značaj virusa duvana je još veći. Iako protiv virusa nema direktnih hemijskih mera borbe i nema mogućnosti izlečenja zaraženih biljaka, ipak se može i mora sprovoditi kontrola oboljenja. Postoji čitav niz mera, pre svega preventivnih, koje su vezane za načine primarnog i sekundarnog širenja virusa. Zbog toga je neophodno poznavanje osnovnih karakteristika virusa izvora inokuluma i načina širenja virusa u prirodi. Mada izbor određene strategije kontrole zavisi od određenog virusa, postoje i opšti principi koji su izneti u ovom radu. U tom kontekstu je, u ovom radu, izneto šta je sve potrebno znati o virusu mozaika duvana kako bi se smanjila njegova štetnost u proizvodnji duvana. Pored toga, navedene su i one sanitarne mere kojih se treba strogo pridržavati i u proizvodnji rasada i pri gajenju useva duvana na otvorenom polju. Osim toga, ukazano je na značaj korišćenja otpornih sorti i primene plodoreda. Dat je pregled mogućnosti kontrole oboljenja koje pružaju biološke mere borbe, kao i razvijanje molekularnih strategija stvaranjem transgenih biljaka otpornih na virus mozaika duvana

    Prisustvo i rasprostranjenost virusa duvana u Srbiji

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    Infection with a large number of plant viruses could imperil tobacco yield and quality. Tobacco is a natural host for more than 20 viruses, among which the most important and economically harmful are tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), potato virus Y (PVY), alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), tobacco ring-spot virus (TRSV), tobacco each virus (TEV) and tobacco vein mottling virus (TVMV). The occurrence and distribution of tobacco viruses were investigated for 4 years (20022005). During this period many different tobacco growing localities in Vojvodina and central Serbia were monitored and samples showing virus symptoms were collected. The collected samples were tested by DAS ELISA using polyclonal antisera, specific for the detection of PVY, TSWV, TMV, CMV, AMV and TRSV. The results obtained for the tobacco virus distribution during these four years of investigation proved the presence of four economically important viruses in our country, whose frequencies varied from year to year. In 2002, 2003 and 2004, the most frequent was TSWV (86.84%; 79% and 49.56%, respectively), while in 2005 PVY was prevalent (56.16%). All viruses detected in the samples tested were present in single or mixed infections. A correlation was established between the field symptoms on tobacco and the virus causal agents. The results obtained showed that TSWV and PVY were the most important tobacco viruses in our country, so that further research of tobacco virus diseases should be directed towards their more detailed characterization.Prinos i kvalitet duvana mogu da budu ugroženi usled zaraze velikim brojem fitopatogenih virusa. Duvan je prirodni domaćin preko 20 virusa od kojih su najznačajniji i ekonomski najštetniji virus mozaika duvana (Tobacco mosaic virus, TMV), virus bronzavosti paradajza (Tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV), virus mozaika krastavca (Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV), virus crtičastog mozaika krompira (Potato virus Y, PVY), virus mozaika lucerke (Alfalfa mosaic virus, AMV), virus prstenaste pegavosti duvana (Tobacco ringspot virus, TRSV), virus graviranosti duvana (Tobacco each virus, TEV) i virus šarenila nerava duvana (Tobacco vein mottling virus, TVMV). Prisustvo i rasprostranjenost virusnih zaraza duvana su ispitivani tokom četiri godine, od 2002. do 2005. Pregled i sakupljanje uzoraka sa simptomima obavljeno je u više različitih lokaliteta gajenja duvana u Vojvodini i centralnoj Srbiji. Sakupljeni uzorci su testirani DASELISA metodom na prisustvo PVY, TSWV, TMV, CMV, AMV i TRSV. Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja ukazuju na prisustvo četiri ekonomski značajna virusa duvana u našoj zemlji i to: TSWV, PVY, TMV i CMV, čija je učestalost po pojedinim godinama i lokalitetima bila različita. Tokom 2002, 2003. i 2004. godine najčešće detektovan virus bio je TSWV (86,84%; 70%, odnosno 49,56%), dok je 2005. godine prevalentan virus bio PVY (56,16%). Svi virusi čije je prisustvo utvrđeno u ispitivanim uzorcima nalazili su se u pojedinačnim ili mešanim infekcijama. Bez obzira na izraženu varijabilnost u ispoljenim simptomima virusnih zaraza na duvanu, ustanovljena je zavisnost tipa ispoljenih simptoma od virusa prouzrokovača. Sprovedena ispitivanja pokazala su da su TSWV i PVY najznačajniji virusi duvana u našoj zemlji, tako da buduća ispitivanja viroza duvana treba da budu usmerena ka detaljnijoj karakterizaciji ovih ekonomski štetnih virusa

