11 research outputs found

    Masajearen, ur hotzeko murgilketaren eta T.E.C.A.R. terapiaren eragina korrikalari popularren errekuperazio prozesuan.

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    222 p.Entrenamenduen osteko errekuperazio desegokiak kirolariengan estres fisiologiko handia, gainkarga sintomak eta nekea eragin ditzake, errendimendua gutxituz. Horregatik, eguneroko entrenamenduak ziurtatzeko eta lesionatzeko arriskuak murrizteko, errekuperazioa egokia izatea gomendatzen da. Horrenbestez, ikerketa honen helburua izan da ezagutzea errekuperazio metodo desberdinek, hain zuzen ere, masajeak, ur hotzeko murgilketak (UHM) eta T.E.C.A.R. terapiak (ingeleratik Transfert Electrical Capacitive and Resistive), intentsitate altuko entrenamendu baten ostean korrikalari popularretan eragiten dituzten aldaketak parametro biomekanikoetan eta fisiologikoetan, laktatoan, esfortzu pertzepzioan (kardiobaskularra eta muskularra) eta malgutasunean. Ikerketa honetan 48 gizonezko korrikalari popularrek parte hartu zuten. Korrikalariei malgutasuna neurtu zitzaien eta treadmill testa egiten zuten bitartean parametro biomekanikoak, parametro fisiologikoak, laktatoa eta esfortzu pertzepzioa (kardiobaskularra eta muskularra) neurtu zitzaizkien. Ondoren, kirolariek masajea, ur hotzeko murgilketa edo T.E.C.A.R. terapia tratamendua jaso zuten. Kontrol taldea bermatzeko subjektu bakoitza bere kontrola izan zen. Emaitzei dagokionez, masajeak aldaketa adierazgarri positiboak eragin zituen parametro biomekanikoetan, fisiologikoetan eta esfortzu pertzepzioan (kardiobaskularra eta muskularra). Aldiz, UHM-k emaitza adierazgarri hobeak eragin zituen soilik esfortzu pertzepzio muskularrean 16 km·o-1-ko abiaduran. Bukatzeko, T.E.C.A.R. terapian hobekuntza adierazgarri positiboak aurkitu ziren parametro biomekanikoetan

    Masajearen, ur hotzeko murgilketaren eta T.E.C.A.R. terapiaren eragina korrikalari popularren errekuperazio prozesuan.

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    222 p.Entrenamenduen osteko errekuperazio desegokiak kirolariengan estres fisiologiko handia, gainkarga sintomak eta nekea eragin ditzake, errendimendua gutxituz. Horregatik, eguneroko entrenamenduak ziurtatzeko eta lesionatzeko arriskuak murrizteko, errekuperazioa egokia izatea gomendatzen da. Horrenbestez, ikerketa honen helburua izan da ezagutzea errekuperazio metodo desberdinek, hain zuzen ere, masajeak, ur hotzeko murgilketak (UHM) eta T.E.C.A.R. terapiak (ingeleratik Transfert Electrical Capacitive and Resistive), intentsitate altuko entrenamendu baten ostean korrikalari popularretan eragiten dituzten aldaketak parametro biomekanikoetan eta fisiologikoetan, laktatoan, esfortzu pertzepzioan (kardiobaskularra eta muskularra) eta malgutasunean. Ikerketa honetan 48 gizonezko korrikalari popularrek parte hartu zuten. Korrikalariei malgutasuna neurtu zitzaien eta treadmill testa egiten zuten bitartean parametro biomekanikoak, parametro fisiologikoak, laktatoa eta esfortzu pertzepzioa (kardiobaskularra eta muskularra) neurtu zitzaizkien. Ondoren, kirolariek masajea, ur hotzeko murgilketa edo T.E.C.A.R. terapia tratamendua jaso zuten. Kontrol taldea bermatzeko subjektu bakoitza bere kontrola izan zen. Emaitzei dagokionez, masajeak aldaketa adierazgarri positiboak eragin zituen parametro biomekanikoetan, fisiologikoetan eta esfortzu pertzepzioan (kardiobaskularra eta muskularra). Aldiz, UHM-k emaitza adierazgarri hobeak eragin zituen soilik esfortzu pertzepzio muskularrean 16 km·o-1-ko abiaduran. Bukatzeko, T.E.C.A.R. terapian hobekuntza adierazgarri positiboak aurkitu ziren parametro biomekanikoetan

