841 research outputs found
Планування індивідуальних тренувальних навантажень у швидкісно-силових видах легкої атлетики
Використання контролю за функціональним станом центральної нервової системи і нервово-м'язового апарату позитивно впливає під час планування індивідуальних тренувальних навантажень спортсменів, які спеціалізуються у швидкісно-силових видах легкої атлетики. Набули подальшого розвитку дані про нормування параметрів (потужності м'язів, вибухової м'язової сили, час включення м'язів, ступінь активації, втоми центральної нервової системи), які характеризують функціональний стан організму спортсменів. Доповнено дані та розширено уявлення провідної ролі контролю у процесі індивідуальної адаптації організму спортсменів до тренувальних навантажень.
Практична значимість полягає у тому, що результати дослідження можуть бути запроваджено під час планування навчально-тренувального процесу спортсменів, які спеціалізуються у швидкісно-силових видах легкої атлетики, юними спортсменами дитячо-юнацьких спортивних шкіл, збірними командами різного рангу, на всіх рівнях майстерності. Це дозволяє тренерам планувати оптимальні параметри індивідуальних тренувальних навантажень та використовувати дидактичний принцип доступності та індивідуалізації у тренувальному процесі річного циклу підготовки.Использование контроля за функциональным состоянием центральной нервной системы и нервно-мышечного аппарата оказывает положительное влияние при планировании индивидуальных тренировочных нагрузок спортсменов, специализирующихся в скоростно-силовых видах легкой атлетики. Получили дальнейшее развитие данные о нормировании параметров (мощности мышц, взрывной мышечной силы, времени включения мышц, степени активации, усталости центральной нервной системы), которые характеризуют функциональное состояние организма спортсменов.
Дополнены данные и расширены представления ведущей роли контроля в процессе индивидуальной адаптации организма спортсменов
к тренировочным нагрузкам.
Практическая значимость состоит в том, что результаты исследования могут быть введены при планировании учебно-тренировочного процесса спортсменов, специализирующихся в скоростно-силовых видах легкой атлетики, юными спортсменами детско-юношеских спортивных школ, сборными командами разного ранга, на всех уровнях мастерства. Это позволяет тренерам планировать оптимальные параметры индивидуальных тренировочных нагрузок и использовать дидактический принцип доступности и индивидуализации в учебном процессе годового цикла подготовки.The use of control over the functional state of the central nervous system and neuromuscular apparatus has a positive effect when planning individual training loads of athletes who specialize in speed and strength athletics. Data on the normalization of parameters (muscle power, explosive muscle strength, time of muscle activation, degree of activation, fatigue of the central nervous system), which characterize the functional state of the body of athletes, have been further developed. The data are supplemented and the idea of the leading role of control in the process of individual adaptation of the body of athletes to training loads is expanded.
The practical significance is that the results of the study can be introduced during the planning of the training process of athletes who specialize in speed and strength athletics, young athletes of children's and youth sports schools, national teams of various ranks, at all skill levels. This allows trainers to plan the optimal parameters of individual training loads and use the didactic principle of accessibility and individualization in the training process of the annual training cycle
The impact of long-term azithromycin on antibiotic resistance in HIV-associated chronic lung disease
Selection for resistance to azithromycin (AZM) and other antibiotics such as tetracyclines and lincosamides remains a concern with long-term AZM use for treatment of chronic lung diseases (CLD). We investigated the impact of 48 weeks of AZM on the carriage and antibiotic resistance of common respiratory bacteria among children with HIV-associated CLD. Nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs and sputa were collected at baseline, 48 and 72 weeks from participants with HIV-associated CLD randomised to receive weekly AZM or placebo for 48 weeks and followed postintervention until 72 weeks. The primary outcomes were prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP), Staphylococcus aureus (SA), Haemophilus influenzae (HI) and Moraxella catarrhalis (MC) at these timepoints. Mixed-effects logistic regression and Fisher’s exact test were used to compare carriage and resistance, respectively. Of 347 (174 AZM, 173 placebo) participants (median age 15 years (IQR 13–18), female 49%), NP carriage was significantly lower in the AZM (n=159) compared to placebo (n=153) arm for SP (18% versus 41%, p<0.001), HI (7% versus 16%, p=0.01) and MC (4% versus 11%, p=0.02); SP resistance to AZM (62% (18 out of 29) versus 13% (8 out of 63), p<0.0001) or tetracycline (60% (18 out of 29) versus 21% (13 out of 63), p<0.0001) was higher in the AZM arm. Carriage of SA resistant to AZM (91% (31 out of 34) versus 3% (1 out of 31), p<0.0001), tetracycline (35% (12 out of 34) versus 13% (4 out of 31), p=0.05) and clindamycin (79% (27 out of 34) versus 3% (1 out of 31), p<0.0001) was also significantly higher in the AZM arm and persisted at 72 weeks. Similar findings were observed for sputa. The persistence of antibiotic resistance and its clinical relevance for future infectious episodes requiring treatment needs further investigation
Trauma history and depression predict incomplete adherence to antiretroviral therapies in a low income country.
As antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV becomes increasingly available in low and middle income countries (LMICs), understanding reasons for lack of adherence is critical to stemming the tide of infections and improving health. Understanding the effect of psychosocial experiences and mental health symptomatology on ART adherence can help maximize the benefit of expanded ART programs by indicating types of services, which could be offered in combination with HIV care. The Coping with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania (CHAT) study is a longitudinal cohort study in the Kilimanjaro Region that included randomly selected HIV-infected (HIV+) participants from two local hospital-based HIV clinics and four free-standing voluntary HIV counselling and testing sites. Baseline data were collected in 2008 and 2009; this paper used data from 36 month follow-up interviews (N = 468). Regression analyses were used to predict factors associated with incomplete self-reported adherence to ART. INCOMPLETE ART ADHERENCE WAS SIGNIFICANTLY MORE LIKELY TO BE REPORTED AMONGST PARTICIPANTS WHO EXPERIENCED A GREATER NUMBER OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMATIC EVENTS: sexual abuse prior to puberty and the death in childhood of an immediate family member not from suicide or homicide were significantly more likely in the non-adherent group and other negative childhood events trended toward being more likely. Those with incomplete adherence had higher depressive symptom severity and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In multivariable analyses, childhood trauma, depression, and financial sacrifice remained associated with incomplete adherence.\ud
This is the first study to examine the effect of childhood trauma, depression and PTSD on HIV medication adherence in a low income country facing a significant burden of HIV. Allocating spending on HIV/AIDS toward integrating mental health services with HIV care is essential to the creation of systems that enhance medication adherence and maximize the potential of expanded antiretroviral access to improve health and reduce new infections
Coordination and resource-related difficulties encountered by Quebec's public health specialists and infectious diseases/medical microbiologists in the management of A (H1N1) - a mixed-method, exploratory survey
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Quebec, the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic was managed using a top-down style that left many involved players with critical views and frustrations. We aimed to describe physicians' perceptions - infectious diseases specialists/medical microbiologists (IDMM) and public health/preventive medicine specialists (PHPMS) - in regards to issues encountered with the pandemics management at the physician level and highlight suggested improvements for future healthcare emergencies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In April 2010, Quebec IDMM and PHPMS physicians were invited to anonymously complete a web-based learning needs assessment. The survey included both open-ended and multiple-choice questions. Descriptive statistics were used to report on the frequency distribution of multiple choice responses whereas thematic content analysis was used to analyse qualitative data generated from the survey and help understand respondents' experience and perceptions with the pandemics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 102 respondents, 85.3% reported difficulties or frustrations in their practice during the pandemic. The thematic analysis revealed two core themes describing the problems experienced in the pandemic management: coordination and resource-related difficulties. Coordination issues included communication, clinical practice guidelines, decision-making, roles and responsibilities, epidemiological investigation, and public health expert advisory committees. Resources issues included laboratory resources, patient management, and vaccination process.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Together, the quantitative and qualitative data suggest a need for improved coordination, a better definition of roles and responsibilities, increased use of information technologies, merged communications, and transparency in the decisional process. Increased flexibility and less contradiction in clinical practice guidelines from different sources and increased laboratory/clinical capacity were felt critical to the proper management of infectious disease emergencies.</p
Approach to Dyslipidemia, Lipodystrophy, and Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with HIV Infection
There is a significant prevalence (20%–80% depending on the population and the study) of lipid disorders and other cardiovascular risk factors in people living with HIV infection. This review focuses on HIV and HIV treatment–associated metabolic and cardiovascular concerns, including dyslipidemias, lipodystrophy syndromes, endothelial dysfunctions, and associated metabolic events such as insulin resistance. Emerging hypotheses of the underlying pathophysiology of these issues, with impact on selection of specific antiretroviral treatment (ART) strategies, therapy, and preventive approaches to decreasing cardiovascular risk and other problems associated with these syndromes are discussed. Screening for cardiovascular risk as part of the decision of starting antiretroviral therapy, and during care of patients with HIV regardless of ART therapy status, is suggested with particular areas of focus. Statins, other hyperlipidemic therapies, treatment for specific problems arising due to lipodystrophy, and implications on ART selection to avoid drug interactions and adverse effects are also discussed
