654 research outputs found

    Biological activities of a mixture of biosurfactant from Bacillus subtilis and alkaline lipase from Fusarium oxysporum

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    In this study, we investigate the antimicrobial effects of a mixture of a biosurfactant from Bacillus subtilis and an alkaline lipase from Fusarium oxysporum (AL/BS mix) on several types of microorganisms, as well as their abilities to remove Listeria innocua ATCC 33093 biofilm from stainless steel coupons. The AL/BS mix had a surface tension of around 30 mN.m-1, indicating that the presence of alkaline lipase did not interfere in the surface activity properties of the tensoactive component. The antimicrobial activity of the AL/BS mix was determined by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) micro-assays. Among all the tested organisms, the presence of the mixture only affected the growth of B. subtilis CCT 2576, B. cereus ATCC 10876 and L. innocua. The most sensitive microorganism was B. cereus (MIC 0.013 mg.mL-1). In addition, the effect of the sanitizer against L. innocua attached to stainless steel coupons was determined by plate count after vortexing. The results showed that the presence of the AL/BS mix improved the removal of adhered cells relative to treatment done without the sanitizer, reducing the count of viable cells by 1.72 log CFU.cm-2. However, there was no significant difference between the sanitizers tested and an SDS detergent standard (p<0.05).354361Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Analysis of biodegradation of citric oil compounds by GC/MSD and analysis of the microbial population of an activated sludge reactor in the treatment of a citric wastewater

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    Wastewater from citric industry was used to biodegradation study through an activated sludge system. The analyses accomplished by CG/MSD showed that compounds of the orange oil as the limoneno, was resistant to biodegradation. The microbiological evaluation developed during the biodegradation period showed that the number and type of bacteria present in the system varied according to the time, and a succession of microorganisms can be observed. The microrganism identified as LAB-9 (Pseudomonas struzieri) and LAB-7 (not identified) prevailed during whole the process, suggesting that they were the main responsible for the removal of the organic matter or the better adapted to the type of wastewater. The system of activated sludge was efficient in the reduction of DBO and DQO, reaching values of 79 and 78%, respectively, in a period of 15 h, with a relationship F/M 4:2.Água residuária da indústria cítrica foi utilizada como objeto de estudo de biodegradação através de um sistema de lodo ativado por batelada. As análises realizadas por CG/EM mostraram que os compostos provenientes do óleo de laranja como o limoneno, foram resistentes a biodegradação. A avaliação microbiológica realizada no decorrer do período mostrou que o número e tipo de colônias bacterianas variaram de acordo com o tempo, e pode ser observada uma sucessão de microrganismos durante a biodegradação do efluente cítrico. O microrganismo identificado como LAB-9 (Pseudomonas struzieri) e LAB-7 (não identificado) prevaleceram durante todo o processo, sugerindo que estes são organismos importantes para remoção da matéria orgânica no processo ou são melhores adaptados ao tipo de água residuária. O sistema de lodo ativado foi eficiente na redução de DBO e DQO, alcançando valores de 79 e 78% respectivamente, num período de 15 h de reação, com uma relação F/M 4:2.278284Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Phytochemical analysis and antifungal activity of extracts from leaves and fruit residues of brazilian savanna plants aiming its use as safe fungicides

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The increasing demand for safe food without preservatives or pesticides residues has encouraged several studies on natural products with antifungal activity and low toxicity. In this study, ethanolic extracts from leaves and fruit residues (peel and seeds) of three Brazilian savanna species (Acrocomia aculeata, Campomanesia adamantium and Caryocar brasiliense) were evaluated against phytopathogenic fungi. Additionally, the most active extract was chemically characterized by ESI-MS and its oral acute toxicity was evaluated. Extracts from C. brasiliense (pequi) peel and leaves were active against Alternaria alternata, Alternaria solani and Venturia pirina with minimal inhibitory concentrations between 350 and 1000 mu g/mL. When incorporated in solid media, these extracts extended the lag phase of A. alternata and A. solani and reduced the growth rate of A. solani. Pequi peel extract showed better antifungal activity and their ESI-MS analysis revealed the presence of substances widely reported as antifungal such as gallic acid, quinic acid, ellagic acid, glucogalin and corilagin. The oral acute toxicity was relatively low, being considered safe for use as a potential natural fungicide. [GRAPHICS] .The increasing demand for safe food without preservatives or pesticides residues has encouraged several studies on natural products with antifungal activity and low toxicity. In this study, ethanolic extracts from leaves and fruit residues (peel and seeds6195204FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)2011/19057-7; 2012/21395-0We are grateful to São Paulo Research Foundation for the financial support of this research and for the fellowships awarded to C.A.B. (FAPESP No. 2011/19057-7) and G.A.B. (FAPESP No. 2012/21395-0) and to Study Group of Cerrado Agro-industrial Processes (

