2 research outputs found

    Estimación del precio marginal del sistema eléctrico colombiano: una mirada desde la organización industrial

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    We analyze the behavior of spot prices in the Colombian wholesale power market, using a series of models derived from industrial organization theory -- We first create a Cournot-based model that simulates the strategic behavior of the market-leader power generators, which we use to estimate two industrial organization variables, the Index of Residual Demand and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) -- We use these variables to create VAR models that estimate spot prices and power market impulse-response relationships -- The results from these models show that hydroelectric generators can use their water storage capability strategically to affect off-peak prices primarily, while the thermal generators can manage their capacity strategically to affect on-peak prices -- In addition, shocks to the Index of Residual Capacity and to the HHI cause spot price fluctuations, which can be interpreted as the generators´ strategic response to these shocksConstruimos un modelo de Cournot para simular el comportamiento estratégico de las empresas generadoras líderes del mercado eléctrico colombiano --Usamos las cantidades estimadas con este modelo para construir dos variables de organización industrial: el índice de demanda residual y el índice de Herfindahl e Hirschman (HHI) -- Con ellas estimamos modelos vectoriales autorregresivos (VAR) que permitan estimar el precio en bolsa (PMS) y hacer análisis impulso-respuesta -- Los resultados muestran que la capacidad de almacenamiento de las empresas hidráulicas permite un mayor comportamiento estratégico que las térmicas en periodos de demanda baja, mientras que las térmicas son más estratégicas en periodos de demanda alta -- Además los choques sobre los cambios en la demanda residual y en la concentración del mercado se reflejan en un comportamiento fluctuante sobre el crecimiento del PMS, lo que se puede interpretar como una reacción de la estrategia de las empresas ante un cambio en las circunstancias del mercad

    An Analysis of Colombian Power Market Price Behavior from an Industrial Organization Perspective

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    We analyze the behavior of spot prices in the Colombian wholesale power market, using a series of models derived from industrial organization theory.  We first create a Cournot-based model that simulates the strategic behavior of the market-leader power generators, which we use to estimate two industrial organization variables, the Index of Residual Demand and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI).  We use these variables to create VAR models that estimate spot prices and power market impulse-response relationships.  The results from these models show that hydroelectric generators can use their water storage capability strategically to affect off-peak prices primarily, while the thermal generators can manage their capacity strategically to affect on-peak prices.  In addition, shocks to the Index of Residual Capacity and to the HHI cause spot price fluctuations, which can be interpreted as the generators´ strategic response to these shocks