158 research outputs found

    Oportunidades para desarrollar la esfera moral de la personalidad en niños con discapacidad intelectual

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    This article analyzes scholarly approaches to the moral development of personality, describes the views of particular authors on this issue from the historical perspective; highlights and defines specific features and structural components of this notion; conducts a comparative analysis of moral development in case of normal ontogenesis and in case of intellectual disability. It also attempts to synthesize the existing scholarly approaches to the methods and conditions for effective moral development of children with intellectual disability in correlations with the structural components. In the main section of the article, the authors provide a general overview of the correction methods facilitating moral development and summarize the results of the experimental research of moral development in children with intellectual disabilities of the early school age.Este artículo analiza los enfoques académicos del desarrollo moral de la personalidad, describe las opiniones de autores particulares sobre este tema desde la perspectiva histórica; destaca y define características específicas y componentes estructurales de esta noción; realiza un análisis comparativo del desarrollo moral en caso de ontogénesis normal y en caso de discapacidad intelectual. También intenta sintetizar los enfoques académicos existentes sobre los métodos y condiciones para el desarrollo moral efectivo de los niños con discapacidad intelectual en correlaciones con los componentes estructurales. En la sección principal del artículo, los autores proporcionan una visión general de los métodos de corrección que facilitan el desarrollo moral y resumen los resultados de la investigación experimental del desarrollo moral en niños con discapacidades intelectuales de la edad escolar temprana

    Zooplankton carcasses and non-predatory mortality in freshwater and inland sea environments

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    Zooplankton carcasses are ubiquitous in marine and freshwater systems, implicating the importance of non-predatory mortality, but both are often overlooked in ecological studies compared with predatory mortality. The development of several microscopic methods allows the distinction between live and dead zooplankton in field samples, and the reported percentages of dead zooplankton average 11.6 (minimum) to 59.8 (maximum) in marine environments, and 7.4 (minimum) to 47.6 (maximum) in fresh and inland waters. Common causes of non-predatory mortality among zooplankton include senescence, temperature change, physical and chemical stresses, parasitism and food-related factors. Carcasses resulting from non-predatory mortality may undergo decomposition leading to an increase in microbial production and a shift in microbial composition in the water column. Alternatively, sinking carcasses may contribute significantly to vertical carbon flux especially outside the phytoplankton growth seasons, and become a food source for the benthos. Global climate change is already altering freshwater ecosystems on multiple levels, and likely will have significant positive or negative effects on zooplankton non-predatory mortality. Better spatial and temporal studies of zooplankton carcasses and non-predatory mortality rates will improve our understanding of this important but under-appreciated topic

    Flax lines of hybrid origin homozygous for genes of chlorophyll coloration and other morphological traits in the VIR flax genetic collection

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    Due to climate change and the industrialization of agriculture, the role of genetic collections is increasing. The paper characterizes 41 flax lines with mutations regarding chlorophyll coloration from the VIR genetic collection: 5 parental lines created on the basis of the VIR global flax collection, and 36 recombinant ones.Among the 36 created recombinant lines, homozygous for two or more genes of morphological traits, there are those with chlorophyll deficiency and differences in anthocyanin color, stem shape and ciliation of the septa of the boll. Anthocyanin coloration and other morphological features were controlled by one or two of the 22 genes identified by us. Four of the recombinant lines were also homozygous for two or three independent chlorophyll coloration genes.It was established that the genes of chlorophyll coloration and 22 genes controlling other morphological features act independently.The ygp1 and ygp2 genes do not have a significant effect on most economically valuable traits, except for early flowering, and can be used for labeling varieties.The genes s1, YSED1, ysed2 and rs1, which determine the yellow seed color, are necessary for the creation of flax varieties for food purposes, which makes the 11 lines based on these genes in demand for breeding purposes.In flax, the molecular genetic function of none of the chlorophyll coloration genes is known, so the created genetic collection will be in demand to solve this problem