    The effect of Brain Gym on cognitive function in older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This review aimed to systematically evaluate and meta-analyze the available data on the effects of Brain Gym (BG) on cognitive function in older people. Six electronic databases were searched systematically using: “Brain Gym” AND “elderly, “Brain Gym” AND “older people”. The PEDro and MINORS scales were used to evaluate methodological quality. For the meta-analysis, inverse variance or generic inverse variance was used and heterogeneity was assessed with the Chi2 test and I2 test. Ten research studies with a high to low quality. Significant changes intra- and inter-group were observed for neurocognitive outcomes in the BG groups. Findings from the metaanalysis indicated changes in the BG groups, on cognitive function by means of the Mini–Mental State Examination, were not greater than those reported in the control/comparison groups. BG will not lead to improvements in cognitive function in people with and without cognitive impairment, supported by low to high evidence

    Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults Who Regularly Exercise

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of social distancing on physical activity (PA) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in active Spanish older adults according to their physical functionality. The study included 58 older adults aged 76.24 ± 6.00 years who were enrolled in a supervised physical exercise program before the COVID-19 outbreak. Anthropometric, physical function, physical activity and HRQoL were measured at baseline (October 2019). After the two-month lockdown due to the COVID-19, questionnaires were collected again during de-escalation (May 2020). Participants were divided into high- (n = 29) and low-functionality (n = 29) groups. Total PA, walking and cleaning significantly decreased (p < 0.001) whilst exercising or dancing increased (p < 0.001). General health, social and emotional role functioning dimensions and overall mental component scores worsened (p < 0.01–p < 0.05). Low-functionality participants had significantly lower physical functioning scores at baseline (p < 0.01) and lower bodily pain scores at de-escalation (p < 0.01). Emotional role functioning dimension and overall mental component significantly decreased only in low-functionality participants (p < 0.05). Although PA levels decreased significantly, older adults continued being active regardless of their functionality. While mental HRQoL in participants with higher physical functionality remained unchanged, participants with lower functional capacity had a higher risk of mental health concerns. Therefore, attention should focus on strategies to mitigate the negative effects of distancing measures on older people’s mental health, especially in those with lower functionality.This work was supported by the Basque Government (IT1288-19)

    Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults Who Regularly Exercise

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of social distancing on physical activity (PA) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in active Spanish older adults according to their physical functionality. The study included 58 older adults aged 76.24 ± 6.00 years who were enrolled in a supervised physical exercise program before the COVID-19 outbreak. Anthropometric, physical function, physical activity and HRQoL were measured at baseline (October 2019). After the two-month lockdown due to the COVID-19, questionnaires were collected again during de-escalation (May 2020). Participants were divided into high- (n = 29) and low-functionality (n = 29) groups. Total PA, walking and cleaning significantly decreased (p < 0.001) whilst exercising or dancing increased (p < 0.001). General health, social and emotional role functioning dimensions and overall mental component scores worsened (p < 0.01–p < 0.05). Low-functionality participants had significantly lower physical functioning scores at baseline (p < 0.01) and lower bodily pain scores at de-escalation (p < 0.01). Emotional role functioning dimension and overall mental component significantly decreased only in low-functionality participants (p < 0.05). Although PA levels decreased significantly, older adults continued being active regardless of their functionality. While mental HRQoL in participants with higher physical functionality remained unchanged, participants with lower functional capacity had a higher risk of mental health concerns. Therefore, attention should focus on strategies to mitigate the negative effects of distancing measures on older people’s mental health, especially in those with lower functionality.This work was supported by the Basque Government (IT1288-19)

