77 research outputs found

    Attitudes of Future Teachers towards Evaluation of University Cources

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    This paper is about evaluation of university courses which represents systematic monitoring and gathering of data pertaining to cognitive, experiential, and psychomotor, as well as biological, social and factors of self-actualisation, with the purpose of producing feedback on the effectiveness of the process of teaching. When evaluating university courses, it is possible to use different evaluation procedures which can contribute to the overall quality of teaching. The author aims to determine whether students perceive the evaluation of university instruction in a positive way. Also, how much previous experience with evaluation (primary and secondary level) influences their attitude on the importance of evaluation as a part of university courses. Furthermore, the research also dealt with the degree of honesty in students' answers. Additionally, the intention was to find out whether evaluation should be though out creatively. The results of the research show that the students who participated in this study had very little experience with evaluation of teaching in their previous primary and secondary education, but that they want it to be implemented in university courses

    Creativity in Dresses of Intelligent Design - Critique of Creativity

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    O kreativnosti se promišlja i piše iz kritičke perspektive. Analizira se problematika složenog fenomena oživljavanja stvaranja mitova i oblikovanja suvremene kritike kreativnosti. Ukratko, prikupljeni eseji unaprijed kritiziraju problematiku suvremene kreativne industrije kao ideologije sa svim specifičnim materijalnim odnosima iskorištavanja. Od brojnih teorijskih perspektiva, problematiziraju se i analiziraju oblici i modaliteti prekarizacije i subjektivizacije, kao i potencijalne stvarne prakse otpora operativaca u trenutnom polju kulture

    Active Learning and Teaching Methods

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    U knjizi se govori o teorijama koje potvrđuju da je aktivno učenje i aktivna nastava učinkovita nastava, nastava koja potiče razvoj kritičkoga mišljenja i od koje učenici najviše dobivaju. Donosi se teorijski okvir i uvid u navedenu problematiku te navodi korištenje grupnih metoda za postizanje ključnih kompetencija. Kada govorimo u suvremenoj nastavi, posebno je važno imati na umu da učenje i zabava nisu u suprotnosti, nego da jedno istodobno pospješuje drugo. Navode se glavni nedostatci frontalne nastave, ali se istodobno nudi niz savjeta kako na uspješan način prevladati frontalnu nastavu uz pomoć korištenja metoda aktivnog učenja i poučavanja

