239 research outputs found

    Educação, conflito e convivência democrática

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    Após uma caracterização sucinta da actual condição pós-moderna, serão desenvolvidas algumas questões que, pela sua relevância actual no campo da educação, merecem ser revisitadas de modo crítico, nomeadamente, e num primeiro momento, a escola, o conflito e a convivência. Num segundo momento, apontar-se-ão algumas características da escola que fazem dela uma organização com alguma perversidade, hipocrisia e irracionalidade. O último aspecto a ser tratado irá compreender a escola como organização comunicacional ou organização convivencial, onde os conceitos de disciplina, violência, conflito e convivência assumem um sentido mais profundamente democrático.After a succinct characterization of the current postmodern condition, some questions might be developed, because of its current relevance in the education field, they must to be reviewed in a critical way, namely, and firstly, the school, the conflict and the conviviality. Secondly, this article underlines some school’s characteristics that turns it into an organization with a little perversity, hypocrisy and irrationality. The last aspect to be treated is the understanding of the school as a communicative or convivial organization, in which the concepts of discipline, violence, conflict and conviviality assume a more democratic orientation.Enseguida a una caracterización sucinta de la actual condición pos-moderna, serán desarrolladas algunas cuestiones que, por su relevancia actual en el campo de la educación, merecen ser visitadas de modo crítico, nombradamente, y en primero momento, la escuela, el conflicto y la convivencia. En segundo momento, se apuntarán algunas características de la escuela que la hacen una organización con alguna perversidad, hipocresía e irracionalidad. El último aspecto a ser tratado irá comprender la escuela como organización de comunicación u organización de convivencia, donde los conceptos de disciplina, violencia, conflicto e convivencia asumen un sentido más profundamente democrático.(undefined

    The potential determinants of young people's sense of justice: an international study

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    This paper uses reports from 13,000 Grade Nine pupils in five countries to examine issues such as whether they were treated fairly at school, trust their teachers and adults in wider society, are willing to sacrifice teacher attention to help others, and support the cultural integration of recent immigrants. Using such reports as ‘outcomes’ in a multi‐stage regression model, it is clear that they are largely unrelated to school‐level pupil mix variables. To some extent, these outcomes are stratified by pupil and family background in the same way for all countries. However, the largest association is with pupil‐reported experience of interactions with their teachers. Teachers appear to be a major influence on young people's sense of justice and the principles they apply in deciding whether something is fair. The paper concludes by suggesting ways in which schools and teachers could take advantage of this finding

    ‘Sometimes there’s racism towards the French here’: xenophobic microaggressions in pre-2016 London as articulations of symbolic violence

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    This article discusses xenophobic microaggressions (Pierce, 1970) experienced by members of the French community in London prior to the EU-Membership Referendum in 2016. Acting at the interface of agency and passivity, implicitness and complicity, they go unseen in the social space despite their omnipresence. Through a close reading of empirical data collected as part of an ethnographic study, the article posits that these microaggressions are articulations of historically embedded anti-French ‘symbolic violence’ (Bourdieu and Wacquant, 1992; Bourdieu, 1993). The three main areas addressed are humour, intersectionality and the reproductive nature of the phenomenon (Bourdieu and Passeron, 1970; Bourdieu, 1972)

    Homeschooling and the criticism of school: hybridisms and educational (dis)continuities

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    Desde os anos 1960, o homeschooling apresenta dinâmicas de crescimento atualizadas nos diagnósticos da crise do capitalismo e dos sistemas educativos. Por ser praticado por famílias próximas do progressismo libertário, do cristianismo conservador ou de outras inspirações axiológicas, a abordagem investigativa presente neste texto pressupôs romper com uma visão unívoca e alheia à sua diversidade e aos diferentes graus de (in)formalidade dos quotidianos educativos de crianças e de jovens que caracterizam este fenómeno educativo. Procura-se captar as especificidades do ensino doméstico (ED) em Portugal e a sua crescente expressão social e educacional e reflete-se sobre os sentidos das aprendizagens que ele encerra. Conclui-se que o ED parece ser contrário aos horizontes formativos da criança segundo o interesse da sociedade, sendo omisso sobre o seu papel na emancipação dos sujeitos. Confrontam-se a escola e o seu modo de funcionamento a partir do racional do ED, à procura de novas epistemologias e de novas linhas de pesquisa.Since the 1960s, homeschooling has shown growth dynamics updated by the diagnosis of the crisis of capitalism and of educational systems. Because it is practiced by families close to libertarian progressivism, conservative Christianity, or other axiological inspirations, this paper’s approach sought to break with a univocal conception alien to its diversity and to the different degrees of (in)formality of the children’s and young people’s educational daily lives inherent to this educational practice. Therefore, this paper seeks to understand the specificities of Portuguese homeschooling and its increasing social and educational expression, and to reflect on the meanings of the learning it entails. Being unclear about its role on the emancipation of the subjects, homeschooling seems to be contrary to the educational horizons of the child according to the interests of the whole society. This paper confronts school and its way of functioning with the homeschooling rationale in order to search for new epistemologies and new lines of research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio