54 research outputs found

    Consumption patterns and demographic factors influence on fruit juice classifications, health benefits and sugar content perceptions in two Municipal Districts in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

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    Objectives: The study ascertained consumer perceptions of differences between fruit juice classifications regarding their respective health benefits and sugar content. The research also considered the influence of consumption patterns and demographic factors.Design: A cross-sectional quantitative study design was used via a structured self-administered questionnaire.Setting: Fruit juice consumers (aged 16 – 66+; male and females; adolescent and adults; Black, Coloured, White, Indian and Asian) who resided in the Western Cape in the City of Cape Town and Cape Winelands municipal districts.Subjects: A sample of 7 640 fruit juice consumers.Outcome measures: Fruit juice consumer consumption patterns, fruit juice classifications perceptions and demographic factors were evaluated by means of a generalised linear model (GLM).Results: The majority of respondents agreed that there was a difference between fruit juice classifications. Respondents who consumed fruit juice with higher regularity; drank more fruit juice; bottled and tap water; wanted a decrease in prices and increase in information on fruit juice nutrition/health benefits had favourable perceptions. Black or Coloured respondents and those who were single; female consumers; had higher education levels; and, had a household income volunteered the most favourable perceptions.Conclusions: Based on the results, it can be concluded that consumers are erudite about the differences, health benefits and sugar content of fruit juice classifications. A number of consumption patterns and demographic factors also had an influence on consumer perceptions; hence, increased information should be disseminated to encourage South African consumers to pursue healthy balanced diets.Keywords: consumer perceptions, fruit juice, fruit juice classifications, health benefits, sugar conten

    Explorando el impacto de las herramientas y recursos de comunicación de marketing desarrollados por estudiantes en el rendimiento y satisfacción de las PYMEs

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    A number of SMEs lack the essential marketing skills, knowledge, tools and resources, and financial access to ensure the survival of their businesses. Service learning could be used as an effective pedagogy for assisting SMEs with vital marketing communication (MC) strategies via the development of tools and resources that may increase business growth and sustainability. The primary research objective was to evaluate SMEs’ satisfaction regarding performance factors, and student developed MC tools and resources that were implemented via a MC service learning programme (in the form of student-run agencies). The inquiry utilized the triad service learning model and quality assurance cycle to apply an evaluation research design that was substantiated by the expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm. A survey was conducted among 107 SME owners and managers via a structured questionnaire. The student developed MC tools and resources and their perceived usefulness resulted in a positive influence on a number of performance factors among SMEs. MC tools and resources such as a customer database, email address, and Facebook page had the largest influence on performance factors. Performance factors such as an increase in sales, new customers, brand awareness, competitive advantage, business efficiency, and motivation of employees were found to have a positive influence SME satisfaction. Further inquiry could replicate the study via various marketing-related service learning programmes in different countries that have divergent cultures, economics and contexts.Muchas PYMEs carecen de las habilidades, los conocimientos, las herramientas y los recursos de marketing esenciales, así como del acceso financiero para garantizar la supervivencia de sus negocios. Los servicios de aprendizaje podrían ayudar a las PYMEs con sus estrategias de comunicación de marketing (MC) mediante el desarrollo de herramientas y recursos que puedan aumentar el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad de las empresas. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es evaluar la satisfacción de las PYMEs con los factores de rendimiento, y las herramientas y recursos de MC desarrollados por los estudiantes que se implementaron a través de un programa de aprendizaje de MC (en forma de agencias gestionadas por estudiantes). La investigación utilizó la relación modelo de aprendizaje-servicio y ciclo de garantía de calidad para aplicar un diseño de investigación de evaluación que se sustentó en el paradigma de expectativas-confirmación. Se realizó una encuesta a 107 propietarios y gestores de PYMEs mediante un cuestionario estructurado. La investigación reveló una influencia positiva de las herramientas y recursos de MC desarrollados por los estudiantes y la utilidad percibida por parte de los empresarios en una serie de factores de rendimiento de las PYMEs. Las herramientas y recursos de MC, como la base de datos de clientes, la dirección de correo electrónico y la página de Facebook, fueron los que más influyeron en los factores de rendimiento. Los factores de rendimiento, como el aumento de las ventas, los nuevos clientes, el conocimiento de la marca, la ventaja competitiva, la eficiencia empresarial y la motivación de los empleados, influyeron positivamente en la satisfacción de las PYMEs. Una investigación más profunda podría replicar el estudio a través de varios programas de aprendizaje de servicios relacionados con el marketing en diferentes países que tienen culturas, economías y contextos divergentes

