722 research outputs found

    Regulating the financial analysis industry : Is the European Directive effective ?

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    In the recent years, the US and the EC have witnessed the adoption of new regulations focused on financial analysts. This study investigates whether the European regulations, known as the Market Abuse Directive (MAD) changed the distribution of recommendations and increased their credibility...financial analysts ; conflicts of interest ; recommendations ; Market Abuse Directive; European Union

    Integer and fractional charge Lorentzian voltage pulses analyzed in the frame of Photon-assisted Shot Noise

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    The periodic injection nn of electrons in a quantum conductor using periodic voltage pulses applied on a contact is studied in the energy and time-domain using shot noise computation in order to make comparison with experiments. We particularly consider the case of periodic Lorentzian voltage pulses. When carrying integer charge, they are known to provide electronic states with a minimal number of excitations, while other type of pulses are all accompanied by an extra neutral cloud of electron and hole excitations. This paper focuses on the low frequency shot noise which arises when the pulse excitations are partitioned by a single scatterer in the framework of the Photo Assisted Shot Noise (PASN) theory. As a unique tool to count the number of excitations carried per pulse, shot noise reveals that pulses of arbitrary shape and arbitrary charge show a marked minimum when the charge is integer. Shot noise spectroscopy is also considered to perform energy-domain characterization of the charge pulses. In particular it reveals the striking asymmetrical spectrum of Lorentzian pulses. Finally, time-domain information is obtained from Hong Ou Mandel like noise correlations when two trains of pulses generated on opposite contacts collide on the scatterer. As a function of the time delay between pulse trains, the noise is shown to measure the electron wavepacket autocorrelation function for integer Lorentzian thanks to electron antibunching. In order to make contact with recent experiments all the calculations are made at zero and finite temperature

    Bilan des connaissances de la dynamique de l’érosion des cĂŽtes du QuĂ©bec maritime laurentien

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    Un bilan des connaissances de la dynamique de l’érosion cĂŽtiĂšre dans l’estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent montre que le recul du littoral dans les formations meubles est trĂšs important, variant gĂ©nĂ©ralement entre 0,5 et 2 m/an. Les donnĂ©es indiquent une accĂ©lĂ©ration rĂ©cente du phĂ©nomĂšne, ce qui va dans le sens de la tendance mondiale apprĂ©hendĂ©e dans le contexte des changements climatiques. Il semble que les cĂŽtes Ă  marais maritimes soient les plus sensibles, certains schorres supĂ©rieurs ayant dĂ©jĂ  disparu au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. Cela s’explique par le fait que, dans les rĂ©gions froides, les marais maritimes sont affectĂ©s par un grand nombre de processus, dont le sapement par les vagues et les courants de marĂ©e, l’affouillement et l’arrachement par les glaces littorales, les processus cryogĂ©niques, la dessiccation et les activitĂ©s anthropiques et biologiques. Si l’action des vagues pendant les marĂ©es de vive eau et les tempĂȘtes conditionne, dans une large mesure, le recul des falaises sableuses, les processus cryogĂ©niques et hydrogĂ©ologiques sont les principaux responsables de la rĂ©activation et de l’érosion des falaises Ă  base argileuse et silteuse des complexes deltaĂŻques. À l’échelle du QuĂ©bec maritime, des Ă©tudes quantitatives saisonniĂšres sont nĂ©cessaires pour bien comprendre la rĂ©partition spatio-temporelle des processus et surtout, les facteurs et les causes qui rĂ©gissent l’érosion cĂŽtiĂšre dans les rĂ©gions tempĂ©rĂ©es froides.A review of coastal erosion dynamics in the St. Lawrence maritime Estuary and Gulf demonstrates that shoreline retreat in unconsolidated formations varies between 0.5 and 2.0 m/yr. The data indicate a recent acceleration of coastal erosion that corresponds with the anticipated global trend resulting from climatic change. Saltmarshes are the most sensitive to coastal erosion, with some upper marshes having already disappeared in the last decade. In cold regions saltmarshes are affected by numerous processes such as undercutting by waves and tidal currents, ice foot scouring, freeze-thaw processes, wetting and drying processes, biologic processes and anthropogenic activities. Wave action during spring tides or storm surges is an important factor causing shoreline retreat in sandy cliffs, whereas cryogenic and hydrogeological processes are mainly responsible for reactivation and erosion of silt and clay-based cliffs in deltaic environments. In maritime QuĂ©bec, quantitative seasonal studies are needed to develop a better understanding of spatio-temporal process distribution and to better assess the causes that regulate coastal erosion in mid-latitude cold regions

    La terrasse Mitis Ă  la pointe de Mille-Vaches (pĂ©ninsule de Portneuf), rive nord de l’estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent : nature des dĂ©pĂŽts et Ă©volution du niveau marin relatif Ă  l’holocĂšne

