14 research outputs found

    Correlated Pseudorandomness from the Hardness of Quasi-Abelian Decoding

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    Secure computation often benefits from the use of correlated randomness to achieve fast, non-cryptographic online protocols. A recent paradigm put forth by Boyle et al.\textit{et al.} (CCS 2018, Crypto 2019) showed how pseudorandom correlation generators (PCG) can be used to generate large amounts of useful forms of correlated (pseudo)randomness, using minimal interactions followed solely by local computations, yielding silent secure two-party computation protocols (protocols where the preprocessing phase requires almost no communication). An additional property called programmability allows to extend this to build N-party protocols. However, known constructions for programmable PCG's can only produce OLE's over large fields, and use rather new splittable Ring-LPN assumption. In this work, we overcome both limitations. To this end, we introduce the quasi-abelian syndrome decoding problem (QA-SD), a family of assumptions which generalises the well-established quasi-cyclic syndrome decoding assumption. Building upon QA-SD, we construct new programmable PCG's for OLE's over any field Fq\mathbb{F}_q with q>2q>2. Our analysis also sheds light on the security of the ring-LPN assumption used in Boyle et al.\textit{et al.} (Crypto 2020). Using our new PCG's, we obtain the first efficient N-party silent secure computation protocols for computing general arithmetic circuit over Fq\mathbb{F}_q for any q>2q>2.Comment: This is a long version of a paper accepted at CRYPTO'2

    Correlated Pseudorandomness from the Hardness of Quasi-Abelian Decoding

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    Secure computation often benefits from the use of correlated randomness to achieve fast, non-cryptographic online protocols. A recent paradigm put forth by Boyle et al.\textit{et al.} (CCS 2018, Crypto 2019) showed how pseudorandom correlation generators (PCG) can be used to generate large amounts of useful forms of correlated (pseudo)randomness, using minimal interactions followed solely by local computations, yielding silent secure two-party computation protocols (protocols where the preprocessing phase requires almost no communication). Furthermore, programmable PCG\u27s can be used similarly to generate multiparty correlated randomness to be used in silent secure N-party protocols. Previous works constructed very efficient (non-programmable) PCG\u27s for correlations such as random oblivious transfers. However, the situation is less satisfying for the case of random oblivious linear evaluation (OLE), which generalises oblivious transfers over large fields, and are a core resource for secure computation of arithmetic circuits. The state-of-the-art work of Boyle et al.\textit{et al.} (Crypto 2020) constructed programmable PCG\u27s for OLE, but their work suffers from two important downsides: (1) it only generates OLE\u27s over large fields, and (2) it relies on relatively new splittable ring-LPN assumption, which lacks strong security foundations. In this work, we construct new programmable PCG\u27s for the OLE correlation, that overcome both limitations. To this end, we introduce the quasi-abelian syndrome decoding problem (QA-SD), a family of assumptions which generalises the well-established quasi-cyclic syndrome decoding assumption. Building upon QA-SD, we construct new programmable PCG\u27s for OLE\u27s over any field Fq\mathbb{F}_q with q>2q>2. Our analysis also sheds light on the security of the ring-LPN assumption used in Boyle et al.\textit{et al.} (Crypto 2020). Using our new PCG\u27s, we obtain the first efficient N-party silent secure computation protocols for computing general arithmetic circuit over Fq\mathbb{F}_q for any q>2q>2

    Pseudorandom Correlation Functions fromVariable-Density LPN, Revisited

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    Pseudorandom correlation functions (PCF), introduced in the work of (Boyle et al., FOCS 2020), allow two parties to locally gen- erate, from short correlated keys, a near-unbounded amount of pseu- dorandom samples from a target correlation. PCF is an extremely ap- pealing primitive in secure computation, where they allow to confine all preprocessing phases of all future computations two parties could want to execute to a single short interaction with low communication and computation, followed solely by offline computations. Beyond in- troducing the notion, Boyle et al. gave a candidate construction, using a new variable-density variant of the learning parity with noise (LPN) assumption. Then, to provide support for this new assumption, the au- thors showed that it provably resists a large class of linear attacks, which captures in particular all known attacks on LPN. In this work, we revisit the analysis of the VDLPN assumption. We make two key contributions: – First, we observe that the analysis of Boyle et al is purely asymp- totic: they do not lead to any concrete and efficient PCF instanti- ation within the bounds that offer security guarantees. To improve this state of affairs, we combine a new variant of a VDLPN assump- tion with an entirely new, much tighter security analysis, which we further tighten using extensive computer simulations to optimize pa- rameters. This way, we manage to obtain for the first time a set of provable usable parameters (under a simple combinatorial conjec- ture which is easy to verify experimentally), leading to a concretely efficient PCF resisting all linear tests. – Second, we identify a flaw in the security analysis of Boyle et al., which invalidates their proof that VDLPN resists linear attacks. Us- ing several new non-trivial arguments, we repair the proof and fully demonstrate that VDLPN resists linear attack; our new analysis is more involved than the original (flawed) analysis. Our parameters set leads to PCFs with keys around 3MB allowing ∌ 500 evaluations per second on one core of a standard laptop for 110 bits of security; these numbers can be improved to 350kB keys and ∌ 3950 evaluations/s using a more aggressive all-prefix variant. All numbers are quite tight: only within a factor 3 of the best bounds one could heuristically hope for