    Einstellungen der zukünftigen Lehrer zur Evaluation im Hochschulunterricht

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    This paper is about evaluation of university courses which represents systematic monitoring and gathering of data pertaining to cognitive, experiential, and psychomotor, as well as biological, social and factors of self-actualisation, with the purpose of producing feedback on the effectiveness of the process of teaching. When evaluating university courses, it is possible to use different evaluation procedures which can contribute to the overall quality of teaching. The author aims to determine whether students perceive the evaluation of university instruction in a positive way. Also, how much previous experience with evaluation (primary and secondary level) influences their attitude on the importance of evaluation as a part of university courses. Furthermore, the research also dealt with the degree of honesty in students\u27 answers. Additionally, the intention was to find out whether evaluation should be thought out creatively. The results of the research show that the students who participated in this study had very little experience with evaluation of teaching in their previous primary and secondary education, but that they want it to be implemented in university courses.Rad se bavi evaluacijom sveučilišne nastave koja predstavlja sustavno praćenje i prikupljanje informacija o spoznajnom, doživljajnom i psihomotornom aspektu jednako kao i biološkom, socijalnom i samo-aktualizacijskom u svrhu iznošenja povratne informacije o uspješnosti nastavnoga procesa. Praćenje je proces koji se odvija istovremeno s realizacijom pa ga je ponekad teško promatrati izdvojeno iz nastavnoga procesa. Pri evaluaciji sveučilišne nastave moguće je koristiti se različitim evaluacijskim postupcima koji mogu pridonijeti kvaliteti. Istraživanjem se nastojalo utvrditi doživljavaju li studenti pozitivno evaluaciju sveučilišne nastave te koliko prethodna iskustva o evaluaciji (osnovnoškolskoj i srednjoškolskoj) imaju utjecaj na njihovo mišljenje o važnosti evaluacije u sveučilišnoj nastavi, a istraženo je i koliko su studenti iskreni u odgovorima. Osim navedenoga, nastojalo se istražiti treba li evaluacija biti kreativno osmišljena. Za obradu podataka upotrijebljena je kvantitativna metodologija, čiji su rezultati prikazani tablično i grafički. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 111 ispitanika, budućih učitelja pete godine Učiteljskoga fakulteta u Osijeku. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su se studenti s evaluacijom nastave rjeđe susretali u dosadašnjem osnovnoškolskom (90,1%) i srednjoškolskom (89,1%) obrazovanju. Značajan podatak proizlazi iz studentskih odgovora u kojima navode da je evaluaciju potrebno provoditi u sveučilišnoj nastavi (83,9%). Studenti su se u najvećem postotku (99,1%) izjasnili kako je potrebno evaluaciju sveučilišne nastave kreativno osmislitiDie Studie befasst sich mit der Evaluation des Hochschulunterrichts, die systematische Beobachtung und Informationsbeschaffung über den kognitiven, erlebnisspezifischen und psychomotorischen Aspekt, wie auch über den biologischen, sozialen und selbstaktualisierten zum Zwecke des Feedbacks über den Erfolg des Unterrichtsprozesses darstellt. Die Beobachtung ist ein Prozess, der gleichzeitig mit der Realisation verläuft, so dass es manchmal schwierig ist, ihn getrennt vom Unterrichtsprozess zu betrachten. Bei der Evaluation des Hochschulunterrichts ist es möglich, verschiedene Evaluationsverfahren zu verwenden, die zur Erhöhung der Qualität beitragen können. Die Studie versuchte zu ermitteln, ob die Studenten die Evaluation des Hochschulunterrichts positiv erleben und inwiefern frühere Erfahrungen über die Evaluation (in der Grundschule oder Mittelschule) ihre Meinung über die Bedeutung der Evaluation im Hochschulunterricht beeinflussen. Auch wurde erforscht, inwiefern die Studenten bei ihren Antworten ehrlich waren. Darüber hinaus versuchte man zu untersuchen, ob die Evaluation kreativ gestaltet werden soll. Für die Datenverarbeitung wurde die quantitative Methodologie verwendet, deren Ergebnisse in Tabellen und Grafiken präsentiert wurden. Die Studie umfasste 111 Befragte, nämlich zukünftige Grundschullehrer des fünften Studienjahres an der Fakultät für Lehrerbildung in Osijek. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass die Studenten der Evaluation im Unterricht seltener in der früheren Grundschulbildung (90,1%) und Mittelschulbildung (89,1%) begegnet sind. Eine signifikante Information geht aus den Antworten der Studenten hervor, wo sie angeben, dass die Evaluation im Hochschulunterricht durchgeführt werden soll (83,9%). Die Studenten haben sich mit dem höchsten Prozentsatz (99,1%) dazu geäußert, dass die Evaluation im Hochschulunterricht kreativ gestaltet werden soll