    South African Millennials’ Attitudes towards the Communications Effect of YouTube Marketing

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    YouTube (YT) is the largest global digital video information and communication technology (ICT) channel and has become an important channel for companies and their brands to reach younger target markets with their marketing communications (MC). The main objectives of this research are to determine the effect of YouTube marketing communications (YTMC) on traditional and non-traditional attitudinal relationships, and to establish whether demographic variables and usage factors have an effect on traditional attitudinal relationships among the South African millennial cohort. A multi-stage sampling method was employed and 1,900 millennial cohort members (aged 18-32 years old) participated in the survey. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to assess the hypothesized attitudinal relationships. The study found that YTMC had a positive effect on all of the traditional (and one non-traditional) attitudinal relationships. The most favorable attitudinal responses were evident among older age categories, White ethnic groups, access via computer and mobile devices, longer usage length (in years), lower log-on frequencies, and higher log-on duration. Organizations should review their YTMC strategies to take cognizance of the positive attitudinal relationships and demographic variables and usage factors identified by this research when targeting millennial consumers

    Análisis exploratorio del uso de las redes sociales como canal de comunicación en las PYMES independientes del comercio minorista de alimentación en Sudáfrica

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    Social media has facilitated interaction between businesses and consumers, and consequently, has seen rapid growth as a communication channel by a number of smaller retailers in South Africa. Hence, the primary research objective of this study is to explore social media usage as a marketing communication strategy by independent food retailer small to medium enterprises (SMEs). The study used a qualitative data collection strategy and in-depth interviews were conducted among eleven independent food retailer SMEs in South Africa. The study revealed that the level of social media activity by the respondent retailers was influenced by enabling factors such as cost effectiveness, accessibility, reach and relationship building, whereas perceived risk and resources such as time, knowledge and human resources were inhibiting factors. The research contributes to the available literature exploring social media usage as customer contact points for promotional purposes, as well as provides insight for further studies on the use of social media conduits by independent food retailer SMEs or similar businesses in a developing country.Las redes sociales han facilitado la interacción entre las empresas y los consumidores y, en consecuencia, han experimentado un rápido crecimiento como canal de comunicación por parte de algunos negocios minoristas de Sudáfrica. Por ello, el objetivo principal de este estudio es explorar el uso de las redes sociales como estrategia de comunicación de marketing por parte de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) minoristas de alimentación independientes. El estudio utilizó una estrategia cualitativa de recogida de datos y se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a once PYMES minoristas de alimentación independientes de Sudáfrica. El estudio reveló que el nivel de actividad en los medios sociales por parte de los minoristas encuestados estaba influenciado por factores favorables como la rentabilidad, la accesibilidad, el alcance y la creación de relaciones, mientras que el riesgo percibido y los recursos como el tiempo, los conocimientos y los recursos humanos eran factores inhibidores. Esta investigación contribuye a la literatura disponible que explora el uso de los medios sociales como puntos de contacto con los clientes con fines promocionales, así como proporcionar una visión para futuros estudios sobre el uso de los conductos de los medios sociales por parte de las PYME minoristas de alimentos independientes o negocios similares en un país en desarrollo

    The influence of culture on the development of youth entrepreneurs in a selected suburb in Cape Town

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    Coloured people's entrepreneurial efforts in South Africa are mostly survivalist. Although most of the selected suburb's youth have high entrepreneurial intentions, most do not become successful entrepreneurs. We are hoping to understand why people think this. Indisputable are the inadequacy of entrepreneurial education and training, a heavily skewed distribution of resources, a lack of mentorship, minimal support from parents, and a cultural upbringing in opposition to entrepreneurship. This study's objective was to gain insight into the cultural and educational limitations on entrepreneurial development and the entrepreneurial intentions of the selected suburb's youth. This paper employed quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. The quantitative data was collected from 470 youths through a survey questionnaire. Ten personal interviews were conducted within the qualitative ambit and served to validate the quantitative tool's results. The quantitative data was analysed using SPSS software, and the qualitative data was analysed by identifying common themes in relation to the quantitative findings. The study revealed a low level of tertiary education, a family orientated culture and a high level of entrepreneurial intention. The findings further revealed that many parents do not run their businesses, which indicated that most of the youth do not stem from entrepreneurially oriented households. The researchers recommend that business incubators be established within the suburb and that schools within the community should partner with the private sector and governmental structures, such as the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), and Small Enterprise Finance Agency (SEFA) in order to expose youth to the practical application of entrepreneurship


