119 research outputs found

    Dimensional Changes in Dental Stone and Plaster

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66786/2/10.1177_00220345500290060601.pd

    A Two-level Prediction Model for Deep Reactive Ion Etch (DRIE)

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    We contribute a quantitative and systematic model to capture etch non-uniformity in deep reactive ion etch of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices. Deep reactive ion etch is commonly used in MEMS fabrication where high-aspect ratio features are to be produced in silicon. It is typical for many supposedly identical devices, perhaps of diameter 10 mm, to be etched simultaneously into one silicon wafer of diameter 150 mm. Etch non-uniformity depends on uneven distributions of ion and neutral species at the wafer level, and on local consumption of those species at the device, or die, level. An ion–neutral synergism model is constructed from data obtained from etching several layouts of differing pattern opening densities. Such a model is used to predict wafer-level variation with an r.m.s. error below 3%. This model is combined with a die-level model, which we have reported previously, on a MEMS layout. The two-level model is shown to enable prediction of both within-die and wafer-scale etch rate variation for arbitrary wafer loadings.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Probing local non-Gaussianities within a Bayesian framework

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    Aims: We outline the Bayesian approach to inferring f_NL, the level of non-Gaussianity of local type. Phrasing f_NL inference in a Bayesian framework takes advantage of existing techniques to account for instrumental effects and foreground contamination in CMB data and takes into account uncertainties in the cosmological parameters in an unambiguous way. Methods: We derive closed form expressions for the joint posterior of f_NL and the reconstructed underlying curvature perturbation, Phi, and deduce the conditional probability densities for f_NL and Phi. Completing the inference problem amounts to finding the marginal density for f_NL. For realistic data sets the necessary integrations are intractable. We propose an exact Hamiltonian sampling algorithm to generate correlated samples from the f_NL posterior. For sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratios, we can exploit the assumption of weak non-Gaussianity to find a direct Monte Carlo technique to generate independent samples from the posterior distribution for f_NL. We illustrate our approach using a simplified toy model of CMB data for the simple case of a 1-D sky. Results: When applied to our toy problem, we find that, in the limit of high signal-to-noise, the sampling efficiency of the approximate algorithm outperforms that of Hamiltonian sampling by two orders of magnitude. When f_NL is not significantly constrained by the data, the more efficient, approximate algorithm biases the posterior density towards f_NL = 0.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Residual meson-meson interaction from lattice gauge simulation in a simple QED model

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    The residual interaction for a meson-meson system is computed utilizing the cumulant, or cluster, expansion of the momentum-space time correlation matrix. The cumulant expansion serves to define asymptotic, or free, meson-meson operators. The definition of an effective interaction is then based on a comparison of the full (interacting) and the free (noninteracting) time correlation matrices. The proposed method, which may straightforwardly be transcribed to other hadron-hadron systems, here is applied to a simple 2+1 dimensional U(1) lattice gauge model tuned such that it is confining. Fermions are treated in the staggered scheme. The effective interaction exhibits a repulsive core and attraction at intermediate relative distances. These findings are consistent with an earlier study of the same model utilizing L\"{u}scher's method where scattering phase shifts are obtained directly.Comment: 28 pages, compressed postscript fil

    Super Yang-Mills on the lattice with domain wall fermions

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    The dynamical N=1, SU(2) Super Yang-Mills theory is studied on the lattice using a new lattice fermion regulator, domain wall fermions. This formulation even at non-zero lattice spacing does not require fine-tuning, has improved chiral properties and can produce topological zero-mode phenomena. Numerical simulations of the full theory on lattices with the topology of a torus indicate the formation of a gluino condensate which is sustained at the chiral limit. The condensate is non-zero even for small volume and small supersymmetry breaking mass where zero mode effects due to gauge fields with fractional topological charge appear to play a role.Comment: LaTeX, 35 pages, 11 eps figures. A few changes in sec. 5.3, figure 11 added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Transport Properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma -- A Lattice QCD Perspective

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    Transport properties of a thermal medium determine how its conserved charge densities (for instance the electric charge, energy or momentum) evolve as a function of time and eventually relax back to their equilibrium values. Here the transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma are reviewed from a theoretical perspective. The latter play a key role in the description of heavy-ion collisions, and are an important ingredient in constraining particle production processes in the early universe. We place particular emphasis on lattice QCD calculations of conserved current correlators. These Euclidean correlators are related by an integral transform to spectral functions, whose small-frequency form determines the transport properties via Kubo formulae. The universal hydrodynamic predictions for the small-frequency pole structure of spectral functions are summarized. The viability of a quasiparticle description implies the presence of additional characteristic features in the spectral functions. These features are in stark contrast with the functional form that is found in strongly coupled plasmas via the gauge/gravity duality. A central goal is therefore to determine which of these dynamical regimes the quark-gluon plasma is qualitatively closer to as a function of temperature. We review the analysis of lattice correlators in relation to transport properties, and tentatively estimate what computational effort is required to make decisive progress in this field.Comment: 54 pages, 37 figures, review written for EPJA and APPN; one parag. added end of section 3.4, and one at the end of section 3.2.2; some Refs. added, and some other minor change

    Bayesian analysis of cosmic structures

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    We revise the Bayesian inference steps required to analyse the cosmological large-scale structure. Here we make special emphasis in the complications which arise due to the non-Gaussian character of the galaxy and matter distribution. In particular we investigate the advantages and limitations of the Poisson-lognormal model and discuss how to extend this work. With the lognormal prior using the Hamiltonian sampling technique and on scales of about 4 h^{-1} Mpc we find that the over-dense regions are excellent reconstructed, however, under-dense regions (void statistics) are quantitatively poorly recovered. Contrary to the maximum a posteriori (MAP) solution which was shown to over-estimate the density in the under-dense regions we obtain lower densities than in N-body simulations. This is due to the fact that the MAP solution is conservative whereas the full posterior yields samples which are consistent with the prior statistics. The lognormal prior is not able to capture the full non-linear regime at scales below ~ 10 h^{-1} Mpc for which higher order correlations would be required to describe the matter statistics. However, we confirm as it was recently shown in the context of Ly-alpha forest tomography that the Poisson-lognormal model provides the correct two-point statistics (or power-spectrum).Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, report for the Astrostatistics and Data Mining workshop, La Palma, Spain, 30 May - 3 June 2011, to appear in Springer Series on Astrostatistic

    Quantifying the Spatial Dimension of Dengue Virus Epidemic Spread within a Tropical Urban Environment

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    Global trends in population growth and human redistribution and movement have reshaped the map of dengue transmission risk, exposing a significant proportion of the world's population to the threat of dengue epidemics. Knowledge on the relative contribution of vector and human movement to the widespread and explosive nature of dengue epidemic spread within an urban environment is limited. By analyzing a very detailed dataset of a dengue epidemic that affected the Australian city of Cairns we performed a comprehensive quantification of the spatio-temporal dimensions of dengue virus epidemic transmission and propagation within a complex urban environment. Space and space-time analysis and models allowed derivation of detailed information on the pattern of introduction and epidemic spread of dengue infection within the urban space. We foresee that some of the results and recommendations derived from our study may also be applicable to many other areas currently affected or potentially subject to dengue epidemics

    Guest Molecule-Responsive Functional Calcium Phosphonate Frameworks for Tuned Proton Conductivity

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    We report the synthesis, structural characterization, and functionality of an open-framework hybrid that combines Ca2+ ions and the rigid polyfunctional ligand 5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl) isophthalic acid (PiPhtA). Ca-PiPhtA-I is obtained by slow crystallization at ambient conditions from acidic (pH≈3) aqueous solutions. It possesses a high water content (both Ca coordinated and in the lattice), and importantly, it exhibits water-filled 1D channels. At 75 °C, Ca-PiPhtA-I is partially dehydrated and exhibits a crystalline diffraction pattern that can be indexed in a monoclinic cell with parameters close to the pristine phase. Rietveld refinement was carried out for the sample heated at 75 °C, Ca-PiPhtA-II, using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data.All connectivity modes of the “parent” Ca-PiPhtA-I framework are retained in Ca-PiPhtA-II. Upon Ca-PiPhtA-I exposure to ammonia vapors (28% aqueous NH3) a new derivative is obtained (Ca-PiPhtA-NH3) containing 7 NH3 and 16 H2O molecules according to elemental and thermal analyses. Ca-PiPhtA-NH3 exhibits a complex X-ray diffraction pattern with peaks at 15.3 and 13.0 Å that suggest partial breaking and transformation of the parent pillared structure. Although detailed structural identification of Ca-PiPhtA-NH3 was not possible, due in part to nonequilibrium adsorption conditions and the lack of crystallinity, FT-IR spectra and DTA-TG analysis indicate profound structural changes compared to the pristine Ca-PiPhtA-I. At 98% RH and T = 24 °C, proton conductivity, σ, for Ca PiPhtA-I is 5.7 ×10−4 S·cm−1. It increases to 1.3 × 10−3 S·cm−1 upon activation by preheating the sample at 40 °C for 2 h followed by water equilibration at room temperature under controlled conditions. Ca-PiPhtA-NH3 exhibits the highest proton conductivity, 6.6 × 10−3 S·cm−1, measured at 98% RH and T = 24 °C. Ea for proton transfer in the above-mentioned frameworks range between 0.23 and 0.4 eV, typical of a Grothuss mechanism of proton conduction.Proyecto nacional MAT2010-1517