21 research outputs found

    The lectin-binding pattern of nucleolin and its interaction with endogenous galectin-3

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    Unlike nuclear nucleolin, surface-expressed and cytoplasmic nucleolin exhibit Tn antigen. Here, we show localization-dependent differences in the glycosylation and proteolysis patterns of nucleolin. Our results provide evidence for different paths of nucleolin proteolysis in the nucleus, in the cytoplasm, and on the cell surface. We found that full-length nucleolin and some proteolytic fragments coexist within live cells and are not solely the result of the preparation procedure. Extranuclear nucleolin undergoes N- and O-glycosylation, and unlike cytoplasmic nucleolin, membrane-associated nucleolin is not fucosylated. Here, we show for the first time that nucleolin and endogenous galectin-3 exist in the same complexes in the nucleolus, the cytoplasm, and on the cell surface of melanoma cells. Assessments of the interaction of nucleolin with galectin-3 revealed nucleolar co-localization in interphase, suggesting that galectin-3 may be involved in DNA organization and ribosome biogenesis

    The level of habitat patchiness influences movement strategy of moose in Eastern Poland.

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    Spatio-temporal variation in resource availability leads to a variety of animal movement strategies. In the case of ungulates, temporally unpredictable landscapes are associated with nomadism, while high predictability in the resource distribution favours migratory or sedentary behaviours depending on the spatial and temporal scale of landscape dynamics. As most of the surveys on moose (Alces alces) movement behaviours in Europe have been conducted on Scandinavian populations, little is known about the movement strategies of moose at the southern edge of the species' range. We expected that decreasing habitat patchiness in central Europe would be associated with the prevalence of migratory behaviours. To verify this hypothesis, we analysed 32 moose fitted with GPS collars from two study areas in eastern Poland which differed in a level of habitat patchiness. We classified moose movements using the net squared displacement method. As presumed, lower patchiness in the Biebrza study site was associated with the predominance of individuals migrating short-distance, while in more patchy landscape of Polesie, resident moose dominated. At the individual level, the propensity of moose to migrate decreased with increasing abundance of forest habitats in their summer ranges. In addition, the parameters (migration distance, timing and duration) for migratory individuals varied substantially between individuals and years. Yet, in spring individual moose expressed a consistent migration timing across years. There was little synchronization of migration timing between individuals from the same population both in spring and autumn, which may have been related to mild weather conditions. We observed that moose postponed their migrations and started movement toward summer ranges at a similar time window in years when spring was delayed due to harsh weather. Hence, in light of global warming, we presume further changes in animal movements will arise

    Increased IL-6 trans-signaling in depression: focus on the tryptophan catabolite pathway, melatonin and neuroprogression

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    Depression has been conceptualized as a disorder driven by immuno-inflammatory pathways and oxidative and nitrosative stress. These factors couple to the induction of neuroregulatory tryptophan catabolites via the activation of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO). Oxidative damage to neoepitopes increases autoimmune responses, changing the nature of the neural substrate of recurrent depression, which leads to neuroprogression and drives treatment resistance. A number of pro-inflammatory cytokines are linked to these processes. Here, we focus on the role of interleukin (IL)-6 in depression and its associated disorders; we highlight the progress made since the first paper showing increased IL-6 levels was published 20 years ago by Maes and colleagues. When coupled with increased levels of the soluble IL-6 receptor in depression, higher levels of IL-6 may indicate increased IL-6 trans-signaling, whereby IL-6 receptor signaling occurs in cells not normally expressing the IL-6 receptor. It has been suggested that IL-6 is intimately associated with two crucial aspects of depression, as well as central inflammation more broadly. First, the regulation of the local inflammatory response via its interactions with macrophage and glia melatonin production is coupled to local epigenetic modulation via methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2). Second, the more systemic regulation of tryptophan availability occurs via the IL-6 induction of IDO. Coupled to its role in the regulation of autoimmune associated T-helper 17 cells and IL-17 production, IL-6 has wide and differential impacts on processes driving depression and a wider range of psychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions

    GSK3β Activity in Reward Circuit Functioning and Addiction

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    Glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3β), primarily described as a regulator of glycogen metabolism, is a molecular hub linking numerous signaling pathways and regulates many cellular processes like cytoskeletal rearrangement, cell migration, apoptosis, and proliferation. In neurons, the kinase is engaged in molecular events related to the strengthening and weakening of synapses, which is a subcellular manifestation of neuroplasticity. Dysregulation of GSK3β activity has been reported in many neuropsychiatric conditions, like schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and Alzheimer’s disease. In this review, we describe the kinase action in reward circuit-related structures in health and disease. The effect of pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of addiction in the context of GSK3β activity is also discussed

    GSK3β Activity in Reward Circuit Functioning and Addiction

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    Glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3β), primarily described as a regulator of glycogen metabolism, is a molecular hub linking numerous signaling pathways and regulates many cellular processes like cytoskeletal rearrangement, cell migration, apoptosis, and proliferation. In neurons, the kinase is engaged in molecular events related to the strengthening and weakening of synapses, which is a subcellular manifestation of neuroplasticity. Dysregulation of GSK3β activity has been reported in many neuropsychiatric conditions, like schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and Alzheimer’s disease. In this review, we describe the kinase action in reward circuit-related structures in health and disease. The effect of pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of addiction in the context of GSK3β activity is also discussed

    Pacjenci poudarowi – częstotliwość i skuteczność rehabilitacji i terapii logopedycznej

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    The study presented here was conducted on post-stroke patients in the years 2014–2017. Data was collected using a survey questionnaire based on single-choice questions, Barthel ADL Index and the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). As many as 128 out of 135 respondents (94.8%) were referred for further treatment after initial rehabilitation. Of these, 33.6% did not continue their rehabilitation. Most of the remaining ones chose outpatient (32.9%) or inpatient rehabilitation in a hospital (29.4%). After the second examination of the physical condition of the patients, improvement was noted in those who participated in long-term rehabilitation. This feeling was also declared by the patients themselves. Out of all respondents, 92 people suffered from speech disorders, of which only 21.7% participated in speech therapy, and in this group 90% noticed a significant improvement in verbal communication. A small percentage of patients with aphasia recognize and follow speech therapy recommendations. Patients and their carers should be informed in more detail about the benefits of rehabilitation and speech therapy.Prezentowane badania dotyczące pacjentów po przebytym udarze mózgu przeprowadzono w latach 2014–2017. Dane zebrano za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety opartego na pytaniach jednokrotnego wyboru, skali Barthel (Barthel ADL Index) i zmodyfikowanej skali Rankina (mRS). Aż 128 ze 135 badanych (94,8%) po wstępnej rehabilitacji skierowano na dalsze leczenie. Spośród nich 33,6% nie kontynuowało rehabilitacji. Większość pozostałych wybrała rehabilitację ambulatoryjną (32,9%) lub stacjonarną w szpitalu (29,4%). Po drugim zbadaniu fizycznej kondycji pacjentów zauważono poprawę stanu tych, którzy uczestniczyli w długotrwałej rehabilitacji. Takie odczucie deklarowali też sami pacjenci. Spośród wszystkich badanych 92 osoby cierpiały na zaburzenia mowy, z tego tylko 21,7% korzystało z pomocy logopedycznej, a w tej grupie 90% zauważyło znaczącą poprawę w komunikacji werbalnej. Niewielki odsetek pacjentów z afazją uznaje i stosuje zalecenia logopedyczne. Należy bardziej szczegółowo informować pacjentów i ich opiekunów o korzyściach płynących z rehabilitacji i terapii logopedycznej

    Triplet-driven chemical reactivity of β\beta-carotene and its biological implications

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    The endoperoxides of β-carotene (βCar-EPOs) are regarded as main products of the chemical deactivation of (1)O(2) by β-carotene, one of the most important antioxidants, following a concerted singlet-singlet reaction. Here we challenge this view by showing that βCar-EPOs are formed in the absence of (1)O(2) in a non-concerted triplet-triplet reaction: (3)O(2) + (3)β-carotene → βCar-EPOs, in which (3)β-carotene manifests a strong biradical character. Thus, the reactivity of β-carotene towards oxygen is governed by its excited triplet state. βCar-EPOs, while being stable in the dark, are photochemically labile, and are a rare example of nonaromatic endoperoxides that release (1)O(2), again not in a concerted reaction. Their light-induced breakdown triggers an avalanche of free radicals, which accounts for the pro-oxidant activity of β-carotene and the puzzling swap from its anti- to pro-oxidant features. Furthermore, we show that βCar-EPOs, and carotenoids in general, weakly sensitize (1)O(2). These findings underlie the key role of the triplet state in determining the chemical and photophysical features of β-carotene. They shake up the prevailing models of carotenoid photophysics, the anti-oxidant functioning of β-carotene, and the role of (1)O(2) in chemical signaling in biological photosynthetic systems. βCar-EPOs and their degradation products are not markers of (1)O(2) and oxidative stress but of the overproduction of extremely hazardous chlorophyll triplets in photosystems. Hence, the chemical signaling of overexcitation of the photosynthetic apparatus is based on a (3)chlorophyll-(3)β-carotene relay, rather than on extremely short-lived (1)O(2)