    Effects of physical exercise in people with epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Studies suggest that physical exercise lead to improvements in the psychosocial dimension, associated comorbidities as well as to a higher quality of life (QoL) in people with epilepsy. However, there is a need to provide evidence-based guidelines for its prescription. Therefore, this review aimed to systematically evaluate and meta-analyze the available data on the potential effects of physical exercise training programs in people with epilepsy. Methods: Four electronic databases (MEDLINE/PubMed, PEDro, SPORTDiscuss and Scopus) were searched systematically from their inception until April 2022 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs), comparative studies and non-controlled studies that provided information regarding the effects of physical exercise training programs on people with epilepsy. The studies’ methodological quality assessment was performed using the PEDro, the MINORS and the Quality Assessment Tool for Before–After Studies with No Control Group scales. For the meta-analysis, inverse variance or generic inverse variance was use to report mean difference or standardized mean difference for continuous data and their 95% confidence intervals (CI). Heterogeneity was assessed with the Chi-squared test and I2 test. Results: After removing duplicated studies, 82 results were retrieved by the literature search and 14 were eligible for full text search. Finally, 14 studies with a methodological quality ranging from good to low quality met the inclusion criteria. Totally, 331 people with epilepsy were evaluated. Significant changes between preand post-intervention results in the exercise intervention groups were observed for QoL, fitness level, psycho-affective and neurocognitive outcomes. Findings from the meta-analysis indicated that moderate exercise led to a non-significant decrease (p = 0.08, Chi-squared test) in seizure frequency (SMD 0.33 95% CI 0.04; 0.70), while a significant effect of exercise was observed on QoL with a mean improvement of 4.72 percentage points (95% CI 0.58; 8.86, p = 0.03). Conclusion: Improvements on QoL, fitness level, psycho-affective and neurocognitive outcomes can be achieved through exercise training in people with epilepsy. Altogether, the findings suggest that people with epilepsy can benefit from exercising

    Effect of Baduanjin on physical functioning and balance in adults with mild-to-moderate intellectual disabilities: A comparative study

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    Background Adults with intellectual disabilities often experience mobility limitations. Baduanjin, a mindfulness-based exercise intervention, can exert positive effects on functional mobility and balance. This study examined the impact of Baduanjin on physical functioning and balance of adults with intellectual disabilities. Method Twenty-nine adults with intellectual disabilities participated in the study. Eighteen received a Baduanjin intervention for 9-months; 11 participants did not receive any intervention (comparison group). Physical functioning and balance were assessed using the short physical performance battery (SPPB) and stabilometry. Results Participants in the Baduanjin group experienced significant changes in the SPPB walking test (p = .042), chair stand test (p = .015), and SPPB summary score (p = .010). No significant changes between groups were observed in any of the variables assessed at the end of the intervention. Conclusions Baduanjin practice may cause significant, albeit small, improvements in physical functioning of adults with intellectual disabilities.The authors would like to acknowledge the staff and participants from Lantegi Batuak for their assistance and willingness to be part of the study. This study was facilitated by an agreement between the regional Government Diputación Foral de Bizkaia/Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia (Departamento de Acción Social/Gizarte Ekintza Saila) and Lantegi Batuak

    Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults Who Regularly Exercise

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of social distancing on physical activity (PA) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in active Spanish older adults according to their physical functionality. The study included 58 older adults aged 76.24 ± 6.00 years who were enrolled in a supervised physical exercise program before the COVID-19 outbreak. Anthropometric, physical function, physical activity and HRQoL were measured at baseline (October 2019). After the two-month lockdown due to the COVID-19, questionnaires were collected again during de-escalation (May 2020). Participants were divided into high- (n = 29) and low-functionality (n = 29) groups. Total PA, walking and cleaning significantly decreased (p &lt; 0.001) whilst exercising or dancing increased (p &lt; 0.001). General health, social and emotional role functioning dimensions and overall mental component scores worsened (p &lt; 0.01–p &lt; 0.05). Low-functionality participants had significantly lower physical functioning scores at baseline (p &lt; 0.01) and lower bodily pain scores at de-escalation (p &lt; 0.01). Emotional role functioning dimension and overall mental component significantly decreased only in low-functionality participants (p &lt; 0.05). Although PA levels decreased significantly, older adults continued being active regardless of their functionality. While mental HRQoL in participants with higher physical functionality remained unchanged, participants with lower functional capacity had a higher risk of mental health concerns. Therefore, attention should focus on strategies to mitigate the negative effects of distancing measures on older people’s mental health, especially in those with lower functionality

    Assessing the exploitation status of main fisheries resources in Ghana’s reservoirs based on reconstructed catches and a length-based bootstrapping stock assessment method

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    After training or a competition bad recovery can produce high physiological stress, overload and fatigue in athletes, which can reduce physical performance. Thus, physiotherapy applies different types of physical agents like hydrotherapy as a recovery method in sport to ensure every day training and reduce injury risk. There are many hydrotherapy applications, but cold-water immersion is one of the most used and recognized recovery method in sport. In cold-water immersion, lower limbs are immersed in cold water during a short period. In this sense, there are many researches but cold-water immersion effects are not clear and there are controversial results. In this article, we described hydrotherapy theorems and then, we detailed cold-water immersion contraindications, uses and effects as a recovery method in sport.Kirolariengan entrenamenduen edota txapelketen osteko errekuperazio desegokiak estres fisiologiko handia, gainkarga sintomak eta nekea eragin ditzake, errendimendua gutxituz. Hori dela eta, eguneroko entrenamenduak ziurtatzeko eta lesionatzeko arriskuak murrizteko, fisioterapian hainbat agente fisiko erabiltzen dira errekuperazio metodo gisa, hala nola, hidroterapia. Hidroterapian hainbat modalitate erabili daitezke ur hotzeko murgilketak, besteak beste. kirol munduan ur hotzeko murgilketa errekuperazio metodo ezagunenetarikoa eta erabilienetakoa da eta denbora labur batez beheko gorputz-adarrak ur hotzean murgiltzean oinarritzen da. Ikerketa asko egon arren, bere efektuak ez daude argi eta kontraesanak daude. Lan honetan, lehenengo, hidroterapiaren printzipioen laburpen bat egiten da eta, ondoren, ur hotzeko murgilketaren kontraindikazioak, erabilpenak eta efektuak azaltzen dira, betiere kirol errekuperazioaren ikuspegitik

    Effect of physical exercise in people with hypothyroidism: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This study aimed to systematically revise the available evidence on the effects of physical exercise training programmes on people with hypothyroidism. Comparative studies were searched in six electronic databases until April 2023. The Physiotherapy Evidence Database and the Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies were used to determine the methodological quality of the randomized controlled trials and comparative studies respectively. A total of 10 studies were found showing a low to moderate methodological quality. Most of them were performed in women with subclinical hypothyroidism. Exercise seemed to be safe, with aerobic and resistance training leading to improvements in outcomes related to physical and mental health. The performed meta-analysis with data from 120 participants indicated that exercise showed a non-significant trend towards reducing thyroid-stimulating hormone levels (Hedges’g −0.96; 95% CI −2.71; 0.79, p = 0.160; I2 = 92%). When the analysis was performed by comparing the experimental, and control groups with data from 180 participants the results remained non-significant (SMD −1.09; CI 95% −2.88; 0.70, p = 0.23; I2 = 95%). Similar findings were obtained when pooling data for FT3 and FT4 levels. Exercise does not have a significant impact on thyroid function, although its practice can lead to secondary outcomes related to physical and mental health.</p