261 research outputs found

    Rare earth magnetism and ferroelectricity in RMnO3

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    Magnetic rare earths R have been proven to have a significant effect on the multiferroic properties of the orthorhombic manganites RMnO3. A re-examination of previous results from synchrotron based x-ray scattering experiments suggests that symmetric exchange striction between neighboring R and Mn ions may account for the enhancement of the ferroelectric polarization in DyMnO3 as well as the magnetic-field induced ferroelectricity in GdMnO3. In general, adding a second magnetic species to a multiferroic material may be a route to enhance its ferroelectric properties.Comment: Contribution to ICM 2009; accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Commensurate Dy magnetic ordering associated with incommensurate lattice distortion in orthorhombic DyMnO3

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    Synchrotron x-ray diffraction and resonant magnetic scattering experiments on single crystal DyMnO3 have been carried out between 4 and 40 K. Below TN(Dy) = 5K, the Dy magnetic moments order in a commensurate structure with propagation vector 0.5 b*. Simultaneous with the Dy magnetic ordering, an incommensurate lattice modulation with propagation vector 0.905 b* evolves while the original Mn induced modulation is suppressed and shifts from 0.78 b* to 0.81 b*. This points to a strong interference of Mn and Dy induced structural distortions in DyMnO3 besides a magnetic coupling between the Mn and Dy magnetic moments.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication

    Valence modulations in CeRuSn

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    CeRuSn exhibits an extraordinary room temperature structure at 300~K with coexistence of two types of Ce ions, namely trivalent Ce3+^{3+} and intermediate valent Ce(4δ)+^{(4-\delta)+}, in a metallic environment. The ordered arrangement of these two Ce types on specific crystallographic sites results in a doubling of the unit cell along the cc-axis with respect to the basic monoclinic CeCoAl-type structure. Below room temperature, structural modulation transitions with very broad hysteresis have been reported from measurements of various bulk properties. X-ray diffraction revealed that at low temperatures the doubling of the CeCoAl type structure is replaced by a different modulated ground state, approximating a near tripling of the basic CeCoAl cell. The transition is accompanied by a significant contraction of the cc axis. We present new x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy data at the Ce L3_{3} absorption edge, measured on a freshly cleaved surface of a CeRuSn single crystal. In contrast to a previous report, the new data exhibit small but significant variations as function of temperature that are consistent with a transition of a fraction of Ce3+^{3+} ions to the intermediate valence state, analogous to the γα\gamma \rightarrow \alpha transition in elemental cerium, when cooling through the structural transitions of CeRuSn. Such results in a valence-modulated state

    Enhanced ferroelectric polarization by induced Dy spin-order in multiferroic DyMnO3

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    Neutron powder diffraction and single crystal x-ray resonant magnetic scattering measurements suggest that Dy plays an active role in enhancing the ferroelectric polarization in multiferroic DyMnO3 above TNDy = 6.5 K. We observe the evolution of an incommensurate ordering of Dy moments with the same periodicity as the Mn spiral ordering. It closely tracks the evolution of the ferroelectric polarization which reaches a maximum value of 0.2 muC/m^2. Below TNDy, where Dy spins order commensurately, the polarization decreases to values similar for those of TbMnO3

    Efficacy of a zinc lactate mouthwash and tongue scraping in the reduction of oral halitosis: A single-blind, controlled, crossover clinical trial—a pilot study

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    Halitosis is defined as an unpleasant odor that comes out of the mouth. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of zinc lactate mouthwash and tongue scraping on oral halitosis. The study was conducted on 60 volunteers that were divided into two groups and followed two types of 14-day oral hygiene protocols on a cross-over basis after a 7-day wash-out period. One protocol was based on tooth brushing only, while the other was based on additional mouth rinsing with a zinc lactate product and tongue scraping. Morning mouth breath was assessed organoleptic and by volatile sulfur compound concentrations. The highest mean organoleptic and volatile sulfur compound measurement values were found in the tooth brushing without mouth washing and tongue scraping oral hygiene protocol (p < 0.05). The zinc lactate mouthwash combined with tongue scraping appears to be an important hygienic procedure to reduce breath odor. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Transition from a phase-segregated state to single-phase incommensurate sodium ordering in Na_xCoO_2 with x \approx 0.53

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    Synchrotron X-ray diffraction investigations of two single crystals of Na_xCoO_2 from different batches with composition x = 0.525-0.530 reveal homogeneous incommensurate sodium ordering with propagation vector (0.53 0.53 0) at room-temperature. The incommensurate (qq0) superstructure exists between 220 K and 430 K. The value of q varies between q = 0.514 and 0.529, showing a broad plateau at the latter value between 260 K and 360 K. On cooling, unusual reversible phase segregation into two volume fractions is observed. Below 220 K, one volume fraction shows the well-known commensurate orthorhombic x = 0.50 superstructure, while a second volume fraction with x = 0.55 exhibits another commensurate superstructure, presumably with a 6a x 6a x c hexagonal supercell. We argue that the commensurate-to-incommensurate transition is an intrinsic feature of samples with Na concentrations x = 0.5 + d with d ~ 0.03.Comment: Corrected/improved versio

    The new HMI beamline MAGS an instrument for hard X ray diffraction at BESSY

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    The Hahn Meitner Institute Berlin is operating the new hard X ray diffraction beamline MAGS at the Berlin synchrotron radiation source BESSY. The beamline is intended to complement the existing neutron instrumentation at the Berlin Neutron Scattering Centre. The new beamline uses a 7 T multipole wiggler to produce photon fluxes in the 1011 1012 photons s 100 mA 0.1 bandwidth range at energies from 4 to 30 keV at the experiment. It has active bendable optics to provide flexible horizontal and vertical focusing and to compensate the large heat load from the wiggler source. The experimental endstation consists of a six circle Huber diffractometer which can be used with an additional polarization analyser and different sample environments. The beamline is intended for single crystal diffraction and resonant magnetic scattering experiments for the study of ordering phenomena, phase transitions and materials scienc

    The evolution of octahedral rotations of orthorhombic LaVO3 in superlattices with cubic SrVO3

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    We have studied the octahedral rotations in LaVO3 SrVO3 superlattices, keeping the thickness of the orthorhombic LaVO3 layers constant and increasing the thickness of cubic SrVO3 layers. We have found that for a small thickness of SrVO3, the octahedral rotations in LaVO3 are maintained, while for an increasing thickness, these rotations are suppressed. This observation cannot be explained by purely elastic effects due to the lattice mismatch between the two materials, but the absence of rotations in SrVO3 is a crucial ingredient, illustrating the concept of interface engineering of octahedral rotation

    Coupling of frustrated Ising spins to magnetic cycloid in multiferroic TbMnO3

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    We report on diffraction measurements on multiferroic TbMnO3 which demonstrate that the Tb- and Mn-magnetic orders are coupled below the ferroelectric transition TFE = 28 K. For T < TFE the magnetic propagation vectors (tau) for Tb and Mn are locked so that tauTb = tauMn, while below TNTb = 7 K we find that tauTb and tauMn lock-in to rational values of 3/7 b* and 2/7 b*, respectively, and obey the relation 3tauTb - tauMn = 1. We explain this novel matching of wave vectors within the frustrated ANNNI model coupled to a periodic external field produced by the Mn-spin order. The tauTb = tauMn behavior is recovered when Tb magnetization is small, while the tauTb = 3/7 regime is stabilized at low temperatures by a peculiar arrangement of domain walls in the ordered state of Ising-like Tb spins.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure