158 research outputs found

    Nicola Andria et les origines de la psychiatrie moderne Une contribution historiographique

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    FrFrancesco Nicola Maria Andria (Massafra – 1747; Naples – 1814), auteur malheureusement presque complètement inconnu aujourd’hui, déploya son activité de professeur à l’Université de Naples, occupant divers enseignements: Histoire Naturelle, Médecine Théorique et Pratique, Pathologie, Agriculture. Il publie des oeuvres appréciées et examinées dans diverses parties d’Europe. En Andria, recherche et didactique s’inscrit dans un seul projet de re-fondation de la science médicale, que le «philosophe de Parthénope» méditait dès le commencement: former la nouvelle génération des médecins philosophes était partie intégrant de ce plan ambitieux. Nous avons besoin d’une médicine qui soit philosophique en combinant les résultats des recherches dans les domaines des différentes disciplines dont elle se sert, à orienter les efforts vers un but unique: l’homme est «l’oeuvre la plus merveilleuse de la main de l’Omnipotent», «convertie en une machine matérielle», principalement par le réductionnisme mécaniste. C’est pourquoi, si le but de la science est celui de protéger l’homme (voici la grande nouveauté de Andria), objectif principal semble être la pratique d’une médicine ni chimique, ni mécanique, mais d’une médicine “à l’èchelle humaine”, morale dans le traitement de ces patients qui souffrent de troubles mentaux. En Andria, la pathogénie de ces troubles est certainement organique, mais peut aussi s’enraciner dans des raisons psycho-émotionnelles. Il devient, donc, promoteur d’une thérapie morale comme moderne psychothérapie. Il insiste sur les avantages que la “médicine gentille” peut ammener aux patients, dont «aliénations mentales» peuvent être traitées avec methodus, à partir de ceux qu’on appellerait aujourd’hui les données anamnestiques; c’est à dire les souvenirs, principalement de l’enfance et des relations familiales, ainsi que les relations scolaires dans l’enfant.EnFrancesco Nicola Maria Andria (Massafra – 1747; Naples – 1814), author unfortunatelyalmost unknown nowadays, carried out his activity of teacher at the University of Naples, holding various subject: Natural History, Theoretical and Practical Medicine, Pathology, Agriculture. He published works, which were appreciated and reviewed in different parts of Europe. In Andria, investigation and teaching are inscribed in a unique project of medical science re-foundation, which the «philosopher of Partenope» meditated from the beginning: forming the new generation of medical philosophers was an integral part of this ambitious plan. It’s needed a medicine which is philosophical in combining the results of investigations in the areas of the several disciplines he uses, in addressing the efforts towards a unique end: the man is «the most wonderful Work from the hand of the Almighty», «converted in a material machine», mainly by the mechanistic reductionism. So that, if the aim of science is to protect the man (here stands the great Andria’s innovation), the main aim appears to be the practice of a medicine neither chemical nor mechanical, but a medicine “on a human scale”, moral in treating those patients suffering from mental disorders. In Andria, the pathogenesis of such disorders is certainly organic, but may also be rooted in psycho-emotional reasons. Hence, he becomes the promoter of a moral therapy as a modern psychotherapy. He insists on the advantages that the “kind medicine” may bring to patients, whose «mental alienations» can be treated with methodus, starting from those we would define today as anamnestic data, the memories, mainly of childhood and family relationships, besides the school relationships in the child.ItFrancesco Nicola Maria Andria (Massafra – 1747; Napoli – 1814), autore purtroppo oggi quasi del tutto sconosciuto, svolse la sua attività di cattedratico presso l’Università di Napoli, ricoprendo vari insegnamenti: Storia Naturale, Medicina Teoretica e Pratica, Patologia, Agricoltura. Pubblicò opere apprezzate e recensite in varie parti d’Europa. In Andria, ricerca e didattica s’inscrivono in un unico progetto di ri-fondazione della scienza medica, che il «filosofo di Partenope» meditò fin dall’inizio: formare la nuova generazione dei medici filosofi era parte integrante di questo ambizioso disegno. Occorre una medicina che sia filosofica nel coniugare i risultati delle ricerche negli ambiti delle varie discipline di cui si serve, nel dirigere gli sforzi verso un fine unico: l’uomo è «l’Opera più stupenda della mano dell’Onnipotente», «convertita in una macchina materiale», principalmente dal riduzionismo meccanicistico. Ragion per cui, se scopo della scienza è tutelare l’uomo (qui è la grande novità dell’Andria), obiettivo primario risulta essere la pratica di una medicina né chimica, né meccanica, ma di una medicina “a misura d’uomo”, morale nel curare quei pazienti che soffrono di disturbi mentali. In Andria, la patogenesi di questi disturbi è certamente di carattere organico, ma può altresì radicarsi in ragioni psicoemotive. Egli si fa quindi promotore di una terapia morale quale moderna psicoterapia. Insiste sui vantaggi che la “medicina gentile” può recare ai pazienti, le cui «alienazioni mentali» sono curabili con methodus, a partire da quelli che oggi diremmo i dati anamnestici e cioè i ricordi, principalmente dell’infanzia e delle relazioni familiari, oltreché nel bambino di quelle scolastiche

    Unravelling the DNA sequences carried by Streptomyces coelicolor membrane vesicles

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    Membrane vesicles (MVs) are spherical particles with nanoscale dimensions and characterized by the presence of diverse cargos, such as nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and cellular metabolites. Many examples of (micro)organisms producing MVs are reported in literature. Among them, bacterial MVs are of particular interest because they are now considered as the fourth mechanism of horizontal gene transfer. Streptomyces bacteria are well-known for their ecological roles and ability to synthesize bioactive compounds, with Streptomyces coelicolor being the model organism. It was previously demonstrated that it can produce distinct populations of MVs characterized by different protein and metabolite cargos. In this work we demonstrated for the first time that MVs of S. coelicolor carry both DNA and RNA and that their DNA content represents the entire chromosome of the bacterium. These findings suggest that MV DNA could have a role in the evolution of Streptomyces genomes and that MVs could be exploited in new strain engineering strategies

    Endophytic Bacteria Associated with Origanum heracleoticum L. (Lamiaceae) Seeds

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    Seed-associated microbiota are believed to play a crucial role in seed germination, seedling establishment, and plant growth and fitness stimulation, due to the vertical transmission of a core microbiota from seeds to the next generations. It might be hypothesized that medicinal and aromatic plants could use the seeds as vectors to vertically transfer beneficial endophytes, providing plants with metabolic pathways that could influence phytochemicals production. Here, we investigated the localization, the structure and the composition of the bacterial endophytic population that resides in Origanum heracleoticum L. seeds. Endocellular bacteria, surrounded by a wall, were localized close to the aleurone layer when using light and transmission electron microscopy. From surface-sterilized seeds, cultivable endophytes were isolated and characterized through RAPD analysis and 16S RNA gene sequencing, which revealed the existence of a high degree of biodiversity at the strain level and the predominance of the genus Pseudomonas. Most of the isolates grew in the presence of six selected antibiotics and were able to inhibit the growth of clinical and environmental strains that belong to the Burkholderia cepacia complex. The endophytes production of antimicrobial compounds could suggest their involvement in plant secondary metabolites production and might pave the way to endophytes exploitation in the pharmaceutical field

    Rotondas red eggplant: nutritional characterization and extractionof high added value biocompounds using emerging electrotechnologies

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    Rotondas Red Eggplant belongs to the family of Solanum aethiopicum species, cultivated in a specific area of Potenza (Basilicata, Italy) and has gained the Protected Designation of Origin certification. Recently, Red Eggplant was associated with different biological properties, related to health benefits, as antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antihypertensive and hypolipidemic, probably due to its chemical composition. The search for "greener" technologies has been one of the focus of research, having in mind industrial applications. In this sense, electrotechnologies, such as ohmic heating (OH), have been explored, showing to have potentially lower energy costs, higher extraction yields, being less time consuming and increasing the biocompounds chemical stability. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical/nutritional composition of Red Eggplant and to assess conventional and OH methods in the extraction and recovery of the main bio-compounds present in this material. Red Eggplant was characterized for the nutritional profile (AOAC procedures): proteins, carbohydrates, total extractives, lipids, ash and minerals. The selected conditions for the extraction of the main biocompounds, for conventional and OH methods, were: solid/liquid ratio 1:10 (w:v), 80 °C, 25 min and water or mixture of 50% (v/v) ethanol/water as a solvent. Subsequently, assays were carried out to determine the content of proteins (Bradford), total carbohydrates (phenolsulfuric acid) and phenolics (Folin-Ciocalteu), and antioxidant activity (FRAP and DPPH) of the obtained extracts. Monosaccharides profile after hydrolysis and phenolics were also quantified by HPLC. Results showed that carbohydrates were the major macronutrient, followed by protein, lipids and ash. K, Ca and Mg were the major minerals. Regarding the monosaccharide composition, glucose, fructose, xylose and arabinose were the most abundant sugars. Ethanolic extractives represented approximately 46 % of the Red Eggplant composition. Independently of the solvent, higher amounts of polyphenols, proteins and carbohydrates were extracted when OH was applied. Moreover, OH extracts showed greater antioxidant activity compared to extracts obtained by the conventional extraction method. According to the polyphenol profile of the extracts the main compounds found were taxifolin, rutin and rosmarinic acid. These results demonstrate the potential of this vegetable to be used for nutraceuticals or functional food.The authors wish to thank for the financial support to funding program Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (MSCA-RISE; FODIAC; 778388). Pedro Santos is recipient of a fellowship supported by a doctoral advanced training (call NORTE-69-2015-15), funded by the European Social Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000036). Zlatina Genisheva is supported by the project OH2O (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029145) funded by FCT and Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) under the scope of Programa Operacional de Competividade e Internacionalizaçao (POCI)-COMPETE 2020 and Portugal 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the Gut Microbiome Alteration of the European Hare (Lepus europaeus) after Short-Term Diet Modifications

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    This study aimed to characterise the gut microbiome composition of European hares (Lepus europaeus) and its potential changes after a short-term diet modification. The high sensitivity of European hare to habitat changes makes this species a good model to analyse possible alterations in gut microbiome after the introduction of additional nourishment into the diet. In total, 20 pairs were chosen for the experiments; 10 pairs formed the control group and were fed with standard fodder. The other 10 pairs represented the experimental group, whose diet was integrated with apples and carrots. The DNA from fresh faecal pellets collected after 4 days from the start of the experiment was extracted and the V3-V4 hypervariable regions were amplified and sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq® platform. The obtained amplicon sequence variants were classified into 735 bacterial genera belonging to 285 families and 36 phyla. The control and the experimental groups appeared to have a homogenous dispersion for the two taxonomic levels analysed with the most abundant phyla represented by Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. No difference between control and experimental samples was detected, suggesting that the short-term variation in food availability did not alter the hares’ gut microbiome. Further research is needed to estimate significant time threshold

    Clinical evidence continuous medical education: a randomised educational trial of an open access e-learning program for transferring evidence-based information – ICEKUBE (Italian Clinical Evidence Knowledge Utilization Behaviour Evaluation) – study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In an effort to ensure that all physicians have access to valid and reliable evidence on drug effectiveness, the Italian Drug Agency sponsored a free-access e-learning system, based on <it>Clinical Evidence</it>, called ECCE. Doctors have access to an electronic version and related clinical vignettes. Correct answers to the interactive vignettes provide Continuing Medical Education credits. The aims of this trial are to establish whether the e-learning program (ECCE) increases physicians' basic knowledge about common clinical scenarios, and whether ECCE is superior to the passive diffusion of information through the printed version of <it>Clinical Evidence</it>.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>All Italian doctors naïve to ECCE will be randomised to three groups. Group one will have access to ECCE for <it>Clinical Evidence </it>chapters and vignettes lot A and will provide control data for <it>Clinical Evidence </it>chapters and vignettes lot B; group two vice versa; group three will receive the concise printed version of <it>Clinical Evidence</it>. There are in fact two designs: a before and after pragmatic trial utilising a two by two incomplete block design (group one versus group two) and a classical design (group one and two versus group three). The primary outcome will be the retention of <it>Clinical Evidence </it>contents assessed from the scores for clinical vignettes selected from ECCE at least six months after the intervention. To avoid test-retest effects, we will randomly select vignettes out of lot A and lot B, avoiding repetitions. In order to preserve the comparability of lots, we will select vignettes with similar, optimal psychometric characteristics.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN27453314</p

    Update on SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant of Concern and Its Peculiar Mutational Profile

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    The process of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) genetic diversification is still ongoing and has very recently led to the emergence of a new variant of concern (VOC), defined as Omicron or B.1.1.529. Omicron VOC is the most divergent variant identified so far and has generated immediate concern for its potential capability to increase SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility and, more worryingly, to escape therapeutic and vaccine-induced antibodies. Nevertheless, a clear definition of the Omicron VOC mutational spectrum is still missing. Herein, we provide a comprehensive definition and functional characterization (in terms of infectivity and/or antigenicity) of mutations characterizing the Omicron VOC. In particular, 887,475 SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC whole-genome sequences were retrieved from the GISAID database and used to precisely define its specific patterns of mutations across the different viral proteins. In addition, the functional characterization of Omicron VOC spike mutations was finely discussed according to published manuscripts. Lastly, residues characterizing the Omicron VOC and the previous four VOCs (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta) were mapped on the three-dimensional structure of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to assess their localization in the different spike domains. Overall, our study will assist with deciphering the Omicron VOC mutational profile and will shed more light on its clinical implications. This is critical considering that Omicron VOC is currently the predominant variant worldwide. IMPORTANCE The Omicron variant of concern (VOC) has a peculiar spectrum of mutations characterized by the acquisition of mutations or deletions rarely detected in previously identified variants, particularly in the spike glycoprotein. Such mutations, mostly residing in the receptor-binding domain, could play a pivotal role in enhancing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infectivity (by increasing binding affinity for ACE2), jeopardizing spike recognition by therapeutic and vaccine-induced antibodies and causing diagnostic assay failure. To our knowledge, this is one of the first exhaustive descriptions of newly emerged mutations underlying the Omicron VOC and its biological and clinical implications

    Long-acting combination of cabotegravir plus rilpivirine: A picture of potential eligible and ineligible HIV-positive individuals from the Italian ARCA cohort

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    Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of people living with HIV (PLWH) eligible for the long-acting injectable (LAI) regimen with cabotegravir (CAB) and rilpivirine (RPV), in comparison with ineligible individuals. Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional study from the ARCA cohort, including virologically suppressed PLWH with at least one genotypic resistance testing (GRT) for reverse transcriptase and integrase from plasma and/or PBMCs. Eligibility criteria for LAI CAB+RPV were: negative HBsAg, absence of previous virological failures and/or resistance-associated mutations for non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and/or integrase strand transfer inhibitors. Potential differences between eligible and ineligible individuals were investigated by univariable and multivariable analyses. Results: A total of 514 individuals were included: 377 (73.3%) were male, median age was 51 (IQR: 43–58), on ART for 9 years (IQR: 4–17), virologically suppressed for 63 months (IQR: 35–105). Eligible individuals for CAB+RPV were 229 (44.5%, 95%CI: 40.8–48.8); compared with ineligible individuals, they received a lower number of previous regimens (aOR 0.76, 95% CI 0.71–0.83, P < 0.001) and were on current NNRTIs (aOR 2.16, 95% CI 1.38–3.37, P = 0.001). Conclusions: Less than half of virologically suppressed PLWH in the ARCA cohort were potentially eligible for CAB+RPV. They seem to be “less complicated” with shorter exposure to ART and preferably already on NNRTIs