3,206 research outputs found

    Co-evolution of industry strategies and government policies: The case of the brazilian automotive industry

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    This study examines the evolution of the automotive industry in Brazil and its key drivers. We argue that the rules of the game – industry policies – are an outcome of exchanges between the host government and industry. These arise from changes in economic and political environments and interdependence between industry and the country’s economy. To this end, we draw upon literature on institutions and co-evolution to understand the industry footprint over a 50-year period, as well as its relationship with changes in government policies. This study generates new insights on institutional and co-evolution political perspectives by showing that the rules of the game are not only the making of the government, but are also the result of interdependencies between industry and government

    Post-acquisition Changes Beyond the Dyad: Power at the Net Level in Cross-Border Acquisitions(1)

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    A common feature of the literature on post-acquisition changes is its dyadic feature, i.e. the emphasis is placed on the actors directly involved in the acquisition, often represented by the acquiree and the acquirer. Accordingly, actors outside the dyad, such as suppliers and buyers, are usually disregarded. There is, however, a relevant exception in this literature. Recently, some Nordic authors have claimed that if actors other than the acquiree and the acquirer are not taken into account, the existing literature may only present a partial view of changes following acquisitions. Consequently, they have suggested that changes following this type of operation can be analysed fruitfully at the network level. Our article adds to the efforts of these scholars to understand post-acquisition changes at a broader level by bringing to the fore two issues that have received scarce attention in the literature: i) nets rather than the network level appears to be the locus where post-acquisition changes beyond the dyad take place; ii) relational power can be regarded as an independent variable in post-acquisitionchanges beyond the dyad. These arguments are illustrated by three brief case studies of cross-border acquisitions

    Os Irmãos Karamabloch: ascensão e queda de um império familiar

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    The development of transversal competence of health service managers

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    In their pedagogical projects, health management courses focus on multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, comprehensiveness and transversality, whose main merit is to question health issues from different theoretical perspectives. Analyzing these issues under many perspectives does not necessarily mean the development of transversal competences. The development and application of these competences suppose going beyond integrating curricular contents and theory/practice. They depend on how the knowledge will be articulated to changes at organizational, sectorial and institutional levels and on the coevolution between these competences and changes. It is understood that health services manager role is effectively transversal when he/she: (i) acts at organizational boundaries, fostering interaction between organizations and other actors in the system; (ii) provides (and receives) feedback to (and from) these actors; and (iii) these feedbacks help decision makers to undertake organizational changes to respond to the environment and shape it.Em seus projetos pedagógicos, os cursos de gestão de saúde privilegiam a multidisciplinaridade, interdisciplinaridade, integralidade e transversalidade, cujo principal mérito é problematizar as questões da saúde sob diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Analisar as questões da área da saúde a partir de diversos prismas não implica necessariamente no desenvolvimento de competências transversais. O desenvolvimento e a aplicação dessas competências pressupõem ir além da integração entre conteúdos curriculares e entre teoria e prática. Dependem de como os conhecimentos serão articulados às mudanças nos níveis organizacional, setorial e institucional e da coevolução entre essas competências e essas mudanças. Entende-se que a atuação do gestor de serviços de saúde é efetivamente transversal quando: (i) atua nas fronteiras organizacionais, fomentando a interação entre as organizações e outros atores do sistema; (ii) provê (e recebe) feedbacks para esses (desses) atores; e (iii) esses feedbacks auxiliam os tomadores de decisão a empreender mudanças organizacionais, de modo a responder ao ambiente e a moldá-lo

    Logical Grammar of Educational Practice: analysis of the manifestations and interactions of institutional logics

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    Este artigo analisa os efeitos da interação entre lógicas institucionais distintas para a educação corporativa. A partir de um framework baseado nos conceitos de complexidade institucional (Thornton et al., 2012), constelações lógicas (Goodrick & Reay, 2011) e mundos de valor (Boltanski & Thévenot, 2006), propõe-se um modelo – Gramática Lógica da Prática Educativa – para se analisar as manifestações das lógicas institucionais nas práticas organizacionais, em particular na educação corporativa. Realizou-se um estudo de caso longitudinal (1965-2018) no Banco do Brasil, a partir de dados secundários, primários e observação. A pesquisa empírica demonstrou que a coexistência das lógicas perdura ao longo do tempo sem a dominância de uma sobre as demais. O padrão da coexistência pode variar, dependendo dos contextos da organização e do campo institucional. As modalidades de interação entre as lógicas, por sua vez, dependem das combinações gramaticais de valor ocorridas nas suas interfaces. Assim, tão relevante quanto a manifestação das lógicas, é fundamental analisar as suas interações gramaticais. Dessas interações, pode-se compreender: (i) as razões das mudanças nas trajetórias das práticas organizacionais; (ii) a diversidade de interações lógico-institucionais que podem ocorrer dentro de uma constelação lógica; e (iii) as condições sob as quais as lógicas competem ou se complementam.This article analyzes the effects of the interaction between different institutional logics on corporate education. From a framework based on the concepts of institutional complexity (Thornton et al., 2012), logical constellations (Goodrick & Reay, 2011) and economies of worth (Boltanski & Thévenot, 2006), we propose a model – Logical Grammar of Educational Practice – to analyze the manifestations of institutional logic in organizational practices, particularly in the corporate education. A longitudinal case study (1965-2018) was thus carried out in Banco do Brasil by using secondary, primary, and observation data. The empirical research has evidenced the coexistence of logics lasts throughout time, without the domination of any of them over the other. The pattern of coexistence varies, depending on the context of the organization and of the institutional field. The modes of interaction among the logics, in turn, depend on the combination of the elements of orders of worth at their interfaces. Therefore, as relevant as the manifestation of logics, it is fundamental to analyze the interaction among them. From these interactions, one can understand: (i) the reasons of changes in the organizational practices’ trajectories; (ii) the diversity of logical-institutional interaction that may happen inside of a constellation of logics; and (iii) the condition under which the logics compete or complement each other

