629 research outputs found

    "Posao iz ljubavi?" Rad u kućanstvu i neformalna njega starijih i nemoćnih osoba u suvremenoj Hrvatskoj

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    In recent years, domestic work has become the centre of many scientific studies. Still, in most cases, disregarding its specific aspects and features, domestic work is displayed as a homogeneous category. In contrast, by observing daily activities and narrations of the live-in eldercare workers, specific working conditions, dispositional attitudes, duties and obligations are disclosed. The article suggests that in order to fully comprehend the extent of the eldercare work it is equally important to place the research where care work is located – within the domestic space. Hence, only by entering the deepest void of this work, space for exploitation, struggle and invisibility can be reduced to a minimum.Posljednjih je godina rad u kućanstvu u fokusu mnogobrojnih znanstvenih istraživanja. No, u većini se slučajeva prikazuje kao homogena kategorija. Promatrajući svakodnevne aktivnosti i naracije dvadesetčetverosatnih njegovateljica starijih i nemoćnih osoba, ovaj članak ukazuje na specifične uvjete takvog rada u kućanstvu, koje podrazumijeva psiho-fizičku i emotivnu spremnost te višestruke obaveze i dužnosti. Međutim, ukoliko se žele u potpunosti shvatiti razmjeri i uvjeti rada njegovateljica starijih osoba, jednako je važno pristupiti analizi prostora u kojemu je taj rad lociran – kućnog prostora. Time se mjesto za eksploataciju, podređenost, nesigurnost i nevidljivost svodi na minimum

    Civil Associations and Urban Modernity in the Late Austro-Hungarian Periphery

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    The paper presents an overview of civil associations present in the Austro-Hungarian cities of Rijeka, Zagreb and Pula between 1890 and 1910. Following political and social transformations after the establishment of the Dual Monarchy, citizenship acquired new meaning and defined new boundaries between the state and its citizens both in terms of status and practice. By analysing the types and aims of the associations, the paper argues that these newly established social and cultural practices became places of socialisation and social interaction, as well as means of construction of a distinct bourgeois identity. In addition, the public life of this vast scenario of associative experiences enabled a vibrant urban landscape in the fin de siècle modernity

    A Framework for Sustainable Procurement Practice in the Irish Construction Industry

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    The Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector has been called upon to develop innovative strategies to drive sustainability. Despite the efforts and commitments made, their performance is still observed to be low, this has been linked to the low level of understanding of practitioners. Also noted was the lack of interest by firms due to the uncertainty of the benefits of committing to long term investments. Nevertheless, academic literature and reports have stated that firms nowadays utilise their procurement mechanism to drive their sustainability practice. However, there is a gap in understanding how construction firms adopt and embed sustainability in their procurement process. Data was collected through the mixed-methods approach, and the single embedded case study strategy was used to understand an organisation\u27s sustainable procurement practice from the organisational and project level. Different statistical methods were used in analysing the data obtained. The findings revealed that construction-contracting firms have developed various policies and strategies aimed at promoting their sustainable procurement practice. These strategies were found to include investment in their core capabilities, development of long-term relationships and close collaboration with their supply chains. The adoption and utilisation of digital technology tools and resources were also found to have added value to the firm operations. However, it was noted that the level of collaboration within the firm in terms of sharing of information was quite challenging. Therefore, firms will have to develop strategies that will enable them to provide real-time data to disclose their sustainability performance. The study contributed to knowledge by unveiling the internal organisational strategies of large firms in driving sustainable procurement. Also, the study developed and validated a framework that will aid construction firms in disclosing and implementing their sustainable procurement strategy. Disclosing sustainability performance of construction firms enable their clients and the public to be aware of their contribution towards the sustainable development objectives

    Effects of Blended Fertilizer Rates on Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Varieties on Growth and Yield Attributes

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    Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important food crop and source of income for farmers at Tiyo district in Eastern Arsi, Ethiopia. Field experiment was conducted at Tiyo district on farmer's field in 2018 main cropping season to evaluate response of bread wheat varieties to blended (NPSB) fertilizer rates. Factorial combination of two improved bread wheat varieties (Wane and Kingbird) and eight treatments [Control, Recommended NP (150 kg ha-1 TSP (69%P2O5 ) + 158.7 kg ha-1 Urea (73 N)), 100 kg NPSB (18.1N + 36.1P2O5 + 6.7S + 0.71B), 100 kg NPSB +  recommended urea (46 kg N) , 150 kg NPSB + recommended urea, 200 kg NPSB + recommended urea, 250 kg NPSB + recommended urea, 300 kg NPSB + recommended urea.] were laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Results revealed seedling density, plant height, and harvest index were significantly affected by the main effect of fertilizer rate. Days to heading, days to maturity, spike length, seeds per spike, thousand kernel weight and straw yield were significantly affected by the main effect of varieties and fertilizers rates. Grain yield, aboveground dry biomass and number of productive tillers were significantly affected by the interaction effect of varieties and fertilizer rates. The highest seeds per spike (53.9 ), thousand kernel weight  (37.3 g), and straw yield (9071.7 kg ha-1) were recorded from 300 kg NPSB ha-1 application along supplementary urea. Higher grain yield was harvested from Wane (4236 kg ha-1) variety at 300 kg NPSB ha-1 fertilizer rate. Therefore, application of NPSB at the rate of 300 kg NPSB ha-1 in the production of Wane and 200 NPSB kg ha-1 in the production of Kingbird varieties was economically beneficial and recommended for around Kulumsa area. Keywords: Blended fertilizers; economic benefit; yield; main effect DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-15-01 Publication date: August 31st 2019


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    Latar Belakang:Persalinan adalah suatu proses yang dimulai dengan adanya kontraksi uterus yang menyebabkan terjadinya dilatasi progresif dari serviks, kelahiran bayi, dan kelahiran plasenta (Rohani dkk,2011). Peristiwa persalinan dipandang sebagai proses fisiologis dimana sebagian besar perempuan akan mengalaminya, tetapi dapat terjadi komplikasi secara tepat dan tidak diharapkan sehingga diperlukan antisipasi yang tepat dari penolong untuk mengambil keputusan (Deswani,2012). Tujuan:Tujuan pemberian asuhan kebidanan pada ibu bersalin normal yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana asuhan kebidanan persalinan normal dengan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan menurut Varney di Klinik Bersalin Puskesmas Bakunase. Metode Penelitian:yang digunakan yaituMetode deskriptif, Populasi semua ibu inpartu dengan persalinan normal di puskesmas Bakunase, sampel Ny. N.S G1P0A0, UK 41 minggu 4 hari, janin tunggal hidup, intrauterin, letak kepala, keadaan umum ibu dan janin baik. Pembahasan: Berdasarkan asuhan yang dilakukan dimulai dengan pengumpulan data yaitu data subyektif dan obyektif, menginterpretasikan data, menentukan masalah potensial yang tejadi, menentukan tindakan segera yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah potensial, membuat perencanaan berdasarkan kebutuhan yaitu melakukan pertolongan persalinan spontan pervaginam pada ibu bersalin normal, melakukan asuhan kebidanan post partum hingga 2 jam dan mengikuti perkembangan ibu dan bayi selama pemberian asuhan, mengevaluasi, dan melakukan pendokumentasian pada kasus persalinan normal hasilnya ibu dan bayi sehat dan tidak terjadi komplikasi pada ibu maupun bayi. Kesimpulan: Persalinan dimulai ketika adannya tanda-tanda persalinan dan berakhir setelah lahirnya plasenta hingga pemantauan kala IV. Penatalaksanaan dilakukan dengan persalinan normal tanpa episiotomi dengan hasil bayi lahir spontan dengan presentasi belakang kepala langsung menangis dengan pembersihan lendir, tanpa komplikasi baik pada ibu maupun pada janin dan cara yang digunakan dalam asuhan ini menggunakan 7 langkah Varney dan tidak menemui adanya kesenjangan dalam penatalaksanaan dalam pertolongan persalinan dengan pertimbangan ibu Primigravida, keadaan umum ibu dan janin baik. Diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa/mahasiswi

    Investigation of immiscible systems and potential applications

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    The droplet coalescence kinetics at 0 g and 1 g were considered for two systems which contained liquid droplets in a host liquid. One of these (Al-In) typified a system containing a liquid phase miscibility gap and the order (oil-water) a mixture of two essentially insoluble liquids. A number of coalescence mechanisms potentially prominent at low g in this system were analyzed and explanations are presented for the observed unusual stability of the emulsion. Ground base experiments were conducted on the coalescence of In droplets in and Al-In alloy during cooling through the miscibility gap at different cooling rates. These were in qualitative agreement with the computer simulation. Potential applications for systems with liquid phase miscibility gaps were explored. Possibilities included superconductors, electrical contact materials, superplastic materials, catalysts, magnetic materials, and others. The role of space processing in their production was also analyzed

    Worlds Apart: Social Entrepreneurship Discourse in Croatian Media

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    The concepts of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship have been ever more present in public discourse during the past 20–30 years, along with radically different views of the kind and level of socioeconomic or political change that these specific economic ventures (should) aim for. Although social enterprise discourse is often dominated by neoliberal perspectives, which present market-based activity as simply an efficient means of solving all kinds of more or less local and isolated social problems, more critically minded strands of research have been questioning this approach and calling for a broader and more critical perspective. This paper aims to see how these opposing discourses are represented in the Croatian news media, as a discursive sphere which is accessible to a broad public. The analysis focuses on online media in the period 2007–2019 and is based on a comparison between three media types: the online versions of a national daily newspaper and a regional daily newspaper, as well as an online-only progressive non-profit news site. A stark contrast is apparent between mainstream commercial media and alternative non-profit media, i.e. a dominance of neoliberal “enterprise discourse” in the former and more emphasis on a broader political and economic agenda calling for more fundamental, comprehensive and long-term change in the latter
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