    Förderung der Kreativität in den Grundschullehrbüchern

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    U radu se istražuje poticanje kreativnosti u udžbenicima razredne nastave. Proučeni su udžbenici iz hrvatskoga jezika, matematike te prirode i društva koji se upotrebljavaju danas, a odobrilo ih je Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa. Kako bi se utvrdilo potiče li se kreativnost u navedenim udžbenicima, istraženi su zadatci koji potiču i/ili ne potiču kreativnost i na temelju njih procijenjeno je pridaje li se kreativnosti u udžbenicima razredne nastave dovoljno važnosti. Analizirale su se i razlike između udžbenika koji su se rabili 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća te onih koji se upotrebljavaju danas. U posljednjem dijelu istraživanja posebno nas je zanimalo postoji li razlika u broju kreativnih pitanja s obzirom na predmet. Istraženo je 13 od 55 udžbenika koje je odobrilo Ministarstvo i 12 udžbenika koji su bili u upotrebi 80-ih godina te 12 163 zadatka koji se pojavljuju u udžbenicima. Od ukupnog broja proučenih zadataka, 10 730 ili 88,22% ne potiče kreativnost, a onih koji je potiču ima 1433 ili 11,78%. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je razlika u broju zadataka koji potiču kreativnost u udžbenicima hrvatskoga jezika (16,96%) te prirode i društva (16,93%) vrlo mala, dok zadataka koji potiču kreativnost u udžbenicima matematike ima najmanje (1,69%). Uočeno je da se manji broj zadataka koji potiču kreativnost pojavljuje u udžbenicima iz 80-ih godina (480 ili 8,15%) nego u udžbenicima koji se danas upotrebljavaju (953 ili 15,17%). Podatci govore da se kreativnost i dalje nedovoljno potiče u udžbenicima razredne nastave te da treba provesti ozbiljnije rekonstrukcije pri njihovu metodičko-didaktičkom oblikovanju.Th is study examines the promotion of creativity in the textbooks of lower elementary education. It has included textbooks for the Croatian language, mathematics and science which are used today and have been approved by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. Th ey were compared with textbooks that were used in the 1980s. In order to determine whether creativity is promoted in these textbooks and to evaluate whether it is given an important role in the textbooks of lower elementary education, we have explored the textbook tasks that stimulate and/or do not stimulate creativity. We have also analyzed the differences between the 1980s textbooks and those used today. Th e last part of the study explores whether there is a diff erence in the number of creative issues with respect to the subject. The study has focused on 13 out of 55 textbooks that have been approved by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, on 12 textbooks that were used in the 1980s and on 12,163 tasks contained in the textbooks. Out of the total number of examined tasks, 10,730 of the tasks (or 88.22%) are those that do not promote creativity, while the number of those that promote creativity is 1,433 (or 11.78%). The results suggest that there is a diff erence in the quantity of tasks that promote creativity with regard to the subject and that creativity is equally promoted in the textbooks of the Croatian language (16.96%) and science (16.93%), while the percentage of tasks that promote creativity in mathematics is the lowest (1.69%). The study has also noted that there were fewer tasks that promote creativity in the textbooks used in the 1980s (480 of them, or 8.15%), than there are such tasks in the textbooks used today (953 tasks, or 15.17%). It has further noted that creativity is not suffi ciently promoted in the textbooks of lower elementary education and that they need to be thoroughly remodelled during the methodical-didactical design process.In der Arbeit wird die Förderung der Kreativität in den Grundschullehrbüchern erforscht. Untersucht wurden Lehrbücher der kroatischen Sprache, Mathematik sowie der Natur-und Sozialkunde, die vom Bildungsministerium zugelassen und im Unterricht verwendet werden. Um festzustellen, ob in den genannten Lehrbüchern Kreativität der Schüler gefördert wird, wurden entsprechende Aufgaben daraufh in untersucht, ob sie Kreativität fördern oder nicht und anschließend Schlussfolgerungen gezogen, ob der Kreativität in den Grundschullehrbüchern genug Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird. Analysiert wurden auch die Unterschiede zwischen den Lehrbüchern, die in den 80-er Jahren des 20. Jhs. im Gebrauch waren und jenen, die heutzutage verwendet werden. Im letzten Teil der Untersuchung befassten wir uns insbesondere mit der Frage, ob es Unterschiede in der Zahl der kreativen Fragen im Hinblick auf einzelne Schulfächer gibt. Untersucht wurden 13 von 55 Lehrbüchern, die vom Bildungsministerium zugelassen wurden und 12 Lehrbücher, die in den 80-er Jahren im Gebrauch waren sowie 12 163 Aufgaben, die in den Lehrbüchern gestellt werden. Von der Gesamtzahl der untersuchten Aufgaben fördern 10 730 oder 88,22% keine Kreativität, während es bei 1433 oder 11,78% der Aufgaben um Kreativität fördernde Aufgaben handelt. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen auf, dass der Unterschied in der Zahl der Kreativität fördernden Aufgaben in den Lehrbüchern der kroatischen Sprache (16,96%) und der Natur-und Sozialkunde 16,93%) sehr gering ist, während die wenigsten Kreativität fördernden Aufgaben in den Mathematik-Lehrbüchern (1,69%) vorkommen. Es fiel auf, dass in den Lehrbüchern aus den 80-er Jahren weniger Kreativität fördernde Aufgaben (480 oder 8,15%) als in den heute zugelassenen Lehrbüchern (953 oder 15,17%) vorkommen. Die erhobenen Daten legen nahe, dass die Kreativität der Schüler in den Grundschullehrbüchern weiterhin ungenügend gefördert wird und dass eine gründliche Rekonstruktion in ihrer methodisch-didaktischen Gestaltung vorgenommen werden muss

    Sixty Years of Život i Škola (1952 – 2011)

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    U ovom članku autori prate pokretanje i razvoj Života i škole u proteklih šezdeset godina, između 1952. i 2011. godine. Autori istražuju, analiziraju, objašnjavaju i tumače doprinos Života i škole na području odgojne prakse i pedagogijske teorije u proteklih šezdeset godina. Članak se temelji na analizi relevantne pedagoške dokumentacije: izvora (svih objavljenih brojeva između 1982. i 2011.) i literature (objavljenih analiza za razdoblje 1952. – 1981.). U istraživanju se unutar konstruktivističke paradigme koriste kvantitativna i kvalitativna metoda koje obuhvaćaju sve numeričke karakteristike časopisa: broj autora, stranica, radova, svezaka, godine djelovanja glavnih, odgovornih i tehničkih urednika, naklada časopisa, broj izvanrednih i tematskih brojeva te drugih numeričkih značajki. Prikupljeni podaci i skupine podataka u kvalitativnoj su metodi analizirani, uspoređivani, objašnjavani i tumačeni te su na osnovi navedenoga uočene određene tendencije i zakonitosti. U šezdesetogodišnjem kontinuitetu časopis Život i škola profilirao se u značajan stručnoznanstveni časopis iz područja pedagogije. Po opsegu suradnika i pretplatnika znatno je nadmašio početnu regionalnu orijentaciju i danas je u skupini vodećih pedagogijskih časopisa u Republici Hrvatskoj. Radovi iz Života i škole referiraju se u značajnim bazama podataka. Analizirani sadržaji daju niz korisnih longitudinalno-vertikalnih informacija, ali istovremeno i transverzalno ukazuju na određene strukture i odnose. Prateći sadržaje Života i škole moguće je pratiti vanjske i unutrašnje promjene koje su se događale u hrvatskom (ali i svjetskom ) školstvu i pedagogiji

    Active Learning and Teaching Methods

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    U knjizi se govori o teorijama koje potvrđuju da je aktivno učenje i aktivna nastava učinkovita nastava, nastava koja potiče razvoj kritičkoga mišljenja i od koje učenici najviše dobivaju. Donosi se teorijski okvir i uvid u navedenu problematiku te navodi korištenje grupnih metoda za postizanje ključnih kompetencija. Kada govorimo u suvremenoj nastavi, posebno je važno imati na umu da učenje i zabava nisu u suprotnosti, nego da jedno istodobno pospješuje drugo. Navode se glavni nedostatci frontalne nastave, ali se istodobno nudi niz savjeta kako na uspješan način prevladati frontalnu nastavu uz pomoć korištenja metoda aktivnog učenja i poučavanja

    Students' attitudes on the quality of university teaching

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    The quality of university education is in focus recent years. It becomes not only the subject of research in areas closely related to education, but also becomes the topic of taught, writing and research interdisciplinary around the globe. Ensuring the quality of university education becomes global trend and a priority of modern society. On track of these settings our research has grown. The aim was to explore students’ attitudes on quality of university teaching via its criteria, to look at elements that affect quality, and to observe differences in attitudes between students from different faculties. The results based on a sample of 173 students from five faculties show that for creating conditions to ensure and raise quality of university teaching the biggest importance have: that the faculty was student’s first choice, the way contents would be presented, regular student’s participation in courses, and the positive social and emotional climate

    Emotions in the Teaching Process

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    Research into educational processes reveals that the dominant emotions are boredom and fear and that negative emotions are prevalent, but also that the situation can be changed and a domination of positive emotions can be reached. Emotions are not only a part of educational climate, but the essential aspect of educational process. They form a part of both verbal and non-verbal communication; they are the subject of teaching in art education, but also in the overall human relationships. Emotions can be perceived as love towards one’s own profession, towards the subject we work on, towards pupils or students, but also reversely – that of pupils and students towards teacher, subject or profession. Successful teaching is not only based on emotions, it is, as Pestalozzi put it, a unity of head, heart and hand. This paper is the result of the project which has been carried out at three levels: (1) a study into theoretical level of emotions in teaching; (2) a seminar for teachers on the emotions in teaching with the application of a creative approach, collection of teachers’ questions about the issues in practice and survey of emotional climate in this form of educational process; and (3) a report on the results of the project and solutions to the problems in practice. The aim of this research has been to apply the so-called lateral thinking onto the issue of emotions in teaching, by using this method in seminars for teachers, while approaching the issue in six different ways: as a process, information, emotionally, critically, optimistically, and creatively. In writing this paper we have also used this approach, which represents a shift from the positivist approach. The obtained results indicate that there is a problem of fierce and uncontrolled emotional reaction in practice, a problem of heavy emotions that are the result of child trauma and unpleasant emotions connected with grading and ranking. It turns out that teaching with the creative technique of ‘lateral thinking’ cause favorable emotional climate and the seminar participants felt pleasant emotions in 98% cases

    Dijana Škrbina (2013): Art terapija i kreativnost (Zagreb: Veble commerce)

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    Knjiga se bavi proučavanjem kreativnosti i art terapije koje donosi uz pomoć različitih teorijskih osnova i perspektiva. U odnosu na art terapiju, govori se o ekspresivnim medijima, likovnosti, glazbi, plesu i pokretu, dramskoj, scenskoj i literarnoj ekspresiji, kao i biblioterapiji. Knjiga predstavlja veliku pomoć pri organizaciji i provedbi različitih terapijskih postupaka, ali i kao pomoć pri izvođenju nastave (na svim razinama obrazovanja) koja u središte svoga zanimanja stavlja poticanje kreativnosti njenih sudionika. Zaključno, knjiga proučava sve aktualne teme u svjetlu novih promjena nudeći pri tome brojna rješenja. Poticajna je i za buduća istraživanja u području kreativnosti i art terapije