181 research outputs found

    Capital formation in machinery and industrialization. Chile 1844-1938

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    The present paper revisits an old theme in Latin American and Chilean economic history; the early industrialization in the XIX - XX centuries. The difference with previous approaches is the elaboration of new quantitative series of Chilean machinery investment in the long run and its relative prices and composition, in the period when some authors have sited the beginning of the industrialization in the continent. Initial findings, based on the participation of capital formation in machinery imports and GDP, do not reinforce the idea of early industrialization in Chile.industrialization; capital formation; machinery; Chile.

    Does natural resource extraction compromise future well-being? Norwegian Genuine Savings 1865-2018

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    Over recent years Genuine Savings (GS) has emerged as an indicator for weak sustainability and predictor of socio-economic well-being. This paper presents the first long-term GS estimates for Norway, covering the period from 1865 until 2019. The preliminary results indicate unsustainable development throughout most of the period leading up to the Second World War and sustainable development ever since 1946. This result is rather surprising since the discovery of oil and natural gas fields in 1969 resulted in substantial natural resource depletion, which is usually associated with negative levels of GS. However, in a particularity compared to most natural resource exporters, Norway managed to achieve sustainable development by compensating natural resource depletion with high investments into human and physical capital

    The long run development of Chile and the Natural Resources curse. Linkages, policy and growth, 1850-1950

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    This chapter analyses the effects of Natural Resources on the Chilean economy in the long run -1850-1950-. Specifically, the authors focus their attention on the mining cycles -nitrates and copper- and their impact on the mining activity. We also compare it with the evolution of the industry and whole economy, and how this has affected the economic growth of the country. In that sense, the industrial performance in Chile at the end of the 19th century until the Great Depression is still under debate. The optimistic view of Kirsch -1977- forehead the pessimistic view of Lagos -1966- and Palma -1979-. The new data and its analyses shows a neutral effect of the Natural Resources in the industrial development

    El PIB industrial de Chile durante el ciclo del salitre, 1880 -1938

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    Desde la década de 1960 ha habido un constante interés por medir el nivel industrial de Chile (y de América Latina) en el periodo previo a la ISI (1870 - 1930). Destacados autores han tratado de cuantificar el peso de la industria del país por medio de diversas técnicas. La estimación más aceptada por la literatura de cuentas nacionales es la de Díaz et al. (2007), que considera el método de regresión ideado por Kirsch (1977). Este autor, utilizando el PIB industrial elaborado por Muñoz (1968), estableció que las exportaciones totales y la importación de materias primas para la industria explicaban, en forma bastante certera, esta variable. No obstante, Kirsch (1977) no contaba con la evidencia empírica actualmente disponible como, por ejemplo, las series desagregadas de maquinaria industrial y las estimaciones de consumo aparente de energía. Incorporando estas nuevas series, ampliando las series oficiales hasta 1909 y aplicando la misma metodología propuesta por Kirsch (1977), pretendemos ofrecer un nuevo cálculo del nivel industrial de Chile entre los años 1880 y 1915, con el objetivo de estimar lo más fidedignamente posible el nivel de producción industrial en el período anterior a la ISI

    ¿Estamos valorizando correctamente los recursos naturales? El caso del cobre chileno en perspectiva histórica (1800 – 2021).

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    During the 2021, there has been a noticeable increase in copper prices, with the consequent analysis of whether this value will be sustained over time and how the current price compares with their historical values. In the present research note, the relevance of the current price as exceptional fact is under question. Moreover, several lines of research are proposed in which economic history could contribute to the debate on prices and natural resources valuation beyond market prices.Durante el año 2021 se ha producido un aumento significativo del precio del cobre en los mercados internacionales. Este fenómeno genera una serie de preguntas, como si este valor será sostenido en el tiempo y cómo se compara el precio actual con los valores históricos. En la presenta nota de investigación, se pone en duda la relevancia del precio actual como una excepcionalidad y se proponen varias líneas de investigación en las cuales la historia económica podría aportar para el debate de los precios y valorización de los recursos naturales más allá de un simple precio detransacción.

    Aplicaciones metodológicas de la educación comparada en investigaciones institucionales

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    La presente comunicación, derivada de los avances de investigación de los proyectos institucionales PAPIIT IN-402712, IN-403813 e IN-401218, ofrece algunas consideraciones teórico-metodológicas sobre la Educación Comparada aplicables a dos objetos de estudio en particular: la educación secundaria y la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la educación superior. En primer lugar, argumentamos la importancia de utilizar la estrategia comparativa en la investigación educativa desde un encuadre que combine la perspectiva sociohistórica con precisiones de orden teórico y metodológico, tomando como guía las categorizaciones de Estado-nación, Sistema-mundo, gobernanza, política educativa, sistemas educativos, internacionalización y virtualización de la educación, en cuyo desarrollo incorporamos aportes de autores expertos en este campo de conocimiento, en el cual la aproximación comparativa define uno de los ejes de búsqueda y obtención sistemática de evidencias para la construcción de objetos de investigación. En segundo lugar y a manera de resaltar el potencial de los estudios comparativos, incluimos algunas consideraciones relevantes derivadas de las investigaciones de referencia, destacando señalamientos de orden metodológico y algunos avances obtenidos de dicha aplicación. En el caso de la educación secundaria y mediante la selección justificada de países de Europa y América Latina, observamos que este ciclo educativo se configura como un objeto único y singular en el panorama de la diversidad, y al mismo tiempo como un espacio formativo común, institucionalizado internacionalmente en tanto un nivel de estudios de la educación básica. En cuanto al caso de la incorporación de las TIC en la práctica educativa, utilizamos la categoría de educación superior en modalidades no presenciales y la metodología comparativa destacando la articulación entre el panorama internacional y la oferta educativa en el contexto mexicano, a fin de elaborar un diagnóstico que posibilite visualizar tendencias y desafíos en la composición de esta vertiente de atención educativa.The present communication, derived from the research advances of the institutional projects PAPIIT IN- 402712, IN-403813 and IN-401218, offers several theoretical-methodological considerations on Comparative Education applicable to two study objects in particular: secondary education and the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in higher education. Firstly, we argue the importance of using the comparative strategy in educational research from a framework that would combine the sociohistorical perspective with precisions of theoretical and methodological order, taking the categorizations of nation-state, public policies, educational systems, internationalization and virtualization of education, among others, as a guide. We also incorporate the contributions of expert authors in this field of knowledge, in which the comparative approach defines one of the axes of search and systematic collection of evidence for the construction of research objects. Secondly, and in order to highlight the potential of comparative studies, we include some of the advances obtained in the reference investigations, highlighting the most representative results of this application. In the case of secondary education and through the justified selection of some countries in Europe and Latin America, we observe that this educational cycle is configured as a unique and singular object in the panorama of diversity, and at the same time as a common formative space, institutionalized internationally as a level of studies of basic education. Regarding the incorporation of ICT in educational practice, we use the category of higher education in remote modalities and a comparative methodology, highlighting the articulation between the international panorama and the educational offer in the Mexican context, in order to elaborate a diagnosis that makes it possible to visualize trends and challenges in the composition of this aspect of educational service

    Resource abundance and public finances in five peripheral economies, 1850s-1930s

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    The resource curse literature has established that taxation of natural resources might limit the long-term development of fiscal capacity in resource-rich countries. This article explores if, and how, natural resource abundance generates fiscal dependence on natural resource revenues. We compare five peripheral economies of Latin America (Bolivia, Chile, Peru) and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden) over a period of 90 years, between 1850 and 1939. Both groups were natural resource abundant, but in the latter natural resource dependence decreased over time. By using a novel database, we find that fiscal dependence was low in Norway and Sweden, while high and unstable in Bolivia, Chile and Peru. This suggests that natural resource abundance should not be mechanically linked to fiscal dependence. An accounting identity shows that sudden increases in fiscal dependence were related to both economic and political factors: countries' economic diversification, and attitudes of the relevant political forces about how taxation affects the companies operating in the natural resource sector

    La educación secundaria mexicana: Entre la búsqueda del acceso equitativo y el rezago

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    Este trabajo representa un acercamiento a la situación de la educación secundaria mexicana, la cual ha venido experimentando, en las últimas décadas, una tensión entre la ampliación de la cobertura para todos los grupos adolescentes en edad de cursarla, y el rezago, caracterizado por varios indicadores, tales como el abandono, la reprobación, la repetición de curso y la extra edad, entre otros. De cara a la pobreza y la desigualdad, el Estado mexicano enfrenta el gran reto de continuar ampliando la cobertura para garantizar el acceso equitativo al nivel y la mejora de la calidad, a través de políticas educativas y sociales que logren concretar progresos sustanciales en esta directriz

    A quantum-assisted master clock in the sky: global synchronization from satellites at sub-nanosecond precision

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    This article develops a protocol to synchronize clocks on board a network of satellites equipped with quantum resources. We show that, in such a constellation, satellites reinforce each other's sync capabilities, forming a common clock that is more stable and precise than its constituents. We envision the resulting network as a master clock able to distribute time across the globe, providing the basis for a future quantum global navigation satellite system or a space-based quantum network. As an example of its capabilities, we show that a constellation of 50 satellites equipped with modest quantum resources, and distributed amongst 5 orbits at an altitude of 500 km, allows the synchronization of clocks spread across the globe at sub-nanosecond precision.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures and 3 tables. Comments are welcom

    Evaluation of the syndromic characterization and diagnostic criteria of the concept of anxiety in animal ethology professionals

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    There is a wide range of reported signs for anxious patients in veterinary medicine but specific diagnostic criteria to characterize them is lacking. The objective of this study was to determine the variability in the concepts of anxiety and the criteria used to diagnose anxiety disorders in veterinary medicine. A questionnaire was developed to obtain information through direct responses from 31 professionals in the exercise of clinical ethology with questions based on the subject of canine anxiety (definition, manifestations, and diagnosis). An analysis was performed using contingency tables. Seventy‑three percent (73%, n=22) of respondents agreed on one definition. The signs most frequently considered in the diagnosis of this disorder were increased vigilance (90.3%, n=28), increased motor activity (87%, n=27), panting, and altered heart rate (bradycardia/tachycardia) (77.4%, n=24). From these results, homogeneity is observed in the concept of anxiety, but with evidence of diagnostic heterogeneity, which can be related to the wide repertoire of signs that are considered in the questionnaire and are present in dogs, as well as the lack of diagnostic criteria and/or tests that can objectively evaluate each patient in order to obtain more uniform and reliable results