    CMS systems in rapeseed and their use in the breeding of domestic hybrids

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    Development of heterotic hybrids is the most efficient approach to solve the problem of increasing the yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), a leading oilseed crop. The cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), widely used in rapeseed hybrid seed production, makes it possible to control hybridization between female and male lines. A review of publications on the nature of CMS systems in rapeseed and their utilization in breeding is presented. In rapeseed there are more than 10 known CMS systems of alloplasmic and homoplasmic origin. The male sterility character proved to be determined by chimeric mitochondrial genes, characterized by the presence of novel transcribed open reading frames (orf). Mitochondrial CMS genes associated with nap, pol, ogu and Nsa sterility types as well as nuclear Rf genes for pollen fertility restoration were identified. Molecular marker systems for identification of CMS-inducing and male fertility restoring genes were developed. The ogu, pol, MSL and inap CMS systems are commonly used for producing industrial rapeseed hybrids. The State Register of the Russian Federation for 2019 contains rapeseed hybrids of only foreign origin. Main achievements in domestic rapeseed hybrid production are highlighted. Research and breeding institutions developed new source material for rapeseed hete rotic hybrid breeding in various regions of the country. The sterility and fertility restoration sources were received from Canadian and French institutions as well as from domestic working collections. The yield structure traits did not deteriorate after transferring hybrid maternal lines to the sterile cytoplasm, while the glucosinolate content increased when pollen fertility restoring genes were transferred into paternal lines. Dihaploid (androclinium) lines and in vitro culture of unfertilized ovules were used to accelerate the breeding process. Experimental hybrids were developed using pol and ogu CMS

    Zooplankton and Dead Zooplankton in Kharbeyskie Lakes of Bolshezemelskaya Tundra (Period From 2009 to 2012)

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    В июле–августе 2009, 2010, 2012 гг. исследован состав и структура зоопланктона в системе Харбейских озер Большеземельской тундры. Обнаружено 87 видов и форм, из которых более половины коловратки (Rotifera). Планктонная фауна обследованных озер обычна для южных тундр и представлена азональными таксонами. Зоопланктон оз. Большой Харбей и придаточных озер различался по составу и количественным показателям, которые соответствовали различным уровням трофности экосистем. Межгодовая динамика планктонных сообществ в озерах была связана с динамикой погодных условий. Доминантный комплекс зоопланктона по численности в оз. Большой Харбей состоял из четырех, по биомассе – из девяти видов, был представлен эвпланктонными видами как коловраток, так и ракообразных (Cladocera, Copepoda) и слабо изменялся по годам. В небольших придаточных озерах число доминирующих в планктоне видов было меньшим по сравнению с оз. Большой Харбей, в глубоководных – доминантный комплекс был сходен с таковым в Большом Харбее. Не было выявлено достоверных различий в количестве зоопланктона в литорали и профундали основного озера системы. Пространственное распределение видов соответствовало морфологическим особенностям водоемов. В 2012 г. в основном и придаточных Харбейских озерах наблюдалась депрессия планктонных Copepoda, проявлявшаяся в высокой доле мертвых особей этих ракообразных в численности рачкового планктона. Наблюдали поражение микропаразитами (вероятно, грибковое) доминирующего вида – Heterocope appendiculata (Copepoda)Zooplankton composition and structure in Kharbeyskie Lakes system of Bolshezemelskaya tundra were investigated in July, August of 2009, 2010 and 2012. In total, 87 species and forms were found and more than half of them belonged to rotifers (Rotifera). Plankton fauna of the studied lakes was typical for southern tundra and presented by azonal taxa. Composition and abundance of zooplankton of Bolshoy Kharbey Lake and adjacent lakes were different and correspond to trophic conditions in ecosystems. Inter-annual dynamics of plankton communities in the lakes was determined by weather conditions. In Bolshoy Kharbey Lake four euplanktonic species of rotifers and crustaceans (Cladocera and Copepoda) dominated in terms of abundance and nine species dominated in terms of biomass. Inter-annual changes in dominant species composition were insignificant. In Bolshoy Kharbey Lake the number of dominant species were more than in the adjacent lakes. Differences in the abundance of zooplankton between littoral and prophundal zones of the main lake were not significant. Spatial distribution of species was determined by the morphology of the lakes. Depression of plankton copepods in the main and adjacent Kharbeyskie Lakes was observed in 2012 and proportion of dead individuals in crustacean communities was high. Probably it was related with mass infection of dominant species Heterocope appendiculata (Copepoda) by microparasite