    Essential-oil composition of parsley and celery conventionally and organically grown in Vojvodina

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    Celery (Apium graveolens L.) and parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) are aromatic umbelliferous plants widely used as spices in the human diet due to the presence of essential oils. The chemical composition of the essential oils of aromatic plants can vary depending on the geographical origin, type of soil and agricultural practices [1,2].                In the present study, the influence of location (type of soil) and agricultural practices on the chemical composition of essential oils of parsley and celery leaf was investigated. The samples of both organically and conventionally grown plants were collected from different locations in the province of Vojvodina. The essential oil was isolated by hydrodistillation and then subjected to GC-MS analysis. Identification of chemical constituents was based on a comparison of their retention indices and mass spectra with spectral libraries and literature data. The main components of the essential oils obtained from parsley leaves were 1,3,8-menthatriene (22.8-50.9%), myristicin (12.8-36.8%), β-phellandrene (14.1-29.0%), and β-myrcene (1.4-12.7%). Celery leaf essential oils were mainly composed of β-phellandrene (41.7-72.6%), limonene (10.2-31.1%), and β-pinene (4.8-19.3%). The results obtained showed that there was no significant difference in the qualitative composition between the samples from different locations as well as between those grown in the conventional or organic way. On the other hand, the relative amount of particular compounds significantly varied between the samples in general, thus the correlation between their content and cultivation conditions or soil type could not be established.                In conclusion, the way of production has no specific effect on the qualitative composition of parsley and celery essential oils, although it can affect the relative quantity of their constituents

    Prisustvo i rasprostranjenost virusa duvana u Crnoj Gori

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    Seven important tobacco viruses were investigated in Montenegro in 2005: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV), Potato Virus Y (PVY), Alfalfa Mosaic Virus (AMV), Tobacco Ring Spot Virus (TRSV) and Potato Virus X (PVX). This investigation included sample collection from four tobacco growing regions in Montenegro and their serological testing by DAS-ELISA test. Presence of different strains of PVY was investigated as well using DAS ELISA test with specific monoclonal antibodies. Serological results proved the presence of four tobacco viruses (TMV, CMV, PVY and AMV), while TSWV, TRSV and PVX were not found in the tested samples of tobacco crops in Montenegro. The results also showed that TMV and CMV were the most frequent (44.6% and 41.5% of tested samples, respectively) followed by PVY (15.4%) and the least frequent AMV (3.1%). Most samples were infected with one of the examined viruses. In the PVY population found in Montenegro, its necrotic strain (PVYN) was absolutely predominant. The results indicated the significance of TMV and CMV concerning tobacco viral infections in Montenegro, as well as a necessity of their detailed characterization at biological and molecular level.Istraživanja prisustva i rasprostranjenosti sedam ekonomski značajnijih virusa duvana: virusa mozaika duvana (Tobacco Mosaic Virus, TMV), virusa bronzavosti paradajza (Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, TSWV), virusa mozaika krastavca (Cucumber Mosaic Virus, CMV), virusa crtičastog mozaika krompira (Potato Virus Y, PVY), virusa mozaika lucerke (Alfalfa Mosaic Virus, AMV), virusa prstenaste pegavosti duvana (Tobacco Ringspot Virus, TRSV) i virusa mozaika krompira (Potato Virus X, PVX) su obavljena na teritoriji Crne Gore tokom 2005. godine. Uzorci su sakupljeni u četiri različita lokaliteta gajenja duvana i testirani na prisustvo virusa primjenom DAS-ELISA testa. Serološkim analizama utvrđeno je prisustvo četiri ispitivana virusa: TMV, CMV, PVY i AMV, dok prisustvo TSWV, TRSV i PVX nije konstatovano u usjevima duvana u Crnoj Gori. Najveću zastupljenost imali su TMV (44.6%) i CMV (41.5%). Treći po raširenosti bio je PVY (15.4%), a četvrti AMV (3.1%). Takođe, primjenom DAS-ELISA testa i monoklonalnih antiseruma specifičnih za različite sojeve PVY, utvrđena je apsolutna dominantnost nekrotičnog soja (PVYN) u populaciji PVY. Rezultati ispitivanja su ukazali na značaj TMV i CMV u proizvodnji duvana u Crnoj Gori, ali i na neophodnost njihove detaljne karakterizacije na biološkom i molekularnom nivou i sprovođenje odgovarajućih mjera kontrole