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    Online interpersonal interaction and communication has become an important aspect of social activities, especially among Millennials (young adults). However, the African continent has the lowest Internet access across the globe, but the development and rapid adoption of mobile technology has led to a major increase in the usage of Internet and new online Information and Communications Technology (ICT) channels, which are collectively referred to as social media. Social media platforms have become an integral part of everyday life and marketing communications via these digital channels has become one of the latest trends in South Africa (SA). The most commonly used social medium in the world is Facebook, whereas Mxit is the largest locally established online ICT conduit. However, not much is known about Millennials’ attitudes towards social media as an advertising medium. Therefore, several surveys were used to investigate the effect of social media (Facebook and Mxit) marketing communications have on each of the hierarchy response model attitude stages among Millennials in SA. The results confirm that social media marketing communications have a significant influence on all of the hierarchy response model attitude stages, but on a declining degree as South African Millennials progress to the higher stages. Furthermore, the findings also reveal that several online usage and demographic characteristics have a significant influence on attitudes towards these new interactive ICT conduits

    Modelling Online Advertising Design Quality Influences on Millennial Consumer Attitudes in South Africa

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    Millennials’ advanced knowledge and exposure to product experiences, and irrelevant placement of online advertising has led to an increase of online advertising avoidance. However, effective online advertising design may assist in establishing more positive sentiments towards digital forms of marketing communication. The study used the visual rhetoric theory as the theoretical basis to examine millennial consumer attitudes. The main research aims were to propose an online advertising design quality model, and to ascertain the influence of online advertising design quality on millennial consumer attitudes. The study employed a quantitative research design via an empirical online survey. Online advertising design quality has resulted in a positive effect on relevant information, value, disruptive online placement and timing, personalization and price consciousness, a negative influence on privacy concern and distrust, and ad irritation across various online platforms. This study heightens the importance of design elements and the visual aesthetics of online advertising

    Facebook advertising’s influence on intention-to-purchase and purchase amongst Millennials

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of behavioural attitudes towards the most popular social medium in the world, Facebook, amongst Millennials in South Africa (SA), and to determine whether various usage and demographic variables have an impact on intention-to-purchase and purchase perceptions. Design/methodology/approach Quantitative research was conducted by means of a survey among a sample of over 3,500 respondents via self-administered structured questionnaires in SA. A generalised linear model was used to analyse the data. Findings The results confirm that advertising on Facebook has a positive influence on the behavioural attitudes (intention-to-purchase and purchase) of Millennials who reside in SA. The usage characteristics, log on duration and profile update incidence, as well as the demographic influence of ethnic orientation also resulted in more favourable perceptions of Facebook advertising. Research limitations/implications Research on Facebook advertising was only conducted in SA, whereas other emerging countries warrant further investigation to establish if they share the slight positive sentiment towards intention-to-purchase and purchase. This inquiry only provides a “snap shot” of behavioural attitudes, usage and demographic factors towards social media advertising, whereas future research could consider the development of cognitive, affective and behavioural attitudes towards Facebook advertising by employing longitudinal and qualitative research designs

    A Multi-Dimensional Approach of Green Marketing Competitive Advantage: A Perspective of Small Medium and Micro Enterprises from Western Cape, South Africa

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    The study focuses on green competitive advantage from a multi-dimensional perspective, investigating the impact of green marketing tools and company descriptive variables on these dimensions. The data were collected from small, medium and micro enterprises (SMME) from Western Cape/South Africa, an area marked by long-term water consumption restrictions. A qualitative approach was considered for variable tailoring to the SMMEs’ peculiarities, followed by a quantitative study, employing a sample of 237 companies, for testing each competitive advantage dimension against the established green marketing tools and company descriptive variables using logistic regressions. Each competitiveness variable was explained by at least one green marketing tool. Donating money and/or allocating time for environmental purposes explained three dependent variables, while selling biodegradable/recycled/refurbished products had an inverse relationship with two of them. Business type and number of operational years had a significant impact on three dimensions. This study enriches the literature by using green competitive advantage dimensions and not a latent factor, analyzing the impact of company descriptive variables as explanatory variables and prompting green strategies for small and medium businesses. The model could be improved by tests in other geographic areas, including green distribution and price variables and other descriptive factors (turnover, responsible investment and internationalization)