1,018 research outputs found

    Determinants of Export Performance in the Philippine Manufacturing Sector

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    The paper determines the factors affecting the export performance of firms in three main manufacturing sectors in the Philippines. Specifically, firm-level characteristics like firm size, firm age, and foreign affiliation are identified and statistically tested to determine if it affects a firms capability to export. The study uses a novel econometric model which specifically addresses fractional response behavior and estimates the model using a modified quasi-maximum likelihood procedure. Among the firm-level characteristics tested, foreign affiliation has the most prominent influence on a firms propensity to export

    Breeding and larval rearing of the milkfish Chanos chanos (Pisces: Chanidae)

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    Contribution No. 11 of the Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, P.O. Box 256, Iloilo City 5901, Philippines.Two sexually maturing female milkfish were captured in April 1977 and induced to spawn by means of acetone-dried Pacific salmon pituitary powder. The eggs were fertilized and incubated and the resultant young reared to 74-day old, 11 cm long fingerlings. Newly fertilized eggs averaged 1.16 mm in diameter and each had a narrow perivitelline space containing several cortical granules which disappeared within a few minutes. The yolk was slightly yellowish, devoid of oil globules and very finely granulated. Embryonic development was very similar to that of other pelagic fish eggs and hatching occurred between 35 to 36 hr at a salinity of 32 ppt and a temperature range of 28.4-29.2°C.This study was partially supported through a grant to the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department by the International Development Research Centre of Canada, under Project No. 3-P-74-0146

    GALTRACE: A highly segmented silicon detector array for charged particle spectroscopy and discrimination

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    GALTRACE is an array of segmented silicon detectors specifically built to work as an ancillary of the GALILEO γ-ray spectrometer at Legnaro National Laboratory of INFN. GALTRACE consists of four telescopic ΔE-E detectors which allow discriminating light charged particles also via pulse-shape analysis techniques. The good angular and energy resolutions, together with particle discrimination capabilities, make GALTRACE suitable for experiments where coincidences with specific emitted particles allow for the selection of reaction channels with very low cross section. The first in-beam experiment is reported here, aiming at identifying a narrow resonance, near-proton-threshold state in 11B, currently under discussion

    Temporal analysis of natural radionuclides deposition at Málaga(2005-2016)

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    Atmospheric deposition of radionuclides has been investigated in many studies from the aspects of both radiation protection and geochemistry. The present study, carried out in the city of Málaga, in the southeast of Spain, focuses on the assessment of the bulk depositional fluxes of three natural radionuclides: 7Be (cosmogenic origin), and 210Pb and 40K (crustal origin). These three radionuclides are useful markers of particles arising from their respective sources. To obtain fundamental information of atmospheric transportation, sedimentation and geological process of particulate matter, a long-term monitoring of atmospheric deposition has been carried out in Málaga from January 2005-December 2016. Samples of bulk deposition were collected on a monthly basis on a stainless steel tray from January 2005 to December 2016. Afterwards, a volume of 6 L of the bulk deposition was reduced via evaporation to 1 L approximately and transferred to a Marinelli geometry container for gamma counting. Additionally, aerosols samples were collected weekly in cellulose membrane filters of 0.8μm pore size and 47mm diameter with an air sampler lodged in an all-weather sampling station, situated on the roof near the bulk rain collector. Gamma counting of the aerosols and bulk deposition samples was performed using an intrinsic germanium coaxial detector, Re-Ge-type (CANBERRA). This study describes the results and then discusses characteristics of atmospheric deposition of mentioned radionuclides with respect to seasonal variations and dependency on controlling factors. The depositional fluxes of all radionuclides showed a clear seasonal trend with summer minimum and high values in wintertime

    Octupole correlations near 110Te

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    The lifetime of the 2+ and 9-, 11-, 13-, 15- states in the neutron-deficient 110Te was measured for the first time using the recoil distance Doppler shift technique. The reported value of the reduced transition probability B(E2;0+g.s?2+)=4.3(8)×103e2fm4 supports the systematic for even-mass Te isotopes and was interpreted in the framework of the large-scale shell model and cranked shell model calculations. The measured reduced transition probabilities in the negative-parity yrast band revealed the upward trend towards the high spins. The enhanced collectivity is discussed in terms of the tilted axis cranking approach and the symmetry configuration mixing method with the Gogny D1S interaction.The authors would like to thank the technical staff of the LNL Legnaro facility for their assistance in providing excellent operation of the XTU-tandem accelerator. The authors wish to acknowledge the support of local engineers P. Cocconi and R. Isocrate. The work was partially supported by the DoE Grant No. DE-FG02-95ER4093 and Spanish MICINN Grant No. PGC2018-094583-B-I00

    Testing machine learning algorithms for the prediction of depositional fluxes of the radionuclides 7Be, 210Pb and 40K

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    The monthly depositional fluxes of 7Be, 210Pb and 40K were measured at Malaga, (Southern Spain) from 2005 to 2018. In this work, the depositional fluxes of these radionuclides are investigated and their relations with several atmospheric variables have been studied by applying two popular machine learning methods: Random Forest and Neural Network algorithms. We extensively test different configurations of these algorithms and demonstrate their predictive ability for reproducing depositional fluxes. The models derived with Neural Networks achieve slightly better results, in average, although similar, having into account the uncertainties. The mean Pearson-R coefficients, evaluated with a k-fold cross-validation method, are around 0.85 for the three radionuclides using Neural Network models, while they go down to 0.83, 0.79 and 0.8 for 7Be, 210Pb and 40K, respectively, for the Random Forest models. Additionally, applying the Recursive Feature Elimination technique we determine the variables more correlated with the depositional fluxes of these radionuclides, which elucidates the main dependences of their temporal variability.This research was funded by Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Spain). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Deposition of SiNx : H thin films by the electron cyclotron resonance and its application to Al/SiNx : H/Si structures

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    We have analyzed the electrical properties and bonding characteristics of SiNx:H thin films deposited at 200 degrees C by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method. The films show the presence of hydrogen bonded to silicon (at the films with the ratio N/Si<1.33) or to nitrogen (for films where the ratio N/Si is higher than 1.33). In the films with the N/Si ratio of 1.38, the hydrogen content is 6 at. %. For compositions which are comprised of between N/Si=1.1 and 1.4, hydrogen concentration remains below 10 at. %. The films with N/Si=1.38 exhibited the better values of the electrical properties (resistivity, 6x10(13) Omega cm; and electric breakdown field, 3 MV/cm). We have used these films to make metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) devices on n-type silicon wafers. C-V measurements accomplished on the structures indicate that the interface trap density is kept in the range (3 - 5) x 10(11) cm(-2) eV(-1) for films with the N/Si ratio below 1.38. For films where the N/Si ratio is higher than 1.3, the trap density suddenly increases, following the same trend of the concentration of N-H bonds in the SiNx:H films. The results are explained on the basis of the model recently reported by Lucovsky [J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14, 2832 (1996)] for the electrical behavior of (oxide-nitride-oxide)/Si structures. The model is additionally supported by deep level transient spectroscopy measurements, that show the presence of silicon dangling bonds at the insulator/semiconductor interface (the so-called P-bN0 center), The concentration of these centers follows the same trend with the film composition of the interface trap density and, as a consequence, with the concentration of N-H bonds. This result further supports the N-H bonds located at the insulator/semiconductor interface which act as a precursor site to the defect generation of the type . Si=Si-3, i.e., the P-bN0 centers. A close relation between interface trap density, P-bN0 centers and N-H bond density is established

    Floresta española : de apotegmas, o, sentencias ... de algunos españoles

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Grab. xil. en la última p