104 research outputs found

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    RESUMO A indústria do futebol chega a movimentar em todo mundo, por ano, de acordo com Belo e Paolozzi (2013), um valor entre US400bilho~eseUS 400 bilhões e US 1 trilhão. Como atividade econômica, tem atraído a atenção de diversos estudos acadêmicos (DOBSON e GODDARD, 2001; SOUZA, 2004 e MADALOZZO, 2008). Entre os resultados obtidos nesses estudos, tem-se divergências com relação à variável preço nas equações de demanda por futebol. Dessa forma, este estudo objetiva identificar a relação entre preço e demanda por futebol. Foram utilizados dados secundários a partir do IBGE, da CBF e da Pluri Consultoria. A pesquisa faz uma análise a partir de 380 jogos do campeonato brasileiro. Para estimação da demanda utilizou-se o método de MQO. O modelo teve como variável dependente o público pagante presente nos estádios. Os resultados evidenciaram que a função demanda é não homogênea

    Uniform Selection as a Primary Force Reducing Population Genetic Differentiation of Cavitation Resistance across a Species Range

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    Background: Cavitation resistance to water stress-induced embolism determines plant survival during drought. This adaptive trait has been described as highly variable in a wide range of tree species, but little is known about the extent of genetic and phenotypic variability within species. This information is essential to our understanding of the evolutionary forces that have shaped this trait, and for evaluation of its inclusion in breeding programs. Methodology: We assessed cavitation resistance (P 50), growth and carbon isotope composition in six Pinus pinaster populations in a provenance and progeny trial. We estimated the heritability of cavitation resistance and compared the distribution of neutral markers (FST) and quantitative genetic differentiation (QST), for retrospective identification of the evolutionary forces acting on these traits. Results/Discussion: In contrast to growth and carbon isotope composition, no population differentiation was found for cavitation resistance. Heritability was higher than for the other traits, with a low additive genetic variance (h 2 ns = 0.4360.18, CVA = 4.4%). QST was significantly lower than FST, indicating uniform selection for P50, rather than genetic drift. Putativ

    Kriegsgefangene im antiken Griechenland.

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