5 research outputs found

    Die Funktionen anaphorischer Proformen beim Simultandolmetschen aus dem Deutschen

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    When working from German in the simultaneous mode, interpreters often start producing the target language utterance before they have heard the end of the source language utterance in question. The reason for this is that the short-term memory may become overloaded if the interpreter decides to wait for the whole utterance to be complete. As soon as he has captured the full meaning of the German utterance (or a meaning unit of it) he will take the incomplete output segment up again by means of anaphoric pro-forms (such as resumptive pronouns), correct it, if necessary, and/or complete it in accordance with the requirements of his target language production. This paper shows that, as they may be used for various functions in the process, anaphoric pro-forms are a flexible processing device

    Ingrid Kurz: Simultandolmetschen als Gegenstand der interdisziplinƤren Forschung. Wien: WUV-UniversitƤtsverlag, 1996

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    Genoptagelse ved hjƦlp af proformer ved simultantolkning fra tysk

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    Der Simultandolmetscher als Textproduzent

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    The simultaneous interpreter is a secondary text producer in the sense that s/he is not responsible for the contents of the text to be transferred to the target language. In this paper it is assumed 1) that this lack of autonomy results in the construction of a discourse model which differs from the speakerā€™s discourse model and 2) that this difference is reflected in different referential expressions used by the speaker and the interpreter respectively. Based on Mira Arielā€™s Accessibility Theory, referential expressions are regarded as accessibility markers, by means of which the text producer signals to the hearer whether the mental representation of the referent in question has a high or low degree of accessibility in his/her memory. It is claimed that, whenever text production is difficult due to special conditions of the simultaneous mode, the interpreter tends to choose referential expressions which indicate that a particular referent has a lower state of activation in his/her discourse model as compared with the speakerā€™s. If a higher accessibility marker is used in such a case this can be explained as a misunderstanding, comprehension deficit or loss of information