    Etude des rejets radioactifs en cas d’accident grave : le cas de l’iode

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    Les rejets de produits radioactifs vers l’environnement (Terme Source) en cas d’accident de fusion de coeur de rĂ©acteur sont Ă©valuĂ©s en utilisant des modĂšles Ă©laborĂ©s Ă  partir des rĂ©sultats des travaux de recherche. Ceux-ci combinent des expĂ©riences Ă  effets sĂ©parĂ©s, de la modĂ©lisation physique, l’implantation des modĂšles dans des logiciels de simulation et des expĂ©riences globales. AprĂšs des informations gĂ©nĂ©rales, cet article illustre la dĂ©marche suivie en prenant l’exemple des Ă©tudes conduites sur l’iode, un Ă©lĂ©ment dont l’impact radiologique Ă  court terme est parmi les plus importants

    Correlated Pseudorandomness from the Hardness of Quasi-Abelian Decoding

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    Secure computation often benefits from the use of correlated randomness to achieve fast, non-cryptographic online protocols. A recent paradigm put forth by Boyle et al. (CCS 2018, Crypto 2019) showed how pseudorandom correlation generators (PCG) can be used to generate large amounts of useful forms of correlated (pseudo)randomness, using minimal interactions followed solely by local computations, yielding silent secure two-party computation protocols (protocols where the preprocessing phase requires almost no communication). Furthermore, programmable PCG's can be used similarly to generate multiparty correlated randomness to be used in silent secure N-party protocols. Previous works constructed very efficient (non-programmable) PCG's for correlations such as random oblivious transfers. However, the situation is less satisfying for the case of random oblivious linear evaluation (OLE), which generalises oblivious transfers over large fields, and are a core resource for secure computation of arithmetic circuits. The state-of-the-art work of Boyle et al. (Crypto 2020) constructed programmable PCG's for OLE, but their work suffers from two important downsides: (1) it only generates OLE's over large fields, and (2) it relies on a relatively new "splittable" ring-LPN assumption, which lacks strong security foundations. In this work, we construct new programmable PCG's for the OLE correlation, that overcome both limitations. To this end, we introduce the quasi-abelian syndrome decoding problem (QA-SD), a family of assumptions which generalises the well-established quasi-cyclic syndrome decoding assumption. Building upon QA-SD, we construct new programmable PCG's for OLE's over any field Fq with q > 2. Our analysis also sheds light on the security of the ring-LPN assumption used in Boyle et al. (Crypto 2020). Using our new PCG's, we obtain the first efficient N-party silent secure computation protocols for computing general arithmetic circuit over Fq for any q > 2

    Influence of corium oxidation on fission product release from molten pool

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    Qualitative and quantitative determination of the release of low-volatile fission products and core materials from molten oxidic corium was investigated in the EVAN project under the auspices of ISTC. The experiments carried out in a cold crucible with induction heating and RASPLAV test facility are described. The results are discussed in terms of reactor application; in particular, pool configuration, melt oxidation kinetics, critical influence of melt surface temperature and oxidation index on the fission product release rate, aerosol particle composition and size distribution. The relevance of measured high release of Sr from the molten pool for the reactor application is highlighted. Comparisons of the experimental data with those from the COLIMA CA-U3 test and the VERCORS tests, as well as with predictions from IVTANTHERMO and GEMINI/NUCLEA codes are made. Recommendations for further investigations are proposed following the major observations and discussions. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Conclusions on severe accident research priorities

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    International audienceThe objectives of the SARNET network of excellence are to define and work on common research programs in the field of severe accidents in Gen. II-III nuclear power plants and to further develop common tools and methodologies for safety assessment in this area. In order to ensure that the research conducted on severe accidents is efficient and well-focused, it is necessary to periodically evaluate and rank the priorities of research. This was done at the end of 2008 by the Severe Accident Research Priority (SARP) group at the end of the SARNET project of the 6th Framework Programme of European Commission (FP6). This group has updated this work in the FP7 SARNET2 project by accounting for the recent experimental results, the remaining safety issues as e.g. highlighted by Level 2 PSA national studies and the results of the recent ASAMPSA2 FP7 project. These evaluation activities were conducted in close relation with the work performed under the auspices of international organizations like OECD or IAEA. The Fukushima-Daiichi severe accidents, which occurred while SARNET2 was running, had some effects on the prioritization and definition of new research topics. Although significant progress has been gained and simulation models (e.g. the ASTEC integral code, jointly developed by IRSN and GRS) were improved, leading to an increased confidence in the predictive capabilities for assessing the success potential of countermeasures and/or mitigation measures, most of the selected research topics in 2008 are still of high priority. But the Fukushima-Daiichi accidents underlined that research efforts had to focus still more to improve severe accident management efficiency. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved