37 research outputs found

    Psychological issues of education of kindergarten children and school children in the information society

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    Background. The issue of upbringing is becoming increasingly important due to the development and growing-up of modern children and adolescents in the so-called digital age. The characteristic features of child development in the kindergarten and in the primary and secondary school within the information society make pose a challenge to the psychological service. Objective. The key to the situation can be found in the context of the priority directions of psychology of upbringing and education, and also by establishing scientific and practical support of the directions. The paper is to thoroughly consider psychologists’ and educators’ work in the education system in the current situation. The goals and objectives of their work are specified in regard with the significant changes that have been recently observed in the Information Society. Design. The acute and sometimes contradictory issues of the upbringing have been severely paralyzed. The ever-lasting goals of educating children and developing their personality such as emotional and spiritual development, mastering the accumulated bag of cultural achievements, the development of moral feelings, abilities for full communication, etc. are singled out. Research Results. Modern education reflects the needs of the information society and has to focus more on the issues of schoolchildren’s progress, the development of their intellectual sphere, and the preparation for the passing of the State Exam. Much less attention is paid to education. Practical psychology being an important assistant of the educational system is much influenced by the latter and is not actually prepared solve the urgent task of educating children. Conclusion. The solutions to the problems of education should not only be found at the level of highly professional interdisciplinary integration of the educational, psychological, social and other sciences and practices, but also at the level of the contemporary interaction of various sciences and forms of social consciousness , i.e. culture, art, media (television, radio, Internet), law, morality, religion

    Wprowadzanie dziecka w świat piękna poprzez wartości estetyczne sztuki muzycznej

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    The work presents the theoretical and practical view of the problem of placing a child into the world of beauty. The significance of music in this activity was shown through the prism of the experience of Polish and Ukrainian educators. The reflections in the article oscillate around the perception of music understood in the context of various combinations of many fields of art, as well as methodological concepts used in the educational process. The work shows the trend of thinking about music as an organic combination of reason and feelings. The conducted considerations are therefore aimed at promoting problem situations in projects, crystallizing the strategy of active listening to music as the right one in creating inspiring associations while shaping the sense of beauty among the youngest recipients

    Istota środowiska refleksyjno-edukacyjnego w profesjonalnym przygotowaniu nauczycieli muzyki : konfrontacje polsko-ukraińskie

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    The article discusses the problem of creating an environment conducive to shaping the attitude of reflexivity of future music teachers. The work presents the achievements in this area by institutes in selected universities in Poland and Ukraine. The conditions for creating pedagogical self-sufficiency of students were the subject of consideration. The authors describe the essence of such concepts as “pedagogical self-efficacy”, “pedagogical reflection”, “evaluation environment” and their approximation in the process of increasing a teacher’s professionalism. They thus clarified the essence of the pedagogical effectiveness of their own educator–musicians and showed the place and role of the reflective and evaluation environment in the process of its formation

    Развитие ИКТ концепций в теории и практике образования со времен независимости

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    The article deals with ICT concepts in the educational theory and practice of Ukraine. It is noted that scientists are exploring different aspects such as a concept, a strategy for implementing the concept, real experience, etc. The analysis of ICT concepts in education which were created during the independence period has highlighted a number of contradictions that accompany this process. The aim of the study: to consider ICT concepts that were created in the system of education in Ukraine during the independence period.У статті розглядаються концепції ІКТ у навчальній теорії та практиці України. Відмічається, що вчені вивчають різні аспекти, такі як концепція, стратегія реалізації концепцій, реальний досвід. Аналіз концепцій ІКТ в освіті, які були створені в період незалежності, виявив ряд протилежних, які супроводжують це. Мета дослідження: розглянути концепції ІКТ, які були створені в системі освіти України в період незалежності.В статье рассматриваются концепции ИКТ в образовательной теории и практике Украины. Отмечается, что ученые изучают различные аспекты, такие как концепция, стратегия реализации концепции, реальный опыт. Анализ концепций ИКТ в образовании, которые были созданы в период независимости, выявил ряд противоречий, которые сопровождают это. Цель исследования: рассмотреть концепции ИКТ, которые были созданы в системе образования Украины в период независимости

    Structure of self-education of music teachers in postgraduate education

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    The article outlines the problem of continuing education of teachers in the current system of postgraduate education. It reveals the structure of self-education of teachers; an implementation algorithm of self-education activities of teachers is outlined, and the category of "problem" is analyzed as a scientific problem. The levels of self-education of teachers in postgraduate education are defined. The criteria for self-education skills of a modern teacher are analyzed. The process of mastering the structure and content for self-education</p

    The Essence of the Reflective and Educational Environment in the Professional Training of Music Teachers – Polish-Ukrainian Comparisons

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    The article discusses the problem of creating an environment conducive to shaping the attitude of reflexivity of future music teachers. The work presents the achievements in this area by institutes in selected universities in Poland and Ukraine. The conditions for creating pedagogical self-sufficiency of students were the subject of consideration. The authors describe the essence of such concepts as “pedagogical self-efficacy”, “pedagogical reflection”, “evaluation environment” and their approximation in the process of increasing a teacher’s professionalism. They thus clarified the essence of the pedagogical effectiveness of their own educator–musicians and showed the place and role of the reflective and evaluation environment in the process of its formation

    Fostering critical thinking skills among future teachers

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    Today, a person who thinks critically is able to conduct a dialogue, determine the nature of any problem and find alternative solutions, and distinguish fact from assumption. This person is not afraid to question established opinions and judgments. That is why such kind of people are considered to be competitive and in demand on the labor market. The article, based on modern scientific positions, reveals the meaning of “critical thinking”. The development of critical thinking is based on observation skills; on the ability to ask questions and find the necessary resources; on the ability to check beliefs, assumptions and opinions, contrary to the evidence; on the ability to distinguish and identify a problem; on the ability to assess the validity of statements and arguments; and on the ability to find and make smart decisions, and understand the logic and logical arguments. The authors of the article found that the process of solving pedagogical problems was the basic unit of critical thinking skills among future teachers. The availability of critical thinking skills among future teachers is determined by using a critical thinking test, developed by Lauren Starkey, an American author (Starkey, 2004). The analysis of the survey results shows that the majority of respondents have an average level of critical thinking skills. The average level of critical thinking skills indicates that an average future teacher’s forms of thinking are unevenly developed. That is why it is difficult for a future teacher to make important decisions. We propose to foster critical thinking skills by solving pedagogical problems, which involves the use of modern interactive forms, methods and techniques of teaching

    Просвітницька діяльність Волинського ліцею як приклад педагогічної самовідданості

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    The article is devoted to the characterization of the cultural palette of Kremenets as one of the most important educational centers of Volhynia of the first half of the XIX century. The leading cultural center of the city of that time was the Volhynia gymnasium and lyceum (1805–1833). The opening of the institution became a true triumph of the dedication activity of its founders – Hugo Kollontai (1750–1812) and Tadeush Chatskyl (1765–1813). A separate page of the Kremenets culture is its connection with the famous Polish poet Yuliush Slovatskyl (1809–1849), and now his memorial museum is open in the city. The contemporary educational activity of the Kremenets Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy named after Taras Shevchenko is also considered.У статті описано культурну спадчину Кременецького ліцею як одного з найважливішіх освітніх центрів Волині у першій половині XIX ст., у структурі якого були Волинська гімназія та ліцей (1805–1833). Відкриття закладу стало справжнім тріумфом самовідданої діяльності її засновників – Гуго Коллонтай (1750–1812) та Тадеуша Чацкого (1765–1813). Окремою сторінкою кременецької культури є її зв'язок з відомим польським поетом Юліушем Словацьким (1809–1849), нині в місті працює його меморіальний музей. Розкрито просвіцницьку діяльність сучаного закладу - Кремене́цької обласн́ої гуманіта́рно-педагогі́чної акад́емії і́мені Тара́са Шевче́нка

    Fostering critical thinking skills among future teachers

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    Referencias bibliográficas: • Academic preparation for college. What student need to know and be able to do. (1983). (Publication No. ED232517). College Entrance Examination Board. https://eric.ed.gov/ ?id=ED232517 • Bielkina-Kovalchuk, O. (2006). Formuvannja krytychnogo myslennja uchniv pochatkovyh klasiv u procesi navchannja [Formation of critical thinking of primary school pupils in the learning process] (PhD dissertation). Volyn State University named after Lesya Ukrainka. • Brożek, A., & Jadacki, J. (Eds.). (2013). Kazimierz Twardowski. Myśl, mowa i czyn. Copernicus Center Press. Brushlinskij, A. (1996). Subekt: myshlenie, uchenie, voobrazhenie [Subject: thinking, teaching, imagination]. Institut Prakticheskoj Psihologii. • Brushlinskij, A., & Tihomirov, O. (2013). O tendencijah razvitija sovremennoj psihologii myshlenija [About the tendencies of the development of modern psychology of thinking]. 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Pedagogichni umovy formuvannja krytychnogo myslennja kursantiv u procesi navchannja u vyshhyhvijs’kovyh navchal’nyh zakladah [Pedagogical conditions for the formation of critical thinking of cadets in the process of training in higher military educational institutions]. (PhD dissertation). V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University • Moliako, V. (2000). Psihologicheskaja sistema treninga konstruktivnogo myshlenija [Psychological system of constructive thinking training.]. Voprosypsihologii [Psychological Issues], 1, 136–141 • Paul, R. W., & Binker, A. J. A. (1990). Critical thinking: what every person needs to survive in a rapidly changing world. Rohnert Park, CA: Center for Critical Thinking and Moral Critique, Sonoma State University. • Pometun, E., Sushhenko, I., Pilipchatina, L., & Baranova, I. (2012). Kriticheskoe myshlenie dlja vseh: Samouchitel’ [Critical thinking for everyone: a self-study guide]. Osvita. • Popkov, V., Korzhuev, A., & Rjazanova, E. (2001). Kriticheskoe myshlenie v kontekste zadach vysshego professional’nogo obrazovanija [Critical thinking in the context of the problems of higher professional education]. MGU Publishing House • Rubinshtein, S. (2015). Osnovy obshhej psihologi [Fundamentals of general psychology]. Piter. • Starkey, L. (2004). Critical thinking skills success in 20 minutes a day. Learning Express, LLC.Today, a person who thinks critically is able to conduct a dialogue, determine the nature of any problem and find alternative solutions, and distinguish fact from assumption. This person is not afraid to question established opinions and judgments. That is why such kind of people are considered to be competitive and in demand on the labor market. The article, based on modern scientific positions, reveals the meaning of “critical thinking”. The development of critical thinking is based on observation skills; on the ability to ask questions and find the necessary resources; on the ability to check beliefs, assumptions and opinions, contrary to the evidence; on the ability to distinguish and identify a problem; on the ability to assess the validity of statements and arguments; and on the ability to find and make smart decisions, and understand the logic and logical arguments. The authors of the article found that the process of solving pedagogical problems was the basic unit of critical thinking skills among future teachers. The availability of critical thinking skills among future teachers is determined by using a critical thinking test, developed by Lauren Starkey, an American author (Starkey, 2004). The analysis of the survey results shows that the majority of respondents have an average level of critical thinking skills. The average level of critical thinking skills indicates that an average future teacher’s forms of thinking are unevenly developed. That is why it is difficult for a future teacher to make important decisions. We propose to foster critical thinking skills by solving pedagogical problems, which involves the use of modern interactive forms, methods and techniques of teaching.Depto. de Estudios EducativosFac. de EducaciónTRUEpu

    The Role of Motivation in the Self-education of Future Teachers

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    The research work described in the present study focused on the connection between self-education and the personal and professional interests of prospective music teachers; the role of motivation on self-development; the importance of developing in students the desire to gain scientific and professional knowledge, as well as to become familiar with innovative professional practices. It was observed that for the majority of the participants motivation for self-education was associated with their professional growth. To achieve effective self-education, undergraduates must possess the following qualities: self-confidence, independence of judgment, the ability to use the experience of their colleagues, the ability to cooperate, and the ability to defend their point of view. The suggested methodology of motivation and stimulation of future teachers’ self-education in the process of teaching practice is associated with the acquisition and updating of subjective experience, the search for links between internal and external experience