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    La basse terrasse Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© sud-ouest de la pĂ©ninsule de Portneuf, sur la Haute CĂŽte-Nord du Saint-Laurent, correspond Ă  la terrasse Mitis prĂ©sente dans quelques autres localitĂ©s de la rive nord de l’estuaire. EntiĂšrement composĂ©e de matĂ©riaux meubles dĂ©tritiques, elle comprend plusieurs unitĂ©s, la plupart sableuses, d’une Ă©paisseur supĂ©rieure Ă  3 m. Mises en place en milieu littoral et intertidal, ces unitĂ©s reposent sur un dĂ©pĂŽt de sable fin gris, infratidal, lui-mĂȘme susjacent au substrat limono-argileux dĂ©posĂ© dans la Mer de Goldthwait, il y a >9,5 ka. Un dĂ©pĂŽt de limon sableux, gris, laminĂ©, contenant des dĂ©bris de plantes en place correspondant Ă  un faciĂšs de schorre infĂ©rieur, coiffe la sĂ©quence sableuse. Par endroits, ce dĂ©pĂŽt est lui-mĂȘme recouvert d’une couche de tourbe de 25‑30 cm d’épaisseur. L’unitĂ© Ă  la base de la falaise active a Ă©tĂ© mise en place entre 1990 ± 60 et 2740 ± 70 BP. Les unitĂ©s sableuses au-dessus datent de 1570 ± 60 Ă  1880 ± 90 BP, alors que l’unitĂ© limoneuse Ă  faciĂšs de schorre infĂ©rieur a donnĂ© un Ăąge au 14C allant de 1570 ± 50 Ă  1970 ± 70 BP. L’ñge mĂ©dian de la terrasse Mitis est de 1880 ± 90 BP, alors que si on prend en compte uniquement les dates pour l’unitĂ© limoneuse Ă  faciĂšs de schorre infĂ©rieur, il est de 1830 ± 60 BP. L’édification de la terrasse Mitis Ă  la pointe de Mille-Vaches est donc contemporaine de la plupart des sites des deux rives de l’estuaire. Le substrat argileux de la vaste batture en face de la terrasse, qui se prolonge sous celle-ci, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©rodĂ© lors d’un bas niveau marin pendant l’HolocĂšne moyen qui fut suivi d’une remontĂ©e du niveau de quelques mĂštres. Un glissement de terrain historique, survenu vraisemblablement lors du sĂ©isme de 1663, caractĂ©rise la partie supĂ©rieure de l’estran en face de la falaise active.The low terrace at the SW extremity of the Portneuf Peninsula, on the north shore of the Lower St. Lawrence estuary, is an equivalent of the Mitis terrace occurring at a few other localities. The terrace is entirely made of detritic sediments. The various units, mostly fine to coarse sand deposited in the shore zone, are over 3 m in thickness. These sediments appear to unconformably overlie a subtidal dark grey fine sand resting on a surface eroded into a Goldthwait Sea clay deposit older than 9.5 ka. At the surface of the terrace, there is a grey, laminated sandy silt deposit with plant remains in situ (a lower marsh facies), locally covered by a thin (25‑30 cm) layer of peat. The sand unit at the base of the studied exposure has been dated 1990 ± 60 to 2740 ± 70 BP. The overlying sandy units are dated 1570 ± 60 to 1880 ± 90 BP, whereas the silt unit at the surface is dated 1570 ± 50 to 1970 ± 70 BP. The median age of the terrace is 1880 ± 90 BP, whereas if we use only the 14C dates for the silt unit, it is 1830 ± 60 BP. At Pointe de Mille-Vaches, the Mitis terrace is thus contemporaneous with most localities on both shores of the estuary. The substrate of the wide tidal flat in front of the Mitis terrace (an erosion surface underlying the terrace) was cut into the marine clay during a mid-Holocene lowstand, which was followed by a rising sea level of a few meters. An historical landslide, which possibly occurred during the 1663 seismic event, characterizes the upper part of the tidal zone in front of the active cliff

    The SIMBAD astronomical database

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    Simbad is the reference database for identification and bibliography of astronomical objects. It contains identifications, `basic data', bibliography, and selected observational measurements for several million astronomical objects. Simbad is developed and maintained by CDS, Strasbourg. Building the database contents is achieved with the help of several contributing institutes. Scanning the bibliography is the result of the collaboration of CDS with bibliographers in Observatoire de Paris (DASGAL), Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, and Observatoire de Bordeaux. When selecting catalogues and tables for inclusion, priority is given to optimal multi-wavelength coverage of the database, and to support of research developments linked to large projects. In parallel, the systematic scanning of the bibliography reflects the diversity and general trends of astronomical research. A WWW interface to Simbad is available at: http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/SimbadComment: 14 pages, 5 Postscript figures; to be published in A&A

    PAC-Bayesian Learning of Aggregated Binary Activated Neural Networks with Probabilities over Representations

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    Considering a probability distribution over parameters is known as an efficient strategy to learn a neural network with non-differentiable activation functions. We study the expectation of a probabilistic neural network as a predictor by itself, focusing on the aggregation of binary activated neural networks with normal distributions over real-valued weights. Our work leverages a recent analysis derived from the PAC-Bayesian framework that derives tight generalization bounds and learning procedures for the expected output value of such an aggregation, which is given by an analytical expression. While the combinatorial nature of the latter has been circumvented by approximations in previous works, we show that the exact computation remains tractable for deep but narrow neural networks, thanks to a dynamic programming approach. This leads us to a peculiar bound minimization learning algorithm for binary activated neural networks, where the forward pass propagates probabilities over representations instead of activation values. A stochastic counterpart that scales to wide architectures is proposed
