151 research outputs found

    Spatial morphometric plasticity of spirlin Alburnoides bipunctatus (Bloch, 1782) phenotype from the Nišava River, Serbia, Danube basin

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    Variation of 22 morphometric and 4 meristic characters of the species Alburnoides bipuuctatus from NišavaRiver were analyzed. Specimens were collected from four sampling stations along the putative mesohabitatgradient of river influence and were grouped into the categories with similar total length. Morphometric charactersvaried immensely between different mesohabitats outlining morphometric plasticity. Among severalmorphometry features that were influenced by different mesohabitats the most observable differences werenoted for: postocular distance, anal fin height, minimal body height and preanal length. Regarding themeristic features, number of soft rays in the anal fin did varied significantly among sampling stations while fourthhard ray in the anal fin for this species was reported for the first time ever. Pharyngeal teeth formula of spirlin alsoshowed variability across different mesohabitats. In conclusion, it appears that spirlin express a bigmorphological plasticity in relation to spatial and mesohabitat distribution and there is a possibility that spirlin fromNišava River is a complex of neospecies in formation/morphotypes/ecotypes rather than a single population

    Antioxidant Effects of Glechoma hederacea as a Food Additive

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    The antioxidant properties of Glechoma hederacea L. (Lamiaceae), of Serbian origin, were studied in respect to its potential use in foodstuffs. Ethanol-water (8:2, v/v) and purified ethyl acetate extracts of the plant were found to possess significant antioxidant activity. Tests were performed on two different substrates, prime steam pork lard and active-carbon-treated edible sunflower oil, using Schaal oven test storage conditions at 60 degrees C. The ethanol-water and purified ethyl acetate extracts of G. hederacea showed strong concentration-dependent antioxidant activity. On the contrary, under the Rancimat method conditions at 120 degrees C, the ethanol-water extract showed significantly stronger antioxidant activity, in comparison with the other tested extracts. All activities were compared with commercial antioxidants, such as BHA and a tocopherol mixture, respectively. For the first time, the activity of the flavonol quercetagetin was determined

    Regional hospitals in humid tropical climate - Guidelines for sustainable design

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    Developing countries are facing numerous challenges in the process of providing adequate health care to often deprived and diminished social groups. Being a country made up of a mainland territory and five islands in Gulf of Guinea, almost entirely covered by tropical rainforest, with poor road infrastructure, Equatorial Guinea is a showcase of various obstructions in developing effective health care system. The paper explores guidelines for creation of model regional hospital, commissioned by Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, with the aim of achieving high level of replicability through minor program and site-specific adjustments. The demonstrated strategies are applied on a local hospital designed to provide all basic types of health services while retaining a high level of technical independence. The architectural concept was formulated aiming to maximize the use of natural ventilation, daylight and rainwater management, leaving the operation block, laboratory and intensive care unit practically the only parts of the structure that would need mechanical air conditioning. The potential and effectiveness of use of photovoltaic units in enhancing hospital's resilience through on-site energy production was explored. The structure was designed having in mind local climate, culture and customs, thus offering a possibility of strong integration with local community. The building technology was thought over to enable efficient and cost-effective construction and proper resilience for tropical rainforest environment. The result is a structure providing for contemporary, high quality medical service, interpreting local climatic and cultural contextual premises through modern architectural expression

    Analysis of the electricity production potential in the case of retrofit of steam turbines in a district heating company

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    Today, in Serbia there are several sites with installed combined heat and power facilities. The most of these plants, for various reasons, do not produce electricity. One such plant is Energetika (Kragujevac, Serbia), which is primarily a district heating company. Steam generator in the plant has been installed in the 1970's and has worked in one short period of time. Installed steam turbines are 8 MW and 20 MW rated power. Energetika in accordance with the general trend of increasing energy efficiency of production process initiated revitalization of the plant. This revitalization started with a study which approach and the results are briefly given in the paper. All results show that retrofit of facility should be acceptable for the management. Developed scenarios indicate that in the case of the limited resources optimal retrofit should start with smaller turbine (8 MW rated power) then after providing the funds should continue with the retrofit of 20 MW turbine

    Vukoman Jokanović: Kako žive i umiru ćelije u nama, Data status, Beograd, 2013

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the most frequent mesenchymal tumors of gastrointestinal system and they are characterised by extreme variability in clinical, hystopathological and genetic features. It is considered that all GISToms have a malignant potential. Ethiological factors which cause GISToms have not been clarified yet, and genetic basis is not easy to be determined since GISToms are mostly sporadic. However, certain genetic and cytogenetic aberations which have been determined can be considered to have an impact on the onset of GISToms. Macroscopic picture is polymorphic, but they can most frequently be seen as large, mushroom-like, intraluminal, clearly limited pseudo-incapsulated submucosal masses. Hystomorphology of these tumors shows a high spectar of structural and cellular variations. They are most frequently built out of spindle cells (60-70% of cases), rarely of epitheloid (about 30% of cases) and very rarely of mixed and transitional type (intermedial). Stroma is predominantly loose or poorly colagenized with neoangiogenesis, which is markedly in GISToms with a higher malignant potential. Most of GISToms (95%) express transmembrane receptors KIT (CD 117), CD 34, vimentine, specific neurogenic and smooth muscle cells markers. The most successful therapies are: surgical ressection, imatinib and sunitinib (in case of imatinib resistence) therapy (tyrosine kinase receptor blockers). Research are being conducted all over the world with the aim of finding new and more efficient drug therapies that would not manifest resistency

    Mogućnost upotrebe kozjeg mesa u proizvodnji tradicionalnog sudžuka

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    Two variants of sucuk were made: one of beef meat and beef tail fat and another of goat meat and goat tail fat with meat/fat ratio of 75/25 and the same ingredients. After filling, the sausages were hung to dry in a traditional smoking house (without the possibility to control the temperature or humidity). Weight loss, pH, non-protein nitrogen content, basic chemical composition, instrumental colour measurement and sensory evaluation were done for both variants. Both variants had an almost identical weight loss (36.98 beef sucuk and 36.25 goat sucuk). Changes in pH value and non-protein nitrogen content had the same tendency and end values did not differ. The basic chemical composition at the end of production indicates that both variants were of very good quality. L*and b*values did not differ, but there was a significant difference in a*value (11.72 beef and 14.15 goat). In terms of appearance, texture and taste, assessors gave poorer grades to goat sucuk, but these grades do not indicate that the product is unacceptable (they were more than 5). It is possible to replace goat tail fat with beef fat to appease the specific flavour of the product and to make it more acceptable to consumers who may not be used to such flavour.U Srbiji, sudžuk se tradicionalno proizvodi u planinskom delu, uglavnom u malim pogonima ili domaćinstvima, u jesenjem i zimskom periodu, kada to klimatski uslovi (temperatura i relativna vlažnost) dozvoljavaju. U ovom ogledu napravljene su dve varijante sudžuka: prva od goveđeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa goveda i druga od kozjeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa koza. Kod obe grupe kobasica je odnos meso/masno tkivo bio 75/25 i korišćeni su isti začini i aditivi. Nakon punjenja, kobasice su sušene u tradicionalnoj pušnici. Kod obe varijante kobasica određen je: gubitak mase tokom sušenja, pH, neproteinski azot, osnovni hemijski sastav i izvršeno je instrumentalno merenje boje i senzorska ocena. Obe grupe kobasice su imale skoro identičan gubitak mase tokom sušenja (36,98 kod goveđeg i 36,25 kod kozjeg sudžuka). Promene pH vrednosti i neproteinskog azota tokom zrenja su imale istu tendenciju i njihove krajnje vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale. Na osnovu podataka za osnovni hemijski sastav na kraju procesa proizvodnje, zaključeno je da su obe grupe kobasica bile veoma dobrog kvaliteta. L*i b* vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale, dok je statistički značajna razlika između grupa utvrđena za vrednost a*(11,72 kod goveđih i 14,15 kod kozjih kobasica). U pogledu senzornih karakteristika: spoljnog izgleda, teksture i ukusa, kozji sudžuk je ocenjen nešto slabije, međutim, takav proizvod je i dalje bio veoma prihvatljiv (sve ocene su bile iznad 5). Jedan od načina da se smanji specifična aroma sudžuka napravljenog od kozjeg mesa, što bi ga učinilo prihvatlivijim za širu grupu potrošača, jeste zamena kozjeg loja sa goveđim

    Multi-criteria GIS analysis of the topography of the Moon and better solutions for potential landing

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    During the past twenty years, the need to reach the Moon by the private space missions has been growing. Some of the private missions are supported by Google Lunar X-prize and Space-X. In the period between 2020 and 2050 private companies will be planning landing to the Moon with their own capacity. These missions can send new geodesy and cartography data. Lunar topography modelling with new satellite and remote sensing data gives plenty of possibilities for its exploration. GIS (Geographical Information System) may be successfully to the Moon topography analysis. According to the results after GIS numerical analysis 30% of the territory of the Moon showed excellent characteristics for landing. The most useful parts of the Moon for potential landing belong to the altitude between 2,000 and 3,000 m and on the plateaus with the north-east direction of azimuth. These plateaus have an excellent inclination of 3 degrees and azimuth of 120 degrees. The main aim and goal of this investigation would be in better understanding of Moon topography and relief. With help of GIS numerical methods, the astronomical geodesy may be applied in better way. A potential mission to the Moon can use this topography investigation, presented maps and results

    Uticaj načina dimljenja na prinos, hemijski sastav i senzorna svojstva dimljene ribe

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    This study compared the effects of smoking processes on the production weight losses, chemical and sensory characteristics of smoked fish - rainbow trout (Oncorchynchus mykiss, Walbaum) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio L). The averge production weight losses, determined in the conditions of our experiments, ranged from 9.60 % (cold smoked carp fillets) to 20.90% (cold smoked trout fillets). The smoking process reduced the moisture content and increased the protein, lipids and NaCl content in all investigated samples. The overall sensory quality of coldsmoked trout fillets was best estimated (4.66), while the overall sensory quality of coldsmoked carp fillets was the least acceptable (3.94)

    Self-Assessment of Teacher Competencies for Implementing Project Based Teaching: Results of an Empirical Study

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    Since the project model of teaching was introduced as a compulsory way of working in elementary schools in Serbia, the question of teachers’ competence for its implementation has been raised. The aim of this research was to examine the attitudes of primary school teachers towards the competencies for applying the project model of teaching, to confirm the psychometric characteristics of a constructed competence assessment tool, and to determine the basic factors and dimensions of competence. In addition to the descriptive method, elementary procedures of nonparametric and inferential statistics were used. The sample consisted of 619 elementary school teachers from the territory of eight municipalities in Serbia (M = 67,40, SD = 10,68). For the needs of the research, Self-assessment of teacher competency for project model of teaching scale (STC-PMT), a five-step Likert type scale of 18 positively formulated items in the preliminary phase of the study and 9 items of the final form of the scale were constructed. Satisfactory internal consistency indices (α = 0.907) were obtained. In the preliminary examination of the psychometric characteristics of the scale, explanatory factor analysis, parallel analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis were used. A unique factor of competence was obtained which explains 57.53% of the total competency variance. On the basis of the obtained results it can be concluded that in order to increase teachers’ competence for the implementation of the project model of teaching, theoretical education is necessary, but, above all, practical experience is crucial.Publishe