Genetic, environmental and stochastic factors in monozygotic twin discordance with a focus on epigenetic differences
PMCID: PMC3566971This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
High HIV Incidence and Sexual Behavior Change among Pregnant Women in Lilongwe, Malawi: Implications for the Risk of HIV Acquisition
HIV incidence is higher among pregnant women than their non-pregnant counterparts in some sub-Saharan African settings. Our aims were (1) to estimate HIV incidence during pregnancy and (2) to compare sexual activity between pregnant, postpartum, and non-pregnant women.We examined a retrospective cohort of 1087 women to identify seroconverters using antenatal and labor ward HIV test results. We also conducted a cross-sectional survey, including a quantitative questionnaire (n = 200) and in-depth interviews (n = 20) among women in early pregnancy, late pregnancy, postpartum, and non-pregnancy. Outcomes included measures of sexual activity, reported spouse's risky behavior, and beliefs about abstinence.11 of 1087 women seroconverted during pregnancy yielding a 1% seroconversion risk and an incidence rate of 4.0/100 person years (95% CI 2.2-7.2). The reported sexual activity of the early pregnancy and non-pregnancy groups was similar, but significantly higher than the late pregnancy and postpartum groups (p<0.001). During pregnancy, sex acts decreased as gestation increased (p = 0.001). There was no reported difference in the spouse's risky behavior. Most women believed that sex should cease between the 6(th) and 8(th) month of pregnancy and should not resume until 6 months postpartum. Some talked about conflict between their cultural obligation to abstain and fear of HIV infection if their spouses find other partners.HIV incidence is high among pregnant women in Malawi, and sexual activity decreases during pregnancy and postpartum. Pregnant women need to be informed of their increased risk for HIV and the importance of using condoms throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period
Presentation and Outcome of Tuberculous Meningitis in a High HIV Prevalence Setting
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a common, devastating cause of meningitis in HIV-infected persons. Due to international rollout programs, access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is increasing globally. Starting patients with HIV-associated tuberculous meningitis (TBM) on ART during tuberculosis (TB) treatment may increase survival in these patients. We undertook this study to describe causes of meningitis at a secondary-level hospital in a high HIV/TB co-infection setting and to determine predictors of mortality in patients with TBM.A retrospective review of cerebrospinal fluid findings and clinical records over a six-month period (March 2009-August 2009). Definite, probable and possible TBM were diagnosed according to published case definitions.TBM was diagnosed in 120/211 patients (57%) with meningitis. In 106 HIV-infected patients with TBM, six-month all-cause mortality was lower in those who received antiretroviral therapy (ART) during TB treatment; hazard ratio = 0.30 (95% CI = 0.08-0.82). Factors associated with inpatient mortality in HIV-infected patients were 1) low CD4(+) count at presentation; adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.4 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.03-1.96) per 50 cells/µL drop in CD4(+) count and, 2) higher British Medical Research Council TBM disease grade (2 or 3 versus 1); AOR = 4.8 (95% CI = 1.45-15.87).Starting ART prior to or during TB treatment may be associated with lower mortality in patients with HIV-associated TBM. Advanced HIV and worse stage of TBM disease predict in-hospital mortality in patients presenting with TBM
Over-Selectivity is Related to Autism Quotient and Empathizing, But not to Systematizing
The relationships of autism quotient (AQ), systematizing (SQ), and empathizing (EQ), with over-selectivity were explored to assess whether over-selectivity is implicated in complex social skills, which has been assumed, but not experimentally examined. Eighty participants (aged 18–60) were trained on a simultaneous discrimination task (AB+CD−), and tested in extinction on the degree to which they had learned about both elements of the reinforced (AB) compound. Higher AQ and lower EQ scorers demonstrated greater over-selectivity, but there was no relationship between SQ and over-selectivity. These results imply that high AQ scorers perform similarly to individuals with ASD on this cognitive task, and that over-selectivity may be related to some complex social skills, like empathy
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