    Outsourcing de TI e redefinição do papel da subsidiária: um estudo comparativo entre as subsidiárias brasileira e indiana de uma multinacional americana

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    Global outsourcing, also known as offshoring, has become a major phenomenon in the IT industry. Responsibilities have been transferred to IT suppliers worldwide. A key element of this strategic change occurred in the IT sector is the growing importance of emerging economies, such as Brazil and India, as offshoring suppliers. A stream of the literature on international business has analysed which factors may affect the evolution of a subsidiary within a multinational. This paper aims to analyse how exporting outsourcing IT services can redefine the role of a subsidiary within a corporation and, consequently change its strategic relevance. Empirical research compared the offshoring activities of two subsidiaries -Brazilian and Indian - of an American IT multinational. In particular, the empirical research focussed on how subsidiary choice, head office assignment and environment determinism factors interact to each other in order to determine the evolution of each subsidiary. The results have demonstrated that the Indian subsidiary trajectory was essentially determined by the development of its resources, innovation, governmental support and entrepreneurship. The Brazilian subsidiary trajectory in turn was mostly influenced by head office assignment and subsidiary performance. A comparative analysis between the two cases has demonstrated how these aspects have altogether determined why these subsidiaries have evolved differently from each other. Most importantly, this paper argues that management capacity and subsidiary leadership are critical elements to understand the evolution of a multinational subsidiary trajectory.A exportacão de outsourcing de TI, também conhecida como offshoring, tem se tornado um dos principais fenômenos na indústria de TI. Responsabilidades têm sido transferidas para fornecedores de TI em todo o mundo. Um aspecto chave desse fenômeno é a crescente importância que economias emergentes, tais como, Brasil e Índia, vêm assumindo como provedores de offshoring de TI. Uma corrente da literatura sobre negócios internacionais tem analisado quais os fatores que podem afetar a evolução de uma subsidiária dentro de uma multinacional. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como a exportação de serviços terceirizados de TI pode redefinir o papel de uma subsidiária dentro de uma corporação e, então, alterar a sua relevância estratégica. Uma investigação empírica compara o desenvolvimento das atividades de offshoring de duas subsidiárias - brasileira e indiana - de uma multinacional americana de TI e, mais especificamente, como tais atividades têm contribuído para redefinir o papel e a relevância estratégica de cada uma delas. Em particular, a investigação empírica analisou a forma como três perspectivas (escolhas da subsidiária, determinações da matriz e determinismo ambiental) interagem determinando a evolução e o papel das subsidiárias. Os resultados demonstraram que a trajetória da subsidiária indiana foi essencialmente determinada pelo desenvolvimento dos seus recursos, a inovação, o apoio governamental e empresarial. A trajetória da subsidiária brasileira, por sua vez, foi principalmente influenciada pelas determinações da matriz e desempenho da subsidiária. Argumenta-se, por fim, que a capacidade de gestão e liderança da subsidiária são elementos críticos para compreender a evolução da trajetória de uma subsidiária multinacional

    Results on Proton-Irradiated 3D Pixel Sensors Interconnected to RD53A Readout ASIC

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    Test beam results obtained with 3D pixel sensors bump-bonded to the RD53A prototype readout ASIC are reported. Sensors from FBK (Italy) and IMB-CNM (Spain) have been tested before and after proton-irradiation to an equivalent fluence of about 11 ×\times 101610^{16} neq\text{n}_{\text{eq}} cm2^{-2} (1 MeV equivalent neutrons). This is the first time that one single collecting electrode fine pitch 3D sensors are irradiated up to such fluence bump-bonded to a fine pitch ASIC. The preliminary analysis of the collected data shows no degradation on the hit detection efficiencies of the tested sensors after high energy proton irradiation, demonstrating the excellent radiation tolerance of the 3D pixel sensors. Thus, they will be excellent candidates for the extreme radiation environment at the innermost layers of the HL-LHC experiments.Comment: Conference Proceedings of VCI2019, 15th Vienna Conference of Instrumentation, February 18-22, 2019, Vienna, Austria. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1903.0196

    The role of interpersonal networks in the internationalization of higher education institutions

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    A literatura sobre internacionalização de IES negligencia dois aspectos desse processo: as diferenças dos processos de internacionalização na graduação e na pós-graduação e o papel das redes de relacionamentos dos docentes no processo de internacionalização. O propósito deste artigo é discutir o papel dessas redes de relacionamentos no processo de internacionalização da pós-graduação. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo comparativo de casos de duas universidades confessionais brasileiras (PUC-RS e PUC-SP). Os resultados mostram que, em ambos os casos, as políticas de internacionalização são formuladas para as IES como um todo, não contemplando as especificidades da graduação e da pós-graduação, e que as redes de relacionamento dos docentes podem ter um papel relevante no processo de internacionalização de IES, sobretudo no nível da pós-graduação