39 research outputs found

    Development and application of micromechanical techniques for characterising interfacial shear strength in fibre-thermoplastic composites

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    The development of single fibre pull-out and microbond tests for characterising interfacial strength in thermoplastic composites is reviewed in detail. Manufacture of an experimental jig and sample preparation regimes for both tests are described. The challenges addressed in the sample preparation include the measurement of embedded fibre length for pull-out samples and the low yield rate of axisymmetric resin droplets obtained during sample preparation under nitrogen. The applications of these laboratory developed techniques are demonstrated by characterisation of the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of glass fibre-polypropylene (GF-PP) and natural fibre-polylactic acid (NF-PLA). The comparison of the IFSS between neat and modified GF-PP showed that both methods were sensitive to the interfacial performance change despite the poor agreement between them for the absolute IFSS values from the same composite. The effect of the material modification was also reflected in load-displacement curves with different behaviour of the frictional motion after complete debonding. When a high level of fibre-matrix adhesion was realised in the composites with weak fibres, the microbond test showed higher feasibility for characterising the IFSS. This was clearly shown in its application to NF-PLA

    Mainstreaming sustainability and LCA in product data under standard ISO 10303 and PLM

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    El incremento de complejidad tecnológica junto a la incorporación de la sostenibilidad a los procesos de diseño y desarrollo de productos que aparece en un gran número de industrias altamente competitivas, exige la introducción de un conjunto de técnicas de diseño y fabricación basado en el uso intensivo de la tecnología informática, así como la utilización de métodos sistemáticos de captura, elaboración y transmisión de la información referida al producto / proceso. Estos métodos siguen unos estándares de transferencia de datos a través de la ISO 10303 y sus protocolos de aplicación en cada sector. Es por ello, que deviene una necesidad de integrar la información proveniente de los estudios de sostenibilidad y ACV en dichos estándares así como la repercusión en los protocolos de aplicación (APs) y su gestión en el PLM de la empresa.The increasing technological complexity and the incorporation of sustainability to the processes of design and development of products appearing on a large number of highly competitive industries, requires the introduction of a set of design and manufacturing techniques based on intensive use of computer technology, as well as the use of systematic methods of harvesting, processing and transmission of information relating to product / process. These methods follow standards of data transfer through ISO 10303 protocols and their implementation in each sector. That is why, it becomes a necessity to integrate information from studies of sustainability and LCA in these standards as well as the impact on application protocols (APs) and their management in the PLM company

    Padre Lebret, Frei Benevenuto e o movimento Economia e Humanismo em São Paulo (1947-1966)

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    RESUMO Este artigo analisa os trabalhos do movimento Economia e Humanismo na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1947 e 1966, por intermédio das ações do padre francês Lebret e do frei brasileiro Benevenuto, duas figuras relevantes para a consolidação desse movimento na capital Paulista. O texto é inaugurado com o delineamento dos principais movimentos do catolicismo brasileiro entre as décadas de 1920 e 1950 - contexto relevante para compreender a trajetória desses religiosos -, a primeira viagem do dominicano francês ao Brasil, o curso que ele ministrou na Escola Livre de Sociologia Política e sua atuação na fundação da SAGMACS. Depois é traçado um paralelo entre a Economia e Humanismo no Brasil e na França, em 1948 e 1949, quando o dominicano brasileiro participou de um estágio na sede do movimento e viajou por países europeus. Em seguida, avalia-se a atuação deles na SAGMACS e na equipe paulista de Economia e Humanismo durante os anos 1950, assim como as pesquisas contratadas por órgãos públicos, o I Congresso Internacional de Economia Humana e outras atividades em São Paulo. E a parte final do artigo analisa a dissolução da SAGMACS após o Golpe Civil-Militar de 1964 e a amizade entre Frei Benevenuto e Padre Lebret

    La Jeanne d’Arc de Georges Méliès

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    Au printemps 1900, Georges Méliès met en scène Jeanne d’Arc (n° 264-275 de son catalogue). C’est son deuxième film à tableaux après Cendrillon (1899), et son premier film qui dépasse les 200 mètres ; mais, contrairement à Cendrillon qui accumule vingt tableaux pour six plans-décors seulement, Jeanne d’Arc compte autant de plans-décors – douze – que de tableaux. Ce sont les deux premiers très grands succès de Méliès. Jeanne d’Arc est omniprésente dans les études sur les débuts du spectacle cin..

    Experience feedback in product lifecycle management

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    Given the popularity of industrial enterprises for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) information systems capable of supporting the entire product development process, we see the emergence of new needs and new research directions in the operation of these dynamic complex environments. Reference standards are applicable to the services and industries which bring innovation and technologies to a fastgrowing and demanding market. To obtain perfect control of business risks and performance and to ensure “zero defect”, standards specific to the fields of transport, emergency (IRIS IN 9100 ...) and generic standards (ISO 9001 ...) are more restrictive. They involve full transparency and rigor in flawless quality management processes and monitoring products. In this field, knowledge management is paramount; it helps improve overall performance of industrial systems by structuring the information assets acquired by the company stakeholders. In a way, it is the substantive development of our research. We detailed the approach adopted to implement the Experience Feedback (EF) system dedicated to the product in the PLM business. We presented a first action with the objective of formalizing the implicit experiences generated following the response to a triggering event. In this work, we mainly considered negative events for which the information to be collected are clearly identified. We propose an approach combining Problem Solving and EF adapting the level of commitment to the criticality or importance of the problem addressed. To instantiate this approach in PLM, we have chosen to rely on the Change Management Process (CMP) because, firstly, it involves changes in product data and, secondly, it usually concerns driving developments for correction or improvement of the technical specifications related to the production process

    Impasse budgétaire et incompressibilité des dépenses publiques au Maroc : Mise en Lumière d’un Rapport Critique

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    Le présent essai entre en résonnance avec la situation de la crise fiscale et budgétaire traversant le Maroc où il est mis, en évidence, un monde économique et financier dominé plus par un conflit social se faisant vivement sentir en permanence, moins par la rationalité économique. Un monde où sont en lutte obstinée en effet, élus, administrateurs, groupes sociaux et lobbies (agricoles en particulier) ; pour faire triompher des visions divergentes, marchander ou décrocher des privilèges fiscaux ; et sur un autre plan, les politiques de réduction des dépenses publiques engendrent un douloureux destin social devant composer avec les stratégies des acteurs tant nationaux qu’internationaux

    La fabrication des combustibles nucléaires à la COGEMA.

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    Les auteurs présentent le contexte général dans lequel se sont organisées en France les activités de fabrication des combustibles nucléaires. Ils décrivent ensuite la conception et la fabrication des combustibles destinés aux réacteurs de la filière graphite-gaz et à ceux de la filière à neutrons rapides (Super-Phénix)