231 research outputs found

    Motif affinity and mass spectrometry proteomic approach for the discovery of cellular AMPK targets: identification of mitochondrial fission factor as a new AMPK substrate

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    AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key cellular energy sensor and regulator of metabolic homeostasis. Although it is best known for its effects on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, AMPK is implicated in diverse cellular processes, including mitochondrial biogenesis, autophagy, and cell growth and proliferation. To further our understanding of energy homeostasis through AMPK-dependent processes, the design and application of approaches to identify and characterise novel AMPK substrates are invaluable. Here, we report an affinity proteomicstrategy for the discovery and validation of AMPK targets using an antibody to isolate proteins containing the phospho-AMPK substrate recognition motif from hepatocytes that had been treated with pharmacological AMPK activators. We identified 57 proteins that were uniquely enriched in the activator-treated hepatocytes, but were absent in hepatocytes lacking AMPK. We focused on two candidates, cingulin and mitochondrial fission factor (MFF), and further characterised/validated them as AMPK-dependent targets by immunoblotting with phosphorylation site-specific antibodies. A small-molecule AMPK activator caused transient phosphorylation of endogenous cingulin at S137 in intestinal Caco2 cells. Multiple splice-variants of MFF appear to express in hepatocytes and we identified a common AMPK-dependent phospho-site (S129) in all the 3 predominant variants spanning the mass range and a short variant-specific site (S146). Collectively, our proteomic-based approach using a phospho-AMPK substrate antibody in combination with genetic models and selective AMPK activators will provide a powerful and reliable platform for identifying novel AMPK-dependent cellular targets

    Few-Particle Effects in Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Observation of Multi-Charged-Excitons

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    We investigate experimentally and theoretically few-particle effects in the optical spectra of single quantum dots (QDs). Photo-depletion of the QD together with the slow hopping transport of impurity-bound electrons back to the QD are employed to efficiently control the number of electrons present in the QD. By investigating structurally identical QDs, we show that the spectral evolutions observed can be attributed to intrinsic, multi-particle-related effects, as opposed to extrinsic QD-impurity environment-related interactions. From our theoretical calculations we identify the distinct transitions related to excitons and excitons charged with up to five additional electrons, as well as neutral and charged biexcitons.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revtex. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    OPA1 functions in mitochondria and dysfunctions in optic nerve

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    OPA1 is the major gene responsible for Dominant Optic Atrophy (DOA), a blinding disease that affects specifically the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which function consists in connecting the neuro-retina to the brain. OPA1 encodes an intra-mitochondrial dynamin, involved in inner membrane structures and ubiquitously expressed, raising the critical question of the origin of the disease pathophysiology. Here, we review the fundamental knowledge on OPA1 functions and regulations, highlighting their involvements in mitochondrial respiration, membrane dynamic and apoptosis. In light of these functions, we then describe the remarkable RGC mitochondrial network physiology and analyse data collected from animal models expressing OPA1 mutations. If, to date RGC mitochondria does not present any peculiarity at the molecular level, they represent possible targets of numerous assaults, like light, pressure, oxidative stress and energetic impairment, which jeopardize their function and survival, as observed in OPA1 mouse models. Although fascinating fields of investigation are still to be addressed on OPA1 functions and on DOA pathophysiology, we have reached a conspicuous state of knowledge with pertinent cell and animal models, from which therapeutic trials can be initiated and deeply evaluated

    Autologous chondrocyte implantation versus ACI using 3D-bioresorbable graft for the treatment of large full-thickness cartilage lesions of the knee

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    BACKGROUND: In autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI), the periosteum patch which is sutured over the cartilage defect has been identified as a major source of complications such as periosteal hypertrophy. In the present retrospective study, we compared midterm results of first-generation ACI with a periosteal patch to second generation ACI using a biodegradable collagen fleece (BioSeed-C) in 82 patients suffering from chronic posttraumatic and degenerative cartilage lesions of the knee. METHODS: Clinical outcome was assessed in 42 patients of group 1 and in 40 patients of group 2 before implantation of the autologous chondrocytes and at a minimum follow-up of 2 years using the ICRS score, the modified Cincinnati score and the Lysholm score. RESULTS: Although patients treated with BioSeed-C had more previous surgical procedures on their respective knees, highly significant improvements (P < 0.001) were assessed in both groups at comparable outcome levels: the ICRS score improved from grade D (poor) preoperatively to grade C (fair); the modified Cincinnati knee score from 3.26 to 6.4 (group 1) and 3.3 and 6.88 (group 2). Lysholm score improved from 33 to 70 points (group 1) and from 47 to 78 points (group 2), respectively. Revision surgery was due to symptomatic periosteal hypertrophy (n = 4), graft failure (n = 3), plica syndrome (n = 2) synovectomy (n = 1) (group 1); and graft failure (n = 2), debridement (n = 1), synovectomy (n = 2) (group 2). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that BioSeed-C is an equally effective treatment option for focal degenerative chondral lesions of the knee in this challenging and complex patient profile

    Interactions entre les réseaux de la faune et des voies de circulation

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    L’ingénieur qui développe les réseaux d’infrastructure de transports en raison d’une demande croissante en mobilité (essor de l’économie, population et niveau de vie en augmentation, etc.) doit faire en sorte que ceux-ci soient efficaces, sûrs, économiques et respectueux de l’environnement. Cette tâche ardue ne peut s’accomplir sans un travail interdisciplinaire faisant notamment intervenir un écologue pour tout ce qui concerne la protection de la faune. La collaboration « ingénieur – spécialiste de la faune » doit débuter au stade de l’étude de planification du projet, les documents situant les réseaux écologiques (corridors et zones-réservoir) et les milieux protégés devant être dans les mains de l’ingénieur lors du choix du tracé de la voie de circulation. Les impacts d’une infrastructure de transport sur la faune portent atteinte à la capacité d’accueil du milieu, au taux de mortalité des espèces animales et à la fonctionnalité du réseau écologique. Les solutions passent par l’identification des réseaux écologiques existants, l’analyse de la perméabilité effective de la voie de circulation et l’élaboration d’un concept de réseau écologique futur qui doit tenir compte de l’évolution prévisible du paysage et de l’aspect régional de la problématique. Le plan de mesures pour la faune est élaboré conjointement par l’ingénieur et l’écologue sur la base de ce concept de réseau écologique futur. Il doit viser la sécurité pour les usagers de la voie de circulation, la protection de la faune et un rapport « efficacité/coût » élevé pour les mesures projetées. Ce dernier s’obtient entre autres en aménageant pour la faune les ouvrages de franchissement non spécifiques et en intégrant les passages à faune dans le paysage à l’aide d’aménagements s’étendant au-delà de l’emprise de la voie de circulation. La gestion des mesures pour la faune est une nécessité pour garantir leur efficacité à long terme. Elle doit être planifiée lors du projet et doit fixer notamment le financement et les intervenants prenant part à l’entretien, à la surveillance et aux contrôles d’efficacité

    Interaction of p21CDKN1A with PCNA regulates the histone acetyltransferase activity of p300 in nucleotide excision repair

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    The cell-cycle inhibitor p21CDKN1A has been suggested to directly participate in DNA repair, thanks to the interaction with PCNA. Yet, its role has remained unclear. Among proteins interacting with both p21 and PCNA, the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) p300 has been shown to participate in DNA repair. Here we report evidence indicating that p21 protein localizes and interacts with both p300 and PCNA at UV-induced DNA damage sites. The interaction between p300 and PCNA is regulated in vivo by p21. Indeed, loss of p21, or its inability to bind PCNA, results in a prolonged binding to chromatin and an increased association of p300 with PCNA, in UV-irradiated cells. Concomitantly, HAT activity of p300 is reduced after DNA damage. In vitro experiments show that inhibition of p300 HAT activity induced by PCNA is relieved by p21, which disrupts the association between recombinant p300 and PCNA. These results indicate that p21 is required during DNA repair to regulate p300 HAT activity by disrupting its interaction with PCNA

    Caffeine as a tool for investigating the integration of Cdc25 phosphorylation, activity and ubiquitin-dependent degradation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    The evolutionarily conserved Cdc25 phosphatase is an essential protein that removes inhibitory phosphorylation moieties on the mitotic regulator Cdc2. Together with the Wee1 kinase, a negative regulator of Cdc2 activity, Cdc25 is thus a central regulator of cell cycle progression in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The expression and activity of Cdc25 is dependent on the activity of the Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (TORC1). TORC1 inhibition leads to the activation of Cdc25 and repression of Wee1, leading to advanced entry into mitosis. Withdrawal of nitrogen leads to rapid Cdc25 degradation via the ubiquitin- dependent degradation pathway by the Pub1 E3- ligase. Caffeine is believed to mediate the override of DNA damage checkpoint signalling, by inhibiting the activity of the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)/Rad3 homologues. This model remains controversial, as TORC1 appears to be the preferred target of caffeine in vivo. Recent studies suggest that caffeine induces DNA damage checkpoint override by inducing the nuclear accumulation of Cdc25 in S. pombe. Caffeine may thus modulate Cdc25 activity and stability via inhibition of TORC1. A clearer understanding of the mechanisms by which caffeine stabilises Cdc25, may provide novel insights into how TORC1 and DNA damage signalling is integrated