28 research outputs found

    Distributed representations for multilingual language processing

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    Distributed representations are a central element in natural language processing. Units of text such as words, ngrams, or characters are mapped to real-valued vectors so that they can be processed by computational models. Representations trained on large amounts of text, called static word embeddings, have been found to work well across a variety of tasks such as sentiment analysis or named entity recognition. More recently, pretrained language models are used as contextualized representations that have been found to yield even better task performances. Multilingual representations that are invariant with respect to languages are useful for multiple reasons. Models using those representations would only require training data in one language and still generalize across multiple languages. This is especially useful for languages that exhibit data sparsity. Further, machine translation models can benefit from source and target representations in the same space. Last, knowledge extraction models could not only access English data, but data in any natural language and thus exploit a richer source of knowledge. Given that several thousand languages exist in the world, the need for multilingual language processing seems evident. However, it is not immediately clear, which properties multilingual embeddings should exhibit, how current multilingual representations work and how they could be improved. This thesis investigates some of these questions. In the first publication, we explore the boundaries of multilingual representation learning by creating an embedding space across more than one thousand languages. We analyze existing methods and propose concept based embedding learning methods. The second paper investigates differences between creating representations for one thousand languages with little data versus considering few languages with abundant data. In the third publication, we refine a method to obtain interpretable subspaces of embeddings. This method can be used to investigate the workings of multilingual representations. The fourth publication finds that multilingual pretrained language models exhibit a high degree of multilinguality in the sense that high quality word alignments can be easily extracted. The fifth paper investigates reasons why multilingual pretrained language models are multilingual despite lacking any kind of crosslingual supervision during training. Based on our findings we propose a training scheme that leads to improved multilinguality. Last, the sixth paper investigates the use of multilingual pretrained language models as multilingual knowledge bases

    Analytical Methods for Interpretable Ultradense Word Embeddings

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    Word embeddings are useful for a wide vari- ety of tasks, but they lack interpretability. By rotating word spaces, interpretable dimensions can be identified while preserving the informa- tion contained in the embeddings without any loss. In this work, we investigate three meth- ods for making word spaces interpretable by rotation: Densifier (Rothe et al., 2016), linear SVMs and DensRay, a new method we pro- pose. In contrast to Densifier, DensRay can be computed in closed form, is hyperparameter- free and thus more robust than Densifier. We evaluate the three methods on lexicon induc- tion and set-based word analogy. In addition we provide qualitative insights as to how inter- pretable word spaces can be used for removing gender bias from embeddings

    Identifying Necessary Elements for BERT’s Multilinguality

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    It has been shown that multilingual BERT (mBERT) yields high quality multilingual rep- resentations and enables effective zero-shot transfer. This is suprising given that mBERT does not use any kind of crosslingual sig- nal during training. While recent literature has studied this effect, the exact reason for mBERT’s multilinguality is still unknown. We aim to identify architectural properties of BERT as well as linguistic properties of lan- guages that are necessary for BERT to become multilingual. To allow for fast experimenta- tion we propose an efficient setup with small BERT models and synthetic as well as natu- ral data. Overall, we identify six elements that are potentially necessary for BERT to be mul- tilingual. Architectural factors that contribute to multilinguality are underparameterization, shared special tokens (e.g., “[CLS]”), shared position embeddings and replacing masked to- kens with random tokens. Factors related to training data that are beneficial for multilin- guality are similar word order and comparabil- ity of corpora

    A Stronger Baseline for Multilingual Word Embeddings

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    Levy, Søgaard and Goldberg’s (2017) S-ID (sentence ID) method applies word2vec on tuples containing a sentence ID and a word from the sentence. It has been shown to be a strong baseline for learning multilingual embeddings. Inspired by recent work on concept based embedding learning we propose SC-ID, an extension to S-ID: given a sentence aligned corpus, we use sampling to extract concepts that are then processed in the same manner as S-IDs. We perform experiments on the Parallel Bible Corpus across 1000+ languages and show that SC-ID yields up to 6% performance increase in a word translation task. In ad- dition, we provide evidence that SC-ID is easily and widely applicable by reporting competitive results across 8 tasks on a EuroParl based corpus