60 research outputs found

    Caracteres morfo-anatômicos da folha e do caule de Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) O. Kuntze, Amaranthaceae

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    Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) O. Kuntze, Amaranthaceae, é herbácea perene de origem brasileira, empregada como analgésico e antiinflamatório na medicina tradicional. Este trabalho analisou a morfo-anatomia de folha e caule, a fim de fornecer subsídios à identificação da planta medicinal. O material foi fixado, seccionado à mão livre e corado de acordo com técnicas usuais. As folhas são simples, inteiras, decussadas, oval-lanceoladas e púrpuras, e apresentam epiderme unisseriada, tricomas tectores pluricelulares revestidos por cutícula papilosa, estômatos anomocíticos e diacíticos em ambas as faces; o mesofilo é dorsiventral, com feixes vasculares colaterais e drusas. O caule, em estrutura secundária, tem o sistema de revestimento similar ao da folha; o colênquima é angular em alternância com o clorênquima, ocorrem drusas e uma organização cambial variante, consistindo de arcos cambiais extranumerários concêntricos ao primeiro câmbio vascular e feixes vasculares dispostos linearmente na medula.Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) O. Kuntze, Amaranthaceae is a Brazilian perennial herb employed as analgesic and anti-inflammatory in the traditional medicine. This work has analysed the morpho-anatomy of the leaf and stem, in order to supply knowledge to the medicinal plant identification. The botanical material was fixed, freehand sectioned and stained according to usual microtechniques. The leaves are simple, entire, decussate, oval-lanceolate and purple, presenting uniseriate epidermis, pluricellular non-glandular trichomes coated by papillose cuticle, anomocytic and diacytic stomata on both surfaces; the mesophyll is dorsiventral, with collateral vascular bundles and druses. The stem, in secondary growth, has the dermal system similar to the leaf; the angular collenchyma alternates with the chlorenchyma; it occurs druses and a cambial variant, consisting of concentrical arcs of extra-cambia outside the first cambium and aligned vascular bundles in the pith

    Anatomical characters of the medicinal leaf and stem of Gymnanthemum amygdalinum (Delile) Sch.Bip. ex Walp. (Asteraceae)

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    Gymnanthemum amygdalinum (Delile) Sch.Bip. ex Walp. (Asteraceae), better known by its former name Vernonia amygdalina Delile, is a small shrub used in folk medicine as an antipyretic, laxative, antimalarial and anthelmintic. Studies have demonstrated that different vegetal extracts possess antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiparasitic activities. Among the bioactive metabolites, there are sesquiterpene lactones, saponins, polyphenols and flavonoids. This study investigated the leaf and stem microscopic characters of G. amygdalinum, aiming to expand the knowledge on this medicinal species and indicate anatomical structures. Plant material was fixed and sectioned by freehand and using a microtome. The sections were either stained or underwent standard histochemical tests. Scanning electron microscopy was performed to investigate epidermal relief. The leaf is amphistomatic with anomocytic stomata. There are striate cuticle, glandular and non-glandular trichomes and dorsiventral mesophyll. In transverse section, the midrib and the petiole have a plano-convex shape. Both show several collateral vascular bundles and few crystals of calcium oxalate. In the stem, the epidermis persists and the phellogen has a peripheral origin. It presents typical endodermis and sclerenchymatic caps adjoining the phloem. The aspects that contribute to characterizing the species are stomata on both leaf surfaces, midrib and petiole features, the endodermis and sclerenchymatic caps in the stem, as well as the different types of trichome on both aerial organs.Gymnanthemum amygdalinum (Delile) Sch.Bip. ex Walp. (Asteraceae), espécie mais conhecida pela sinonímia Vernonia amygdalina Delile, é um pequeno arbusto empregado na medicina popular como antipirético, laxativo, antimalárico e anti-helmíntico. Estudos demonstraram que diferentes extratos do vegetal possuem atividades antioxidante, antimicrobiana e antiparasitária. Entre os metabólitos bioativos presentes, citam-se lactonas sesquiterpenoides, saponinas, polifenóis e flavonoides. Este estudo investigou os caracteres microscópicos de folha e caule de G. amygdalinum, a fim de ampliar o conhecimento acerca dessa espécie medicinal e apontar estruturas anatômicas características. O material foi fixado e seccionado à mão livre e em micrótomo. Os cortes foram corados ou submetidos aos testes histoquímicos clássicos. Empregou-se microscopia eletrônica de varredura para investigar a ultraestrutura da superfície epidérmica. A folha é anfiestomática com estômatos anomocíticos. Há cutícula estriada, tricomas glandular e tector e mesofilo dorsiventral. Em secção transversal, a nervura central e o pecíolo têm contorno plano-convexo. Ambos mostram vários feixes vasculares colaterais e poucos cristais de oxalato de cálcio. No caule, a epiderme permanece e o felogênio tem instalação periférica. São observadas endoderme típica e calotas esclerenquimáticas apostas ao floema. Os aspectos que fornecem elementos para a identificação da espécie são a ocorrência de estômatos em ambas as superfícies foliares, a organização da nervura central e do pecíolo, a endoderme e as calotas esclerenquimáticas no caule, além dos diferentes tipos de tricoma nos órgãos aéreos estudados

    Morpho-anatomical characters of the leaf and stem of Mandevilla coccinea (Hook. et Arn.) Woodson, Apocynaceae

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    Mandevilla coccinea (Hook. et Arn.) Woodson, Apocynaceae is a herb native to South America employed in folk medicine as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and to inhibit snake venom effects. This work was carried out to study the morpho-anatomical characters of the leaf and stem in order to advance knowledge on this medicinal plant and on pharmacognostic quality control. The plant material was fixed and prepared according to light and scanning electron microtechniques. Its leaves are simple, alternate and ovate-obovate. The epidermis is uniseriate and coated with a thick and striate cuticle. The stomata are paracytic and occur on both foliar surfaces. The dorsiventral-like mesophyll has a sub-epidermal parenchymatic layer containing phenolic substances and is traversed by minor collateral vascular bundles. The midrib is biconvex and the petiole is concave-convex, both presenting bicollateral vascular bundles in an open arc. The stem is circular in transverse section and the epidermis remains in incipient secondary growth. A sub-epidermal parenchymatic layer containing phenolic substances, a discontinuous sclerenchymatic sheath of non-lignified fibres and cylinders of external phloem, xylem and internal phloem occur. Numerous branched laticifers and idioblasts with phenolic substances are present in the leaf and stem.Mandevilla coccinea (Hook. et Arn.) Woodson, Apocynaceae, é uma espécie herbácea nativa da América do Sul e empregada na medicina popular como analgésico, antiinflamatório e para inibir os efeitos de veneno de cobra. Este trabalho objetivou estudar os caracteres morfoanatômicos de folha e caule, a fim de fornecer conhecimento dessa espécie medicinal e para o controle de qualidade farmacognóstico. O material foi fixado e preparado de acordo com técnicas usuais de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. As folhas são simples, alternas e ovado-obovadas. A epiderme é unisseriada e recoberta por uma cutícula espessada e estriada. Os estômatos são paracíticos e ocorrem em ambas as superfícies foliares. O mesofilo tende a ser dorsiventral, apresenta uma camada subepidérmica parenquimática contendo compostos fenólicos e é percorrido por feixes vasculares colaterais de pequeno porte. A nervura central é biconvexa e o pecíolo é côncavo-convexo, ambos apresentando feixes vasculares bicolaterais em arco aberto no parênquima fundamental. O caule tem secção transversal circular e, em estrutura secundária incipiente, a epiderme permanece. Na sequência, encontram-se camada subepidérmica parenquimática contendo compostos fenólicos, bainha esclerenquimática descontínua composta de fibras não lignificadas, além de cilindros de floema externo, xilema e floema interno. Numerosos laticíferos ramificados e idioblastos com substâncias fenólicas estão presentes na folha e no caule

    Microscopic characters of the leaf and stem of Brunfelsia pilosa Plowman (solanaceae)

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    Species of Brunfelsia, whose flowers change colour progressively from violet to white, are popularly known as yesterday-today-tomorrow and used in folk medicine, mainly as anesthetic and diuretic. Based on ethnobotanical surveys, they have been investigated chemically and pharmacologically for expanding the knowledge on the native medicinal flora and for searching bioactive compounds. In order to contribute to pharmacognostic analyses, especially in distinguishing the species B. pilosa Plowman from the allied B. uniflora (Pohl) D. Don, this work has aimed to study the microscopic characters of the leaf and stem of the former. Mature leaves and young stem fragments were fixed in FAA, freehand sectioned transverse and longitudinally, and stained with astra blue and basic fuchsine. Microchemical tests and scanning electron analysis were also performed. The leaf is hypostomatic, having predominantly paracytic stomata. Multicellular non-glandular trichomes and capitate glandular ones are found on both surfaces. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and the midrib is traversed by a bicollateral vascular bundle in open arc. The stem, in incipient secondary growth, shows a uniseriate epidermis and the phellogen is formed in the sub-epidermal layers. The cortex has angular collenchyma, chlorenchyma and a starch sheath, and the vascular system shows external and internal phloem. Crystals of calcium oxalate are seen in the leaf and stem.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Macro and microscopic analysis of the leaf and stem of Randia armata (Sw.) DC., Rubiaceae

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    Randia armata (Sw.) DC., Rubiaceae is a shrub or small tree known as limoeiro-do-mato in Portuguese and widely distributed in Brazil. The vegetative parts are used as wound healing and anti-inflammatory in folk medicine. Due to the interest in expanding the knowledge on this species, this work has investigated the macro and microscopic characters of the leaf and stem, in order to contribute to the quality control analysis in pharmacognosy. Mature leaves and young stems were collected at the Embrapa (Colombo-PR), fixed in FAA, sectioned either by free hand or microtome, and examined in light microscopy. Microchemical tests and scanning electron microscopy were also performed. Macroscopically, the leaves are opposite, simple and obovate to elliptic-lanceolate. Microscopically, they have paracytic stomata exclusively on the abaxial side and non-glandular trichomes, either uni or multicellular and uniseriate. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and the midrib is biconvex with a collateral vascular bundle in a centric arrangement. The stem has a partially detached uniseriate epidermis, phellogen originated superficially and a complete sclerenchymatic sheath encircling the phloem cylinder. Prisms and druses of calcium oxalate are present.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Anatomical characters of the leaf and stem of Piper mikanianum (Kunth) Steud., Piperaceae

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    O gênero Piper L. (Piperaceae) ocorre em regiões tropicais e subtropicais, e inclui várias espécies de importância na medicina popular, podendo-se destacar Piper mikanianum (Kunth) Steud. Denominada de pariparoba e jaborandi, essa planta é empregada como antisséptico, hepatoprotetor e emenagogo. Este trabalho investigou a anatomia foliar e caulinar dessa potencial droga vegetal, a fim de estabelecer caracteres estruturais para a identificação microscópica e para a diferenciação de outras espécies do gênero. Folhas adultas e caules jovens foram fixados, seccionados à mão livre ou emblocados em glicol-metacrilato e seccionados em micrótomo, e posteriormente corados. A folha possui epiderme uniestratificada, estômatos tetracíticos exclusivamente na face abaxial, tricomas glandulares e tectores, camadas subepidérmicas parenquimáticas, mesofilo dorsiventral, células secretoras e ráfides de oxalato de cálcio. A nervura central e o pecíolo apresentam feixes vasculares colaterais. No nível caulinar analisado, a epiderme persiste e o felogênio tem instalação periférica. Observam-se feixes vasculares colaterais dispostos em dois círculos, o externo no cilindro vascular e o interno na medula. Na zona perimedular, ocorre uma bainha esclerenquimática sinuosa e um canal está presente na região central.The genus Piper L. (Piperaceae) is found in tropical and subtropical regions, and it includes several species of interest in folk medicine, such as Piper mikanianum (Kunth) Steud. Commonly known as "pariparoba" or "jaborandi" in Portuguese, this plant is considered antiseptic, hepatoprotective and emmenagogue. This work has investigated the leaf and stem anatomy of this potential vegetal drug, in order to establish structural characters for microscopic identification and for differentiating from other species of the genus. Mature leaves and young stems were fixed, either sectioned by free-hand or embedded in glycol methacrylate and sectioned by microtome, and then stained. The leaf has uniseriate epidermis, tetracytic stomata exclusively on the abaxial side, glandular and non-glandular trichomes, parenchymatic sub-epidermal layers, dorsiventral mesophyll, secretory cells and calcium oxalate raphides. The midrib and petiole show collateral vascular bundles. In the caulinar level analysed, the epidermis remains and the phellogen has peripheral installation. There are collateral vascular bundles arranged in two rings, the external one in the vascular cylinder and the internal one in the pith. In the perimedular zone, it occurs a sinuous sclerenchymatic sheath and a canal is present in the central region.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Análise morfoanatômica comparativa de duas espécies de carqueja: Baccharis microcephala DC. e B. trimera (Less.) DC., Asteraceae

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    The identification of Baccharis spp. which have cladodes, defined as winged stems, brings difficulties even for taxonomists. Baccharis microcephala and B. trimera belong to the Trimera group and are known as carquejas. In folk medicine, it is common the use of winged species for the same therapeutic indication, such as diuretic, hepatoprotective and digestive. The monograph of B. trimera is included in the F. Bras. IV and this species shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bacteriostatic, bactericidal and antidiabetic activities. The species B. trimera and B. microcephala are alike and used by the population for the same therapeutic purposes. This work has aimed to study the external morphology and anatomy of the cladodes of these species, in order to contribute to the quality control of phytotherapic agents, as well as supply information for the taxonomic group. The botanical material was prepared for light and scanning electron microtechniques. Both species are three-winged, although the stem wings are narrow and nearly continuous in B. microcephala while in B. trimera they are wider and interrupted. The morphological characters and mainly the non-glandular trichomes allow these species to be distinguished.A identificação de espécies de Baccharis que são constituídas de cladódios, ou seja, caules alados, apresenta dificuldades até mesmo para especialistas em taxonomia vegetal. Baccharis microcephala e B. trimera pertencem ao grupo Trimera e são conhecidas vulgarmente como carquejas. Na medicina popular, é comum o uso de espécies aladas para a aplicação terapêutica como diurético, hepatoprotetor e digestivo. Baccharis trimera consta na F. Bras. IV e possui atividades antiinflamatória, analgésica, bacteriostática, bactericida e antidiabética. As espécies B. trimera e B. microcephala são freqüentemente confundidas e utilizadas pela população para as mesmas finalidades terapêuticas. Objetivou-se estudar a morfologia externa e a anatomia dos cladódios dessas espécies, com a finalidade de se obterem dados que auxiliem na diferenciação e conseqüentemente na identificação das mesmas, contribuindo para o controle de qualidade de fitoterápicos, além de auxiliar na caracterização do grupo taxonômico. O material botânico foi submetido às microtécnicas fotônica e eletrônica de varredura usuais. As duas espécies são trialadas, sendo que em B. microcephala as alas são estreitas, praticamente contínuas em toda a extensão caulinar, enquanto que em B. trimera as alas são mais largas e interrompidas. As características morfológicas permitem a diferenciação dessas duas espécies, principalmente os tricomas tectores

    Leaf and stem morpho-anatomy of Cordia americana (L.) Gottschling & J.S. Mill., Boraginaceae

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    Cordia americana (L.) Gottschling & J.S. Mill. is a tree which belongs to the Boraginaceae family and is native to the South of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentine, where it is commonly known as guajuvira and guayaibí. In folk medicine, the leaves are used as emollient, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, as well as the stem has antidiarrheal and hepatoprotective effects. Preliminary phytochemical studies have shown the presence of tannins, coumarins, quinones and cinnamaldehyde derivatives. This work has investigated the leaf and stem morpho-anatomy of C. americana, in order to contribute to the pharmacognostic quality control. Samples of adult leaves and young stems were fixed, either sectioned by freehand or embedded in glycol methacrylate and sectioned by microtome, and then the sections were stained. In parallel, microchemical tests and scanning electron microscopy were also performed. The leaves are alternate, simple, elliptic-obovate and slightly serrate. Anomocytic stomata occur on the abaxial surface. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and the midrib has a plano-convex cross-section and various collateral vascular bundles in closed arc. In the stem, it is encountered phellogen installed superficially and a discontinuous sclerenchymatic sheath encircling the vascular system. The phloem is stratified and cuneiform. Phenolic compounds and calcium oxalate crystals are present in the leaf and stem.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.) H. Rob. (yacon): microscopical identification of the leaf and stem for the pharmacognostic quality control

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    Yacón é a denominação popular da erva perene nativa dos Andes, Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.) H. Rob. (Asteraceae), cultivada em diferentes países como recurso alimentar e medicinal. Raízes tuberosas e partes vegetativas aéreas são freqüentemente empregadas como coadjuvante no tratamento do diabetes. Este trabalho objetivou estudar os caracteres anatômicos de folha e caule, a fim de fornecer informações para a identificação microscópica no controle de qualidade farmacognóstico. O material botânico foi fixado e preparado de acordo com técnicas usuais de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. A folha é anfiestomática, com predominância de estômatos anomocíticos. Tricomas tectores e glandulares estão presentes, sendo os primeiros pluricelulares e unisseriados. Os tricomas glandulares são curtos e pluricelulares, com duas séries de células. O mesofilo é dorsiventral e a nervura central possui vários feixes vasculares colaterais em disposição cêntrica. O caule jovem apresenta epiderme persistente, colênquima angular, parênquima cortical, endoderme e cilindros contínuos de floema e xilema. Dutos secretores encontram-se na folha e no caule. O conjunto dos caracteres observados, como a presença de tricomas tectores e glandulares, dutos secretores e endoderme com estrias de Caspary, é útil para o controle de qualidade dessa espécie.Yacon is the common name of the perennial herb native to the Andes, Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. ) H. Rob. (Asteraceae), cultivated in different countries as food and medicinal resource. Fleshy roots and aerial vegetative organs are often used in the treatment of diabetes. This work has aimed to study the anatomical characters of the leaf and stem, aiming to supply information for microscopic identification of the pharmacognostic quality control. The botanical material was fixed and prepared according to standard techniques of light and scanning electron microscopy. The leaf is amphistomatic, predominantly with anomocytic stomata. Non-glandular and glandular trichomes are present, being the former multicellular and uniseriate. The glandular ones are short and multicellular, with two series of cells. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and the midrib has various collateral vascular bundles in centric arrangement. The young stem has remaining epidermis, angular collenchyma, cortical parenchyma, endodermis and continuous cylinders of phloem and xylem. Secretory ducts are found in the leaf and stem. The assembled characters, such as non-glandular and glandular trichomes as well as secretory ducts and endodermis with Casparian strips, are useful for the quality control of this species

    Leaf microscopic characters of ormosia arborea (vell.) harms, fabaceae

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    The genus Ormosia (Fabaceae-Faboideae) is common in the neotropics and includes different species used in folk medicine for various purposes. Ormosia arborea is a tree popularly known as “olho-decabra” and used for its contraceptive effects in Brazilian rural communities. As it lacks data about this medicinal plant, this work has carried out anatomical studies on the leaf of this potential vegetal drug. Fully-expanded leaves were fixed and prepared according to light and scanning electron microscopic techniques. Microchemical tests were also carried out. The leaf has paracytic stomata confined to the abaxial side. The cuticle is smooth and there are bicellular non-glandular trichomes predominantly on the abaxial surface. The mesophyll is dorsiventral and traversed by minor collateral vascular bundles with sclerenchymatic and crystalliferous bundle sheaths which may attain the epidermis. The midrib is concaveconvex in transection and has one major collateral vascular bundle in circular arrangement and one or two minor ones, each of which encircled by a sclerenchymatic bundle sheath. The petiole is circular in transection and possesses a ring of numerous collateral vascular bundles enclosed in a conspicuous sclerenchymatic sheath. Some cells bearing phenolic compounds and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate are also present in the leaf.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire