50 research outputs found

    Limited hydraulic recovery in seedlings of six tree species with contrasting leaf habits in subtropical China

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    Subtropical tree species may experience severe drought stress due to variable rainfall under future climates. However, the capacity to restore hydraulic function post-drought might differ among co-occurring species with contrasting leaf habits (e.g., evergreen and deciduous) and have implications for future forest composition. Moreover, the links between hydraulic recovery and physiological and morphological traits related to water-carbon availability are still not well understood. Here, potted seedlings of six tree species (four evergreen and two deciduous) were grown outdoors under a rainout shelter. They grew under favorable water conditions until they were experimentally subjected to a soil water deficit leading to losses of ca. 50% of hydraulic conductivity, and then soils were re-watered to field capacity. Traits related to carbon and water relations were measured. There were differences in drought responses and recovery between species, but not as a function of evergreen or deciduous groups. Sapindus mukorossi exhibited the most rapid drought response, which was associated with a suite of physiological and morphological traits (larger plant size, the lowest hydraulic capacitance (Cbranch), higher minimum conductance (gmin) and lower HV (Huber value)). Upon re-watering, xylem water potential exhibited fast recovery in 1–3 days among species, while photosynthesis at saturating light (Asat) and stomatal conductance (gs) recovery lagged behind water potential recovery depending on species, with gs recovery being more delayed than Asat in most species. Furthermore, none of the six species exhibited significant hydraulic recovery during the 7 days re-watering period, indicating that xylem refilling was apparently limited; in addition, NSC availability had a minimal role in facilitating hydraulic recovery during this short-term period. Collectively, if water supply is limited by insignificant hydraulic recovery post-drought, the observed carbon assimilation recovery of seedlings may not be sustained over the longer term, potentially altering seedling regeneration and shifting forest species composition in subtropical China under climate change.This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31600483 and 31760111) and the Natural Science Talent Funding of Guizhou University (202132)

    Stoichiometric traits (N:P) of understory plants contribute to reductions in plant diversity following long‐term nitrogen addition in subtropical forest

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    Nitrogen enrichment is pervasive in forest ecosystems, but its influence on understory plant communities and their stoichiometric characteristics is poorly understood. We hypothesize that when forest is enriched with nitrogen (N), the stoichiometric characteristics of plant species explain changes in understory plant diversity. A 13-year field experiment was conducted to explore the effects of N addition on foliar carbon (C): N: phosphorus (P) stoichiometry, understory plant species richness, and intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) in a subtropical Chinese fir forest. Four levels of N addition were applied: 0, 6, 12, and 24 g m−2 year−1. Individual plant species were categorized into resistant plants, intermediate resistant plants, and sensitive plants based on their response to nitrogen addition. Results showed that N addition significantly decreased the number of species, genera, and families of herbaceous plants. Foliar N:P ratios were greater in sensitive plants than resistant or intermediate resistant plants, while iWUE showed an opposite trend. However, no relationship was detected between soil available N and foliar N, and soil N:P and foliar N:P ratios. Our results indicated that long-term N addition decreased the diversity of understory plants in a subtropical forest. Through regulating water use efficiency with N addition, sensitive plants change their N:P stoichiometry and have a higher risk of mortality, while resistant plants maintain a stable N:P stoichiometry, which contributes to their survival. These findings suggest that plant N:P stoichiometry plays an important role in understory plant performance in response to environmental change of N

    Characterization of 35 Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) half-sib families from two provinces based on metabolite properties

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    Plant metabolism is an important functional trait, and its metabolites have physiological and ecological functions to adapt to the growth environment. However, the physiological and ecological functions of metabolites from different provinces of the same plant species are still unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether metabolites from different provinces of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) have the corresponding metabolic traits. The gas chromatography–mass spectrometry technique and metabonomic analysis methods were used to characterize 35 Masson pine half-sib families from two provinces. A total of 116 metabolites were putatively identified in 35 families of Masson pine, among which the average content of organic acids was the highest, followed by saccharides and alcohols, and phosphoric acids. Comparative analysis of metabolite groups showed that organic acids, amines, and others were significantly different between the Masson pine families from Guangxi and Guizhou provinces. Six differential metabolites were found between the provinces from Guizhou and Guangxi, namely caffeic acid, L-ascorbic acid, gentiobiose, xylitol, d-pinitol, and β-sitosterol. The most significantly enriched pathways among differentially expressed metabolites between the two provinces were steroid biosynthesis, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, glutathione metabolism, pentose and glucuronate interconversions. Overall, the results showed that Masson pine half-sib families from different geographical provinces have different metabolite profiles and their metabolites are affected by geographical provenance and growth environment adaptability. This study revealed that the breeding of Masson pine families from different provinces changed the metabolite profiles, providing a reference for the multipurpose breeding of Masson pine

    Drought increases heat tolerance of leaf respiration in Eucalyptus globulus saplings grown under both ambient and elevated atmospheric [CO₂] and temperature

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    Climate change is resulting in increasing atmospheric [CO₂], rising growth temperature (T), and greater frequency/severity of drought, with each factor having the potential to alter the respiratory metabolism of leaves. Here, the effects of elevated atmospheric [CO₂], sustained warming, and drought on leaf dark respiration (R(dark)), and the short-term T response of R(dark) were examined in Eucalyptus globulus. Comparisons were made using seedlings grown under different [CO₂], T, and drought treatments. Using high resolution T-response curves of R(dark) measured over the 15-65 °C range, it was found that elevated [CO₂], elevated growth T, and drought had little effect on rates of R(dark) measured at T <35 °C and that there was no interactive effect of [CO₂], growth T, and drought on T response of R(dark). However, drought increased R(dark) at high leaf T typical of heatwave events (35-45 °C), and increased the measuring T at which maximal rates of R(dark) occurred (Tmax) by 8 °C (from 52 °C in well-watered plants to 60 °C in drought-treated plants). Leaf starch and soluble sugars decreased under drought and elevated growth T, respectively, but no effect was found under elevated [CO₂]. Elevated [CO₂] increased the Q₁₀ of R(dark) (i.e. proportional rise in R(dark) per 10 °C) over the 15-35 °C range, while drought increased Q₁₀ values between 35 °C and 45 °C. Collectively, the study highlights the dynamic nature of the T dependence of R dark in plants experiencing future climate change scenarios, particularly with respect to drought and elevated [CO₂].This work was funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC FT0991448, DP1093759, and CE140100008, to OKA; and DP0879531, to DTT). This project is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry under its Forest Industries Climate Change Research Fund programme. Support for the renovation of the Hawkesbury Forest Experiment tree chambers to improve T and humidity control of the WTC was provided as part of an initiative of the Australian Government through the Education Investment Fund supporting research infrastructure

    Ultrathin Glass-Based Flexible, Transparent, and Ultrasensitive Surface Acoustic Wave Humidity Sensor with ZnO Nanowires and Graphene Quantum Dots

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    Flexible electronic devices are normally based on organic polymer substrate. In this work, an ultrathin glass-based flexible, transparent, and ultrasensitive ZnO/glass surface acoustic wave (SAW) humidity sensor is developed using a composite sensing layer of ZnO nanowires (NWs) and graphene quantum dots (GQDs). It shows much larger effective electromechanical coupling coefficients and signal amplitudes, compared to those of flexible polymer-based SAW devices reported in the literature. Attributed to large specific surface areas of ZnO NWs, large numbers of hydrophilic functional groups of GQDs, as well as the formation of p–n heterojunctions between GQDs and ZnO NWs, the developed ZnO/glass flexible SAW sensor shows an ultrahigh humidity sensitivity of 40.16 kHz/% RH, along with its excellent stability and repeatability. This flexible and transparent SAW sensor has demonstrated insignificant deterioration of humidity sensing performance, when it is bent on a curved surface with a bending angle of 30°, revealing its potential applications for sensing on curved and complex surfaces. The humidity sensing and human breathing detection have further been demonstrated for wearable electronic applications using ultrathin glass-based devices with completely inorganic materials

    Impacts of climate change and fruit tree expansion on key hydrological components at different spatial scales

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    Assessing how fruit tree expansion and climate variability affect hydrological components (e.g., water yield, surface runoff, underground runoff, soil water, evapotranspiration, and infiltration) at different spatial scales is crucial for the management and protection of watersheds, ecosystems, and engineering design. The Jiujushui watershed (259.32 km2), which experienced drastic forest changes over the past decades, was selected to explore the response mechanisms of hydrological components to fruit tree expansion and climate variability at different spatial scales (whole basin and subbasin scale). Specifically, we set up two change scenarios (average temperature increase of 0.5°C and fruit tree area expansion of 18.97%) in the SWAT model by analyzing historical data (1961∟2011). Results showed that climate change reduced water yield, surface runoff, and underground runoff by 6.75, 0.37, and 5.91 mm, respectively. By contrast, the expansion of fruit trees increased surface runoff and water yield by 2.81 and 4.10 mm, respectively, but decreased underground runoff by 1 mm. Interestingly, the sub-basins showed different intensities and directions of response under climate change and fruit tree expansion scenarios. However, the downstream response was overall more robust than the upstream response. These results suggest that there may be significant differences in the hydrological effects of climate change and fruit tree expansion at different spatial scales, thus any land disturbance measures should be carefully considered

    Wrinkle-Enabled Highly Stretchable Strain Sensors for Wide-Range Health Monitoring with a Big Data Cloud Platform

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    Flexible and stretchable strain sensors are vital for emerging fields of wearable and personal electronics, but it is a huge challenge for them to possess both wide-range measurement capability and good sensitivity. In this study, a highly stretchable strain sensor with a wide strain range and a good sensitivity is fabricated based on smart composites of carbon black (CB)/wrinkled Ecoflex. The sensor exhibits a maximum recoverable strain of up to 500% and a high gauge factor of 67.7. It has a low hysteresis, a fast signal response (as short as 120 ms), and a high reproducibility (up to 5000 cycles with a strain of 150%). The sensor is capable of detecting and capturing wide-range human activities, from speech recognition and pulse monitoring to vigorous motions. It is also applicable for real-time monitoring of robot movements and vehicle security crash in an anthropomorphic field. More importantly, the sensor is successfully used to send signals of a volunteer’s breathing data to a local hospital in real time through a big data cloud platform. This research provides the feasibility of using a strain sensor for wearable Internet of things and demonstrates its exciting prospect for healthcare applications

    Dynamic genome evolution in a model fern

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    The large size and complexity of most fern genomes have hampered efforts to elucidate fundamental aspects of fern biology and land plant evolution through genome-enabled research. Here we present a chromosomal genome assembly and associated methylome, transcriptome and metabolome analyses for the model fern species Ceratopteris richardii. The assembly reveals a history of remarkably dynamic genome evolution including rapid changes in genome content and structure following the most recent whole-genome duplication approximately 60 million years ago. These changes include massive gene loss, rampant tandem duplications and multiple horizontal gene transfers from bacteria, contributing to the diversification of defence-related gene families. The insertion of transposable elements into introns has led to the large size of the Ceratopteris genome and to exceptionally long genes relative to other plants. Gene family analyses indicate that genes directing seed development were co-opted from those controlling the development of fern sporangia, providing insights into seed plant evolution. Our findings and annotated genome assembly extend the utility of Ceratopteris as a model for investigating and teaching plant biology

    How will the main and interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and elevated temperature affect tree response to drought and drought-induced tree mortality?

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    Worldwide forest die-off events have been observed in a number of forest biomes due to severe droughts, rising global temperatures and associated increased vapour pressure deficit (VPD). If drought duration or severity increases with rising temperatures and increased VPD, all forest biomes may be increasingly vulnerable to drought-induced mortality. Despite the importance of forests in the biosphere and the significant potential consequences of forest die-offs, the mechanisms underpinning drought-induced tree mortality are poorly understood. In the context of climate change, elevated temperature has often been reported to exacerbate drought stress and accelerate the time-to-mortality in plants exposed to prolonged drought, while elevated [CO2] has been proposed as a mitigating factor because it can reduce stomatal conductance (gs) and thereby reduce water loss. Rarely have these three environmental factors (elevated [CO2], elevated temperature, and drought) been studied in combination to generate a more complete assessment of the wide-ranging, long-term effects of climate change on trees. Therefore, my PhD thesis was designed to investigate the main and interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and temperature on tree response to drought and subsequent mortality in four species representing different taxa and functional groups: Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (relatively isohydric, angiosperm), Eucalyptus radiata Sieber ex DC (relatively anisohydric, angiosperm), Pinus radiata D. Don (relatively isohydric, gymnosperm) and Callitris rhomboidea R. Br (relatively anisohydric, gymnosperm). My goal was to use these tree species to generate improved understanding of tree physiological responses to drought and its interactions with elevated [CO2] and temperature. This PhD research addressed the main and interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and temperature on tree response to drought and drought-induced tree mortality, by linking water relations and carbon dynamics in four tree species representing different taxa (angiosperms and gymnosperms) and functional groups (relatively isohydric and anisohydric). The study confirmed that hydraulic failure was the dominant mechanism underpinning tree mortality during severe droughts regardless of species or stomatal response strategy. Increasing temperature (ambient + 4 °C) and consequent higher VPD exacerbated drought stress and led to more rapid mortality through hydraulic failure in most species in this study. Rising [CO2] (ambient + 240 Οl l-1) ameliorated moderate drought stress in E. globulus, but the positive effects of rising [CO2] were eliminated by increasing drought intensity. Further, elevated [CO2] did not ameliorate drought stress in E. radiata, P. radiata and C. rhomboidea or delay the time-to-mortality. These results suggest that elevated [CO2] may not ameliorate drought or temperature stress in these tree species, particularly when drought is prolonged and severe. Elevated [CO2] partially offset the negative effects of elevated temperature during moderate drought stress in E. globulus, but did not ameliorate drought response to elevated temperature in the other three species in this study. This study suggests that rising temperatures and associated higher VPD may be the predominant contributing factors to drought-induced mortality. Global forests maintain very narrow hydraulic safety margins and these findings raise concern that under future climate scenarios, characterised by rising temperatures and changing drought frequency and intensity, forests will be increasingly vulnerable to large scale mortality events with associated changes in the cycle of mass and energy with ecosystems and the provision of vital ecosystem services

    Effects of biochar application on root traits: a meta-analysis

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    Roots are the interfaces between biochar particles and growing plants. Biochar application may alter root growth and traits and thereby affect plant performance. However, a comprehensive understanding of the effects of biochar on root traits is lacking. We conducted a meta-analysis with 2108 paired observations from 136 articles to evaluate the responses of root traits associated with 13 variables under biochar application. Overall, biochar application increased root biomass (+32%), root volume (+29%) and surface area (39%). The biochar-induced increases in root length (+52%) and number of root tips (+17%) were much larger than the increase in root diameter (+9.9%); this result suggests that biochar application benefits root morphological development to alleviate plant nutrient and water deficiency rather than to maximize biomass accumulation. Biochar application did not change root N concentration but significantly increased root P concentration (+22%), particularly when combined with N fertilization. Biochar application also affected root-associated microbes and significantly increased the number of root nodules (+25%). The responses of root traits to biochar application were generally greater in annual plants than in perennial plants and were affected by soil texture and pH values. Moreover, it appears that biochar production process (pyrolysis temperature and time) plays a more important role in regulating root growth than does biochar source. Together, findings obtained from this meta-analysis may have significant implications for the future sustainable development of biochar management to improve plant growth and functioning