    Educação e mercado de trabalho em Portugal: retornos e transições

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    http://www.poatfse.qren.pt/upload/docs/Diversos/ESTUDOS/Estudos%202014/Relatorio_final_U_Minho.pdf[Sumário Executivo] A adesão de Portugal à União Europeia em 1986 coincide com a apro- vação da estratégia para a concretização de um mercado interno no espaço europeu, coloca ndo desafios às economias dos países euro- peus e em particular à economia portuguesa, em matéria de produti- vidade e competitividade. O tradicional paradigma de competitividade assente em baixos salários é exposto a um nível de concorrência sem precedentes, revelando - se inadequado para fazer face a este novo con- texto de mercados integrados, caracterizados por uma livre circulação de bens, serviços e fatores produtivos. A capacidade de resposta do mercado de trabalho português é testada, assim como a qualidade da sua força de trabalho, do seu capital humano. Avaliar a qualidade do capital huma no implica, também, aferir o impacto do sistema educa- tivo na força de trabalho, quer ao nível do indivíduo, quer ao nível da sociedade. (excerto)Projecto: 000 598 402 012, POAT FSE – Programa Operacional de Assistência Técnica do Fundo Social Europeu, POATFSE: gerir, conhecer e intervir, QREN

    Processo De Produção Da Violaceìna E Deoxiviolaceina Otimizado Por Planejamento Fatorial E Análise De Superfìcie De Resposta Pela Chromobacterium Violaceum

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    Trata-se de um procedimento para a otimização da produção de violaceína e deoxiviolaceína através de planejamentos experimentais baseados em princípios estatísticos. Na fase inicial 11 fatores foram analisados: fonte de carbono (glicose), extrato de levedura, metionina, vitamina B12, L-triptofano, agitação, temperatura, pH (tampão fosfato), peptona, inóculo e concentração de sulfato de zinco. Um planejamento experimental fracionário padrão 215-11 foi usado. Na Segunda fase um planejamento composto central envolvendo 5 fatores: fonte de carbono (glicose), extrato de levedura, L-triptofano, peptona e sulfato de zinco. Foram escolhidos baseados no resultado do planejamento fatorial fracionário anterior. O planejamento consiste em um fatorial fracionárioBR0100199 (A)A61K35/74A61P31/04A61P33/00A61P35/00A61K35/74A61P31/04A61P33/00A61P35/00BR20010100199A61K35/74A61P31/04A61P33/00A61P35/00A61K35/74A61P31/04A61P33/00A61P35/0

    Antimicrobial and antiproliferative potential of Anadenanthera colubrina (vell.) Brenan

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    The aim of the present study was to perform an in vitro analysis of the antimicrobial and antiproliferative potential of an extract from Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan (angico) and chemically characterize the crude extract. Antimicrobial action was evaluated based on the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration, and the inhibition of formation to oral biofilm. Cell morphology was determined through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Six strains of tumor cells were used for the determination of antiproliferative potential. The extract demonstrated strong antifungal activity against Candida albicans ATCC 18804 (MIC = 0.031 mg/mL), with similar activity found regarding the ethyl acetate fraction. The extract and active fraction also demonstrated the capacity to inhibit the formation of Candida albicans to oral biofilm after 48 hours, with median values equal to or greater than the control group, but the difference did not achieve statistical significance (P > 0.05). SEM revealed alterations in the cell morphology of the yeast. Regarding antiproliferative activity, the extract demonstrated cytostatic potential in all strains tested. The present findings suggest strong antifungal potential for Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan as well as a tendency toward diminishing the growth of human tumor cells.The aim of the present study was to perform an in vitro analysis of the antimicrobial and antiproliferative potential of an extract from Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan (angico) and chemically characterize the crude extract. Antimicrobial action was evaluated based on the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration, and the inhibition of formation to oral biofilm. Cell morphology was determined through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Six strains of tumor cells were used for the determination of antiproliferative potential. The extract demonstrated strong antifungal activity against Candida albicans ATCC 18804 ( mg/mL), with similar activity found regarding the ethyl acetate fraction. The extract and active fraction also demonstrated the capacity to inhibit the formation of Candida albicans to oral biofilm after 48 hours, with median values equal to or greater than the control group, but the difference did not achieve statistical significance . SEM revealed alterations in the cell morphology of the yeast. Regarding antiproliferative activity, the extract demonstrated cytostatic potential in all strains tested. The present findings suggest strong antifungal potential for Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan as well as a tendency toward diminishing the growth of human tumor cells201

    The Effect of Essential Oils and Bioactive Fractions on Streptococcus mutans

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    The essential oils (EO) and bioactive fractions (BF) from Aloysia gratissima, Baccharis dracunculifolia, Coriandrum sativum, Cyperus articulatus, and Lippia sidoides were proven to have strong antimicrobial activity on planktonic microorganisms; however, little is known about their effects on the morphology or viability of oral biofilms. Previously, we determined the EO/fractions with the best antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Candida spp. In this report, we used a confocal analysis to investigate the effect of these EO and BF on the morphology of S. mutans biofilms (thickness, biovolume, and architecture) and on the metabolic viability of C. albicans biofilms. The analysis of intact treated S. mutans biofilms showed no statistical difference for thickness in all groups compared to the control. However, a significant reduction in the biovolume of extracellular polysaccharides and bacteria was observed for A. gratissima and L. sidoides groups, indicating that these BF disrupt biofilm integrity and may have created porosity in the biofilm. This phenomenon could potentially result in a weakened structure and affect biofilm dynamics. Finally, C. sativum EO drastically affected C. albicans viability when compared to the control. These results highlight the promising antimicrobial activity of these plant species and support future translational research on the treatment of dental caries and oral candidiasis

    Antimicrobial and antileishmanial activity of essential oil from the leaves of Annona foetida (Annonaceae)

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    bicyclogermacrene (35.12%), (E)-caryophyllene (14.19%) and &#945;-copaene (8.19%). The antimicrobial and antileishmanial activities were investigated. The oil showed potent antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans and Rhodococcus equi. The oil also showed significant antileishmanial activity, giving the best results against Leishmania guyanensis. A preliminary cytotoxicity assay for this oil was carried out on hamster and mice (Balb/c) peritoneal macrophages. The results obtained were similar to pentamidine and considered not to be cytotoxic to macrophages.7881Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils against Streptococcus mutans and their Antiproliferative Effects

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    This study aimed to evaluate the activity of essential oils (EOs) against Streptococcus mutans biofilm by chemically characterizing their fractions responsible for biological and antiproliferative activity. Twenty EO were obtained by hydrodistillation and submitted to the antimicrobial assay (minimum inhibitory (MIC) and bactericidal (MBC) concentrations) against S. mutans UA159. Thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry were used for phytochemical analyses. EOs were selected according to predetermined criteria and fractionated using dry column; the resulting fractions were assessed by MIC and MBC, selected as active fractions, and evaluated against S. mutans biofilm. Biofilms formed were examined using scanning electron microscopy. Selected EOs and their selected active fractions were evaluated for their antiproliferative activity against keratinocytes and seven human tumor cell lines. MIC and MBC values obtained for EO and their active fractions showed strong antimicrobial activity. Chemical analyses mainly showed the presence of terpenes. The selected active fractions inhibited S. mutans biofilm formation (P &lt; 0.05) did not affect glycolytic pH drop and were inactive against keratinocytes, normal cell line. In conclusion, EO showed activity at low concentrations, and their selected active fractions were also effective against biofilm formed by S. mutans and human tumor cell lines.Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [2009/12353-0, 2011/14757-0]Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [308644/2011-5