2 research outputs found

    Factors associated with cognitive impairment in Latin American older adults: A cross‐sectional observational study of COVID‐19 confinement

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    INTRODUCTION: The effects of COVID-19 confinement have been severe, especially in older adults. Therefore, we analyzed the factors associated with cognitive impairment (CI) in Latin America (LA). METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional observational study with a total of 5245 older adults from 10 countries in LA. Measurement: We used the Telephone Montreal Cognitive Assessment (T-MoCA) and the Eight-item Informant Interview to Differentiate Aging and Dementia (AD8) scale. RESULTS: We found that age, depressive symptomatology, bone fractures, being widowed, having a family member with dementia, and unemployment were associated with an increased risk of CI. In contrast, higher education, hypertension with continuous treatment, quarantine, and keeping stimulating cognitive and physical activities were associated with a lower probability of CI. No significant association was found between suffering from diabetes or being retired and CI. DISCUSSION: It is essential to conduct follow-up studies on these factors, considering their relationship with CI and the duration of confinement

    Efecto de la capacidad visoespacial en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de anatomía médica

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    Visuospatial ability is associated with clinical skills in medical education, as it predicts the academic performance of anatomy students. Objective: To determine whether visuospatial processing generates changes in the teaching of medical anatomy and predicts academic performance in that subject. Methods: 140 students were evaluated at the beginning of the semester and before final exams with the Rey Complex Figure Test (CRFT).  Student's t-tests were performed to contrast pre- and post-test differences, Cohen's d to measure effect size, and linear regression to evaluate prediction with final grades. Results: Mean age 20.22 years (SD=1.12), mean grade point average 4.96 (SD=1.20). Seventy percent of the students passed the course. The t-test reports significant differences of TFCR (Memory recall: t=-17.383; p<0.001; Delayed recall: t=-16.547, p<0.001) with a medium effect size (d=0.59 and d=0.56), respectively. The scores obtained in the post-test on the TFCR deferred recall task explained up to 90% of the students' academic performance. Conclusions: The instrument's deferred memory predicted academic performance and anatomy learning improved students' visuospatial function performance.La capacidad visoespacial se asocia con habilidades clínicas en la educación médica, ya que predice el desempeño académico de los estudiantes de anatomía. Objetivo: Determinar si el procesamiento visoespacial genera cambios en la enseñanza de la anatomía médica y predice el desempeño académico en esa asignatura. Método: 140 estudiantes evaluados al inicio de semestre y antes de exámenes finales con el Test de la Figura Compleja de Rey.  Se realizaron análisis t de Student para contrastar las diferencias pre y pos-test, d de Cohen para medir el tamaño de efecto y regresión lineal para evaluar la predicción con las notas finales. Resultados: Edad promedio 20.22 años (DE=1.12), media de calificaciones 4.96 (DE=1.20). El 70% de los estudiantes aprobó la asignatura. La prueba t reporta diferencias significativas del TFCR (Evocación de Memoria: t=-17.383; p<0.001; Evocación diferida: t=-16.547, p<0.001) con un tamaño del efecto mediano (d=0.59 y d=0.56), respectivamente. Las puntuaciones obtenidas en el post-test en la tarea de memoria diferida del TFCR, explicaron hasta en un 90% el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. Conclusiones: La memoria diferida del instrumento predijo el rendimiento académico y el aprendizaje de anatomía mejoró el desempeño en la función visoespacial de los estudiantes