10,755 research outputs found

    Evolution of topological order in Xe films on a quasicrystal surface

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    We report results of the first computer simulation studies of a physically adsorbed gas on a quasicrystalline surface, Xe on decagonal Al-Ni-Co. The grand canonical Monte Carlo method is employed, using a semi-empirical gas-surface interaction, based on conventional combining rules, and the usual Lennard-Jones Xe-Xe interaction. The resulting adsorption isotherms and calculated structures are consistent with the results of LEED experimental data. The evolution of the bulk film begins in the second layer, while the low coverage behavior is epitaxial. This transition from 5-fold to 6-fold ordering is temperature dependent, occurring earlier (at lower coverage) for the higher temperatures


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    The new approach to quantize the gravity based on the notion of differential algebra is suggested. It is shown that the differential geometry of this object can not be described in terms of points. The spatialization procedure giving rise to points by loosing a part of the entire structure is discussed. The counterpart of the traditional objects of differential geometry are studied.Comment: 40 Kb, latex, no figures, paper accepted for publication in the International Journal of Theoretical Physics (May 1995

    Einfluss ökologischer Bewirtschaftung und verschiedener Kulturen auf die Regenwurmfauna

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    Problemstellung/Ziele:Vorkommen und Artenzusammensetzung der Regenwurmpopulation haben eine grosse Bedeutung im nachhaltigen Ackerbau. Als Architekten und Bauarbeiter des Bodens beeinflussen die RegenwĂŒrmer verschiedene Parameter der Bodenfruchtbarkeit und damit das Wachstums der Kulturpflanzen. Der Landwirt beeinflusst das Regenwurmvorkommen bei vorgegebenem Standort und Fruchtfolge vor allem durch Bewirtschaftungsmassnahmen wie DĂŒngung, Pflanzenschutz und Bodenbearbeitung. Um Richtung und Ausmass dieser EinflĂŒsse zu erkennen untersuchten wir von 1997 bis 2001 die Regenwurmpopulationen im ökologischen und den integrierten Anbausystemen des Vergleichsversuches Burgrain (D. Dubois, 1999). Fazit: Ökologische Bewirtschaftung förderte auf Burgrain spezifisch das Vorkommen von anözischen Lumbricus und endogĂ€ischen Arten; hingegen nicht das Vorkommen von anözischen Nicodrilus Arten. Letztere wurden hingegen sehr deutlich durch die kulturbedingten Bewirtschaftungsmassnahmen beeinflusst. Besonders das PflĂŒgen im Oktober vor Winterweizen wirkte sich negativ auf die tiefgrabenden anözischen Nicodrilus Arten aus. Hier gilt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten zu prĂŒfen

    Solving multi-criteria decision problems under possibilistic uncertainty using optimistic and pessimistic utilities

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a qualitative approach to solve multi-criteria decision making problems under possibilistic uncertainty. De-pending on the decision maker attitude with respect to uncertainty (i.e. optimistic or pessimistic) and on her attitude with respect to criteria (i.e. conjunctive or disjunctive), four ex-ante and four ex-post decision rules are dened and investigated. In particular, their coherence w.r.t. the principle of monotonicity, that allows Dynamic Programming is studied

    New variables, the gravitational action, and boosted quasilocal stress-energy-momentum

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    This paper presents a complete set of quasilocal densities which describe the stress-energy-momentum content of the gravitational field and which are built with Ashtekar variables. The densities are defined on a two-surface BB which bounds a generic spacelike hypersurface ÎŁ\Sigma of spacetime. The method used to derive the set of quasilocal densities is a Hamilton-Jacobi analysis of a suitable covariant action principle for the Ashtekar variables. As such, the theory presented here is an Ashtekar-variable reformulation of the metric theory of quasilocal stress-energy-momentum originally due to Brown and York. This work also investigates how the quasilocal densities behave under generalized boosts, i. e. switches of the ÎŁ\Sigma slice spanning BB. It is shown that under such boosts the densities behave in a manner which is similar to the simple boost law for energy-momentum four-vectors in special relativity. The developed formalism is used to obtain a collection of two-surface or boost invariants. With these invariants, one may ``build" several different mass definitions in general relativity, such as the Hawking expression. Also discussed in detail in this paper is the canonical action principle as applied to bounded spacetime regions with ``sharp corners."Comment: Revtex, 41 Pages, 4 figures added. Final version has been revised and improved quite a bit. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Toward a General Framework for Information Fusion

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    National audienceDepending on the representation setting, different combination rules have been proposed for fusing information from distinct sources. Moreover in each setting, different sets of axioms that combination rules should satisfy have been advocated, thus justifying the existence of alternative rules (usually motivated by situations where the behavior of other rules was found unsatisfactory). These sets of axioms are usually purely considered in their own settings, without in-depth analysis of common properties essential for all the settings. This paper introduces core properties that, once properly instantiated, are meaningful in different representation settings ranging from logic to imprecise probabilities. The following representation settings are especially considered: classical set representation, possibility theory, and evidence theory, the latter encompassing the two other ones as special cases. This unified discussion of combination rules across different settings is expected to provide a fresh look on some old but basic issues in information fusion

    Mapping of toxic vapors on board of chemical tankers

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    During normal management of a chemical tanker, the crew will perform operations in the cargo part of the vessel, like entering tanks, cleaning lines, connecting and disconnecting of the manifold, sampling and maintenance of specific equipment. Under these circumstances there will be a higher risk of direct contact with the cargo and cargo vapors. These vapors can be taken up by ventilation intakes, bringing the cargo fumes into the accommodation and engine Radiello¼ passive samplers offer several advantages for this application, including no electricity use, small sizes, adjustable exposure times and especially a precise and selective measurement of air concentrations.Especially the benzene concentrations on board were relatively high. The cargo on board can explain a lot. During our stay on board benzene has been loaded in three tanks and later on these tanks have been cleaned and ventilated during our measurements. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), recognized that chronic exposure to very low concentrations of benzene vapors in air, of the order of a few parts per million, may cause leukaemia. According to Madl, benzene exposure on board of crude oil and chemical tankers do not pose a health risk to deck crewman. interpretation of the results will soon demonstrate if we can confirm Madl’s statement on board of this type of vessels.On the other hand we measured the concentrations of toxic vapors over relatively short periods, during well specific operations on deck. Here the concentrations were measured with the ‘PAC III’ apparatus of Draeger¼. The results of this investigation have to be compared with the TLV-TWA and TLV-STEL values. Conclusions here should encourage the optimization of the use of respiratory protection aids during cargo operations
