59 research outputs found

    Impact toughness of a 10% Cr steel with high boron and low nitrogen

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    The effect of temperature on the impact toughness and fracture behavior of a 10% Cr-2% W-0.7% Mo-3% Co-0.05% Nb-0.2% V-0.008% B-0.003% N (all in wt%) steel was studied. The ductile-brittle transition (DBT) occurs at 10 °C. At the DBT temperature (DBTT), the onset of unstable crack propagation occurs at the maximum load. The mbrittlement is attributed to the onset of unstable crack propagation at stresses below the general yieldin

    Effect of Co on the strengthening mechanisms of the creep-resistant 9% Cr-2%W-MoVNb steel

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    The alloying by 3 wt.% Co increases the tensile strength of the P92-type steel at elevated temperatures. The increments in the yield strength are 20%, 11% and 12% at testing temperatures of 500 °C, 600 °C and 650 °C, respectively, as compared with the Co-free P92-type steel. Cobalt strongly affects the strengthening due to the martensitic laths and dislocations regarding the lath growth and dislocation motio

    Effect of tempering temperature on the microstructure and creep resistance of a 10% Cr martensitic steel

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    The tempered martensite lath structure of a 10% Cr martensitic steel after normalizing and tempering at 750 °C was studied. The effect of reducing the tempering temperature from 770 by 20 °C on the microstructural parameters in steel was shown. Tempering at a lower temperature of 750 °C provides thinner laths and finer M23C6 particles (55 nm) than tempering at 770 °

    Professional orientation in foreign language teaching in college

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    The article deals with the current issues of the design of methodology of teaching the general subject “Foreign language” based on the professional orientation. The most effective educational technologies and techniques for teaching professionally oriented English are determined. The model of foreign language teaching has been developed on the basis of a regional multidisciplinary college. The methodology that includes practice-oriented tasks in the process of teaching the general subject “Foreign Language” and promotes the formation of students’ professional competence has been tested.Рассмотрены актуальные проблемы проектирования методики преподавания общеобразовательной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» с учетом профессиональной направленности. Определены наиболее эффективные образовательные технологии и приемы обучения профессионально ориентированному английскому языку. Разработана модель обучения иностранному языку в условиях многопрофильного колледжа, апробирована методика включения практико-ориентированных заданий в процесс преподавания общеобразовательной дисциплины «Иностранный язык», позволяющая сформировать профессиональные компетенции студентов

    Effect of alloying on interfacial energy of precipitation/matrix in high-chromium martensitic steels

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    The effect of cobalt, tungsten, and boron on interfacial energy of precipitate/ferritic matrix in the 9% Cr martensitic steels on the base of creep tests at 650 °C under different applied stresses ranging from 80 to 220 MPa was investigate


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    Abstract. Thermal stability of nanostructured (NS) nickel based alloy Inconel 718 has been investigated. This structure was formed by severe plastic deformation (SPD) via high pressure torsion (HPT) and multiple isothermal forging (MIF) of the alloy with an initial coarse-grained (CG) structure. The produced microstructures were analyzed. Such NS conditions are characterized by the nonequilibrium grain boundaries and a high hardness value that is twice larger than that of a CG alloy. Tensile tests of NS alloy after MIF have shown very high room-temperature strength. Thermal stability of the studied structural conditions of the alloy depends on the presence and stability of the precipitates of -and n W P b T b T P R W U f W X R W X ] P R R a S P ] R T f X c W X c b d P ] c X c h sizes, coherence with matrix, prevents the grain growth


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    В работе рассмотрено влияние циклического нагружения на микроструктуру и микротвердость стали 10Х10К3В2МФБР при комнатной температуре и амплитудах деформации ±0,25 % и ±0,6 %.The influence of cyclic loading on microstructure and microhardness of a 10 % Cr steel with 3 % Co and 0.008 % B was examined at room temperature and total strain amplitudes of ±0.25 % and ±0.6 %.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект №14-29-00173)

    Structure and base catalysed cyclization of methyl (2,6-disubstituted-4-nitrophenylsulphanyl)ethanoates

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    The conformation of side chain –SCH2COOCH3 in title compounds in crystal agrees with the reactivity of these compounds in base catalysed ring closure in solution. In the 2,4-dinitro derivative, the side chain is oriented towards the unsubstituted ortho-position of benzene ring, in the case of the 2-methoxycarbonyl derivative towards this substituent

    Deformation mechanisms in Kh20N80 alloy at elevated temperatures

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    yesBSUIt is shown that the nichrome shows abnormally high values of the exponent n and the higher activation energy of deformation