360 research outputs found

    Simple Asymmetric Exclusion Model and Lattice Paths: Bijections and Involutions

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    We study the combinatorics of the change of basis of three representations of the stationary state algebra of the two parameter simple asymmetric exclusion process. Each of the representations considered correspond to a different set of weighted lattice paths which, when summed over, give the stationary state probability distribution. We show that all three sets of paths are combinatorially related via sequences of bijections and sign reversing involutions.Comment: 28 page

    SNE: Signed Network Embedding

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    Several network embedding models have been developed for unsigned networks. However, these models based on skip-gram cannot be applied to signed networks because they can only deal with one type of link. In this paper, we present our signed network embedding model called SNE. Our SNE adopts the log-bilinear model, uses node representations of all nodes along a given path, and further incorporates two signed-type vectors to capture the positive or negative relationship of each edge along the path. We conduct two experiments, node classification and link prediction, on both directed and undirected signed networks and compare with four baselines including a matrix factorization method and three state-of-the-art unsigned network embedding models. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our signed network embedding.Comment: To appear in PAKDD 201

    A combinatorial approach to jumping particles II: general boundary conditions

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    International audienceWe consider a model of particles jumping on a row, the TASEP. From the point of view of combinatorics a remarkable feauture of this Markov chain is that Catalan numbers are involved in several entries of its stationary distribution. In a companion paper, we gave a combinatorial interpretaion and a simple proof of these observations in the simplest case where the particles enter, jump and exit at the same rate. In this paper we show how to deal with general rates

    Trends in bone metastasis modeling

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    Bone is one of the most common sites for cancer metastasis. Bone tissue is composed by different kinds of cells that coexist in a coordinated balance. Due to the complexity of bone, it is impossible to capture the intricate interactions between cells under either physiological or pathological conditions. Hence, a variety of in vivo and in vitro approaches have been developed. Various models of tumor\u2013bone diseases are routinely used to provide valuable information on the relationship between metastatic cancer cells and the bone tissue. Ideally, when modeling the metastasis of human cancers to bone, models would replicate the intra-tumor heterogeneity, as well as the genetic and phenotypic changes that occur with human cancers; such models would be scalable and reproducible to allow high-throughput investigation. Despite the continuous progress, there is still a lack of solid, amenable, and affordable models that are able to fully recapitulate the biological processes happening in vivo, permitting a correct interpretation of results. In the last decades, researchers have demonstrated that three-dimensional (3D) methods could be an innovative approach that lies between bi-dimensional (2D) models and animal models. Scientific evidence supports that the tumor microenvironment can be better reproduced in a 3D system than a 2D cell culture, and the 3D systems can be scaled up for drug screening in the same way as the 2D systems thanks to the current technologies developed. However, 3D models cannot completely recapitulate the inter-and intra-tumor heterogeneity found in patients. In contrast, ex vivo cultures of fragments of bone preserve key cell\u2013cell and cell\u2013matrix interactions and allow the study of bone cells in their natural 3D environment. Moreover, ex vivo bone organ cultures could be a better model to resemble the human pathogenic metastasis condition and useful tools to predict in vivo response to therapies. The aim of our review is to provide an overview of the current trends in bone metastasis modeling. By showing the existing in vitro and ex vivo systems, we aspire to contribute to broaden the knowledge on bone metastasis models and make these tools more appealing for further translational studies

    Differentially Private Model Selection with Penalized and Constrained Likelihood

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    In statistical disclosure control, the goal of data analysis is twofold: The released information must provide accurate and useful statistics about the underlying population of interest, while minimizing the potential for an individual record to be identified. In recent years, the notion of differential privacy has received much attention in theoretical computer science, machine learning, and statistics. It provides a rigorous and strong notion of protection for individuals' sensitive information. A fundamental question is how to incorporate differential privacy into traditional statistical inference procedures. In this paper we study model selection in multivariate linear regression under the constraint of differential privacy. We show that model selection procedures based on penalized least squares or likelihood can be made differentially private by a combination of regularization and randomization, and propose two algorithms to do so. We show that our private procedures are consistent under essentially the same conditions as the corresponding non-private procedures. We also find that under differential privacy, the procedure becomes more sensitive to the tuning parameters. We illustrate and evaluate our method using simulation studies and two real data examples

    Sharing Social Network Data: Differentially Private Estimation of Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

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    Motivated by a real-life problem of sharing social network data that contain sensitive personal information, we propose a novel approach to release and analyze synthetic graphs in order to protect privacy of individual relationships captured by the social network while maintaining the validity of statistical results. A case study using a version of the Enron e-mail corpus dataset demonstrates the application and usefulness of the proposed techniques in solving the challenging problem of maintaining privacy \emph{and} supporting open access to network data to ensure reproducibility of existing studies and discovering new scientific insights that can be obtained by analyzing such data. We use a simple yet effective randomized response mechanism to generate synthetic networks under ϵ\epsilon-edge differential privacy, and then use likelihood based inference for missing data and Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques to fit exponential-family random graph models to the generated synthetic networks.Comment: Updated, 39 page

    BlinkML: Efficient Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Probabilistic Guarantees

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    The rising volume of datasets has made training machine learning (ML) models a major computational cost in the enterprise. Given the iterative nature of model and parameter tuning, many analysts use a small sample of their entire data during their initial stage of analysis to make quick decisions (e.g., what features or hyperparameters to use) and use the entire dataset only in later stages (i.e., when they have converged to a specific model). This sampling, however, is performed in an ad-hoc fashion. Most practitioners cannot precisely capture the effect of sampling on the quality of their model, and eventually on their decision-making process during the tuning phase. Moreover, without systematic support for sampling operators, many optimizations and reuse opportunities are lost. In this paper, we introduce BlinkML, a system for fast, quality-guaranteed ML training. BlinkML allows users to make error-computation tradeoffs: instead of training a model on their full data (i.e., full model), BlinkML can quickly train an approximate model with quality guarantees using a sample. The quality guarantees ensure that, with high probability, the approximate model makes the same predictions as the full model. BlinkML currently supports any ML model that relies on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which includes Generalized Linear Models (e.g., linear regression, logistic regression, max entropy classifier, Poisson regression) as well as PPCA (Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis). Our experiments show that BlinkML can speed up the training of large-scale ML tasks by 6.26x-629x while guaranteeing the same predictions, with 95% probability, as the full model.Comment: 22 pages, SIGMOD 201

    Discretization of variational regularization in Banach spaces

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    Consider a nonlinear ill-posed operator equation F(u)=yF(u)=y where FF is defined on a Banach space XX. In general, for solving this equation numerically, a finite dimensional approximation of XX and an approximation of FF are required. Moreover, in general the given data \yd of yy are noisy. In this paper we analyze finite dimensional variational regularization, which takes into account operator approximations and noisy data: We show (semi-)convergence of the regularized solution of the finite dimensional problems and establish convergence rates in terms of Bregman distances under appropriate sourcewise representation of a solution of the equation. The more involved case of regularization in nonseparable Banach spaces is discussed in detail. In particular we consider the space of finite total variation functions, the space of functions of finite bounded deformation, and the LL^\infty--space

    Deep Markov Random Field for Image Modeling

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    Markov Random Fields (MRFs), a formulation widely used in generative image modeling, have long been plagued by the lack of expressive power. This issue is primarily due to the fact that conventional MRFs formulations tend to use simplistic factors to capture local patterns. In this paper, we move beyond such limitations, and propose a novel MRF model that uses fully-connected neurons to express the complex interactions among pixels. Through theoretical analysis, we reveal an inherent connection between this model and recurrent neural networks, and thereon derive an approximated feed-forward network that couples multiple RNNs along opposite directions. This formulation combines the expressive power of deep neural networks and the cyclic dependency structure of MRF in a unified model, bringing the modeling capability to a new level. The feed-forward approximation also allows it to be efficiently learned from data. Experimental results on a variety of low-level vision tasks show notable improvement over state-of-the-arts.Comment: Accepted at ECCV 201

    Adversarial Personalized Ranking for Recommendation

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    Item recommendation is a personalized ranking task. To this end, many recommender systems optimize models with pairwise ranking objectives, such as the Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR). Using matrix Factorization (MF) --- the most widely used model in recommendation --- as a demonstration, we show that optimizing it with BPR leads to a recommender model that is not robust. In particular, we find that the resultant model is highly vulnerable to adversarial perturbations on its model parameters, which implies the possibly large error in generalization. To enhance the robustness of a recommender model and thus improve its generalization performance, we propose a new optimization framework, namely Adversarial Personalized Ranking (APR). In short, our APR enhances the pairwise ranking method BPR by performing adversarial training. It can be interpreted as playing a minimax game, where the minimization of the BPR objective function meanwhile defends an adversary, which adds adversarial perturbations on model parameters to maximize the BPR objective function. To illustrate how it works, we implement APR on MF by adding adversarial perturbations on the embedding vectors of users and items. Extensive experiments on three public real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of APR --- by optimizing MF with APR, it outperforms BPR with a relative improvement of 11.2% on average and achieves state-of-the-art performance for item recommendation. Our implementation is available at: https://github.com/hexiangnan/adversarial_personalized_ranking.Comment: SIGIR 201